Eclipse Team Syncronization Perspective - eclipse

Our team has about 8 eclipse projects and the Source Control we are using is Star Team.I can open these projects from the Java browsing perspective in eclipse ,but i cannot find these projects in the Team Synchronization perspective.The version of eclipse is 3.6.1.Please let me know in case some other information needs to be provided.

Have you installed the StarTeam plugin for Eclipse? Don't rely on perspectives these are just accumulations of different views (being on one perspective and adding/removing/shuffling views around would memorize it for you next time you return on this perspective). I am sure there's going to be a Window > Show View > "Relevant StarTeam view" after you install the relevant plugin.


eclipse neno installer install multi versions

I intalled "eclipse-javase neno" and "eclipse-php neno" with "eclipse installer",and then installed pydev plugin in "eclipse-javase", but when I opened "eclipse-php" ,in the "perspective" "pydev" also showed up ,but error occured when clicking on it.I am wondering if it is possible to seprate the two eclipse versions from influencing each other.
You have to use each installation with its own workspace, because the window layout (including the perspective switch buttons at the top right which are displayed once a perspective has been used) is stored in the .metadata subfolder of the workspace.
If you want to edit a project with different installations/workspaces, import the project via Existing Projects into Workspace without the option Copy the projects into workspace.

"Bare" Eclipse Installation for Generic Projects

Members of my team will be working on a number of plain-text files. Rather than using a normal text editor, I would like them to utilize eclipse, so we can take advantage of the plug-ins that will make life easier... such as the svn plugin.
Therefore, I would like to provide them with an installation of Eclipse where they will set up generic projects, rather than Java projects.
However, the basic Eclipse download from the website includes all the java functionality. This means that their GUI is littered with java-related functions that are not required, and I don't really want them using.
I have attempted to remove the JDT plugins / features from the installation, but at this point the generic project functions disappear too!
How can one go about removing java functionality whilst retaining generic project functionality?
The 'Eclipse Platform' contains the minimal Eclipse without the JDT or PDE Tools.
Go to and choose either Eclipse Kepler 4.3.2 or the release candidate of Eclipse Luna 4.4.RC3 (RC4 later today). Choose the appropriate download from the 'Platform Runtime Binary' section.
You need to open the Resource perspective to create projects and edit files - use Window > Open Perspective > Other... > Resource. The resource perspective should already be open if you start with a new workspace.

Two SVN Repository Perspectives in Eclipse

For Android development I'm using Eclipse Indigo and Subclipse 1.6.18.
I happened to notice today that when I go to Window > Open Perspective I see two SVN Repository Perspectives. One says "SVN Repository Exploring" and the other says the same thing but inside angle brackets, i.e,
"<SVN Repository Exploring>".
The first one brings up a blank window; the angle-bracket one brings up a window with my repositories in an upper tab and "task repositories" in a lower tab.
I also noticed that if I go to Help > Install New Software and show what's already installed,and uninstall all the Subclipse components, and restart Eclipse, these two SVN perspectives still exist. They don't work anymore because of missing SVN components but they're still there.
So where do these two SVN repository perspectives come from and why one with, and one without, angle-brackets? Thanks in advance.
You can have two if you have both Subclipse and Subversive installed. However, note that your workspace also will save and remember perspectives, particularly if you customize and save them. Try starting Eclipse with a new workspace and see if they go away.

How to enable Subversive (Eclipse Plugin) for a project

I am using subversive (an eclipse plugin) to connect connect to an SVN repository. I have only been using it for several weeks but it has been great.
Whenever I create a new project everything works great (see the left side of the image), the project automatically hooks itself up to svn. When I open a workspace that I had before I installed subversive it does not use the plugin (see the right side of the image).
I have tried numerous things to try to enable the plugin:
I looked under all the options under window -> preferences (especially the team preferences
I looked under all of the properties under the project (right click the project -> select properties)
I deleted the workspace folder and created a new one (and re-imported my project)
I looked at the .project file and compared it to a projec that has the plugin enabled but could not see anything relevant there
How can I enable the plugin? The only way that I have found that works is to checkout the project in a fresh empty folder and then open it in eclipse. I am trying to avoid this since it will take an hour or so to redownload.
Right-click on the project, choose Team - Share project... It should then detect the .svn directories already present and propose you to reuse the SVN information stored inside.

Is there a NetBeans equivalent to Eclipse's Workspace

I enjoy using NetBeans, especially for development with Maven, however, I've found recently that I've been working with three different branches of the same code base in different parts of the development cycle.
One of the things that Eclipse can do is separate the projects into different workspaces, so I can simply start Eclipse with the workspace containing my Maven projects in the production patch branch or the trunk depending upon what I need to be working on.
I'd love to accomplish this in NetBeans, but haven't found a way to do so. Any ideas?
I am using Mac OS with version 6.7.1.
There is the option of project group.
In File > Project group.
In here you can create a project group based on a folder location, so any projects underneath this folder will be considered within this project group.
When switching between project groups only projects within are displayed, and it maintains the current status of opened files, etc.
Switching between project groups doesn't require closing the IDE.
Given those options I believe this would be equivalent to the workspace switching in Eclipse.
I've found two things:
First there is a "similar" feature. It involves using the userdir switch on the command line. The downside being you would need to restart your IDE rather than switching while open. I think I can live with that for the time being. I found the technique here for Windows:
Create a shortcut on your desktop to the Netbeans executable: C:\Program Files\NetBeans x.x\bin\netbeans.exe
Right-click on the shortcut and click "Properties".
In the "Target" textbox, add the extra parameter to the very end: --userdir C:\path\to\new_workspace
Click "OK" to exit the Properties window and double click the shortcut. Netbeans will launch and create/load the workspace at that location
Secondly, someone has submitted a feature to allow for workspace switching (or in this case userdir switching) from the IDE itself. Perhaps this will be rolled into 7.0.
Well Netbeans has a group so you can create a group of projects which you want to say put in a eclipse workspace otherwise.
So when you switch a group it's like switching workpsace in eclipse
I know, that this question is old, but I found it on google, while I was searching for a tool like the following:
With that plugin, you can load different projects in your projects overview.
So you can have two or more projects open and change to another "set" of projects.
Neither projects or project groups do not work in a similar way as an Eclipse workspace (yet) as far as I know. When switching workspaces in Eclipse, all the files opened will be closed and the ones in the new project will be opened. In this way, all projects work as one entity. The netbeans project/project groups do not work in that way. I hope there will be such a feature soon cause that really helps if you have many windows open and you switch between projects
I'm looking for solution and finally use Project Group solution, this feature has been improved and easy to use.
Userdir is a good solution at first (i tried to use it first), but "workspace switching" feature doesn't exists, so I have to use different shortcut for different workspace. Finally I used Project Group
NetBeans' equivalent is the "Project". In your project explorer you can right click on the current project and close it. Then go to File > Open Project and select a different branch. You will have to create a new project from each branch of your code.