GWT - Manage a boolean method in the RPC configuration - gwt

I have make my own method in the RPC schema by using the GWT framework. Now, i need to add another method.
So, i wrote this code for each part of RPC :
package org.sinfonet.client;
public interface GWTService extends RemoteService {
public String checkLogin(String nickname, String password);
public boolean anotherFunction(String nickname);
package org.sinfonet.client;
public interface GWTServiceAsync {
public void checkLogin(String nickname, String password, AsyncCallback<String> callback);
public void anotherFunction(String nickname, AsyncCallback<java.lang.Boolean> asyncCallback);
package org.sinfonet.server;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import org.sinfonet.client.GWTService;
import org.sinfonet.mgmt.Configuration;
import org.sinfonet.mgmt.Database;
public class GWTServiceImpl extends RemoteServiceServlet implements GWTService {
public String checkLogin(String nickname, String password) {
Database mydb=Configuration.getDatabase();
// faccio md5 ed escape
String log_check_user=nickname;
String log_check_pass=password;
// controllo che l'utente esista
ArrayList<String[]> db_result=null;
db_result=mydb.selectQuery("SELECT nickname FROM users WHERE nickname='"+log_check_user+"' AND password='"+log_check_pass+"'");
if(db_result.size()!=0) {
return "YES";
// sconnessione al database
return "NO";
public boolean anotherFunction(String nickname) {
// somethings others
return true;
final AsyncCallback<java.lang.Boolean> callCheckLogin = new AsyncCallback<java.lang.Boolean>() {
public void onSuccess(boolean result) {
if(result) {
} else {
menu_err.setText("Username e password non validi");
// Listen for the button clicks
menu_login_button.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler(){
public void onClick(ClickEvent event) {
// Make remote call. Control flow will continue immediately and later
// 'callback' will be invoked when the RPC completes.
getService().anotherFunction(menu_login_input1.getText(), callCheckLogin);
as you can see, i added the anotherFunction() method (boolean), but Netbeans says to me that i need to implements all abracts method about allCheckLogin, but i wont do it :) How can I fix this problem?

So Netbeans complains about the missing onFailure method, right? If you don't want to implement that method every time, write yourself an abstract class like:
public abstract class BaseAsyncCallback<T> implements AsyncCallback<T> {
public void onFailure(Throwable caught) {
// Perform generic failure handling
Then you can change your code into:
final AsyncCallback<java.lang.Boolean> callCheckLogin =
new BaseAsyncCallback<java.lang.Boolean>() {
public void onSuccess(java.lang.Boolean result) {
Now you don't need to implement onFailure anymore, except if you need to perform additional error handling.


GWTP displays default place on application start even if url say to go to other place

