Automatic scroll to top doesn't work in UITableView - iphone

usually when tapping the top of the screen the tableview scrolls all the way to the top. For some reason this doesn't work in one of my view controllers.
The hirarchy is as follows:
-> WebView
-> TableView
I think I have everything hooked up correctly (datasource, delegate, ...). I have a similar view controller where everything works. The only difference seems to be WebView, which is missing in the view controller where the tap-and-scroll-to-top works...
Any ideas?
Best regards,

You have probably added some view to your view hierarchy that is a UIScrollView or contains scroll views (e.g. UIWebView or UITextView). When you tap the status bar, iOS searches for the topmost scrollview with scrollsToTop set to YES and scrolls to its top.
Add this to your class:
- (void) disableScrollsToTopPropertyOnAllSubviewsOf:(UIView *)view {
for (UIView *subview in view.subviews) {
if ([subview isKindOfClass:[UIScrollView class]]) {
((UIScrollView *)subview).scrollsToTop = NO;
[self disableScrollsToTopPropertyOnAllSubviewsOf:subview];
…and call
[self disableScrollsToTopPropertyOnAllSubviewsOf:myAddedSubview];
to solve the problem and let your table view scroll to top again.

You need to disable scrollsToTop on all but one of the scrollable views. Since UITableView is a descendant of UIScrollView, it's easy to do. However, if you want to disable it on the webview, it's a little trickier. This seems to work:
[webView.subviews objectAtIndex:0].scrollsToTop = NO;
But that is a little iffy since it's poking around in undocumented parts of the webview. It may stop working if Apple decides to rearrange the subviews.

Don't know what Apple were smoking but by design, the behaviour on iPhone is distinctly different from iPad. Apple's documentation does include a "Special Condsideration" note as follows...
On iPhone, the scroll-to-top gesture has no effect if there is more
than one scroll view on-screen that has scrollsToTop set to YES.
So on iPhone you have to ensure that there is only ever one UIScrollView (or UITableView/UICollectionView/UIWebView etc) that has its scrollsToTop = YES.
Since scrollsToTop defaults to YES you have to explicitly set scrollsToTop = NO for the UIScrollView's you do not want to scroll when the user taps the status bar.

Apparently if you have more than one scrolling view (in your case the WebView and TableView) in a view controller, the "tap status bar to scroll to top" is disabled.
(Matt Drance is a former iPhoneOS developer evangelist and current iOS development rockstar)

Swift variant of opyh's answer. Upvote him!
func disableScrollsToTopPropertyOnAllSubviewsOf(view: UIView) {
for subview in view.subviews {
if let scrollView = subview as? UIScrollView {
(scrollView as UIScrollView).scrollsToTop = false
self.disableScrollsToTopPropertyOnAllSubviewsOf(subview as UIView)

I just wanted to add to this, if you are using a UITextView, it isn't the subviews that need the scrollsToTop adjusting, it's the actual UITextView, in short you need this code:
[myTextView setScrollsToTop:FALSE];
This should fix the problem (additionally, the 'disableScrollsToTopPropertyOnAllSubviewsOf' function doesn't work on the UITextViews).
Hope this helps someone!

I had this problem with just a tableview in the NIB. Very frustrating until I remembered I was programmatically adding a UITextView as the table view header. scrollsToTop=NO on the UITextView did the trick.

Set scrollsToTop = NO on all scroll views in the view, except for the one you want to scroll to top. That helps the system find the correct scroll view.


Disabling Userinteraction of all views besides one

I am new to iphone.I am struck in my project at some task that is I have a view controller in that lot of buttons and webview is there when i click on webview it recognize the gesture and set some size to webview but tere is some buttons are visble in the screen at that time i want to disable the interaction of all other things in view controller except the webview.Similarly like as UIAlertView there also userinteraction disabled with all other things except the alertview.If any body know this please help me...
This will disable user interaction on all views except for the uiwebview
for(UIView *currentView in self.view.subviews)
if([currentView isKindOfClass: [UIWebView class]])
currentView.userInteractionEnabled = NO;
You can set the property userInteractionEnabled=YES //or No of any UI Object.
You can place your webview on a transparent view ( let's name it "coverView" ) , which frame equals to screen's frame. When you present the coverView (with the webview sticked to it) the user will see everything around the webview (because the coverView is transparent), but any interraction with other objects around the webview will be blocked by the coverView.

UIScrollView as a subview does not scroll

When I set my UIScrollView to be the main view within Interface Builder, the scrolling works as expected. However, when I add the UIScrollView as a subview of UIView the scroll does not work.
So it seems my trouble begins when the UIScrollView is added as a subview to UIView.
The "User Interaction Enabled" it true for both view.
I though perhaps I might have to do something with in touchesBegan something lake passing the touches to the UIScrollView, but have not had much luck with that.
Has anyone seen this before?
scrollView.delegate = scrollView; //or nil may work
It's always good to show a complete working code snippet:
// in viewDidLoad:
//UIScrollview *myScrollView;
UIView_descendent *contentView;
// scrollview won't scroll unless content size explicitly set
[myScrollView setContentSize:contentView.frame.size];
I have not found a way to set contentSize in IB.

