whats the best and simplest tool to use for iphone development?
i am a .net web developer and use Visual Studio for ever. what would i use for developing iPhone apps?
is this different than developing websites for mobile devices?
Xcode - "It's not the best tool - it's the only tool".
Re being the "only"; that is just not the case; tools like MonoTouch allow you to develop for iPhone in C# / MonoDevelop, using the device-native widgets.
Ya.. Xcode is the only tool in which u can develop source codes for all the apple products. Being a .net profession, you can get the concepts of Objective C and Cocoa soon. Please refer to the following Apple developer website for futher details about iPhone development.
Apple Developer.
Is it possible to convert iphone application which is build using Xcode to Windows Phone 7 application which is build using C#.?
Or is there any tool to convert.?
Can we build an application in HTML5 and deploy it on windows Phone 7.?
Thanks in advance for your help.
Best Regards,
As others have mentioned, there are cross platform development tools available, including tools from http://phonegap.com/, http://www.madewithmarmalade.com/ and http://www.xamarin.com. These are great solutions if you want to start on a greenfield project, or if you are embarking on a major new version across all platforms.
If you want/need to port an existing Objective-C app, however, then I don't believe there are any tools available for you. One thing that may helps is that Microsoft have produced some useful "how do I port" guides for iOS, for Android and for Qt - see:
It is not Possible to Convert the iphone sdk application which is written in objective c to C#.
But using Monotouch http://xamarin.com/monotouch ,you can write code in C# which will be compatible for iPhone and can use it for other platForms also.
use PhoneGap library to build your App/Product
ship it with multiple environment
it is javascript library
Me and my friends are starting app development. We have created 2 apps now, and have 3 more in the works. We're looking for a development tool or environment that will allow us to build games that works on all the major handsets. We're using Flash at the moment for cross-platform, but are there any better and more powerful options?
Or would it be best to write the code in one language, then convert it line by line to the others? How do the creators of games like Angry Birds do it?
There are many options:
SAP Sybase Unwired Platform
Appcelerator Titanium
Out of all these mentioned tools i will recommend PhoneGap.
Also PhoneGap and Corona
My friends are using this for making games , and am a designer so not much into programming of that. But still as far my friends say this is good for most of the applications, though there are very few things which cant be implemented.
My friends have created a utility app and a game tic tac to using this.
For developing games i would recommend Corona.
For a native feel and look i would recommend Titanium
For fast and simple development and using html/js i would recommend Phonegap
You should also check out Worklight from IBM. You can easily download the fully functional development tool from their developerworks Web site. The only restriction is that you can't use what you write for a production version. Their tutorials are great and escort you comfortably through the short learning curve.
I'm a Titanium Developer, I find this framework great because it gives me the chance to develop cross browser mobile with Javascript. This is a big advantage for people that have Web Developing background like me. If you are gonna develop basic cross browser application und you will do it quick (and if you have javascript know-how), then appcelerator is good for you!
I just read this annoucement about Apple lifting restrictions on its third-party developer guidelines with direct implications for Adobe’s Packager for iPhone.
I just want to know what kind of applications can be built using this packager?
Can I build applications using Flex/Actionscript and convert to iphone apps using this packager?
What effect do you think it might have on programming apps using Objective-C?
Some of your points seem to ask for opinions but most of your questions would best be served with their FAQ. http://labs.adobe.com/wiki/index.php/Packager_for_iPhone:Developer_FAQ
IMHO for this one
What effect do you think it might have on programming apps using Objective-C?
Fewer people will attempt to learn Objective-C and may also not start using Xcode.
Update 10/24/2011
It would seem that adobe moved the link, so here are some others to get you going:
Developing for ipad
Developing for iOS using Flash Professional
How to use Adobe's iPhone Packager without an Apple Developer Subscription
Am looking into developing an iPhone native app using Titanium Developer
Since this is still in beta, I am wondering if there are any better options and/or if its a good idea using such software to develop native apps (which are not games; not graphic intensive)
If you don't want to wait, you can do what a lot of us did: develop apps in Cocoa Touch. It works perfectly well for games as well as non-graphic intensive apps.
The similar and more mature PhoneGap framework has been used in a number of iPhone apps and Apple only seems to object if the application autoupdates.
That being said, I wouldn't recommend using web frameworks unless your application is really simple--you will get a much better experience from a native application (on both Android and iPhone)
My company uses Titanium and it's working fine so far. It's also a pleasure to develop iPhone app using javascript and co. I'd recomend you give it a try, it's really simple to set up and start coding.
Some reading up: http://boldr.net/iphone-app-with-titanium-mobile/
How could I create iPhone applications using the .NET development environment?
The Mono team are working on 'static compilation' which allows mono apps to be run on a non-jailbroken iPhone. In short this works by running a cross-compiling JIT step as part of the build process to generate a native exe.
There was a demo of this at the PDC ... see Miguel de Icaza's blog.
The answer is MonoTouch From Novell - http://www.mono-project.com/MonoTouch. Beta version will be released on August 2009 and commercial released will be on September 2009.
If you just want to leverage some knowledge of c#, you can use Unity. Games developed with Unity (http://unity3d.com) use Mono with an AOT (ahead-of-time compiler) to compile mono bytecodes to ARM. (The apps created by Unity have a shell that is, in fact, a fairly conventional cocoa touch app created in Objective-C++ and XCode.) It's not a dot net app, but you can use your existing knowledge of c#.
You don't. You need Xcode on Mac OS X to write iPhone applications.
Update: 9-20-2009
This was once true. See comments below for more info.
As far as I know, Apple does not support the Microsoft .Net development environment.
At most you could hope for is installing mono on a jailbroken iphone. Not that I condone this and you do so at your own risk.
IPhone applications are developed using Objective C or Ruby.
The only supported way to develop native iPhone applications is the iPhone SDK. It runs on Mac OS X only, and supports development using the Cocoa Touch frameworks and the Objective-C 2.0 language.
There are ways to get other languages to work, they will - however - almost certainly not be accepted to the AppStore and will break with future updates. Generally it is better to use a screw driver to screw something into a hole than to thwap it repeated with a hammer attached to a 250hp motor...
You can use Third party Tool called Component Studio - iPhone . More info please see this