Objective C - Basic question? [duplicate] - iphone

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Closed 12 years ago.
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Why use 'self.' when its not forced?
What is the difference between these 2 blocks of code?
#property (nonatomic, retain) MyObject *myObject;
MyObject *obj = [[MyObject alloc] init];
self.myObject = obj;
[obj release];
MyObject *obj = [[MyObject alloc] init];
myObject = obj;
[obj release];
Does it mean that on the second block I don't need to release "obj" ?

In the first case, self.myObject implies that myObject is a #property, and when you assign to it with self.myObject = obj, that property's setter will get invoked. Often, that setter is automagically generated by the compiler with the #synthesize directive. If that property's autogenerated setter is flagged with retain, then whatever assigned to it (in this case, obj) will be retained by the property.
In the second case, myObject may or may not be a property. Regardless, this is a simple assignment. No retain is done.

The first one calls the accessor of self, and the second doesn't. A logical equivalent for the first block might be:
MyObject *obj = [[MyObject alloc] init];
[self setMyObject:obj];
[obj release];
As you can see, a method invocation happens there on the second line, which doesn't happen in the second line of your second example.

self is used to access class/instance properties (an accessor). For example, if you defined a property in your header file (using #property), it is good practice (for code readability amongst other things) to use self.myClassProperty. Local variables, like variables declared inside functions (or even outside functions as members), are accessed without the self keyword.
Similar SO Question here: Objective-C - When to use 'self'

that depends on how you have declared myObject in your header file. The prevalent practice in the the boilerplate code makes those to semi equivalent.
the difference is that 1 is guaranteed to be using the property named myObject, and therefore will trigger the getter and setter functions.
the second one accessed the the instance variable and is not guaranteed to use the getter and setter functions. if your ivar has the same name as the property it should use the setter and getter functions.
the way to make this more explicit is to prepend something to all of your ivars. (eg mMyObject) and then use a mutator in #synthesize
#synthesize myObject = mMyObject;


property assign

If I have one property like this, what is the diference of assign the value of the property of the first mode and the second mode?
#interface Prueba : NSObject{
CustomeClass *_cclass;
#property(nonatomic, retain)CustomeClass *cclass;
#implementation Prueba
#synthesize cclass = _cclass
- (void)config{
// 1 This
self.cclass = [[CustomeClass alloc] init];
// 2 This or
CustomeClass *cc = [[CustomeClass alloc] init];
self.cclass = cc;
[cc release];
Your first example gives you an object with a retain count of two (wrong), whereas your second example gives you an object with retain count of one (right). The second method is preferred in non-ARC projects. Alternatively, you could also do either set the ivar yourself (which I don't like because you're not using the setter):
_cclass = [[CustomeClass alloc] init];
or use the setter as your examples do, but do an autorelease (which I don't like because you shouldn't defer your releases unless you have to):
self.cclass = [[[CustomeClass alloc] init] autorelease];
In your non-ARC project, your original second example is best (using a pointer, using your property's setter, then releasing your pointer), because for KVO you want to get in the habit of using the setter:
CustomeClass *cc = [[CustomeClass alloc] init];
self.cclass = cc;
[cc release];
There is no difference in the result except that in the second method you create an additional pointer. In both versions self.cclass will hold your object just fine.
The problem is that when you only release the object in your second mode, in the first mode you'll have a memory leak. Since the retainCount of an object is +1 when you allocate it, you assign a +1 object through your setter. This means, that you actually bump up the retainCount again. Now if you don't release the object after assigning it to your property, once it gets released from there the retainCount will only be reduced by 1. Thus letting an object with a retainCount of +1 float around in the memory, lost forever.
But because you are already asking about a better version, I want to introduce lazy instantiation to you. What you can do, is that you overwrite the getter method of the property in question and check if it has been allocated yet. If not, you allocate it inside your getter method and then return it. It would look something like this:
- (CustomeClass*) cclass
_cclass = [[CustomeClass alloc] init];
return _cclass;
With this method you assign a +1 retained object to an internal variable, thus bypassing the setter and not increasing the retainCount. Also it's memory friendly, because you object only gets instantiated when you really need it. Now when you set your property to nil or some new object, the old object will be properly deallocated.
In response to Robert Ryan's comment I want to add the following:
This does not break KVO, or interfere with the assigned qualifies for your properties. If your property is marked as assign or weak, then lazy instantiation doesn't really make sense. If it's marked as retain or strong this way of instantiating an object is perfectly fine, especially when it is a property which you would assign anyway inside a config method.
Regarding KVO: the value which is assigned inside the getter can be seen as the initial/default value, so KVO still works. It will trigger when you use the setter to assign something else to the property. You wouldn't want KVO to trigger because of a default value, would you?

