How to show advertises in an iPhone App - iphone

I write an App that shows all it's information in a UITableView.
Now I use the UIViewController to show 2 UITableViews inside of it.
The first UITableView shows the primary information ( this works fine ).
But now I want to show an advertisement in my App.
I decided to use a second UITableViewController with just one UITableViewCell, which isn't scrollable. ( this second UITableViewController is shown and useable )
The very big question for me is how can I show advertisements there?
I like to show something like a video which I could make with Adobe CS4.
The phone doesn't like Flash, so which format could I use and how can I play it in an UITableViewCell?
Or, when it's better to show it in an UIView or something else, let me know.

There's an inbuilt ad banner class, and they're also launching a video ad service early next year. Or you could override UITableViewCell to include a video player in it which could play your ad.

Why do you want to use a second TableView Controller? Just us the same and check for the indexPath.row or indexPath.section in you UITableView Delegate Methods. For instance:
- (UITableViewCell *)tableView:(UITableView *)tv cellForRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath {
if (indexPath.row == 0) {
//show specific informations
}else if(indexPath.row > 0){
//show comercial
//show all other rows
or another thing you can use are the tableHeaderView or the tableFooterView. Those views are imageViews so you just can do e.g.
self.tableView.tableFooterView = (UIImageView*)myImageViewWithCommercialBanner;
For you videos, flash is definitely a no go on iphone. Use the required formats in the Apple Documentations and you are fine. For example *.m4v is a commonly used format for this.


How to navigate using collectionView in UIViewController- While selecting cell it is going to random view controller not defined one

I made this app using UITableViewController later by using buttons in UIViewController.
In UIViewController(using buttons)-the resolution either suits for iphone4s and below or iphone 5 and above..
To Overcome from this resolution issue I'm making this by inheriting collection view in Existing UIViewController...(And I embedded this to UINavigationController to navigate)
Everything works fine till displaying...Problem occurs when I select any cell, It then goes to random view controller.
I used this method
-(void)collectionView:(UICollectionView *)collectionView didDeselectItemAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath
int cellNum = [indexPath row]+1;
switch (cellNum) {
case 1:
[self performSegueWithIdentifier:#"segueNew" sender:nil];
//---So On----
With tableview I did the similar thing, It worked then..
If you need any further information then please leave a comment.
I really googled a lot about this but didn't find any solution.
So, Please help me on this or If you find any link please share.
Thank you.
It was an extremely silly mistake...I picked the wrong method..
I had to use this method instead of above one..
-(void)collectionView:(UICollectionView *)collectionView didSelectItemAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath

Best approach to add Static-TableView-Cells to a UIViewcontroller?

