Updating address bar with current url from UIWebview - iphone

Like iPhone safari browser, I want to update UItextview with current url of UIWebView
I tried shouldStartLoadWithRequest delegate method, but I end up with url of some ads/iframe
If I use webViewDidFinishLoad delegate method, then address bar gets updated at the end of the request.
Please help me on the best approach.

You want to use the mainDocumentURL method on the NSURLRequest in webView:shouldStartLoadWithRequest:. This should contain the main document URL regardless of whether the page is loading or a resource on the page (e.g. a frame) is loading.

Use webviewDidFinishLoad when delegated from your webview, and then query it for the title with [webview stringByEvaluatingJavaScriptFromString:#"document.title"] or weboutWebView.request.URL.absoluteString for the url.


Submit a form in UIWebView

I have a form in the UIWebView to interact with a web service, when I submit the form, the data gets sent to a web service and it will return the result to another UIWebView. The two UIWebViews are under a navigation controller, so when the use submits the form, it slides to another view to display the result. Can anyone point me out how I can achieve this? What do I fill in the "action" attribute in the form element? How can I get the user input back to the application so I can use the web service? I am new to this field, any help will be appreciated. Thanks!
Is there a way to save form data from web view back to my program? I think it's better to save form data back to the program (i.e. store params into nsstring) when I click submit button, and then start querying web service.
You can use the
function for firing a javascript method from objective c and get a return value from that method.
For example
//Calling the getTheUsername in the javascript.
NSString *userName = [yourWebView stringByEvaluatingJavaScriptFromString:#"getTheUsername()"];
and in javascript
//Method in javascript
function getTheUsername()
return userNameVariable;
And I doubt that here you may wanna do vice-versa (Call obj-c method from javascript). This cannot be done directly here is the work around.
Set a UIWebViewDelegate, and implement the method webView:shouldStartLoadWithRequest:navigationType:. In your JavaScript code, navigate to some fake URL that encodes the information you want to pass to your app, like, say:
window.location = "someLink://yourApp/form_Submitted:param1:param2:param3";
In your delegate method, look for these fake URLs, extract the information you need, take whatever action is appropriate, and return NO to cancel the navigation.
- (BOOL)webView:(UIWebView *)webView shouldStartLoadWithRequest:(NSURLRequest *)request navigationType:(UIWebViewNavigationType)navigationType{
NSLog(#"%#",[[request URL] query]);
return YES;
If I understood your problem correctly, I think following steps will help you to provide the solution.
In the action of form, you need to write the URL to the web service.
In your form, the name of the input field should be matched with the name of the parameters expected for the web service.
In your first UIWebView Navigation control, Create the object of screen having second UIWebView and set the response of the web service to the instance member of the object.
In your first UIWebView Navigation control, you need to write
[self presentModalViewController:webView2Object animated:YES];
In the screen of having webView2, parse the response before loading the second UIWebView. and inject it with the displayed page using javascript.

iPhone - How may I know where my user is going to into a UIWebView

Web presenting a website in a UIWebView, the user can touch links.
When testing [[webView.request URL] absoluteString]in didFailLoadWithError or webViewDidStartLoad, it returns the previous url. The touched url is shown in webViewDidFinishLoad
If the user touches a link, and the connection fails, how may I know where he was going to as webViewDidFinishLoad is not triggered ?
Immediately after the link is tapped, -webView:shouldStartLoadWithRequest:navigationType: is called in your delegate. That gives you a chance to inspect the request and what kind of navigation action triggered it (link, back/forward, form post...).

url from webview iphone

Hi I just wanted to know how to extract url from webview after loading the web view with the method [webView loadRequest:[NSURLRequest requestWithURL:[NSURL URLWithString:#"http://m.nytimes.com"]]];
In this, I am loading the page with nytimes. When the user navigates to the new page I wan to find out the url the moved page. Is there any way I can find it?
You will need a class to implement the UIWebViewDelegate Protocol, then set an instance of that class to be the delegate of the webview. The method you will want to implement is:
- (void)webViewDidFinishLoad:(UIWebView *)webView
In that delegate method, you can get the url by inspecting the request property of the web view.
Edit: Changed the recommended delegate method due to Anomie's comment pointing out my failure to see the request propery of UIWebView.

UIWebView doesn't update

I am using UIWebView loadRequest to request a new URL. The UIWebView is inside a TabBar View. When I place the request inside awakeFromNib it works. When a make a subsequent call the view does not change.
[webDisplay loadRequest:[NSURLRequest requestWithURL:[NSURL URLWithString:#"http://www.google.com"]]];
If I place the initial request inside viewDidLoad instead of awakeFromNib it also doesn't seem to work.
I note that if I track request by delegating shouldStartLoadWithRequest this method also doesn't seem to be called by this loadRequest call.
Tabbar view controllers are loaded only once i.e when a particular tab is selected for the first time. So, viewDidLoad and awakeFromNib are only called once.
You need to call loadrequest in viewDidAppear method for the webview to be reloaded with latest content whenever that particular tab is selected.

UIWebView finished loading Event

Is it possible to start an event when an UIWebView (Iphone) has finished loading the URL.
How can I find out, the current URL of the UIWebView?
Yes, that's possible. Use the UIWebViewDelegate protocol and implement the following method in your delegate:
- (void)webViewDidFinishLoad:(UIWebView *)webView
If you want the URL, you can get the last request using the property request:
None of the found solutions worked for me.
Then I found this example which at least works much better than any other solution I found on Google/StackOverflow.
Very simple method:
Step 1: Set delegate UIWebViewDelegate in header file.
Step 2: Add following webViewDidFinishLoad method to get current URL of webview
- (void)webViewDidFinishLoad:(UIWebView *)webView
NSLog(#"Current URL = %#",webView.request.URL);
//-- Add further custom actions if needed
Pascal's answer for the "getting the URL" part is fine.
From UIWebViewDelegate's documentation, from Apple:
"webViewDidFinishLoad: Sent after a web view finishes loading a frame."
Frame != Page.
webViewDidFinishLoad is called when the page is "done loading". It can also be called many times before then. Page loads from Amazon.com can generate a dozen calls to webViewDidFinishLoad.
If you control the page source, then you can make a load test for it, and it will work, for that case. If you only care about getting called "after the page is done loading", then webViewDidFinishLoad is adequate.
For arbitrary pages, with arbitrary JavaScript, loading ad banners in perpetuity, or autoscrolling banners, or implementing a video game, the very idea of a page being "done loading" is wrongheaded.