Using NSMutableDictionary as backing store for properties

I am looking for a shorthand way of setting my properties directly to an NSMutableDictionary that is a instance variable. ie:
#interface KVModel : NSObject {
NSMutableDictionary * data;
#property(nonatomic,assign)NSString * string1;
#property(nonatomic,assign)NSString * string2;
#import "KVModel.h"
#implementation KVModel
self = [super init];
data = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
return self;
-(NSString *)string1
return [data objectForKey:#"string1"];
-(NSString *)string2
return [data objectForKey:#"string2"];
-(void)setString1:(NSString *)_string1
[data setObject:_string1 forKey:#"string1"];
-(void)setString2:(NSString *)_string2
[data setObject:_string2 forKey:#"string2"];
[data release];
[super dealloc];
I have tried to override setValue:ForKey: and valueForKey:, but those aren't called, they allow you to directly set properties without using the property syntax.
I have made preprocessor macros to make this work in the past, but I am not interested in typing at all, and would like to avoid as much of it as I can in the future. Is there a way to make this work that I am not familiar with?
I have thought about using NSManagedObject, but I am not sure if I can get what I want out of that.
If you're trying to access the properties with code like foo = obj.foo and obj.foo = foo, that's why it doesn't work.
Property-access syntax is synonymous with message syntax; the former is exactly the same as foo = [obj foo], and the latter is exactly the same as [obj setFoo:foo]. There is no KVC code to intercept. Properties are at the language level; KVC is at the framework level.
You'll need to intercept the accessor messages instead. Consider implementing the resolveInstanceMethod: class method, in which you “resolve” the selector by adding a method implementation to the class using the Objective-C runtime API. You can add the same implementation(s) for many different selectors.
For your purpose, have a function or method that examines the selector (using NSStringForSelector and regular NSString-examining techniques) and returns two facts: (1) the property name, and (2) whether it's a getter (foo, isFoo) or setter (setFoo:). Then, have two more methods, one a dynamic getter and the other a dynamic setter. When the selector names a getter, add it with your dynamic-getter method; when the selector names a setter, add it with your dynamic-setter method.
So how do the dynamic-getter and -setter methods work? They'll need to know what property to dynamically get and set, but they also need to take no arguments (getter) or one argument (setter, which takes the value), in order to match the original property-access message. You might be wondering how these generic implementations can know what property to get or set. The answer is: It's in the selector! The selector used to send the message is passed to the implementation as the hidden argument _cmd, so examine that selector the same way as before to extract the name of the property you should dynamically get or set. Then, the dynamic getter should send [data objectForKey:keyExtractedFromSelector] and the dynamic setter should send [data setObject:newValue forKey:keyExtractedFromSelector].
Two caveats:
You may still get complaints from the compiler when you use the property-access syntax to access a “property” that you have not declared in the class's #interface. This is normal and intentional; you're really only supposed to use property-access syntax to access known formal properties. What you're doing, while I found it fun to solve, is technically an abuse of the property-access syntax.
This will only work for object values. KVC does the boxing and unboxing for primitive values, such as integers; since KVC is not involved, no free boxing and unboxing. If you have declared formal properties (see 1), you'll need to introspect them using the Objective-C runtime API, and do the boxing and unboxing yourself with your findings.
This piqued my curiosity, so I went ahead and used Peter Hosey's suggestion of overriding +resolveInstanceMethod: to generate the getters and setters. I posted the resulting object (DDDynamicStorageObject) to a github repository:
What you basically want is your own implementation of the NSManagedObject machinery. I have done something similar. Look here: https://gist.github.com/954035 HTH
(Updated the code to remove the dependency on the non-existant NSString+Utilities.h)
(Added missing ReleaseAndZero() macro)
For the love of all that is sacred - do not use an NSDictionary as a place to stuff every conceivable property of a model object. Ivars are easier to debug, and much much clearer to other developers (including your future self).
If you want to use a dictionary, use a dictionary and some statically defined keys - but if you want a model object, use some ivars
I come to the same problem today just like you. So I find your question posted here.
The answers above used the +resolveInstanceMethod: is a little bit hard for me. :)
My understanding is that as long as we setup the property, we would have getter and setter method, so I use the setter method to implement it.
#property (nonatomic, strong) NSString *type;
#property (nonatomic, strong) NSString *displayName;
#property (nonatomic, strong) NSString *linkURI;
- (id)initWithLinkInfoDictionary:(NSDictionary *)linkInfoDict {
for (NSString *key in linkInfoDict) {
const char *rawName = [key UTF8String];
NSString *setMethodString = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"set%c%s:", toupper(rawName[0]), (rawName+1)];
SEL setMethod = NSSelectorFromString(setMethodString);
if ([self respondsToSelector:setMethod]) {
[self performSelector:setMethod withObject:linkInfoDict[key]];
return self;
Hope it would be helpful. My first answer, :)

