Trouble with Include extension on IObjectSet not working - entity-framework

Could anyone help me in assessing why the code below doesn't work. I'm using the common extension method for implementing Include when using IObjectset. In our repositories we were seeing this not returning correctly so I've isolated the code in test app as below. I've also included the interface based Context if this may prove relevant and a screenshot of the relevant model section. This occurs for all Includes on IObjectSet properties not just the DPASelections one I've chosen for this example.
If I update the context to return ObjectSet (still using the POCO entities) rather than IObjectSet it all works fine. When using IObjectSet and the extension method and step through the code I see that the extension method is completing correctly with a call to the ObjectQuery we're casting to but the included entities are never returned on the graph. As said, this works perfectly when I don't interface out the Context and return ObjectSet properties hence calling Include directly on ObjectSet.
I'm not getting any errors on executing the query so this isn't the same as several other questions on SO which refer to compiled queries.
Has anyone else experienced problems with this extension method implementation or can anyone spot what I'm doing wrong here?
Any help very much appreciated.
static void Main(string[] args)
using (var context = new AssocEntities())
context.ContextOptions.LazyLoadingEnabled = false;
Candidate candidate = context.Candidates
.SingleOrDefault(c => c.Number == "N100064");
//Count is 0 when using ext. method and IObjectSet through AssocContext but correct when using Include
//on ObjectSet through AssocContext
Console.WriteLine("DPASelection count = {0}",candidate.DPASelections.Count);
//This is always null when using IObjectSet and ext. method but populated
//when using Include on ObjectSet
var option = candidate.DPASelections.First().DPAOption;
Console.WriteLine("First DPAOption = {0} : {1}",option.Id,option.Text);
public static class Extensions
public static IQueryable<TSource> Include<TSource>(this IQueryable<TSource> source, string path)
var objectQuery = source as ObjectQuery<TSource>;
if (objectQuery != null)
return source;
//Subset of custom context implementing IObjectSet as returns.
//Works fine when I return ObjectSet rather than IObjectSet and use
//the Include method directly
public partial class AssocEntities : ObjectContext
public const string ConnectionString = "name=AssocEntities";
public const string ContainerName = "AssocEntities";
#region Constructors
public AssocEntities()
: base(ConnectionString, ContainerName)
this.ContextOptions.LazyLoadingEnabled = true;
public AssocEntities(string connectionString)
: base(connectionString, ContainerName)
this.ContextOptions.LazyLoadingEnabled = true;
public AssocEntities(EntityConnection connection)
: base(connection, ContainerName)
this.ContextOptions.LazyLoadingEnabled = true;
#region IObjectSet Properties
public IObjectSet<Address> Addresses
get { return _addresses ?? (_addresses = CreateObjectSet<Address>("Addresses")); }
private IObjectSet<Address> _addresses;
public IObjectSet<Answer> Answers
get { return _answers ?? (_answers = CreateObjectSet<Answer>("Answers")); }
private IObjectSet<Answer> _answers;
public IObjectSet<Candidate> Candidates
get { return _candidates ?? (_candidates = CreateObjectSet<Candidate>("Candidates")); }
And the model...

I needed to replace objectQuery.Include(path); with objectQuery = objectQuery.Include(path);

In .Net framework 4.0 there is a build-in Extentionmethod for Include
just add the System.Data.Entity namespace.
It uses reflection - here is how it works:
private static T CommonInclude<T>(T source, string path)
MethodInfo method = source.GetType().GetMethod("Include", DbExtensions.StringIncludeTypes);
if (!(method != (MethodInfo) null) || !typeof (T).IsAssignableFrom(method.ReturnType))
return source;
return (T) method.Invoke((object) source, new object[1]
(object) path