I want to add a tableview-look-a-like-login to my app, but it seems to be not that easy to implement. I tried to accomplish my goal using more then one approach, but i am not sure about which solution is the best.
For example, Dropbox and Facebook have a login page like this.
Here are my 3 approaches :
I added 2 UITextfields to my View (no border) and placed a . png behind, which looks like a tableviewcell. ( Not the best approach cause i want to use real tableviews )
I added a Container View to my ViewController placed a tableview with static Table Views inside. The Problem here is, that i dont know how to access the information inside my viewcontroller?
I added a tableview to my ViewController and used dynamic cells with it. Connected the outlets for delegate and datasource to my viewcontroller and initialized them with the delegate and datasource methods. The Problem here is, that i can not use static table views inside a uiviewcontroller.
Is there any better way of solving this problem ?
I would really like to know how to do this in a more elegant way.
A ContainerViewController basically solved this issue for me some month ago.
After embedding one into the main controller you can access it through the prepareForSegue function and define a protocol-based interface for that specific controller to interact with the embedded controller.
If you want to use static cells inside a regular UIViewController, just add the static cells and design them the way you like in interface builder, then connect the table cells as strong IB outlets (weak won't work, make sure they are strongly referenced). This will work flawlessly if you have a few table cells. Then set the view controller as the data source of the tablet view, implement -(NSInteger)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView numberOfRowsInSection:(NSInteger)section to return the number of cells and implement -(UITableViewCell *)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView cellForRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath to return your strongly referenced cell instance for the specified index path. I've used this method for a simple table view in my view controller that had four cells and it is working perfectly. For a large-dynamic data set, I definitely do not recommend this approach but for small, static tables, this does the job right.
I have an idea how to solve this. I think it's a clean way to do so. You do not need storyboard for this controller.
Make your controller subclass UITableViewController like so:
#interface YourViewController : UITableViewController
Then in your viewDidLoad you create the instances of the cells:
- (void) viewDidLoad {
usernameCell = [YourTextFieldCell new];
passwordCell = [YourTextFieldCell new];
The YourTextFieldCell is of course your own subclass of a UITableViewCell, which could be something like this:
#implementation YourTextFieldCell {
UITextField textField;
- (id) init {
self = [super init];
if (self) {
// Adjust the text's frame field to your liking
textField = [[UITextField alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0, 0, 200, 20)];
[self addSubview:textField];
// A getter method to access the textfield from the outside
- (UITextField *) textField {
return textField;
Back in YourViewController:
- (NSInteger) tableView:(UITableView *) tv numberOfRowsInSection:(NSInteger) section {
return 2;
- (UITableViewCell *) tableView:(UITableView *) tv cellForRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *) indexPath {
if (indexPath.row == 0) {
return usernameCell;
} else if (indexPath.row == 1) {
return passwordCell;
return nil;
Do you get where I am going with this? This is how I think you should do it! Good luck!
I think your approach 2 is the best. If you need to access information in the table view controller, from your UIViewController (which will be the parent view controller), you can get a reference to that table view controller with self.childViewControllers.lastObject. In the viewDidLoad method of the UIViewController subclass, you could set yourself as the delegate of the table view with this line if you want:
[[(UITableViewController *)self.childViewControllers.lastObject tableView] setDelegate:self];
That way, you could implement the tableView:didSelectRowAtIndexPath: method in the view controller, which will get the information I'm guessing you need.
If you go with your option 2) using a storyboard and have a ContainerView containing your own subclass of UITableViewController with static cells then you can implement the prepareForSegue: method in your parent ViewController to take a reference to the UITableViewController (it'll be the destinationController of the segue) and also to pass itself down to the UITableViewController subclass if necessary (which should hold onto it with a weak reference).
Disclaimer - This answer will work for any size of UITableView, but if you're just making a login view, Tom's answer will work quite well.
I'm not sure if this will help, but what I did for this was create my own UITableView-esque subclass with a UITableViewCell-esque subclass as well.
This may not be what you want to hear, but I find what I made to be really helpful, since I've used it a number of times now. Basically, you have a UIView with the stylistic approach for the different types (10.0f - 20.0f cornerRadius and a 1px border (divide by UIScreen's scale property for retina). As for the cell, you'll want to have a full sized UIButton on it that responds to your table view for the touch events either with a delegate or by setting the target and tag inside your table view's class.
Last, you'll have a delegate system just like the UITableView for your information for building the specific tables.
In short, you'll need:
2 UIView subclasses (TableView and TableViewCell)
2 Delegates/Protocols (TableViewDataSource and TableViewDelegate)
1 Delegate (TableViewCellResponseDelegate)
1 NSObject Subclass (Contains all of the information needed in each cell - Ease of use)
I found Can's solution to be the best / easiest, but unfortunately it breaks in XCode 5.1 --
I found a workaround which builds off the same basic idea, but unfortunately requires a little more involvement:
To summarize, you can add TableViewCells directly to views (and create IBOutlets from them, etc), but in order for them to get "moved" to the TableView properly, you need to remove them from the view in code, and you also need to set Auto-Layout constraints in IB.

