How to successfully embed a youtube video on facebook application tab - facebook

I have created simple facebook app. I have a profile tab(for facebook pages) where I have embed a youtube video.
<fb:swf swfbgcolor="000000" imgstyle="border-width:3px; border-color:white;" swfsrc='' imgsrc='' width='340' height='270' />
The image appears fine. But onclick It does not play the video.
I appreciate any help.

in order to achieve that you have to correctly replace the swfsrc attribute value with the one of the youtube video you want.
open the youtube video link, click on the embed button and look at the first <param name="movie" value=""></param> tag. copy that value (without the query string) and paste it on your swfsrc attribute value. that's all. enjoy ;)

style="width: 810px; height: 456px;">


TYPO3 News Embeded youtube video with related link in fluid

I use TYPO3 news related link to embed a Youtube video.
In fluid I have use this code:
f:format.htmlspecialchars()} src="{relatedLink.uri}" width="480">
The result is: <iframe allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="270" title="Test video title src=" https:="""" embed="" 0ofotivopuo?ecver="1"" width="480"></iframe>
You can see that src have a link with no slashes.
When i debug the same variable {relatedLink.uri} in a tag i get the right url like this :
Can anybody give an idea how to fix it ?
The missing quote after title="{relatedLink.title -> f:format.htmlspecialchars()} is probably the reason for your problem.
Fixed version:
<iframe allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="270" title="{relatedLink.title -> f:format.htmlspecialchars()}" src="{relatedLink.uri}" width="480"></iframe>

Wrong artist on deezer player

I'm trying to put a deezer player on a HTML page but the code not seems to do what I want. I've choosed the artist "20' To Live", which have the ID 11483062, so I've got the following source code :
<iframe scrolling="no" frameborder="0" allowTransparency="true" src="" width="400" height="350"></iframe>
But the player show an Ed Sheeran playlist...
I don't understand how to fix it.
Can you help me?
Thanks in advance
The code is correct, an "Artist radio" as you selected is not a playlist with all the tracks directly related to the artist, but a personalized radio based on the chosen artist and similar artists and genres, that's why you can have a different artist in the tracklist.

how run standard and video line item in same ad unit

We have a 300 by 250 on the right rail of our site and we have about 5 customers ad rotating (jpg, gif and swf), but one of our customer would like to upload a advertisement video ad I am not sure how to set this up in google double click. Can any one please help.
Many Thanks =)
You can create Custom creative. Then insert something like this :
<a href="%%CLICK_URL_UNESC%%%%DEST_URL%%" target="_blank">
<video autoplay loop>
<source src="INSERT VIDEO URL" type="video/mp4" />
You can also upload video to dfp (there is a size limit) and use file macro.

embedd youtube video without share option

I have an iPhone app where I am playing youtube videos.
I have tableview where I am listing all videos.
I am using below code to play youtube vide.
<html><style>iframe {position:absolute;top:0px;left:0px;}</style>
<iframe src='' width='100' height='75' frameborder='0' >
All is working fine.
However client is insisting to remove share and text of video that are coming on the top.
Any idea how can I get this done?
try this code
<iframe src='' width='300' height='175' frameborder='0' >
working link:
Remove Red color from play button:
<center><iframe src=" l=0&controls=0" type=”application/x-shockwave-flash” frameborder="0" width="600" height="400"></iframe></center>

Facebook Safari OSX Youtube wmode bug

I'm having an issue that is specific to Safari on Mac OSX, where setting wmode to transparent is not preventing facebook modal windows, or drop downs from being overlapped by the video. We have tried opaque, transparent, and a handful of other hacks from around the net, but can not seem to resolve the issue in Safari. Can anyone help resolve the issue, or reproduce it?
iframe title="YouTube video player" width="520" height="290" src="" frameborder="0">
I recently had the same problem. It looks like YouTube has also changed its embed code from <object> to <iframe>, yet neither of these worked for me. The solution for my project was to just use the <embed> tag.
<embed type="application/x-shockwave-flash" src="' + videoSource + '" width="640" height="390" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" wmode="opaque" bgcolor="#000000"></embed>