How to mock Entity Framework in a N-Layer Architecture

I have a N-Layer application with Entity Framework (Code-First approach). Now I want to automatize some tests. I am using Moq framework. I am finding some problem about writing the tests. Perhaps my architecture is wrong? With wrong, I mean that I wrote components that are not well isolated and so they are not testable. I do not really like this... Or perhaps, I simply cannot use correctly moq framework.
I let you see my architecture:
At every level I inject my context in the constructor of the class.
The Facade:
public class PublicAreaFacade : IPublicAreaFacade, IDisposable
private UnitOfWork _unitOfWork;
public PublicAreaFacade(IDataContext context)
_unitOfWork = new UnitOfWork(context);
The BLL:
public abstract class BaseManager
protected IDataContext Context;
public BaseManager(IDataContext context)
this.Context = context;
The Repository:
public class Repository<TEntity>
where TEntity : class
internal PublicAreaContext _context;
internal DbSet<TEntity> _dbSet;
public Repository(IDataContext context)
this._context = context as PublicAreaContext;
IDataContext is an interface that is implemented by my DbContext:
public partial class PublicAreaContext : DbContext, IDataContext
Now, how I mock EF and how I write the tests:
public void Init()
this._mockContext = ContextHelper.CreateCompleteContext();
Where ContextHelper.CreateCompleteContext() is:
public static PublicAreaContext CreateCompleteContext()
//Here I mock my context
var mockContext = new Mock<PublicAreaContext>();
//Here I mock my entities
List<Customer> customers = new List<Customer>()
new Customer() { Code = "123455" }, //Customer with no invoice
new Customer() { Code = "123456" }
var mockSetCustomer = ContextHelper.SetList(customers);
mockContext.Setup(m => m.Set<Customer>()).Returns(mockSetCustomer);
return mockContext.Object;
And here how I write my test:
public void Success()
#region Arrange
PrepareEasyPayPaymentRequest request = new PrepareEasyPayPaymentRequest();
request.CodiceEasyPay = "128855248542874445877";
request.Servizio = "MyService";
#region Act
PublicAreaFacade facade = new PublicAreaFacade(this._mockContext);
PrepareEasyPayPaymentResponse response = facade.PrepareEasyPayPayment(request);
#region Assert
Assert.IsTrue(response.Result == it.MC.WebApi.Models.ResponseDTO.ResponseResult.Success);
Here It seems It works everything correctly!!! And It looks like my architecture is correct. But what if I want to insert/update an Entity? Nothing work anymore! I explain why:
As you can see I pass a *Request object (it is the DTO) to the facade, then in my TOA I generate my entity from the propertiess of the DTO:
private PaymentAttemptTrace CreatePaymentAttemptTraceEntity(string customerCode, int idInvoice, DateTime paymentDate)
PaymentAttemptTrace trace = new PaymentAttemptTrace();
trace.customerCode = customerCode;
trace.InvoiceId = idInvoice;
trace.PaymentDate = paymentDate;
return trace;
PaymentAttemptTrace is the Entity I will inserto to Entity Framework.. It is not mocked and I cannot inject it. So even if I pass my mocked context (IDataContext), when I try to insert an Entity that is not mocked my test fails!
Here that doubt about I have a wrong architecture has raised!
So, what's wrong? The architecture or the way I use moq?
Thank you for help
Here how I test my code.. For example, I want to test the trace of a payment..
Here the test:
public void NoPaymentDate()
TracePaymentAttemptRequest request = new TracePaymentAttemptRequest();
request.AliasTerminale = "MyTerminal";
//I create my request object
//You can see how I create _mockContext above
PublicAreaFacade facade = new PublicAreaFacade(this._mockContext);
TracePaymentAttemptResponse response = facade.TracePaymentAttempt(request);
//My asserts
Here the facade:
public TracePaymentAttemptResponse TracePaymentAttempt(TracePaymentAttemptRequest request)
TracePaymentAttemptResponse response = new TracePaymentAttemptResponse();
request.EsitoPagamento + " - " + request.DescrizioneEsitoPagamento,
response.Result = ResponseResult.Success;
catch (Exception ex)
response.Result = ResponseResult.Fail;
response.ResultMessage = ex.Message;
return response;
Here how I developed the PaymentsManager:
public PaymentAttemptTrace SavePaymentAttemptResult(string customerCode, string transactionCode, ...)
//here the problem... PaymentAttemptTrace is the entity of entity framework.. Here i do the NEW of the object.. It should be injected, but I think it would be a wrong solution
