MATLAB scatter3, plot3 speed discrepencies - matlab

This is about how MATLAB can take very different times to plot the same thing — and why.
I generate 10000 points in 3D space:
X = rand(10000, 1);
Y = rand(10000, 1);
Z = rand(10000, 1);
I then used one of four different methods to plot this, to create a plot like so:
I closed all figures and cleared the workspace between each run to try to ensure fairness.
Bulk plotting using scatter3:
>> tic; scatter3(X, Y, Z); drawnow; toc
Elapsed time is 0.815450 seconds.
Individual plotting using scatter3:
>> tic; hold on;
for i = 1:10000
scatter3(X(i), Y(i), Z(i), 'b');
hold off; drawnow; toc
Elapsed time is 51.469547 seconds.
Bulk plotting using plot3:
>> tic; plot3(X, Y, Z, 'o'); drawnow; toc
Elapsed time is 0.153480 seconds.
Individual plotting using plot3:
>> tic; hold on
for i = 1:10000
plot3(X(i), Y(i), Z(i), 'o');
drawnow; toc
Elapsed time is 5.854662 seconds.
What is it that MATLAB does behind the scenes in the 'longer' routines to take so long? What are the advantages and disadvantages of using each method?
Thanks to advice from Ben Voigt (see answers), I have included drawnow commands in the timing — but this has made little difference to the times.

The main difference between the time required to run scatter3 and plot3 comes from the fact that plot3 is compiled, while scatter3 is interpreted (as you'll see when you edit the functions). If scatter3 was compiled as well, the speed difference would be small.
The main difference between the time required to plot in a loop versus plotting in one go is that you add the handle to the plot as a child to the axes (have a look at the output of get(gca,'Children')), and you're thus growing a complicated array inside a loop, which we all know to be slow. Furthermore, you're calling several functions often instead of just once and incur thus calls from the function overhead.
Recalculation of axes limits aren't an issue here. If you run
for i = 1:10000
plot3(X(i), Y(i), Z(i), 'o');
which forces Matlab to update the figure at every iteration (and which is A LOT slower), you'll see that the axes limits don't change at all (since the default axes limits are 0 and 1). However, even if the axes limits started out differently, it wouldn't take many iterations for them to converge with these data. Compare with omitting the hold on, which makes plotting take longer, because axes are recalculated at every step.
Why have these different functions? scatter3 allows you to plot points with different marker sizes, and colors under a single handle, while you'd need a loop and get a handle for each point using plot3, which is not only costly in terms of speed, but also in terms of memory. However, if you need to interact with different points (or groups of points) individually - maybe you want to add a separate legend entry for each, maybe you want to be able to turn them on and off separately etc - using plot3 in a loop may be the best (though slow) solution.

For a faster approach, consider this third option (directly uses the low-level function LINE):
line([X,X], [Y,Y], [Z,Z], 'LineStyle','none', 'Marker','o', 'Color','b')
Here are some articles discussing plotting performance issues:
Performance: scatter vs. line
Plot performance

Well, if you wanted control over the color of each point, bulk scatter would be faster, because you'd need to call plot separately.
Also, I'm not sure your timing information is accurate because you haven't called drawnow, so the actual drawing could take place after toc.
In summary:
plot3 is fastest because it draws the same marker at many different locations
scatter3 draws many different markers, since size and color of the marker (are allowed to) vary with each point
calling in a loop is really slow, because argument parsing and so forth have to take place repeatedly, in addition as points are added to the plot the axes have to be recalculated


