Facebook Share not working while logged in with Facebook Connect - facebook

I have a Drupal 6 website where I've implemented Facebook Connect with the JavaScript SDK and it's been working fine for some months.
The site used the old Facebook Share button (pointing to sharer.php) but that didn't work with the new Facebook Connect API so I replaced it with fb:share-button.
My problem is that the Facebook share button doesn't work for users logged in via Facebook Connect. The lightbox for Facebook Share appears empty with just the loading bars. If the user is logged in to the site as a non Facebook Connect user then Facebook share works normally.
I've searched for similar problems and found an unanswered post at Facebook developer forum that looks like a similar problem.
This site also uses Facebook Like buttons but those, as far as I know, don't allow including an image from the liked image like share does. The owner of the site needs Facebook Share and has no plans of removing it to work just with Facebook like.
Any suggestions?

I got this code working for sharing
function share(){
var share = {
method: 'stream.share',
u: document.getElementById('txtShare').value
FB.ui(share, function(response) { console.log(response); });


How do you create a mobile friendly Like Gate for a Page on Facebook?

I've put a Like Gate on a few of my Facebook Pages and I'm getting a lot of complaints saying that people can't access the content via their mobile device since the mobile version of the facebook website, and the facebook apps for ios/android, don't support tabs on Facebook.
I see there are services out there (I'm not sure how legit they are) that offer a way to create a mobile like gate for your page tab, but I can't find any documentation on how they do it. These services are not suitable for me, because the content on my tab is custom and dynamic.
So, how can I create a interstitial page for a mobile page that requires the visitor to have liked my Page on Facebook before they can proceed? This has to work for new users, as well as existing users who re-visit the tab and without requiring an install to an application.
One approach you can take for a mobile site is to check that the user has liked the page in question via the JS SDK.
If you have a logged-in user to your application, you can Subscribe to the authResponseChange FB event within your JS SDK initialization, or call a function directly to make an API request to verify if the user is a fan of your page.
In your initialization:
FB.init({appId: YOUR_FB_APP_ID_HERE });
window.fbAsyncInit = function() {
// React to a user clicking an on-page Like button:
FB.Event.subscribe("edge.create", verifyUserLikesPage);
You can verify that the user likes the appropriate page in the like handler:
function verifyUserLikesPage() {
FB.api("/me/likes/"+FBID_OF_PAGE_TO_ENSURE_THEY_LIKE, function(apiResponse){
if (apiResponse.data && apiResponse.data.length > 0)
// User likes the page. Enabled them to proceed
// User does not like the page. Require they click Like.
More information on the edge.create subscribe via JS available here: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/javascript/FB.Event.subscribe/

Can't get facebook ID

I can't create an app for my FB page, when I try to access http://developers.facebook.com/apps/ I get redirected to my page. Does anyone else have a similar issue?
Sounds like you are using Facebook as your Page and not you.
Select the option use Facebook as you from your page and then you should be able to visit http://developers.facebook.com/apps/ and create an App. Shortcut link http://developers.facebook.com/setup/
Once created you can add said app to your page (still using Facebook as you and not your Page).

How to redirect the user to the log in page in a Facebook App

I am hosting a Facebook app on Google app engine, I need to make sure the user is logged into facebook before anything.
What I can currently do is display facebook's log in button using fbxml, but I prefer the user would be redirected to Facebook's log in page if he wasn't logged in, then back to my app's main page, this way I can make sure that the user is logged in before doing anything.
I am new to Facebook apps, I read here that I can redirect the user to
in order to authenticate him. But using GAE's self.redirect(url) doesn't work, the page stays the same. I was hoping I could do something like this in my handler:
if u'signed_request' in self.request.POST:
if not facebook.user_id:
but as i said earlier this doesn't work.
I'm assuming by 'Facebook App' you mean a Canvas App - so something that will live at https://apps.facebook.com/YOUR_NAMESPACE from a user perspective?
If so, you'll need to add the redirect via Javascript using window.top, as your app is loaded in an iframe. See https://developers.facebook.com/docs/appsonfacebook/tutorial/ and search for 'top', then view the example toward the end of the page.
There are also good examples on the Php Sdk that facebook provides. I like the with_js_sdk.php example. It runs seamlessly and is good to follow.

Facebook C# SDK for Facebook Connect

How can I use Facebook C# SDK for facebook connect using ASP.NET?
What I am trying to do is:
Provide a "Login with Facebook" button.
Once the user clicks on Login button, get the access token on server side and sign in to my website.
Most articles (I found through google or SO) said use Facebook Javascript SDK for Log in and Authentication and then get the Access token from cookies created on web browser.
What I did so far:
Used Facebook login button in .aspx page with the below code.
<fb:login-button onlogin="window.location.reload();" perms="offline_access">Login with Facebook</fb:login-button>
Problems I am having:
When I click log in button on MY PAGE a window will pop up to log in to facebook. MY PAGE is supposed to reload when I login to facebook but it reloads even I click on Cancel button or close the pop up window. What I need is reloading MY PAGE only when I log in.
From the above step: If I log in and MY PAGE reloads perfectly. In code behind (Page load event) I can see the cookie created and it has the information (access token) what I needed. And from here I want to use Facebook C# SDK to get user information. how to do ?
I used Facebook C# SDK 3 months ago for developing a canvas application in Facebook. The documentation and examples listed on Codeplex are for Apps on Facebook (correct me if I missed to see facebook connect examples). Also, there was a link to documentation which lists all the Facebook C# SDK classes but I could not see that now. Please provide me the link if you know.
Any help will be greatly appreciated.
Thank you.
But there is one issue I am not using
parameters.response_type = "token";
Instead of that i have function to update Token
public static void UpdateToken()
var fb = new FacebookClient();
dynamic result = fb.Get("oauth/access_token", new
client_id = AppId,
client_secret = AppSecret,
redirect_uri = Url,
code = FacebookUtils.FacebookData.Code
FacebookData.AccessToken = result.access_token;

Facebook Check if user "Liked" the page

I made a few Facebook FBML Canvas pages (Facebook considers these to be Applications) for a company, and they requested that users who "Like" the page would be redirected to another page, or the page will display different content with AJAX.
I went through the Facebook Developers Documentation, but I can't find a clue on how to do it.
I'm sure someone has done it before, any suggestions?
I found this on the Facebook forum I think it might help you out!
How can i redirect when someone like/share?
I haven't tried it myself though!
Good luck!
You can use either the JS or PHP sdk to check if a user liked a page. See examples below...
Uses JS sdk to check if a user liked a page (can be any page, just set the page id). This can be used in a standalone app or from within a page tab. - http://unbound-media.com/facebook/how-to-tell-if-a-facebook-user-likes-your-facebook-application/
Uses PHP sdk to check if a user liked the page from a tabbed app (can only check if user liked the current page they're on). This method can also be converted to JS. - How to check if a user likes my Facebook Page or URL using Facebook's API
If you are dealing with facebook app tab page, the following code helps you to find isfan status
$signed = parse_signed_request($_REQUEST['signed_request'], 'YOUR-APP-SECRET');
if ($signed['page']['liked'] == 1) {
$fan = true;
} else {
$fan = false;
Visit this link for demo and source code.