Difference between self.instanceVar = X and instanceVar = X in Obj-c

For the following two lines in an obj-c class:
self.instanceVar = X
instanceVar = X
Is the only difference that the 'self' version calls the synthesized 'setter', whereas the latter simply sets the instanceVar and doesn't go through the setter?
Yes. The implication of this is that the synthesized getter will wrap additional code depending on how the property is specified - so use of assign / retain / copy along with nonatomic / atomic change the behaviour.
Imagine the following:
#property( retain ) NSString * myprop;
If you set it by self.myprop, the NSString instance will be retained.
If you set directly the instance variable, this will not be the case.
So always use the self., unless you're absolutely sure...
This is an excellent question and understanding the difference between setting a variable through its accessor rather than directly assigning it is very important.
Here's what happens: when you declare a #property (nonatomic, retain) NSString *variable in the header, you add a property to your object. Simple enough. Calling #synthesize does the following thing: it generates two methods in your class, setVariable: and getVariable. Of course, if you name your property "name", the methods will be setName: and getName.
Now, it is important for you to understand what happens in the setVariable: method. The method is declared something like this:
- (void)setVariable:(NSString *)theVariable {
if (variable != nil) {
[variable release];
// variable is the class member,
// theVariable is the object that was sent by the method parameter
variable = [theVariable retain];
When you call self.variable = #"test"; you will actually call [self setVariable:#"test"] which is exactly the method that was generated by the #synthesize call!
When you call variable = #"test"; you do just that - you assign a string to a variable, without retaining it or anything.
If you were to call self.variable = nil the current value of the variable would be released and variable will be assigned to nil, but if you were to call variable = nil you would just ditch the reference to the previously assigned value (object). Therefore, if you would be calling
self.variable = #"test";
// wrong, do not do this in this case
variable = nil;
you would be be generating a memory leak because the #"test" object that was assigned to variable and retained through its accessor is never going to be released. Why's that? Because the setter (setVariable:) never gets called to know to release the previously held value.
For the sake of example, here's what getVariable looks like:
- (void)getVariable {
// variable is the class member
return variable;
Let me know if you have further questions.
Yes. self.instanceVar accesses the value through the property.
Although it is not necessarily the synthesized property. You can write your own get and set methods that can be called.