ScrollView below TableView

I need to implement a scrollView below a tableView (not inside, i know that apple not recommend to do that). Look at the picture (needed area is black rectangle)
What you recommend to do ?
Should i add scrollView like a subview to current view ?
Why would you use a scroll view there, can't you just insert a view in the tabelView tableFooterView property.
Add it as a subview of the current view, then do something like [myScrollView setFrame:]; I do recommend not IB for this, since this type of thing can be kinda awkward in it.
Hope that helps.
You should implement viewForFooterInSection and return a scrollEnabled view.

MKMapView inside a UIScrollView doesn't move with swipes

I've got a detail view with various labels and such providing information about a place (address, phone, etc.). The information provided is taller than an iPhone screen so they're all in a UIScrollView (itself inside a UIView) that allows you to swipe up and down to see everything.
I also have an MKMapView inside the scrollview. When it's not attached to anything in Interface Builder it moves up and down with the scrollview, as it should, staying in it's correct relative position to the other controls in the scrollview. You can play with the map, zooming and panning it, etc. and it shows your current location by default.
However, as soon as I hook it to an MKMapView variable in IB, the mapview no longer scrolls with the scrollview. Instead it literally just sits in the position it's originally displayed in (bottom of the view, with a little of the map hidden below the bottom of the view) and the scrollview scrolls up and down behind it.
What's happening here? I've tried changing a bunch of the mapview's and scrollview's properties in IB, but it has no effect. The only thing I haven't tried is just creating the mapview entirely in code, but that doesn't seem like an obvious solution.
EDIT: Sorry to everyone about the expired bounty. I got hung up in other areas of the project and couldn't get back here until now. I didn't know it would expire.
FURTHER EDIT: Well, I figured out my problem. For reasons completely unknown to me I had
[self.view addSubview:mapView];
in the viewcontoller's ViewDidLoad. Once it was hooked up then that line of code would (obviously) make the map a subview of my of view, effectively yanking it out of the scrollview.
Stupid mistake, sorry to have wasted your time (and the bounty). I'll delete this question after I think the answerers have had a chance to see the result.
Looking like as you are using the ScrollView,you need to scrolling facility in your DetailView.
Instead of using the ScrollView ,I had an alternative of this ....
You can try your hard luck by using the TableView instead of ScrollView.
Just take all the labels and mapView in a single View and then put that view in the header of the TableView.
like this :
--> View
------>All Labels // Inside the singleView
------>MKMApView // At bottom of the View
Still You can play with the map, zooming and panning it, etc. and it will show your current location by default.
Hope this alternative can solve your problem.......
All the Best
If hooking up an outlet in IB is breaking an otherwise working view, you might be able to try this to locate the view at runtime:
- (UIView *) findClass:(Class) aClass inView:(UIView *) aSuperview {
for ( UIView *view in aSuperview.subviews ) {
if ( [view isKindOfClass: aClass] ) break;
if ( ( view = [self findClass: aClass inView: aSuperview] ) ) break;
return view;
- (void) viewDidLoad {
MkMapView *map = [self findClass: [MkMapView class] inView: self.view];
I figured out my problem. For reasons completely unknown to me I had
[self.view addSubview:mapView];
in the viewcontoller's ViewDidLoad. Once it was hooked up then that line of code would (obviously) make the map a subview of my of view, effectively yanking it out of the scrollview.
Do you have setContentSize property set to the content's size in the viewDidLoad method of the UIViewController?

Resizing UITableView on RootController

Is it possible to resize the UITableView on the RootController of a nav based app? When RootViewController.xib is opened in IB, there isn't a view. Just the UITableView. Clicking the inspector and then the little yellow ruler, frame height is grayed out. I'm adding a toolbar programmatically to the RootViewController:
[toolbar setFrame:rectArea];
That works fine but the bottom cell in the tableview is partially hidden because the tableview doesn't know about the toolbar.
The easiest way, is to adjust the contentInset (which is inherited from UIScrollView). Resizing by setting the frame can cause crazy drawing bugs in cells.
For example, if you are trying to resize a tableview for the keyboard, do something like this:
tableView.contentInset = UIEdgeInsetsMake(0.0, 0.0, 216.0, 0.0);
tableView.scrollIndicatorInsets = tableView.contentInset;
Hope that helps someone. This way worked best for me.
Yes, but you need to have a ViewController (not a UITableViewController) as the root controller for the nav, and wrap the actual UITableView in the UIViewControllers view.
You can still have the UIViewController conform to the UITableViewDelgate and Datasource protocols, and use all the same methods you have now in your UITableViewController.
P.S. you'll get more responses if you use the plain "iphone" tag.
You could also just set the Content and Scroller inset of the tableview
I encountered a similar issue when attempting to display the detail controller by itself, see:
The issue is that the SplitView controller applies its own transform to the sub-controllers, taking them out of the orientation detection loop, which blows goats and seems incredibly 'hackish' for built-in classes. (The video illustrates what happens when you make the detail view the root view, then add it back to the split view and make the split view root while in landscape; you get double rotation of the detail view.)
Unfortunately I've again run into these transformation issues while attempting to resize a SplitViewController's detail sub-view in response to the keyboard appearing/disappearing. In portrait, all works fine, in landscape it's fscked.
Yes, adjust the contentInset and scrollIndicatorInsets are the convenient way to resize the UITableView.
As the answer of Sam Soffes posted, I succeed resize UITableView in UITableViewController for the bottom UIToolbar.