PaymentAttemptTrace trace = new PaymentAttemptTrace();
trace.customerCode = customerCode;
trace.InvoiceId = idInvoice;
trace.PaymentDate = paymentDate;
trace.Result = result;
trace.Email = email;
trace.Terminal = terminal;
trace.EasypayCode = transactionCode;
trace.Amount = amount;
trace.creditCardId = idCreditCard;
trace.PaymentMethod = paymentMethod;
Repository<PaymentAttemptTrace> repository = new Repository<PaymentAttemptTrace>(base.Context);
return trace;
In the end how I wrote the repository:
public class Repository<TEntity>
where TEntity : class
internal PublicAreaContext _context;
internal DbSet<TEntity> _dbSet;
public Repository(IDataContext context)
//the context is mocked.. Its type is {Castle.Proxies.PublicAreaContextProxy}
this._context = context as PublicAreaContext;
//the entity is not mocked. Its type is {PaymentAttemptTrace} but should be {Castle.Proxies.PaymentAttemptTraceProxy}... so _dbSet result NULL
this._dbSet = this._context.Set<TEntity>();
public virtual void Insert(TEntity entity)
//_dbSet is NULL so "Object reference not set to an instance of an object" exception is raised
Your architecture looks good, but the implementation is flawed. It is leaking abstraction.
In your diagram the Façade layer depends only on the BLL but when you look at the PublicAreaFacade's constructor you will see that in reality it has a direct dependency to an interface from the Repository layer:
public PublicAreaFacade(IDataContext context)
_unitOfWork = new UnitOfWork(context);
This should not be. It should only take its direct dependency as input -- the PaymentsManager or -- even better -- an interface of it:
public PublicAreaFacade(IPaymentsManager paymentsManager)
The concequence is that your code becomes way more testable. When you look at your tests now you see that you have to mock the most inner layer of your system (i.e. the IDataContext and even its entity accessors Set<TEntity>) altough you are testing one of the most outer layers of your system (the PublicAreaFacade class).
This is how a unit test for the TracePaymentAttempt method would look like if the PublicAreaFacade only depended on IPaymentsManager:
public void CallsPaymentManagerWithRequestDataWhenTracingPaymentAttempts()
// Arrange
var pm = new Mock<IPaymentsManager>();
var pa = new PulicAreaFacade(pm.Object);
var payment = new TracePaymentAttemptRequest
// Act
// Assert that we call the correct method of the PaymentsManager with the data from
// the request.
pm.Verify(pm => pm.SavePaymentAttemptResult(
payment.EsitoPagamento + " - " + payment.DescrizioneEsitoPagamento,
Pass IUnitOfWork into the Facade or BLL layer constructor, whichever one makes calls on the unit of work directly. Then you can setup what the Mock<IUnitOfWork> is returning in your tests. You should not need to pass IDataContext to everything except maybe the repo constructors and the unit of work.
For example, if the Facade has a method PrepareEasyPayPayment that makes a repo call through a UnitOfWork call, setup the mock like this:
// Arrange
var unitOfWork = new Mock<IUnitOfWork>();
unitOfWork.Setup(x => x.PrepareEasyPayPaymentRepoCall(request)).Returns(true);
var paymentFacade = new PaymentFacade(unitOfWork.Object);
// Act
var result = paymentFacade.PrepareEasyPayPayment(request);
Then you've mocked out the data call and can more easily test your code in the Facade.
For the insert testing, you should have a Facade method like CreatePayment which takes a PrepareEasyPayPaymentRequest. Inside that CreatePayment method, it should reference the repo, probably through the unit of work, like
var result = _unitOfWork.CreatePaymentRepoCall(request);
if (result == true)
// yes!
// oh no!
What you want to mock for unit testing is that this create/insert repo call returns true or false so you can test the code branches after the repo call has completed.
You can also test that the insert call was made as expected, but that's usually not as valuable unless the parameters for that call have a lot of logic involved in building them.
it sounds like you need to change the code a little bit. Newing things introduces hardcoded dependencies and makes them untestable, so try to abstract them away. Maybe you can hide everything to do with EF behind another layer, then all you have to do is mock that particular layer layer and never touch EF.
You can use this open source framework for unit testing which is good to mock entity framework dbcontext
Try this will help you to mock your data efficiently.