#property retain - iPhone

I am newbie to iPhone programming. I have the following doubt which is stopping me to go ahead. Please consider the following code:
#interface myClass: UIViewController
UIImage *temp;
#property (nonatomic, retain) UIImage *temp;
#interface myClass
#synthesize temp;
-(void) dealloc
[temp release];
[super dealloc];
The above is the only program code. Thats it ... nothing else. Do I need to declare [temp release] in dealloc method even though I am not using the property accessor method in my program at all. What if I don't declare [temp release] in dealloc. Will that create memory leak as I am releasing something which I haven't retained as I am not calling property accessor method.
Also when i print retain count for temp why does it show 0 even though it is getting retained in #property.
Thanks in advance
If no value has ever been assigned to (an instance of) myClass.temp, then there won't be a leak. But you should release it in your dealloc.
#property is only a declaration that instance of myClass will have this property. You need to assign it a value before that value gets retained.
myClass *instance = [[myClass alloc] init];
// instance will now retain the value passed in
// and is therefore responsible for releasing it
instance.temp = [UIImage imageNamed:#"whatever"];
// if instance is not retained anywhere else,
// its dealloc will be called
[instance release];
On a sidenote, you should give your classes names that start with an uppercase
letter, i.e. MyClass. Not required, but makes things clearer.
You can also use self.temp = nil; in your dealloc You're sorta not supposed but it kinda works better and looks cleaner. It's a bit of an iffy subject...
What you are doing is correct. Scroll to the "dealloc" section of this Apple Doc: Declared Properties
Soon, however, these properties will be cleaned up automatically when you synthesize them (in the next Cocoa update) -- that being said, a convention I have personally began to follow so that my code works in the future is setting self.temp = nil; in dealloc instead of sending a release message (read the apple doc i posted, it explains this). The accessor method created at runtime releases the object first, so for me and quite a few other devs, this is a better/safer way of cleaning up declared properties in our dealloc.
Your code is correct.
The general rule is that, for all variables you declare in #interface, you must clean them up in -dealloc. Some variables will need to be released, others just need to be nil'd out, depending on how you've declared the #property.
In your example above, temp may never have been given a value explicitly by you, but the ObjC runtime will have initialized the value of temp to nil when an instance of your class gets allocated.
Sending a -release to a nil object is generally not a problem, so the [temp release] is fine. It's a no-op. When temp has a non-nil value in -dealloc, the [temp release] gets to do its job of freeing up the memory.
If you need temp to have a non-nil value on creation, you'll need to implement the -init method and make sure it gets some value. While your class is legitimate & functional without an -init method, you really should get in the habit including one in every custom class you design.
You'll need the default initializer at a minimum: -init. You may also want to design a more detailed initializer that could be used to give your temp ivar an a value, like -initWithImage:
Here's what you should also be including in your class:
#implementation MyClass
- (id) init {
self = [super init];
if (self != nil) {
// The minimal default initializer.
// temp will already have a value of nil, so you don't need necessarily
// need to do anything more, unless temp needs a real value on initialization.
return self;
- (void) dealloc {
To implement a more detailed initializer, which would be known as the designated initializer, you would to something like this:
#implementation MyClass
- (id) initWithImage:(UIImage *)newImage {
self = [super init];
if (self != nil) {
temp = [newImage retain];
return self;
// Implement the default initializer using your more detailed initializer.
- (id) init {
// In this default initializer, every new instance comes with a temp image!
return [self initWithImage:[UIImage imageNamed:#"foobar"]];
- (void) dealloc {
Here, the designated initializer -initWithImage: is the authoritative initializer. All other initializers, including -init, get implemented using -initWithImage:.
You get to exercise a lot of discretion over whether to implement any initializers beyond the minimal default initializer. Maybe -init is good enough for your purposes. That's fine. Sometimes more detailed initializers make using the class more convenient. Experience (and the Force) will be your guide.
Note that I didn't use the generated property accessor in either initializer method. If you aren't required by circumstances, you should generally avoid using property accessors in -init methods and -dealloc, primarily because of potential pain-in-the-ass issues with side effects of automatic key-value coding notifications.
The initializer and dealloc methods play a special role in a class. As the class designer, it is your responsibility to set and clean up instance variables in these methods. A good rule of thumb is to leave the use of synthesized property accessors for the callers of your class, and the implementation of other methods in the class.
When doing initialization of an instance, or deallocation, you can and should touch the ivars directly. They're yours. You declared them, so you can handle them directly. When implementing other methods in your class, you generally should use the property accessors.
JeremyP's link to the Cocoa Conceptual documentation on objects is a good one. You should definitely read the sections on Objects, and periodically re-read it as you gain more experience writing custom classes of your own. Eventually, it will all start making sense.