Efficient computation and redoing graphics actions

Are there any general guidelines on how Matlab handles graphics-based commands that ultimately result in no action being taken? A simple illustrative example--note the actual computational cost here is quite negligible:
for i=1:10
data=myFunction(i) %e.g. rand(i)
hold(ax,'on') %perform this repeatedly even though it's only needed once
for i=1:10
data=myFunction(i) %e.g. rand(i)
if ~ishold(ax)
hold(ax,'on') %perform this only if it is needed
If Matlab internally determines whether the hold(ax,'on') command is needed before actually doing it, then presumably the computational cost is similar or lower for the first form. The coding is also simpler to implement and read. But, if the action is carried out in full, then there are cases where it would be better, from a computational cost standpoint, to use the second form.
It's worth noting that the definition of "no action" here is deliberately vague, there's a lot of nuance here. For instance, it's easy to create an example where Matlab must perform some level of computation before it can evaluate whether the graphics command would have no effect. For instance, in colormap(myColormapFunction), Matlab would have to call myColormapFunction in order to evaluate whether what it returns is the same as the existing plot's CData property. Thanks.
As far as I know, there are no official guidelines on how "no action" commands are handled by the built-in MATLAB functions. Meanwhile, MathWorks does provide guidelines for optimizing graphics performance; which I feel, is a much more important thing to consider.
Graphics Performance Documentation Page
Now I apologize in advance if the following section doesn't answer your question. But if you are truly curious about the behind the scenes and real-world performance, you should use the provided Code Profiling Tool, and built-in timing functions.
With that said, the next section is about optimizing graphics performance in general.
For example, in the code you've provided, I would strongly recommend against putting hold and plot in the for-loop to begin with. From my experience, these are never necessary and can be optimized away.
Here, I'm guessing that you are trying to animate MATLAB plots; in which case, try updating the plot markers instead of using the plot function. For example:
% Plot an empty plot with placeholder values (NaNs) the size of your data
% Save handle to plot object as `h`
h = plot( nan(size(data)) );
for i = 1:10
[Xdata, Ydata] = MyFunction(...);
% Update your plot markers with the handle update method
h.XData = Xdata;
h.YData = Ydata;
drawnow % drawnow to see animation
In this case, I don't even need to use the hold function, since I'm just updating the same plot, which is much faster.
Even if your function is outputting new data series, and you want to plot them on top of the old data series, you can use the same trick; it will only require you to pre-allocate the plot handles and data arrays. (Which, honestly is a good programming practice in general.)
hold on % Hold the plot now
N = 100; % Number of data series you expect to have
H = cell(N,1); % Preallocate N Cells for all the plot handles
for i = 1:N
% Save plot handles to cell array in a loop, if you have so many series
H{i} = plot ( nan(size(data)) );
% Your iterative function calls
for t = 1:100
% Iteratively update all plot handles with a syntax like this
% (Not entirely sure, this is off the top of my head)
for i = 1:N
H{i}.XData = newX;
H{i}.YData = newY;

Select and plot value above a threshold

I have a plot in which there are a few noise components. I am planning to select data from that plot preferably above a threshold in my case I am planning to keep it at 2.009 on the Y axis. And plot the lines going only above it. And if anything is below that i would want to plot it as 0.
as we can see in the figure
a = U(1 : X);
b = U(X+1: 2*X);
c = U(2*X+1 : 3*X);
d = U(3*X+1 : 4*X);
e = U(4*X+1 : 5*X);
subplot (3,2,2)
subplot (3,2,3)
plot (t1,A);
This code splits the data (in the image into 5 every 2.8 seconds, I am planning to use the thresholding in first 2.8 seconds. Also I had another code but I am just not sure if it works as it took a long time to be analysed
plot (t1,A);
for k=1:length(a)
if a(k)>2.009
plot(t1,a(k)), hold on
plot(t1,0), hold on
hold off
The problem is that you are trying to plot potentially several thousand times and adding thousands of points onto a plot which causes severe memory and graphical issues on your computer. One thing you can do is pre process all of the information and then plot it all at once which will take significantly less time.
threshold = 2.009;
A=a>threshold; %Finds all locations where the vector is above your threshold
plot_vals = a.*A; %multiplies by logical vector, this sets invalid values to 0 and leaves valid values untouched
Because MATLAB is a highly vectorized language, this format will not only be faster to compute due to a lack of for loops, it is also much less intensive on your computer as the graphics engine does not need to process thousands of points individually.
The way MATLAB handles plots is with handles to each line. When you plot a vector, MATLAB is able to simply store the vector in one address and call it once when plotting. However, when each point is called individually, MATLAB has to store each point in a separate location in memory and call all of them individually and graphically handle each point completely separately.
Per request here is the edit

loop with struct fields and plot (changing plot styles) - matlab

that's a thing that is making me a bit crazy-noob so far.
I have my struct storing data from successive experiments, 7 field per each experiment:
Then i'd like to plot in for loops, like (k is total datasets to be plotted)
hold all
for ii=1:k;
But actually I am not allowed in changing plot axes style among the plots of the loop. (using either roots or gca settings, line and color string variables, etc)
So i thought to do it in a different way, like:
for ii=1:k;
But no way. This last is only an idea (rather than a working code), I admit it. Can somebody suggest me something to work it out?
I'd be grateful.