How to write a generic WebAPI Put method against Entity Framework that works with child lists?

I am tinkering with WebAPI to create a generic implementation for entity framework. I am able to implement most of the methods just fine, but am finding PUT to be tricky in non-trivial cases. The implementation most commonly found online works for simple entities:
public virtual T Put(T entity)
var db = GetDbContext();
var entry = db.Entry(entity);
entry.State = EntityState.Modified;
var set = db.Set<T>();
return entity;
...but does not delete or update child lists:
public class Invoice
public virtual InvoiceLineItem {get; set;} //Attach method doesn't address these
In an MVC Controller, you could simply use "UpdateModel" and it would add/update/delete children as needed, however that method is not available on ApiController. I understand that some code would be necessary to get the original item from the database, and that it would need to use Include to get the child lists, but can't quite figure out the best way to replicate UpdateModel's functionality:
public virtual T Put(T entity)
var db = GetDbContext();
var original = GetOriginalFor(entity);
//TODO: Something similar to UpdateModel(original), such as UpdateModel(original, entity);
return original;
How can I implement UpdateModel OR somehow implement Put in such a way that it will handle child lists?
The routine dont validate entity, but fill the pre-existent entity.
protected virtual void UpdateModel<T>(T original, bool overrideForEmptyList = true)
var json = ControllerContext.Request.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result;
UpdateModel<T>(json, original, overrideForEmptyList);
private void UpdateModel<T>(string json, T original, bool overrideForEmptyList = true)
var newValues = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<Pessoa>(json);
foreach (var property in original.GetType().GetProperties())
var isEnumerable = property.PropertyType.GetInterfaces().Any(t => t.IsGenericType && t.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == typeof(IEnumerable<>));
if (isEnumerable && property.PropertyType != typeof(string))
var propertyOriginalValue = property.GetValue(original, null);
if (propertyOriginalValue != null)
var propertyNewValue = property.GetValue(newValues, null);
if (propertyNewValue != null && (overrideForEmptyList || ((IEnumerable<object>)propertyNewValue).Any()))
property.SetValue(original, null);
JsonConvert.PopulateObject(json, original);
public void Post()
var sample = Pessoa.FindById(12);

EF: How to enclose context object in a using statement?

Let's say I have the following classes Customer.cs, a context OfficeContext.cs, and a repository OfficeRepository.cs. Knowing that the context use a connection object, so it's advised to enclose it in a using statement:
public List<Customer> GetAllCustomersWithOrders()
using(var oContext = new OfficeContext())
//Code here....
My question is what if I want to re-use some of the code already in the repository? For instance, what if I want to display all the customers that ordered products but didn't receive them yet, do I need to duplicate the code?
public List<Customer> GetCustomersNotReceiveProducts()
using(var oContext = new OfficeContext())
//Re-use GetAllCustomersWithOrders() here???...
But as you can see, each time access a method, I also open instantiate a new context object. Is there any way to deal with that?
What I do is have my repositories implement IDisposable.
Then have two constructors (one default) that instaniates a new context that holds it as a class level variable. And another constructor that takes a context and uses that internally.
The on the dispose of the class the context is disposed (if the current repository instatiated it).
This removes the context out of the method level and moves it to the class level. My functions keep everything in IQueryable so one function can call another function and perform additional refinements before the database it hit.
public class MemberRepository : IDisposable
OfficeContext db;
bool isExternalDb = false;
public MemberRepository()
db = new OfficeContext();
isExternalDb = false;
public MemberRepository(OfficeContext db)
this.db = db;
isExternalDb = true;
public IQueryable<Member> GetAllMembers()
var members= db.Members
return members;
public IQueryable<Member> GetActiveMembers()
var members = GetAllMembers();
var activeMembers = members.Where(m => m.isActive == true);
return activeMembers;
public void Dispose()
if (isExternalDb == false)
Then where I use the repository, I do a using at that level:
using(var memberRepository = new MemberRepository())
var members = memberRepository.GetActiveMembers();