I wonder how to change gwtp behaviour.
When I start gwt app (enter app url in browser) it always displays for me default place. But when I enter url as follow: localhost/app#settings gwtp should open place Settings, but unfortunatelly it displays me Default place.
Url in web browser address points to Settings but the view is from default place.
I would like to gwtp display for me the view from url.
Here is my configuration:
public class UiModule extends AbstractGinModule {
protected void configure() {
install(new GinFactoryModuleBuilder().build(MenuEntryFactory.class));
public class ClientModule extends AbstractPresenterModule {
protected void configure() {
install(new DefaultModule.Builder()//
install(new AppModule());
install(new GinFactoryModuleBuilder().build(AssistedInjectionFactory.class));
// Load and inject CSS resources
public class AppModule extends AbstractPresenterModule {
protected void configure() {
install(new UiModule());
// Application Presenters
bindPresenter(AppPresenter.class, AppPresenter.MyView.class, AppView.class, AppPresenter.MyProxy.class);
bindPresenter(HomePresenter.class, HomePresenter.MyView.class, HomeView.class, HomePresenter.MyProxy.class);
bindPresenter(ErrorPresenter.class, ErrorPresenter.MyView.class, ErrorView.class, ErrorPresenter.MyProxy.class);
bindPresenter(TestPresenter.class, TestPresenter.MyView.class, TestView.class, TestPresenter.MyProxy.class);
bindPresenter(PagePresenter.class, PagePresenter.MyView.class, PageView.class, PagePresenter.MyProxy.class);
bindPresenter(SettingsPresenter.class, SettingsPresenter.MyView.class, SettingsView.class, SettingsPresenter.MyProxy.class);
bindPresenter(FilesPresenter.class, FilesPresenter.MyView.class, FilesView.class, FilesPresenter.MyProxy.class);
bindPresenter(AdminAreaPresenter.class, AdminAreaPresenter.MyView.class, AdminAreaView.class, AdminAreaPresenter.MyProxy.class);
bindPresenter(LoginPresenter.class, LoginPresenter.MyView.class, LoginView.class, LoginPresenter.MyProxy.class);
This happens when I have GateKeeper on place's presenter.
Here is code:
public class UserLoginGatekeeper extends UserLoginModel implements Gatekeeper {
private final CurrentUser currentUser;
UserLoginGatekeeper(CurrentUser currentUser) {
this.currentUser = currentUser;
public boolean canReveal() {
return currentUser.isLoggedIn();
In my main app presenter I execute asynhronous call to server to check is user login. If so I set client variable currentUser.setLoggedIn(true);. Base on this Gatekeeper allow access to restricted part of app.
I think the problem is that my asynhronous call is triggered to late. And GWTP redirect to default place.
Here is my app presenter code:
public class AppPresenter extends TabContainerPresenter<AppPresenter.MyView, AppPresenter.MyProxy> implements AppUiHandlers, CurrentUserChangedHandler, AsyncCallStartHandler, AsyncCallFailHandler,
AsyncCallSucceedHandler {
public interface MyProxy extends Proxy<AppPresenter> {
public interface MyView extends TabView, HasUiHandlers<AppUiHandlers> {
void refreshTabs();
void setTopMessage(String string);
void setLoginButtonVisbility(boolean isVisible);
public static final Type<RequestTabsHandler> SLOT_REQUEST_TABS = new Type<>();
public static final Type<ChangeTabHandler> SLOT_CHANGE_TAB = new Type<>();
public static final NestedSlot SLOT_TAB_CONTENT = new NestedSlot();
private static final LoginService service = GWT.create(LoginService.class);
private final PlaceManager placeManager;
private final CurrentUser currentUser;
AppPresenter(EventBus eventBus, MyView view, MyProxy proxy, PlaceManager placeManager, CurrentUser currentUser) {
super(eventBus, view, proxy, SLOT_TAB_CONTENT, SLOT_REQUEST_TABS, SLOT_CHANGE_TAB, RevealType.Root);
this.placeManager = placeManager;
this.currentUser = currentUser;
protected void onStart() {
service.isCurrentUserLoggedIn(new MethodCallback<Boolean>() {
public void onFailure(Method method, Throwable exception) {
MaterialToast.fireToast("Fail to check is current user logged in " + method + " " + exception.getLocalizedMessage());
public void onSuccess(Method method, Boolean response) {
public void onCurrentUserChanged(CurrentUserChangedEvent event) {
public void onAsyncCallStart(AsyncCallStartEvent event) {
public void onAsyncCallFail(AsyncCallFailEvent event) {
getView().setTopMessage("Oops, something went wrong...");
public void onAsyncCallSucceed(AsyncCallSucceedEvent event) {
public void onLogoutButtonClick() {
service.logout(new MethodCallback<Void>() {
public void onFailure(Method method, Throwable exception) {
MaterialToast.fireToast("Fail to logout " + method + " " + exception.getLocalizedMessage());
public void onSuccess(Method method, Void response) {
MaterialToast.fireToast("You have been Succefully logout");
PlaceRequest request = new PlaceRequest.Builder(placeManager.getCurrentPlaceRequest()).nameToken(Routing.Url.login).build();
Working solution:
package pl.korbeldaniel.cms.client.gin;
import org.fusesource.restygwt.client.Method;
import org.fusesource.restygwt.client.MethodCallback;
import pl.korbeldaniel.cms.client.service.LoginService;
import com.gwtplatform.mvp.client.Bootstrapper;
import com.gwtplatform.mvp.client.proxy.PlaceManager;
import com.gwtplatform.mvp.shared.proxy.PlaceRequest;
* #author korbeldaniel
public class MyBootstrapper implements Bootstrapper {
private final PlaceManager placeManager;
private final CurrentUser currentUser;
private static final LoginService service = GWT.create(LoginService.class);
public MyBootstrapper(PlaceManager placeManager, CurrentUser currentUser) {
this.placeManager = placeManager;
this.currentUser = currentUser;
public void onBootstrap() {
service.isCurrentUserLoggedIn(new MethodCallback<Boolean>() {
public void onFailure(Method method, Throwable exception) {
MaterialToast.fireToast("Fail to check is current user logged in " + method + " " + exception.getLocalizedMessage());
placeManager.revealErrorPlace("Fail to check is current user logged in " + method + " " + exception.getLocalizedMessage());
public void onSuccess(Method method, Boolean response) {
// MaterialToast.fireToast("1Current user is logged in: " +
// response);
if (response == true) {
} else {
placeManager.revealPlace(new PlaceRequest.Builder().nameToken(Routing.Url.login).build());
Yeah, your backend call is asynchronous and most likely the UserLoginGatekeeper code will run before the backend call returns and the user gets redirected to the default page.
There are two solutions:
Use a dynamically generated host page (index.html) and set a javascript variable to the user details by the backend. You can read out the userdetails in a custom Bootstraper implementation and set the CurrentUser.
If you don't want to use a dynamically generated host page, you can also move the backend call isCurrentUserLoggedIn intot he custom Bootstrapper implementation and in the onSuccess callback reveal the first page (like in the above linked GWTP documentation)

