matlab probability distribution fitting - matlab

This might be a silly question! I have a array P which represents the probability distribution of some data e.g. [0;0.3;0.7] How can I determine the type or class of discrete probability distribution of P? The original data is unavailable to me.
dfittool or fitdist requires me to give the data as input, while I already have its probability distribution. Any ideas?

You probably might have seen different probability distributions during lecture or your reading. All you have to do is plotting the given distribution against the candidates. As the distributions itself are parametrized, curve fitting or trial end error come into play. The distribution with the least error, best fit, might be the one you are looking for.

It is not possible to find out a priori what kind of distribution some data (especially with as low n as in your example) is coming from.
If you have an idea of the process that generated your data, you might be able to get an idea of which distributions to test. Maybe your data comes from the family of gamma distributions, maybe your data comes from the family of Weibull distributions etc. Then, you can fit these general distributions and see whether they are likely to simplify to a more common distribution.
For a visual representation of how well your data could approximate a certain distribution, you can use PROBPLOT.
Once you have identified possible distributions, you can fit them to the data and use the Bayesian Information Criterion (BIC) to compare which fit describes the data best. Note that unless you have huge numbers of noise-free data, it is impossible to tell which fit is correct if you have several possible distributions with comparatively low BIC.


Poorly calibrated probabilities but good classification in confusion matrix

I have an imbalanced data set. My goal is to balance sensitivity and specificity via the confusion matrix. I used glmnet in r with class weights. The model does well at balancing the sensitivity/specificity, but I looked at the calibration plot, and the probabilities are not well calibrated. I have read about calibrating probabilities, but I am wondering if it matters if my goal is to produce class predictions. If it does matter, I have not found a way to calibrate the probabilities when using caret::train().
This topic has been widely discussed, especially in some answers by Stephan Kolassa. I will try to summarize the main take-home messages for your specific question.
From a pure statistical point of view your interest should be on producing as output a probability for each class of any new data instance. As you deal with unbalanced data such probabilities can be small which however - as long as they are correct - is not an issue. Of course, some models can give you poor estimates of the class probabilities. In such cases, the calibration allows you to better calibrate the probabilities obtained from a given model. This means that whenever you estimate for a new observation a probability p of belonging to the target class, then p is indeed its true probability to be of that class.
If you are able to obtain a good probability estimator, then balancing sensitivity or specificity is not part of the statistical part of your problem, but rather of the decision component. Such the final decision will likely need to use some kind of threshold. Depending on the costs of type I and II errors, the cost-optimal threshold might change; however, an optimal decision might also include more than one threshold.
Ultimately, you really have to be careful about which is the specific need of the end-user of your model, because this is what is going to determine the best way of taking decisions using it.

Advice on Speeding up SciPy Custom Distribution Sampling & Fitting

I am trying to fit a custom distribution to a large (~O(500,000) measurements) dataset using scipy. I have derived a theoretical PDF based on some other factors, but both by hand and using symbolic integration software I cannot find an exact form of the CDF.
Currently, simply evaluating 1000 random samples from my custom distribution is expensive, which I believe is due to the need to invert an unknown CDF. If I cannot find an explicit form of the CDF and it's inverse, is there anything else I can do to speed up usage of this distribution?
I've used maple, matlab and Sympy to try and determine a CDF, yet none give a result. I also tried down-sampling my data whilst still retaining the tail attributes, but this still required so much data that doing anything with the distribution was slow.
My distribution is a sub-class of SciPy's rv_continuous class.
Thanks for any advice.
This sounds like you want to sample from a Kernel Density Estimation of the probability distribution. While Scipy does offer a Gaussian Kernel package, for that many measurements you would be much better off using sklearn's implementation. A good resource with code examples can be found on Jake VanderPlas's blog.