Property vs. instance variable

I'm trying to understand how strategies some folks use to distinguish instance vars vs. properties. A common pattern is the following:
#interface MyClass : NSObject {
NSString *_myVar;
#property (nonatomic, retain) NSString *myVar;
#implementation MyClass
#synthesize myVar = _myVar;
Now, I thought the entire premise behind this strategy is so that one can easily distinguish the difference between an ivar and property. So, if I want to use the memory management inherited by a synthesized property, I'd use something such as:
myVar = #"Foo";
The other way would be referencing it via self.[ivar/property here].
The problem with using the #synthesize myVar = _myVar strategy, is I figured that writing code such as:
myVar = some_other_object; // doesn't work.
The compiler complains that myVar is undeclared. Why is that the case?
Properties are just setters and getters for ivars and should (almost) always be used instead of direct access.
#interface APerson : NSObject {
// NSString *_name; // necessary for legacy runtime
#property(readwrite) NSString *name;
#implementation APerson
#synthesize name; // use name = _name for legacy runtime
#synthesize creates in this case those two methods (not 100% accurate):
- (NSString *)name {
return [[_name copy] autorelease];
- (void)setName:(NSString *)value {
[value retain];
[_name release];
_name = value;
It's easy now to distinguish between ivars and getters/setters. The accessors have got the self. prefix. You shouldn't access the variables directly anyway.
Your sample code doesn't work as it should be:
_myVar = some_other_object; // _myVar is the ivar, not myVar.
self.myVar = some_other_object; // works too, uses the accessors
A synthesized property named prop is actually represented by two methods prop (returning the current value of the property) and setProp: (setting a new value for prop).
The self.prop syntax is syntactic sugar for calling one of these accessors. In your example, you can do any one of the following to set the property myVar:
self.myVar = #"foo"; // handles retain/release as specified by your property declaration
[self setMyVar: #"foo"]; // handle retain/release
_myVar = #"Foo"; // does not release old object and does not retain the new object
To access properties, use self.propname. To access instance variables use just the instance variable's name.
The problem with using the #synthesize myVar = _myVar strategy, is I figured that writing code such as:
myVar = some_other_object; // doesn't work.
The compiler complains that myVar is undeclared. Why is that the case?
Because the variable myVar is undeclared.
That statement uses the syntax to access a variable, be it an instance variable or some other kind. As rincewind told you, to access a property, you must use either the property-access syntax (self.myVar = someOtherObject) or an explicit message to the accessor method ([self setMyVar:someOtherObject]).
Otherwise, you're attempting to access a variable, and since you don't have a variable named myVar, you're attempting to access a variable that doesn't exist.
In general, I name my properties the same as my instance variables; this is the default assumption that the #property syntax makes. If you find you're fighting the defaults, you're doing it wrong (or your framework sux, which is not the case for Cocoa/Cocoa-touch in my opinion).
The compiler error you're getting is because property use always has to have an object reference, even inside your own class implementation:
self.stuff = #"foo"; // property setter
[stuff release]; // instance variable
stuff = #"bar"; // instance variable
return self.stuff; // property getter
I know that many Cocoa programmers disagree, but I think it's bad practice to use properties inside your class implementation. I'd rather see something like this:
-(void) someActionWithStuff: (NSString*) theStuff {
// do something
[stuff release];
stuff = [theStuff copy];
// do something else
than this:
-(void) someActionWithStuff: (NSString*) theStuff {
// do something
self.stuff = theStuff;
// do something else
I prefer to do memory management as explicitly as possible. But even if you disagree, using the self.stuff form will clue in any experienced Objective-C programmer that you're calling a property rather than accessing an instance variable. It's a subtle point that's easy for beginners to gloss over, but after you've worked with Objective-C 2.0 for a while, it's pretty clear.
According to the "rules", you should call Release for every Copy, Alloc, and Retain. So why are you calling Release on stuff? Is this assuming it was created using Alloc, Copy, or Retain?
This brings up another question: Is it harmful to call Release on a reference to an object if it's already been released?
Since Apple reserves the _ prefix for itself, and since I prefer to make it more obvious when I am using the setter and when I am using the ivar, I have adopted the practive of using a prefix of i_ on my ivars, so for example:
#interface MyClass : NSObject {
NSString *i_myVar;
#property (nonatomic, retain) NSString *myVar;
#synthesize myVar = i_myVar;
i_myVar = [input retain];
self.myVar = anotherInput;
[i_myVar release]
Since it is quite important to know when you are using the setter and when you are using the ivar, I find the explicitly different name is safer.
In your question, it should be:
self.myVar = #"Foo"; // with setter, equivalent to [self setMyVar:#"Foo"]
_myVar = some_other_object; // direct ivar access - no memory management!
Remember that you should not use setters/getters in init/dealloc, so you need to do your direct ivar access (and careful memory management) iin those methods.
what's wrong with simply using
#interface MyClass : NSObject
#property NSString *prop;
nonatomic and retain are not required, retain is the default, and atomic/nonatomic isn\t important unless XCode tells you with a warning.
it is NOT necessary to declare the iVar, one will be created for you named _prop, if you really want to use one (i don't see why to be honest)
#synthesize is NOT required.
when (and you should) using ARC you don't have to bother with retain and release either.
keep it simple !
furthermore, if you have a method like this one
- (void)aMethod:(NSString*)string
self.prop = string;
// shows very clearly that we are setting the property of our object
_aName = string;
// what is _aName ? the _ is a convention, not a real visual help
i would always use properties, more flexible, easier to read.