Get and Set attribute values of a class using aspectJ

I am using aspectj to add some field to a existing class and annotate it also.
I am using load time weaving .
Example :- I have a Class customer in which i am adding 3 string attributes. But my issues is that I have to set some values and get it also before my business call.
I am trying the below approach.
In my aj file i have added the below, my problem is in the Around pointcut , how do i get the attribute and set the attribute.
public String net.customers.PersonCustomer.getOfflineRiskCategory() {
return OfflineRiskCategory;
public void net.customers.PersonCustomer.setOfflineRiskCategory(String offlineRiskCategory) {
OfflineRiskCategory = offlineRiskCategory;
public String net.customers.PersonCustomer.getOnlineRiskCategory() {
return OnlineRiskCategory;
public void net.customers.PersonCustomer.setOnlineRiskCategory(String onlineRiskCategory) {
OnlineRiskCategory = onlineRiskCategory;
public String net.customers.PersonCustomer.getPersonCommercialStatus() {
return PersonCommercialStatus;
public void net.customers.PersonCustomer.setPersonCommercialStatus(String personCommercialStatus) {
PersonCommercialStatus = personCommercialStatus;
public Object invoke(ProceedingJoinPoint joinPoint) throws Throwable {
Object arguments[] = joinPoint.getArgs();
if (arguments != null) {
HashMap<String, String> hMap = (HashMap) arguments[0];
PersonCustomer cus = (PersonCustomer) arguments[1];
return joinPoint.proceed();
If anyone has ideas please let me know.
First suggestion, I would avoid mixing code-style aspectj with annotation-style. Ie- instead of #Around, use around.
Second, instead of getting the arguments from the joinPoint, you should bind them in the pointcut:
Object around(Map map, PersonCustomer cust) :
execution(*, PersonCustomer) && args(map, cust) {
return proceed(map, cust);
Now, to answer your question: you also need to use intertype declarations to add new fields to your class, so do something like this:
private String net.customers.PersonCustomer.OfflineRiskCategory;
private String net.customers.PersonCustomer.OnlineRiskCategory;
private String net.customers.PersonCustomer.PersonCommercialStatus;
Note that the private keyword here means private to the aspect, not to the class that you declare it on.