STFT computation without using spectrogram function!

I was trying to plot STFT using plot3 in MATLAB but failed. Can somebody guide me how to do that? My MWE is given below:
%% STFT Computataion
clear; clc; clf;
%% Get input and calculate frame size and overlap/shift
frame_size=round(20*Fs/1000); % calculate frame size for 20ms
frame_shift=round(10*Fs/1000); % calculate frame shift for 10ms
%% Plot the input signal in time domain
title('Speech signal in time domain');
ylabel('Magnitude of samples');
xlabel('time in seconds');
%% Calculation of STFT
%for i=1:frame_shift:(length(Y)-frame_size)
for i=1:frame_shift:((length(Y)-frame_size))%+frame_shift)
sp_frame_dft=abs(fft(sp_frame)); % Compute STFT
%% Plot the STFT in 3D
I am not sure what your question exactly is about, but I guess the problem is, with the provided code, that you do not get a plot similar to the one you'd get, say, with surf.
Furthermore, I am also not quite sure why you would want to use plot3, maybe to get the labels on the time and frequency right ? you could do that all the same with surf:
surf(T, F, sp_frame_array,'EdgeColor','none');
As a matter of fact, the reason why your plot3 does not give the same figure is because the arguments of plot3 must be three matrices of the same size (check it on help plot3). Your code should actually be broken on Matlab, which it's not, according to my test. Well, once again Matlab allowing people to mess around without warnings (go Python! :D)... Anyway, try to set the matrices more like the following:
F=linspace(1/Fs,Fs/2000, rows); % note: has to be rows, not cols here!
Fmat = F(:) * ones(1,cols); % or use repmat
Tmat = ones(rows,1) * T(:)';
While this will normally produce something more in line with what I would expect in drawing a spectrogram, I'd still make some remarks:
your F vector should go up to Fs, because of the way you filled sp_frame_dft in. More specifically, it should go from 0Hz to Fs - Fs/rows:
F = linspace(0,Fs*(1-1/rows)/1000,rows); % in kHz
you would probably like to draw the amplitudes in dBs:
plot3 draws one line per column of the provided matrices. That means potentially lots of lines to draw! As #atul-ingle asked, are you sure this is what you want? Maybe waterfall would provide a better rendering at a lower cost?
Well, you'll get the lines for the rows, instead of the columns, so you might need to transpose if the latter is what you want.
You might also prefer to visualise only the first half of the matrix (because the frequencies higher than Fs/2 are only mirrors of the other half of the matrix).
Hope that helps!

Real time plot in MATLAB

I'm very new to MATLAB and I was trying to display a real time plot of some calculations. I have an N sized vector and I work with m values at a time (say m = N/4), so I want to plot the first m values and then as soon as the second m values are calculated have them replace the first plot.
My approach was as follows:
for i=1:N,
//compute m
but it fails to update the plot in every loop and waits for all the loops to finish to plot the data. My question is: Should I use another function instead of plot or could I add some delay in each loop?
I think there must be a way I'm not aware of for updating the plot instead of re-plotting it every time.
As Edric mentioned, you'll definitely want to include a drawnow command after the call to plot to force an update of the graphics. However, there is a much more efficient and smoother method to animate plots that doesn't involve recreating the entire plot each time. You can simply initialize your plot, capture a handle to the plot object, then modify the properties of that object in your loop using the set command. Here's an example:
hLine = plot(nan); % Initialize a plot line (which isn't displayed yet
% because the values are NaN)
for i = 1:N % Loop N times
% Compute m here
set(hLine, 'YData', m); % Update the y data of the line
drawnow % Force the graphics to update immediately
In addition, before your loop and after the call to plot you can set a number of axes properties, like the axes limits, etc., if you want the axes to stay fixed and not change their appearance with each new vector m that is plotted.
You can add a call to DRAWNOW to force the plot to update. See the reference page. Note that DRAWNOW causes the graphics event queue to be flushed, which may cause callbacks etc. to be executed.