How to get the index of the ACTIVE CHILD div of my container with jQuery? - jquery-selectors

<div id="container">
<div class="active">
<div class="active"></div>
How to write such a container?

Use .index() without parameters to get it's (0-based) index amongst siblings, like this:
var index = $("#container .active").index();
You can test it out here. For your example markup, it would be 0.


Add class to Woocommerce out-of-stock product cards - using Hestia theme

I am using Hestia Wordpress Theme, and I am trying to add a class "out-of-stock" to product cards that meet that condition. I have tried some functions, but without success.
The product card looks like this:
<div class="card card-product pop-and-glow">
<div class="card-image">
... content of card-image ...
<div class="content">
... here comes content ...
I would like to have something like this when the product is out-of-stock:
<div class="card card-product pop-and-glow out-of-stock">
<div class="card-image">
... content of card-image ...
<div class="content">
... here comes content ...
Any hint would be appreciated.
Thanks a lot

Using more than one ajax-form in one ejs Sails.js

I am trying to add two forms in my ejs page using ajax-form tags and sails.js 1.0.0. Can you have multiple tags inside one ejs page? In the first form the action is updateMaplayers which looks at the controller update-maplayers.js file to update any records and the maplayers action on the second ajax-form looks at the maplayers.js controller to add a new record. When I try to run either actions they both fail if I have both . If I remove one of the ajax-form actions I I can submit. Does anyone have any examples?
My ejs file looks like
<div id="maplayers-main" v-cloak>
<div class="container" >
<div class="row">
<div class="col-sm-6">
<h1>Map Layers</h1>
<div class="col-sm-6">
<button type="button" class="btn btn-outline-primary float-right" #click="openAddMapLayerForm()">Add</button>
<div id="maplayers-container" >
<% _.each(maplayers, function (maplayer) { %>
<ajax-form action="updateMaplayers" :syncing.sync="syncing" :cloud-error.sync="cloudError" #submitted="submittedForm()" :handle-parsing="handleParsingForm">
<% }) %>
<div id="maplayers-add-container">
<ajax-form action="maplayers" :syncing.sync="syncing" :cloud-error.sync="cloudError" #submitted="submittedForm()" :handle-parsing="handleParsingForm">
<%- /* Expose locals as `window.SAILS_LOCALS` :: */ exposeLocalsToBrowser() %>

How to use result of .length in selector Cypress

I'm trying to perform an action based on the results of an earlier assertion. I have the following situation, I want to determine the number of versions for a document, this is represented in the follwing html:
<ul data-testhook-id="accordion-body">
<li data-testhook-id="accordion-body-item">
<div data-testhook-id="version-1">
<div data-testhook-id="avatar">
<div data-id="tooltip">John Doe</div>
<span data-testhook-id="content">1. 17-08-2018 at 15:26</span>
<div data-testhook-id="version-2">
<div data-testhook-id="avatar">
<div data-id="tooltip">John Doe</div>
<span data-testhook-id="content">2. 20-08-2018 at 13:05</span>
<div data-testhook-id="version-3">
<div data-testhook-id="avatar">
<div data-id="tooltip">Jane Doe</div>
<span data-testhook-id="content">3. 20-08-2018 at 13:11</span>
<div data-testhook-id="version-4">
<div data-testhook-id="avatar">
<div data-id="tooltip">No Body</div>
<span data-testhook-id="content">4. 21-08-2018 at 13:11</span>
<svg width="12" height="12" data-testhook-id="icon-active-version"><path d="path-here"></path></svg>
Each element with test id data-testhook-id="version-xxx" is a line containing version information and its these div elements I want to count. for this I have set up the following:
cy.get('[data-testhook-id="accordion-body-item"] > div > div').its('length').as('versions')
Now if I add the following assertion, this passes without any problem
cy.get('#versions').should('equal', 4)
But if I try to use the outcome of the number of div's found as a variable in a console.log I no longer get '4' but [object, Object]. Tried this by:
var size = cy.get('[data-testhook-id="asset-versions"] [data-testhook-id="accordion-body-item"] > div > div').its('length')
console.log('foo ' + size)
Which results in foo [object Object] being printed to the console.
What I want to do is use the number of items in a selector to select an element, like:
cy.get('[data-testhook-id="accordion-body-item"] > div > div:nth-child(' + size + ')').find('svg').should('have.attr', 'data-testhook-id', 'icon-active-version')
But as the var is not a number I get the msg
Error: Syntax error, unrecognized expression: :nth-child
[data-testhook-id="asset-versions"] [data-testhook-id="accordion-body-item"] > div > div:nth-child([object Object])
Is it possible to use the number of elements found as a variable for a next selector?
Try this:
cy.get('[data-testhook-id="accordion-body-item"] > div > div').its('length').then((size) => {
cy.get('[data-testhook-id="accordion-body-item"] > div > div:nth-child(' + size + ')').find('svg').should('have.attr', 'data-testhook-id', 'icon-active-version')
You cannot assign or work with the return values of any Cypress command. Commands are enqueued and run asynchronously. What commands really return are Chainable<typeOfValueYouWant>, in another words, it's kind of queue object which resolves with desired value.
Read more here
BTW: I think you should consider change your approach for selecting elements. Read more here.
For those who are using Typescript - I wrote plugin for tslint which prevents making this mistake:

Selenium- Tag traversal Xpath for facebook First name not working

<div id="reg_form_box" class="large_form">
<div class="clearfix _58mh">
<div class="mbm _3-90 lfloat _ohe">
<div id="u_0_0" class="_5dbb">
<div class="uiStickyPlaceholderInput uiStickyPlaceholderEmptyInput">
<div class="placeholder" aria-hidden="true">First name</div>
<input id="u_0_1" class="inputtext _58mg _5dba _2ph-" data-type="text" name="firstname" aria-required="1" placeholder="" aria-label="First name" aria-controls="js_0" aria-haspopup="true" role="null" aria-describedby="js_w" aria-invalid="true" type="text"/>
<i class="_5dbc img sp_beZQzZ7Rg6Q sx_5ca7f2"/>
<i class="_5dbd img sp_beZQzZ7Rg6Q sx_9c246c"/>
Above is the code for which i want to write Xpath using tag name traversal. Here is the xpath i have made
Please suggest what's wrong here and how can i correct the same. Website is Facebook and field is First name on homepage.
Ideally unless you have a case of multiple modes that match the same xpath, you don't have to traverse through the entire hierarchy.
This will work:

hpple html parse block by block or property by property?

I'm new about hpple and xpath. for the below html code,I want to get both "title" and "tag" information.
From hpple's example code, I can get a array of title, and another array of tag. But if there are six properties I'm interested, there will be six arrays.
can I find the div[class="entry"], then get its child's , div[class="meta"]? (can anybody share the code?)
<div class="content">
<div id="1" class="entry">
<h2 class="title"> title for entry 1 </h2>
<div class="meta"> tag:xxx </div>
<div id="2" class="entry">
<h2 class="title"> title for entry 2 </h2>
<div class="meta"> tag:xxx </div>
This returns tag:xxx for both entries.
I want to get both "title" and "tag" information
//div[#class='content']/div[#class='entry']/*[#class='meta' or #class=title"']
This XPath gets all tags with class title or meta children of div class entry child of any div class content.