How to use a button to add an item to another view on Xcode

I've got a basic restaurant menu system for the iPad using storyboards, and I have a product view with a button to add the item to the order page, how can I get it so that when the user presses the add to order button it adds the product name to the order scene. I've thought about using a table view in the order page but I don't know if that was a good idea. Mainly I just need some help on how to get it to print the corresponding product name onto the order page when the button is pressed. Any ideas?
how can I get it so that when the user presses the add to order button it adds the product name to the order scene.
You're mixing up presentation and data, which is a bad idea. Create a representation of orders that has no view logic at all. When a button is pressed to add something to an order, the view controller should tell the class that manages orders to do so. When you need to display an order, the view controller should ask the class for the details. For more information, read up on the MVC design pattern, which Apple uses heavily.
Just add the product name to an NSMutableArray and have the tableview load the items from this array and display it to the user.
When the user clicks the button to add the product, use [arrayName addObject:#"Product Name"]. Then, to load it in the tableview, use the tableview's delegate method - (UITableViewCell *)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView cellForRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath{} to load the name into the cell. Something like this:
- (UITableViewCell *)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView cellForRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath {
static NSString *identity = #"MainCell";
UITableViewCell *cell;
cell = [[[UITableViewCell alloc] initWithStyle:UITableViewCellStyleDefault reuseIdentifier:identity] autorelease];
cell.textLabel.text = [arrayName objectAtIndex:indexPath.row];
return cell;

Custom UITableViewCell woes

I have an iPhone app with a form input screen. I did this by making a custom UITableViewCell that has a UILabel and a UITextfield. I set it up so that the "cellForRowAtIndexPath" fetches the appropriate value from Core Data, and the UITextField's "textFieldDidEndEditing" method saves the appropriate value to Core Data. It works great... except:
If I edit a text field, then scroll it off screen, then click on another cell's text field:
The cell has been autoreleased because it scrolled off screen
The "textFieldDidEndEditing" gets a BAD ACCESS error
I understand the problem completely, I'm just not sure the best way to fix it. My first thought was to add the logic from "textFieldDidEndEditing" to "dealloc", but that seems hacky. Any suggestions?
I ended up using a delegate method for scroll view (which is built in to the UITableView). When the user starts dragging, I resign first responder.
This works perfectly because it looks nice, and "textFieldDidEndEditing" gets called when the user starts to scroll, which is always before the text field goes off screen.
disable scrolling while editing
retain your textField
that are the things you could do. In my opinion its best to disable scrolling while editing because the user has no need to, so make sure he also can not do so. Limit the things your user can do, makes it more "secure" for you and easier to use for the user.
If you are not sure about such things just look at what apple does, they are always right in their applications. Like in the settings app on iOS 5, when you change your phone's name. You simply get 1 row in the next tableview so you can't really mess anything up as the user..
In your custom cell's dealloc, set the textfield's delegate to nil
I had a similar issue... The problem lies in the reusable cells as part of the Table View. Every time the table is scrolled, the cellforRowatIndexPath gets called, and dequeues a cell and returns it. Sadly, this functionality doesnt work well with cells having retainable data such as labels. Hence you must opt for your own method of dequeueing the cell.
I have an NSMutableArray called cells which holds all my cells.
- (UITableViewCell *)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView cellForRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath
CustomTableViewCell *cell = [self dequeuwReusableCellwith:indexPath];
if (cell == nil)
cell = [[CustomTableViewCell alloc] init];
[cells addObject:cell];
// Configure the cell.
NSString *temp = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"Cell %d",indexPath.row];
return cell;
and this is my custom method to deque Reusable cells.
if([cells count]>indexpath.row)
return [cells objectAtIndex:indexpath.row];
return nil;
Hope this helps...

Is it possible to switch uitableviewgrouped and uitableviewplain with uisegmentedcontroller?

I am developing an iphone app in which i have a segmented control that has details related to something like a book .
I want to show books menu tapping on books segment with uitableviewplain style .
but now I want another segment which should show the book vendor details with uitableviewgrouped .
how can i manage both these views with the segmented controller and mange the data source and delegate methods.
It seems that the simplest way to do that is to create two UITableViews for each purpose and show/hide them according to segmented control value.
In delegate and data source methods just check what tableview are you using, like:
- (NSInteger)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView numberOfRowsInSection:(NSInteger)section{
if (tableView == plainView){
if (tableView == groupView){