Big animation iPhone with CCSpriteFrameCache - plist - iphone

I have a problem when try to load the big animation with about 54 images (320x480 each image) into CCSpriteFrameCache, I can't use plist for this. How can I make the animation work? At this time, my animation can't work on iPhone 2G, 3G, and iPod.
Thank for your help,

You won´t be able to do it...
Consider playing a video or just animating an small portion of the screen.

Your best bet is to determine why the animation has 54 images that are all the width/height of the screen. This is an unnecessary number of images.
Break the animation down:
Is the background 'static' (does it move around, change constantly, etc?)
If it moves around a bit, but is really part of a much larger "canvas" then simply export out the entire background canvas and perform the movements yourself using the Cocos2D Actions available to you (CCMoveTo, CCJumpTo, CCDelayTime, CCSequence, etc)
What in the animation moves around, and how does it move around?
Can it be broken into much smaller bits and the frames for the various "characters"
or "movable objects" within the scene be exported out onto a sprite sheet (saved out
via Zwoptex?)
A good animation sequence should be a series of much smaller images, all working together in unison to create the final "animation sequence".
If you break it down, I wouldn't be surprised if you were able to reduce your 54 images at 320x480 each down to a handful of 512x512 spritesheets (ala Zwoptex).
If your having trouble breaking it down, I would be available to look at the final animation and help you determine what could be minimized to reduce the overhead.


Unity3d - Using a panoramic background in a 2D scroller game?

This is for Unity3D 4.3+
I have a ridiculously large background I wish to use for a 2D scroller game. The background is 10 times the width of a landscape device (10240 x 1024). (The basic loop background goes behind that and is not an issue.)
I understand I can cut the background into 10 images of 1024 x 1024 each (basic sprites). But, I'm unsure of the best approach to go forward...
One way is to pre-load all the background sprites and then do a simple scrolling of them all. But take too much memory.
However, keeping in mind this is aimed for mobiles and tablets, isn't possible to do a loading/offloading of the background as the player progresses? Like this: Initially load 2 background images (bg-1 and bg-2).
Once the camera has passed bg-1, the unload bg-1 and load bg-3. Then when player passes bg-2, then offload bg-2 and load bg-4 and repeat. Thus only 2 bg images loaded at a time.
The player can not go backwards, so that helps me in this scenario.
Any thoughts on the best approach?
Thank you.
You can use Resources.Load function to load assets dynamically(link). Or just load them all in a list and reference from there.

Loading large background images in cocos2d

Im working on an iphone platforms game developed using cocos2d and box2d which has to use a very large image as a background, my question is this:
-which is the better way to load the image?? (I'm talking about an image which can be 14K pixels long), is it better to cut in smaller images an keep loading them as the player moves??
-Should I keep in memory as invisible or use the addChild method to load them as I need them and the removeChild to remove the previous one?
Thanks in advance, any answer will be welcome :)
You can't use textures larger then 1024x1024 or 2048x2048 for iphone/ipod 4 (maybe iPad too). So the only way to render such big image is rendering it's parts.
I would try to load the parts as the player moves (better in a separate thread).
Also maybe it is possible for you to use Parallax background. If so - use it.
If your image is made from a lot of identical parts then it's a good idea to use CCTMXTiledMap.

Cocos2d Animation Flickering

I have a sprite which i animate using CCAnimate. the animation is composed of 4 spritesheets that i swap when needed. everything works pretty good except for some flickering when swapping spritesheets.
any ideas on what to do?
i've found a solution in case anyone is interested.
it seems theres a lag when switching between CCAnimation objects, that make the frame be blank for a split second. the solution is to manually set the sprite to the first frame of the coming animation immediately after ditching the old one.
more info here:
Do you preload the spritesheets using CCTextureCache's addImage? If not, you'll notice a lag whenever you switch to a spritesheet for the first time.
Also, unless your spritesheets are so big that you can't fit all animations into a 1024x1024 texture you should simply put all of the sprites into one sheet, instead of using multiple like for example four 256x256 spritesheets. You hardly gain anything from doing that, at worst you lose the benefit of spritesheets because as soon as you render from two different spritesheets it'll be two draw calls instead of one. Texture atlases are not for organizing your animations but to keep as much as possible of all of your graphics into as few as possible textures.

