I'm playing around tonight by writing my own square root function. I wrote one in Python that uses the round() built-in function to stop a loop. However, I'm rewriting the function in PLT Racket, and am having trouble finding the right function to round squares so that I can compare them.
#lang racket
(define (mySqrt of)
(mySqrtWrk 0 of of))
(define (mySqrtWrk minv maxv of)
(let* ([mid (+ minv (/ (- maxv minv) 2))]
[squared (* mid mid)])
[(= of squared) mid] <------ this never evaluates to true
[(< of squared) (mySqrtWrk minv mid of)]
[else (mySqrtWrk mid maxv of)])))
Can anyone send me to the right documentation page or suggest an alternate solution?
You can look up round, floor, quotient, and many more in the Racket documentation. But note also that Racket (like many other lisps) has a rich numeric tower, with exact rationals etc.
I am running Emacs 24.5.1 on Windows 10 and working through the SICP. The MIT editor Edwin doesn't function well, especially on Windows. Racket appears to be a good alternative. I have installed both Racket and racket-mode and everything seems to run okay. However, racket-mode insists on pretty-printing my results. How do I get it to print in decimal form?
For example,
(require sicp)
(define (square x) (* x x))
(define (average x y)
(/ (+ x y) 2))
(define (improve guess x)
(average guess (/ x guess)))
(define (good-enough? guess x)
(< (abs (- (square guess) x)) 0.001))
(define (sqrt-iter guess x)
(if (good-enough? guess x)
(sqrt-iter (improve guess x)
This produces results such as
> (sqrt-iter 1 2)
Lots of documentation comes up when I Google the terms "Racket" and "pretty-print," but I'm having no luck making sense of it. The Racket documentation seems to control pretty-printing via some variable beginning with 'pretty-print'. Yet nothing starting with racket- or pretty within M-x comes up. Maybe the fraction form isn't what Racket considers pretty-printing?
Start the the iteration with floating point numbers 1.0 and 2.0 rather than exact numbers 1 and 2.
The literal 1 is read as an exact integer whereas 1.0 or 1. is read as a floating point number.
Now the function / works on both exact an inexact numbers. If fed exact numbers it produces a fraction (which eventually ends up being printed in the repl).
That is you are not seeing the effect of a pretty printer, but the actual result. The algorithm works efficiently only on floating point numbers as input so you can consider adding a call to exact->inexact to your function.
As the other answers explain, it turned out this isn't actually about pretty printing.
However to answer you question literally (if you ever did want to disable pretty printing in racket-mode):
The Emacs variable is racket-pretty-print.
You can view documentation about it using C-h v.
To change it you can either:
Use Emacs' M-x customize UI.
Use (setq racket-pretty-print nil) in your Emacs init file, for example in a racket-repl-mode-hook.
This is actually intentional and is part of the Scheme standard (R5RS, R7RS). It is not restricted to Racket but should be the output of any Scheme interpreter/REPL. It has nothing to do with pretty printing. It is mostly considered a good thing since it is giving you the exact number (rational number) rather than a floating point approximation. If you do want the floating point result then do request it by using 1.0 rather than 1 etc.
> (/ 1.0 3)
Alternatively, you can use the exact->inexact function e.g.
> (exact->inexact 1/3)
I was reading Roots of Lisp by Paul Graham where he claims that any lisp functionality can be build with the combination of this 7 base functions: quote, atom, eq, cond, cons, car, cdr.
Question: are Lisp dialects really based solely on those functions? How can we define a 'sum' or 'plus' function using the aforementioned 7 primitive functions? e.g. Our own (+ 1 2) function
Note: I'm totally newbie to Lisp but I'm also starting to get very excited about the language. The purpose of this question is purely genuine interest
The author refers to a very famous paper written in 1960 by the Turing Award and Lisp inventor John McCarthy “Recursive Functions of Symbolic Expressions and Their Computation by Machine”, in which he defined the semantics of Lisp as a new computational formalism, equivalent in power to the Turing Machine.