Serializing Entity Framework problems

Like several other people, I'm having problems serializing Entity Framework objects, so that I can send the data over AJAX in a JSON format.
I've got the following server-side method, which I'm attempting to call using AJAX through jQuery
public static IEnumerable<Message> GetAllMessages(int officerId)
SIBSv2Entities db = new SIBSv2Entities();
return (from m in db.MessageRecipients
where m.OfficerId == officerId
select m.Message).AsEnumerable<Message>();
Calling this via AJAX results in this error:
A circular reference was detected while serializing an object of type \u0027System.Data.Metadata.Edm.AssociationType
Which is because of the way the Entity Framework creates circular references to keep all the objects related and accessible server side.
I came across the following code from ( which claims to get around this problem by capping the maximum depth for references. I've added the code below, because I had to tweak it slightly to get it work (All angled brackets are missing from the code on the website)
using System.Web.Script.Serialization;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections;
using System.Linq;
using System;
public class EFObjectConverter : JavaScriptConverter
private int _currentDepth = 1;
private readonly int _maxDepth = 2;
private readonly List<int> _processedObjects = new List<int>();
private readonly Type[] _builtInTypes = new[]{
public EFObjectConverter( int maxDepth = 2,
EFObjectConverter parent = null)
_maxDepth = maxDepth;
if (parent != null)
_currentDepth += parent._currentDepth;
public override object Deserialize( IDictionary<string,object> dictionary, Type type, JavaScriptSerializer serializer)
return null;
public override IDictionary<string,object> Serialize(object obj, JavaScriptSerializer serializer)
Type type = obj.GetType();
var properties = from p in type.GetProperties()
where p.CanWrite &&
p.CanWrite &&
select p;
var result = properties.ToDictionary(
property => property.Name,
property => (Object)(property.GetValue(obj, null)
== null
? ""
: property.GetValue(obj, null).ToString().Trim())
if (_maxDepth >= _currentDepth)
var complexProperties = from p in type.GetProperties()
where p.CanWrite &&
p.CanRead &&
!_builtInTypes.Contains(p.PropertyType) &&
!_processedObjects.Contains(p.GetValue(obj, null)
== null
? 0
: p.GetValue(obj, null).GetHashCode())
select p;
foreach (var property in complexProperties)
var js = new JavaScriptSerializer();
js.RegisterConverters(new List<JavaScriptConverter> { new EFObjectConverter(_maxDepth - _currentDepth, this) });
result.Add(property.Name, js.Serialize(property.GetValue(obj, null)));
return result;
public override IEnumerable<System.Type> SupportedTypes
return GetType().Assembly.GetTypes();
However even when using that code, in the following way:
var js = new System.Web.Script.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer();
js.RegisterConverters(new List<System.Web.Script.Serialization.JavaScriptConverter> { new EFObjectConverter(2) });
return js.Serialize(messages);
I'm still seeing the A circular reference was detected... exception being thrown!
I solved these issues with the following classes:
public class EFJavaScriptSerializer : JavaScriptSerializer
public EFJavaScriptSerializer()
RegisterConverters(new List<JavaScriptConverter>{new EFJavaScriptConverter()});
public class EFJavaScriptConverter : JavaScriptConverter
private int _currentDepth = 1;
private readonly int _maxDepth = 1;
private readonly List<object> _processedObjects = new List<object>();
private readonly Type[] _builtInTypes = new[]
public EFJavaScriptConverter() : this(1, null) { }
public EFJavaScriptConverter(int maxDepth = 1, EFJavaScriptConverter parent = null)
_maxDepth = maxDepth;
if (parent != null)
_currentDepth += parent._currentDepth;
public override object Deserialize(IDictionary<string, object> dictionary, Type type, JavaScriptSerializer serializer)
return null;
public override IDictionary<string, object> Serialize(object obj, JavaScriptSerializer serializer)
var type = obj.GetType();
var properties = from p in type.GetProperties()
where p.CanRead && p.GetIndexParameters().Count() == 0 &&
select p;
var result = properties.ToDictionary(
p => p.Name,
p => (Object)TryGetStringValue(p, obj));
if (_maxDepth >= _currentDepth)
var complexProperties = from p in type.GetProperties()
where p.CanRead &&
p.GetIndexParameters().Count() == 0 &&
!_builtInTypes.Contains(p.PropertyType) &&
p.Name != "RelationshipManager" &&
!AllreadyAdded(p, obj)
select p;
foreach (var property in complexProperties)
var complexValue = TryGetValue(property, obj);
if(complexValue != null)
var js = new EFJavaScriptConverter(_maxDepth - _currentDepth, this);
result.Add(property.Name, js.Serialize(complexValue, new EFJavaScriptSerializer()));
return result;
private bool AllreadyAdded(PropertyInfo p, object obj)
var val = TryGetValue(p, obj);
return _processedObjects.Contains(val == null ? 0 : val.GetHashCode());
private static object TryGetValue(PropertyInfo p, object obj)
var parameters = p.GetIndexParameters();
if (parameters.Length == 0)
return p.GetValue(obj, null);
//cant serialize these
return null;
private static object TryGetStringValue(PropertyInfo p, object obj)
if (p.GetIndexParameters().Length == 0)
var val = p.GetValue(obj, null);
return val;
return string.Empty;
public override IEnumerable<Type> SupportedTypes
var types = new List<Type>();
//ef types
//model types
return types;
You can now safely make a call like new EFJavaScriptSerializer().Serialize(obj)
Update : since version Telerik v1.3+ you can now override the GridActionAttribute.CreateActionResult method and hence you can easily integrate this Serializer into specific controller methods by applying your custom [GridAction] attribute:
public ActionResult _GetOrders(int id)
return new GridModel(Service.GetOrders(id));
public class GridAttribute : GridActionAttribute, IActionFilter
/// <summary>
/// Determines the depth that the serializer will traverse
/// </summary>
public int SerializationDepth { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="GridActionAttribute"/> class.
/// </summary>
public GridAttribute()