POJO information lost during RPC call (GWT)

I am having issues with RPC calls and GWT. Essentially, I have a Person class (common code between client and server) that is created in the client side web code, sent to the server code via an RPC call, and then saved to a DB (OrientDB). I have verified that the following work:
RPC call - I am able to send info to the server and retrieve info from the server
save to DB - have verified that a Person object is saved to the DB
Where I am having issues is the transfer of the POJO from the client to the server. I have verified that the POJO's properties are intact right before it is sent to the server, however, the object passed to the server contains null values for all properties. Essentially, the class is transferred but the information is not. It then saves to the DB, but obviously without any relevant information contained within it.
I will copy what I feel is relevant below, please let me know what else I can provide to make this problem easier to identify. Note these are still in a testing state, so mind the comments :)
Any idea why my POJO's information is being lost in translation?
Person object, followed by the abstract class it inherits from:
public class Person extends org.matesweb.shared.AbsPerson implements Serializable
//sets new user details
public void setPerson(String fIrstName, String mIdInit, String lAstName, String email, String password)
firstName = fIrstName;
middleInitial = mIdInit;
lastName = lAstName;
/*getter and setter methods - required for every
* field due to restrictions imposed by OrientDB*/
public Object getId()
String tmp;
tmp = id.toString();
return tmp;
//end class
public class AbsPerson implements Serializable
String firstName;
String middleInitial;
String lastName;
// public sys.Login login;
public org.matesweb.shared.Group[] groups;
private org.matesweb.shared.Purchase[] purchases;
/*this method adds a new purchase to the purchases variable*/
/* public void addPurchase(float price, String description)
people.Purchase newPurchase = new people.Purchase(login, price, description);
/*adds a person to a group by comparing the passed in group ID and PWD*/
public void addGroup(String groupID, String groupPWD)
//compare group ID with group PWD to add a user to the group
/*getter and setter methods - required for every
* field due to restrictions imposed by OrientDB*/
public String getFirstName()
return firstName;
public void setFirstName(String name)
firstName = name;
public String getMiddleInitial()
return middleInitial;
public void setMiddleInitial(String midInit)
middleInitial = midInit;
public String getLastName()
return lastName;
public void setLastName(String ln)
lastName = ln;
public sys.Login getLogin()
return login;
public void setLogin(sys.Login log)
login = log;
public org.matesweb.shared.Group[] getGroups()
return groups;
public void setGroups(org.matesweb.shared.Group[] gro)
groups = gro;
public org.matesweb.shared.Purchase[] getPurchases()
return purchases;
public void setPurchases(org.matesweb.shared.Purchase[] purch)
purchases = purch;
package org.matesweb.client;
import org.matesweb.shared.Person;
public interface PeopleService extends RemoteService {
//test services
String stringTest(String outgoingString);
Person getPerson(String persId);
//production services
String savePerson(Person p);
import org.matesweb.shared.Person;
public interface PeopleServiceAsync
void stringTest(String outgoingString, AsyncCallback<String> incomingString);
void getPerson(String persId, AsyncCallback<Person> retPerson);
//production services
void savePerson(Person p , AsyncCallback<String> st);
ServiceImpl call for this particular method:
//production calls
public String savePerson(Person p) {
String st = ioObj.saveObj(p);
return "Your information has been saved successfully!";
} else{
return "Something has gone wrong on our end... Sorry! Error:<br /> " + st;
and finally, the call itself
private static void savePerson(Person p)
// Initialize the service proxy.
if (peopleSvc == null) {
peopleSvc = GWT.create(PeopleService.class);
//resets status
// Set up the callback object.
AsyncCallback<String> callback = new AsyncCallback<String>() {
public void onFailure(Throwable caught) {
st = caught.getMessage();
Label stLabel= new Label(st);
public void onSuccess(String result) {
st = result;
HTML stLabel= new HTML(st);
// Make the call to the people service.
peopleSvc.savePerson(p, callback);
I was able to fix this issue by implementing GWT's IsSerializable interface. I also removed the Serializable interface from the Person class and let it inherit IsSerializable from the abstract class it inherits from.