In the paper (and in the Lisp 1.5 Manual) McCarthy described the interpreter for the language, that can be completely written by using only the seven primitive functions mentioned by Graham.
The language was devoted primarily to symbolic computations, and the interpreter presented in the papers concerned only those computations, without resorting to numbers or other data types different from atoms and pairs.
As Graham says in a note at page 11 of Root of Lisp, “It is possible to do arithmetic in McCarthy's 1960 Lisp by using e.g. a list of n atoms to represent the number n”, so performing a sum is simply equivalent to appending two lists.
Of course this way of doing is very inefficient: it is presented only to show the equivalence with other computational formalisms, and in the real interpreters/compilers integers are represented as usual, and have the usual operators.
as far as i remember, there was also an approach to do this using list nesting level (don't really remember, where). Starting from () as zero, (()) == 1 and so on. Then you can simply define inc as list and dec as car:
CL-USER> (defun zero? (x) (eq () x))
CL-USER> (zero? nil)
CL-USER> (zero? 1)
CL-USER> (defparameter *zero* ())
CL-USER> (defun inc (x) (list x))
CL-USER> (defun dec (x) (car x))
CL-USER> (defun plus (x y)
(if (zero? y) x (plus (inc x) (dec y))))
CL-USER> (plus *zero* (inc (inc *zero*)))
CL-USER> (defparameter *one* (inc *zero*))
CL-USER> (defparameter *two* (inc *one*))
CL-USER> (defparameter *three* (inc *two*))
CL-USER> (plus *two* *three*)
CL-USER> (equal *two* (dec (dec (dec (plus *two* *three*)))))
TL; DR: No. Modern lisp systems have many more primitives than the first lisp and a new primitives are needed for each new primitive data type.
The first Lisp didn't have numbers but it was turing complete. That means it can do any computation that is possible in any other language, but it doesn't mean it would be practical to do so. Number were not hard to mimic, but calculations were slow. There are rumers today about slow arithmetic dating back pre Lisp 1.5.
When I made my first lisp interpreter I couldn't care much for numbers. It's not really an interesting aspect of an interpreter. I did however implement fibonacci as an example and this is how it looks like:
;; This is NOT Common Lisp code. It's Zozotez
(setq + (lambda (x y)
(if x (cons (car x)
(+ (cdr x) y))
(setq - (lambda (z w)
(if w (- (cdr z)
(cdr w))
(setq fibonacci
(lambda (n a1 a2)
(if n
(fibonacci (- n '(1))
(+ a2 a1))
(fibonacci '(1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1) () '(1))
; ==> (1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1)
No numbers! (1 in my language is a symbol so it needs to be quoted or else it will be evaluated like a variable)
As alternative number system I have implemented a positional system, pretty much like how we write numbers with the same rules for adding/multiplying etc. Perhaps a tad faster than lits of length n but more complex to make.
If the Lisp has closures you can do church numerals. Using the same as lambda calculus you can compute anything with just closures. You only need one primitive, lambda. (Again, not the easiest to work with)
So I am new to lisp, and I am quite confused about the problem I have:
(defun factorial (x)
(if (>= x 1)
(* x (factorial (- x 1)))
The factorial function can output 3000! without a problem, however
(defun sum (x)
(if (<= x 1)
(+ x (sum (- x 1)))))
Stack overflows at (sum 10000), I am using clisp.
Could anyone please clarify why this is happening?
Your functions are not tail-recursive, so the compiler (and interpreter) increase stack for each iteration, eventually running out of it.
Your options are enumerated in FAQ How do I avoid stack overflow?; the relevant are:
Compile the functions
Increase Lisp stack size
Rewrite using iteration instead of recursion
Rewrite using tail-recursion and compile
If I write this function in emacs-lisp:
(defun factorial (n)
(if (<= n 1)
(* n (factorial (- n 1)))))
=> factorial
It works well for small numbers like 5 or 10, but if I try and calculate (factorial 33) the answer is -1211487723752259584 which is obviously wrong, all large numbers break the function. In python this doesn't happen. What is causing this problem?