Elements/Wired Style 3D Animation

I am trying to implement the style of 3D rotational animation you see in the Elements and the Wired iPad applications. The animation has the UIScrollView style acceleration so it looks like they have connected a UIScrollView to a sequence of images.
I have tried implementing it in UIKit, using an "empty" UIScrollView to increment through an array of images and set the contents of a UIImageView, based on the content offset. This works but even with scaled down images on the simulator, it is very sluggish. I am not sure how I could optimise it to make it run faster.
Source Code on GitHub
I have also tried doing something similar in Cocos2D. Cocos could animate the sequence very smoothly but I couldn't control the animation. I tried using a scroll view and setDisplayFrame to step through an animation but it didn't work.
Any help or suggestions on either option would be greatly appreciated.
I'm not 100% sure I understand the effect you're trying to achieve, but if you're referring to the images in "The Elements" app which you can spin around, then yeah, you probably don't want to be doing that with an UIScrollView.
You can control the animation of content in Cocos2d. While you can set an animation to "just run", you can also manually set frames directly out of an animation, so if you can get smooth animation out of Cocos, you should be able to do it interactively. Look at the atlas sprite object - you can set the rect of an animation frame directly.
However, again, I'm not sure this is the best approach, either, since that's a lot of frames for a texture. If you're going to be doing a lot of 3D photographic objects, you might consider looking into the video codecs and scrubbing along a video instead of trying to pack all the frames of a rotation animation into a series of textures.
Just so you know, the guy who made "The Elements" wrote an article about the development of the app, and here's what he had to say about the 3D rotatable objects:
"Creating fluidly spinning objects with the level of crystal clear photographic quality I demanded is actually harder than it might seem. A number of the obvious things the more technical of you might think of turn out not to work for reasons too complicated to get into here. Suffice to say that John designed a brilliant solution that uses the iPad's excellent graphics subsystem to lend a hand in ways it's not normally intended to."
I don't know how exactly they achieved the 3D objects, but perhaps that "uses the iPad's excellent graphics subsystem" mention gives you a clue where to head from here...

Core Animation with contentsRect jerkiness

in my (puzzle) game the pieces are drawn on-screen using a CALayer for each piece. There are 48 pieces (in an 8x6 grid) with each piece being 48x48 pixels. I'm not sure if this is just too many layers, but if this isn't the best solution I don't know what is, because redrawing the whole display using Quartz2D every frame doesn't seem like it would be any faster.
Anyway, the images for the pieces come from one big PNG file that has 24 frames of animation for 10 different states (so measures 1152 x 480 pixels) and the animation is done by setting the contentsRect property of each CALayer as I move it.
This actually seems to work pretty well with up to 7 pieces tracking a touch point in the window, but the weird thing is that when I initially start moving the pieces, for the first 0.5 a second or so, it's very jerky like the CPU is doing something else, but after that it'll track and update the screen at 40+ FPS (according to Instruments).
So does anyone have any ideas what could account for that initial jerkiness?
The only theory I could come up with is it's decompressing bits of the PNG file into a temporary location and then discarding them after the animation has stopped, in which case is there a way to stop Core Animation doing that?
I could obviously split the PNG file up into 10 pieces, but I'm not convinced that would help as they'd all (potentially) still need to be in memory at once.
EDIT: OK, as described in the comment to the first answer, I've split the image up into ten pieces that are now 576 x 96, so as to fit in with the constraints of the hardware. It's still not as smooth as it should be though, so I've put a bounty on this.
EDIT2: I've linked one of the images below. Essentially the user's touch is tracked, the offset from the start of the tracking is calculated (they can one move horizontal or vertical and only one place at a time). Then one of the images is selected as the content of the layer (depending on what type of piece it is and whether it's moving horizontally or vertically). Then the contentsRect property is set to chose one 48x48 frame from the larger image with something like this:-
layer.position = newPos;
layer.contents = (id)BallImg[imgNum];
layer.contentsRect = CGRectMake((1.0/12.0)*(float)(frame % 12),
0.5 * (float)(frame / 12),
1.0/12.0, 0.5);
btw. My theory about it decompressing the source image a-fresh each time wasn't right. I wrote some code to copy the raw pixels from the decoded PNG file into a fresh CGImage when the app loads and it didn't make any difference.
Next thing I'll try is copying each frame into a separate CGImage which will get rid of the ugly contentsRect calculation at least.
EDIT3: Further back-to-basics investigation points to this being a problem with touch tracking and not a problem with Core Animation at all. I found a basic sample app that tracks touches and commented out the code that actually causes the screen to redraw and the NSLog() shows the exactly the same problem I've been experiencing: A long-ish delay between the touchesBegin and first touchesMoved events.
2009-06-05 01:22:37.209 TouchDemo[234:207] Begin Touch ID 0 Tracking with image 2
2009-06-05 01:22:37.432 TouchDemo[234:207] Touch ID 0 Tracking with image 2
2009-06-05 01:22:37.448 TouchDemo[234:207] Touch ID 0 Tracking with image 2
2009-06-05 01:22:37.464 TouchDemo[234:207] Touch ID 0 Tracking with image 2
2009-06-05 01:22:37.480 TouchDemo[234:207] Touch ID 0 Tracking with image 2
Typical gap between touchesMoved events is 20ms. The gap between the touchesBegin and first touchesMoved is ten times that. And that's with no computation or screen updating at all, just the NSLog call. Sigh. I guess I'll open this up a separate question.
I don't think it's a memory issue; I'm thinking that it has to do with the inefficiency of having that large of an image in terms of Core Animation.
Core Animation can't use it natively, as it exceeds the maximum texture size on the GPU (1024x1024). I would break it up some; individual images might give you the best performance, but you'll have to test to find out.
IIRC, UIImageView does its animating by setting successive individual images, so if it's good enough for Apple….
When it is about performance, I definitly recommend using Shark (also over Instruments). In the 'Time Profile' you can see what are the bottlenecks in your app, even if it is something in Apple's code. I used it a lot while developing my iPhone app that uses OpenGL and Core Animation.
Have you tried using CATiledLayer yet?
It is optimized for this type of work.