Obtaining distribution from histogram

I have an array of values, with that values I plotted the histogram.I want to know the corresponding distribution from the histogram obtained. How is it possible.
Could you please explain the steps in obtaining appropriate probability distribution from histogram.
You'd better to ask this question in as it is more about the method than the programming. However, one thing that you can do is to fit a parametric distribution (using moment matching or maximum likelihood for example) then compare the fitted distribution to the normalized histogram using KL divergence or Bhattacharyya distance.
One option might be to use the "Distribution Fitting App" in the Statistics and Machine Learning Toolbox. That should help you evaluate if your data seems like it might have been drawn from some common distributions. You may never know for sure, since multiple distributions could account for the data, but if you have a lot of data it might help you narrow it down.
I think that in many cases an eye-ball comparison is enough. With a reasonable amount of data, it is quite difficult to not be able to distinguish between a gaussian or a weibull or...
I would use fitdist or fithist to eye-ball different distributions.
If you have no idea at all on the distribution and you want to know if two datasets are distributed differently it could be useful to compare their distributions by obtaining them with the option 'kernel'

dfittool results interpretation

Does anyone know how to tell the difference between distributions (ie their goodness of fit) using the dfittool in Matlab? In a class I took forever ago, we learned about the log likelihood parameter and how to compare a pdf fitted to Gaussian vs gamma, etc. But right now, all the matlab help files online are like "it means something." Any assistance would be appreciated. Basically, I need to interpret the "results" in "edit fit" of the dfittool. I want to be able to compare my dfits to each other from the results, so I can pick the best fit for my analysis. I don't know what the difference is between a log likelihood of -111 vs -105.
Example below:
Distribution: Normal
Log likelihood: -110.954
Domain: -Inf < y < Inf
Mean: 101.443
Variance: 436.332
Parameter Estimate Std. Err.
mu 101.443 4.17771
sigma 20.8886 3.04691
Estimated covariance of parameter estimates:
mu sigma
mu 17.4533 6.59643e-15
sigma 6.59643e-15 9.28366
Thank you!
(Log) likelihood is a measure of the fit of a distribution to data, so the simple answer is: the distribution with the largest likelihood is the one that fits best. However, what you get here as an output is the maximized likelihood, i.e. the likelihood at those parameter values where it is maximal. Different families of distributions might be differently "flexible", so that it is easier to get a larger likelihood with one of them in general, so this limits comparability. This holds especially if you compare families with different numbers of parameters. A fix for this is to use formal model comparison, e.g. using the Bayes factor, which however is considerably more complex mathematically, or its approximation, the Bayesian information criterion.
More generally speaking however, it is seldomly a good idea to just randomly pick distributions and see how well they fit. It would be better to have some at least partially theoretically motivated idea why a distribution is a candidate. On the most basic level this means considering its definition range: the normal distribution is defined on the whole real line, the gamma distribution only for nonnegative real numbers. This way it should be possible to rule one of them out based on basic properties of your data.

Creating a stochastic time-series with given parameters

I would like to create a tool for generating a stochastic time-series distribution, for which I can provide the parameters (for a normal distribution) the mean, standard deviation, skewness and kurtosis. There is a similar question here using R, but I am not able to interpret this and put it in MATLAB.
Is there something that someone knows can do this already? (I haven't been able to find anything)
If not, what would be some good advice for starting something of my own? Any known useful functions? I would also like to be able to build upon it afterwards, for example: adding outliers, clusters of volatility, adjusting heteroscedasticity.
I realise me saying 'stochastic' and then in the same sentence 'given parameters' may seem odd, but it isn't - I want each time point to be random, but the parameters to describe, say 10,000 time points.
If you're looking for the equivalent of the solution in R, Matlab's Statistics Toolbox has limited support for the Johnson and Pearson distribution systems. In particular, the johnsrnd function produces random variates for the Johnson system. The Pearson system and pearsrnd, however, takes moments directly.
A big caveat. Using moments to describe or fit or produce random variates – often referred to as moment matching – is not robust and poorly regarded by statisticians. They're not guaranteed to uniquely define a distribution unless you have the entire moment generating function.