: base()
ActionParameterName = "command";
SerializationDepth = 1;
protected override ActionResult CreateActionResult(object model)
return new EFJsonResult
Data = model,
JsonRequestBehavior = JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet,
MaxSerializationDepth = SerializationDepth
and finally..
public class EFJsonResult : JsonResult
const string JsonRequest_GetNotAllowed = "This request has been blocked because sensitive information could be disclosed to third party web sites when this is used in a GET request. To allow GET requests, set JsonRequestBehavior to AllowGet.";
public EFJsonResult()
MaxJsonLength = 1024000000;
RecursionLimit = 10;
MaxSerializationDepth = 1;
public int MaxJsonLength { get; set; }
public int RecursionLimit { get; set; }
public int MaxSerializationDepth { get; set; }
public override void ExecuteResult(ControllerContext context)
if (context == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("context");
if (JsonRequestBehavior == JsonRequestBehavior.DenyGet &&
String.Equals(context.HttpContext.Request.HttpMethod, "GET", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
throw new InvalidOperationException(JsonRequest_GetNotAllowed);
var response = context.HttpContext.Response;
if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(ContentType))
response.ContentType = ContentType;
response.ContentType = "application/json";
if (ContentEncoding != null)
response.ContentEncoding = ContentEncoding;
if (Data != null)
var serializer = new JavaScriptSerializer
MaxJsonLength = MaxJsonLength,
RecursionLimit = RecursionLimit
serializer.RegisterConverters(new List<JavaScriptConverter> { new EFJsonConverter(MaxSerializationDepth) });
You can also detach the object from the context and it will remove the navigation properties so that it can be serialized. For my data repository classes that are used with Json i use something like this.
public DataModel.Page GetPage(Guid idPage, bool detach = false)
var results = from p in DataContext.Pages
where p.idPage == idPage
select p;
if (results.Count() == 0)
return null;
var result = results.First();
if (detach)
return result;
By default the returned object will have all of the complex/navigation properties, but by setting detach = true it will remove those properties and return the base object only. For a list of objects the implementation looks like this
public List<DataModel.Page> GetPageList(Guid idSite, bool detach = false)
var results = from p in DataContext.Pages
where p.idSite == idSite
select p;
if (results.Count() > 0)
if (detach)
List<DataModel.Page> retValue = new List<DataModel.Page>();
foreach (var result in results)
return retValue;
return results.ToList();
return new List<DataModel.Page>();
I have just successfully tested this code.
It may be that in your case your Message object is in a different assembly? The overriden Property SupportedTypes is returning everything ONLY in its own Assembly so when serialize is called the JavaScriptSerializer defaults to the standard JavaScriptConverter.
You should be able to verify this debugging.
Your error occured due to some "Reference" classes generated by EF for some entities with 1:1 relations and that the JavaScriptSerializer failed to serialize.
I've used a workaround by adding a new condition :
The code to get the complex properties looks like this :
var complexProperties = from p in type.GetProperties()
where p.CanWrite &&
p.CanRead &&
!p.Name.EndsWith("Reference") &&
!_builtInTypes.Contains(p.PropertyType) &&
!_processedObjects.Contains(p.GetValue(obj, null)
== null
? 0
: p.GetValue(obj, null).GetHashCode())
select p;
Hope this help you.
I had a similar problem with pushing my view via Ajax to UI components.
I also found and tried to use that code sample you provided. Some problems I had with that code:
SupportedTypes wasn't grabbing the types I needed, so the converter wasn't being called
If the maximum depth is hit, the serialization would be truncated
It threw out any other converters I had on the existing serializer by creating its own new JavaScriptSerializer
Here are the fixes I implemented for those issues:
Reusing the same serializer
I simply reused the existing serializer that is passed into Serialize to solve this problem. This broke the depth hack though.
Truncating on already-visited, rather than on depth
Instead of truncating on depth, I created a HashSet<object> of already seen instances (with a custom IEqualityComparer that checked reference equality). I simply didn't recurse if I found an instance I'd already seen. This is the same detection mechanism built into the JavaScriptSerializer itself, so worked quite well.
The only problem with this solution is that the serialization output isn't very deterministic. The order of truncation is strongly dependent on the order that reflections finds the properties. You could solve this (with a perf hit) by sorting before recursing.
SupportedTypes needed the right types
My JavaScriptConverter couldn't live in the same assembly as my model. If you plan to reuse this converter code, you'll probably run into the same problem.
To solve this I had to pre-traverse the object tree, keeping a HashSet<Type> of already seen types (to avoid my own infinite recursion), and pass that to the JavaScriptConverter before registering it.
Looking back on my solution, I would now use code generation templates to create a list of the entity types. This would be much more foolproof (it uses simple iteration), and have much better perf since it would produce a list at compile time. I'd still pass this to the converter so it could be reused between models.
My final solution
I threw out that code and tried again :)
I simply wrote code to project onto new types ("ViewModel" types - in your case, it would be service contract types) before doing my serialization. The intention of my code was made more explicit, it allowed me to serialize just the data I wanted, and it didn't have the potential of slipping in queries on accident (e.g. serializing my whole DB).
My types were fairly simple, and I didn't need most of them for my view. I might look into AutoMapper to do some of this projection in the future.