Inject into anonymous inner class (GIN)

I have something like this:
request.findAllProjects().fire(new ExtReceiver<List<ProjectProxy>>() {
public void onSuccess(List<ProjectProxy> response) {
It is anonymous inner class of the abstract class ExtReceiver. The ExtReceiver is for handling the errors with an errorHandler which i want to provide.
public abstract class ExtReceiver<T> extends Receiver<T> {
private ErrorHandler errorHandler;
public ExtReceiver() {
public void setErrorHandler(ErrorHandler errorHandler)
this.errorHandler = errorHandler;
public abstract void onSuccess(T response);
public void onFailure(ServerFailure error) {
public void onViolation(Set<Violation> errors) {
I understand why this can't work, because i use the new Operator. But how could i do something like this. I want to have that anonymous class and not put it in an own file or something.
How could I inject that errorHandler? Thought about staticInjections, but it looked like this does not work too (Maybe because of the inheritance i create with doing an anonymous class)
In the opposite to normal Guice i don't know an injector.getInstance() call.
For information: That is a requestFactory call
Why don't you put the errorHandler parameter into the constructor of your abstract class instead creating a separate setErrorHandler setter, something like this:
public abstract class ExtReceiver<T> extends Receiver<T> {
private ErrorHandler errorHandler;
public ExtReceiver(ErrorHandler errorHandler) {
this.errorHandler = errorHandler;
Declare the bindings:
public class MyClientModule extends AbstractGinModule {
protected void configure() {
Declare a Ginjector for your ErrorHandler class annotating it with the Module:
public interface MyErrorHandlerInjector extends Ginjector {
ErrorHandler getErrorHandler();
and then use it like this:
MyErrorHandlerGinjector injector = GWT.create(MyErrorHandlerGinjector.class);
ErrorHandler errorHandler = injector.getErrorHandler();
request.findAllProjects().fire(new ExtReceiver<List<ProjectProxy>>(errorHandler) {
public void onSuccess(List<ProjectProxy> response) {
I think this should work.