You can always invoke Emacs' calc library when dealing with large numbers.
(defun factorial (n)
(string-to-number (factorial--1 n)))
(defun factorial--1 (n)
(if (<= n 1)
(calc-eval (format "%s * %s"
(number-to-string n)
(factorial--1 (- n 1))))))
ELISP> (factorial 33)
Further reading:
C-hig (calc) RET
C-hig (calc) Calling Calc from Your Programs RET
Integers have a specific range. Values outside this range can't be represented. This is pretty standard across most -- but not all -- programming languages. You can find the largest number Emacs Lisp's integer datatype can handle on your computer by checking the value of most-positive-fixnum.
Go to your *scratch* buffer -- or any Lisp buffer -- and type in most-positive-fixnum. Put the cursor at the end, then press C-x C-e. On my computer, I get 2305843009213693951 as the value. Yours might differ: I'm on a 64 bit machine, and this number is about 2^61. The solution to the factorial of 33 is 8683317618811886495518194401280000000. That's about 2^86, which is also more than my Emacs can handle. (I used Arc to calculate it exactly, because Arc can represent any size integer, subject to boring things like the amount of memory you have installed).
The most simple solution seems to be Paul's one:
(defun factorial (n) (calc-eval (format "%s!" n)))
ELISP> (factorial 33)
However, I tried for fun, by another Calc way, without using calc-eval and string.
Because much more complex Emacs Lisp programs with Calc can be done in this way.
Calc's defmath and calcFunc- functions are so powerful within Emacs Lisp.
(defmath myFact (n) (string-to-number (format-number (calcFunc-fact n))))
ELISP> (calcFunc-myFact 33)
I landed on this question searching for a quick and easy way to compute a factorial in Elisp, preferrably without implementing it.
From the other answers, I gather that it is:
(calc-eval "10!")
which is equivalent to
(calc-eval "fact(10)")
and which is as concise as, and more powerful than, redefining a factorial function. For instance, you can have a binomial coefficient this way:
(calc-eval "7!/3!(7-3)!")
or even that way:
(calc-eval "choose(7,3)")
Calc is really worth exploring. I suggest doing the interactive tutorial inside Emacs. You can launch it with C-x * t.
As for calc, you can use it with C-x * c, or with M-x calc.
(define (sqrt-iter guess x)
(if (good-enough? guess x)
(sqrt-iter(improve guess x)
(define (improve guess x)
(average guess(/ x guess)))
(define (average x y)
(/ (+ x y) 2))
(define (good-enough? guess x)
(< (abs (- (square guess) x)) 0.0001))
(define (square x)
(* x x))
(define (sqrt-g x)
(sqrt-iter 1.0 x))
This is a program for sqrt. And the question is what happens when you attempts to use new-if to replace if with new-if.
(define (sqrt-iter guess x)
(if (good-enough? guess x)
(sqrt-iter(improve guess x)
This is new if
(define (new-if predicate then-clause else-clause)
(cond (predicate then-clause)
(else else-clause)))
My opinion is the result of two program gonna be the same. because new-if and if can produce the same results.
However, new-if proved wrong, because it is a dead circle when I tried.
So, why?
new-if is a function. All the arguments to a function are evaluated before calling the function. But sqrt-iter is a recursive function, and you need to avoid making the recursive call when the argument is already good enough.
The built-in if is syntax, and only evaluates the then-branch or else-branch, depending on the value of the condition.
You can use a macro to write new-if.
This is the perfect example for demonstration the algebraic stepper!
In the the algebraic stepper you can see how the course of the computation differs from your expectation. Here you must pay notice to the differences in evaluation of, say, (new-if 1 2 3) and (if 1 2 3).
If you haven't tried the algebraic stepper before, see this answer to see what it looks like.
Since racket is an applicative procedure the 3rd argument to the new-if is (sqrt-iter(improve guess x) x)). Since sqrt-iter is recursive the 3rd argument never has a value assigned to it. Therefore you never move into the procedure of new-if to evaluate the function.