UITableViewCell to cover the entire screen in Grouped mode? - iphone

Is it possible when a table view is set to grouped mode to have a special kind of cell that covers the entire table view width?

Are you sure you don't want to do a regular table with the top and bottom cells having a custom background that gives it a rounded corner? (This would be easier than trying to force a grouped table view into something it isn't meant to be.)


Uitableview horizontal as well as vertical scrolling.

I want horizontal as well as vertical scrolling whole table not particular cells.
Is it possible.?
Or should I implement simple view and reload again table.
Any Help?
There may be a way to do this however the Apple documentation states...
A table view has only one column and allows vertical scrolling only.
you can use collection-view for the purpose

how to create a sectioned TableView for profile in iPhone

I saw this picture on Internet:
the section with the add Photo Frame and two rows (First, Last)...
How do you achieve a design like that!!!
I only know how to make rows (static and dynamic) in xCode using the full width of the screen but not in a single section but not making such a divisiĆ³n and adding a frame out of the other two rows
my designs are like this
Any help I'll appreciate
thanks in advance
It's not really clear that the example you've given is actually embedding the first, last part into a table view. It could just as easily be a single cell that has embedded views with borders to look like rows. Here are a few ways I see to accomplish the view you've given.
Have them be actual rows - but use a custom cell layout that offsets the 'First' and 'Last' labels to be further to the right. Then create a UIImageView for the profile that sits on top of the UITableView cells, but inside of it. Basically insert it as the first subview of the UITableView. It should cover the top left of those top two cells. You can do this since those cells have a static known hight and you've set the left offset. Another option would be just inserting it into your top cell, but having it overflow the bounds and setting clipsToBounds = NO.
Make the entire top view a custom UIView that uses CALayers or CoreGraphics to manually draw the lines and layout such that it looks like part of the table view. Set that as the TableView header, or the first section Header.
There are a lot more things you can do like changing frame layout as well.
you can achieve this with the use of xib read carefully and if you don't understand anything you can ask me again it's bit tricky
in you xib create a UIView and design for your photo and firstname, lastname cells with the use of textfields image views and all and then take a UITableView.
now drag your UIView and drop it on your UITableView so that it will be considered as your table header and your first section now will be as you designed like photo with firstname and lastname fields.
i've done this in manier projects of mine so hope this way you can also do this thing and ask me if you need any help.

How to implement smooth scrolling using both a UIScrollView and an UITableView?

Is is possible to implement smooth scrolling using both a UIScrollView and placing a UITableView at somewhere starting in the middle of the screen? The UIScrollView contentSize is elongated to accomodate the additional height of the UITableView. The UITableView should be able to contain unlimited and unknown number of rows. Scrolling the entire view downwards will cause the upper non-tableview portion to first disappear and then it scrolls down just like a regular table view.
Put it in another way, I'd like to implement a table with some fixed content before the top row. Think of it like a "header area" for the tables, scrolls up and giving way to the entire table rows.
I probably know that I can implement a TableView and programatically make the first row to contain some fixed images. In this way, it will work as expected. But which is easier to implement?
You really don't want to put the table in a scroll view. When the user scrolls on the table it will not move the underlying scrollview so you won't get the effect you are looking for.
Implement viewForHeaderInSection instead and pass in the view you want to display above the first row, or set tableViewHeader.

Top Border of Top Cell in UITableView Grouped Cells is Thick & Fuzzy

I am using a UITableView with grouped rows. In each group / section of rows, the top cell has a thicker-than-normal top border and the top rounded corners appear fuzzy. I am not doing anything out of the ordinary with this table.
I have looked at other apps and I do not see the same thing happening.
Any ideas would be much appreciated.
Are you sure it isn't just that you're using the UITableViewCellSeparatorStyleSingleLineEtched UITableViewCellSeparatorStyle?
Try setting you're UITableView's separatorStyle property to UITableViewCellSeparatorStyleSingleLine. (Or just select "Single Line" for the "Seperator" option within the Table View attibutes in Interface Builder if that's how you're creating the UITableView.)

UITableViewCell's contentView's width with a given accessory type

On an iPhone, how do you figure out the width of a table view cell's content view when it is showing a certain accessory view (disclosure indicator, etc)?
I need this in order to calculate the correct cell height for cells that contain wrapping, variable-length text. But when the table view delegate is asked for a cell height, it doesn't actually have the actual cell instance, so it can't just query the content view bounds directly.
I can easily hard-code a 20-pixel margin on the right which appears to be accurate for a plain style table view in portrait orientation with a disclosure indicator, but would prefer to do it the Right Way so that it keeps working if Apple decides to tweak the margin.
(This is related to this question.)
Personally, I would just hard code the values -- simpler and things will break in a predictable way.
But were I to do this programmatically, I would create a UITableViewCell, set up the editing properties / accessory views you need to measure, and then ask it how big its contentView is.
Of course I would probably heavily cache this -- doing allocations when asking UITableView asks you for height information sounds to me like it would be slow (check with a profiler first though, as always).
I would have a subclass of UITableViewCell that holds all its subelements. You can cange the frame of certain elements when the cell enters and exists editing mode. There is a good example of this in Apple's Table View Programming guide under the section on creating a custom table view cell.
I believe the UITableViewCell's contentView property is the view that contains your labels etc., so the width of that should be your available size to use.