creating a GWT ValueProxy and sending to a service method

I want to call a method on a Service with a ValueProxy param - if I do personProxy.setName("test") and then request.callFn(personProxy).fire(), the name property doesn't get passed to server.
Should I do a request.edit(personProxy) before setting the name or something else?
This is the implementation I'm using:
//somewhere in ...
PersonProxy cp = requestFactory.myRequest().create(PersonProxy.class);
cp.setName("John Doe");
requestFactory.myRequest().doSomething(cp,"extra_param_value").fire(new Receiver<List<PersonProxy>>() {
public void onSuccess(List<PersonProxy> response) {
//response from server...
public interface MyRequestFactory extends RequestFactory {
MyRequest myRequest();
#ServiceName(value="com.server.MyService", locator="com.server.MyServiceLocator")
public interface MyRequest extends RequestContext {
public Request<Integer> doSomething(PersonProxy param, String extraParam);
public class MyServiceLocator implements ServiceLocator {
public Object getInstance(Class<?> clazz) {
return new MyService();
public class MyService {
public Integer doSomething(Person param, String extraParam) {
System.out.println(""+param.getName()); ---> prints NULL!!! why?
return 0;
public interface PersonProxy extends ValueProxy {
String getName();
void setName(String name);
public class Person {
public Person() {
protected String name;
public String getName() {
return name;
public void setName(String name) { = name;
The PersonProxy is being created by one instance of a RequestContext and used in another. Turns out there's a bug in AbstractRequestContext.retainArg() that should have thrown an exception to tell you about the API mis-use. Editable proxies aren't supposed to be usable between different RequestContext instances.
TreeRequest ctx = factory.treeRequest();
PersonProxy person = ctx.create(PersonProxy.class);
person.setName("John Doe");
ctx.doSomething(person, "more stuff");
As discussed on IRC, the -Dgwt.rpc.dumpPayload=true JVM flag can be turned on when trying to diagnose where data is going (or isn't).


Has anyone successfully used the above statement to catch the exception before it goes to the browser as an alert?.
I registered a custom Exception Handler in the first line of my application entry point. But it does not catch the exception as expected.
public void onModuleLoad(){
GWT.setUncaughtExceptionHandler(new MyExceptionHandler());
Here are my two classes:
I expect my system.out will print the details of the exception
and exception will be swallowed and should not be sent to browser.
Or Am I wrong?
package mypackage;
public class MyEntryPoint implements EntryPoint {
public void onModuleLoad() {
GWT.setUncaughtExceptionHandler(new ClientExceptionHandler());
private void startApplication() {
package mypackage;
public class ClientExceptionHandler implements GWT.UncaughtExceptionHandler {
public void onUncaughtException(Throwable cause) {
I believe what's happening here is that the current JS event cycle is using the DefaultUncaughtExceptionHandler because that was the handler set at the start of the cycle. You'll need to defer further initialization to the next event cycle, like this:
public void onModuleLoad() {
GWT.setUncaughtExceptionHandler(new ClientExceptionHandler());
Scheduler.get().scheduleDeferred(new ScheduledCommand() {
public void execute() {
Window.alert("You won't see this");
private void startApplication() {
// or any exception that results from server call
Update: And here's the issue that describes why this works, and why it isn't planned to be fixed.
Setting up a default handler can be a tricky proposition some times. I can tell you exactly what is going on. If you get an exception in the onModuleLoad(), the handler will not be called. It is only after the load method is completed that it will ACTUALLY get put into place.
You should try the following:
public void onModuleLoad(){
GWT.setUncaughtExceptionHandler(new UncaughtExceptionHandler() {
onUncaughtException(Throwable t) {
// Do stuff here
and see if that helps.
Silly solution, but it works fine!
before anything add your EntryPoint in your app.gwt.xml
<entry-point class='myPackage.client.MyEntryPoint' />
public class MyEntryPoint implements EntryPoint {
private EventBus eventBus;
public MyEntryPoint(final EventBus eventBus){
this.eventBus = eventBus;
public void onModuleLoad() {
CustomUncaughtExceptionHandler customUncaughtExceptionHandler = new CustomUncaughtExceptionHandler();
try {
} catch (RuntimeException ex) {
eventBus.fireEvent(new BusyEvent(false));
private void onModuleLoad2() {
throw new RuntimeException("test");
and your CustomUncaughtExceptionHandler would be something like:
public class CustomUncaughtExceptionHandler implements UncaughtExceptionHandler {
public void onUncaughtException(Throwable e) {
Throwable exceptionToDisplay = getExceptionToDisplay( e );
Window.alert( exceptionToDisplay.getCause() .getMessage()+" "+ exceptionToDisplay.getStackTrace());
private static Throwable getExceptionToDisplay( Throwable throwable ) {
Throwable result = throwable;
if (throwable instanceof UmbrellaException && ((UmbrellaException) throwable).getCauses().size() >= 1) {
result = ((UmbrellaException) throwable).getCauses().iterator().next();
return result;