Objective C two-dimensional array memory issues - iphone

I'm trying to declare a two-dimensional array as an instance variable in Objective C. I've got the NSMutableArray in the header (data), along with the #property (nonatomic, retain). In viewDidLoad: I have:
data = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
[data addObject:[[NSArray alloc] initWithObjects:#"Cheese", #"Meat", #"Veggie", nil]];
[data addObject:[[NSArray alloc] initWithObjects:#"Sandwich", #"Soup", #"Stew", nil]];
I can NSLog the array within the method and it is correct, however when I try to Log it from a separate method I get nothing (just "#"), and if I try to access with
NSInteger num = [[data objectAtIndex:component] count];
it crashes with no error in the log. I'm sure this is something to do with not allocating memory properly, however I am new to Obj C and haven't worked with a C-style language in many years. FWIW, I have tried many variants of this that all fail, including using NSArray instead of mutable, [NSArray arrayWithObjects] instead of [[NSArray alloc] initWithObjects], and every combination in between.

try creating the outer array like this:
self.data = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:2]; // assuming you're only adding 2 inner arrays.

The following may be a right way.
self.data = [NSMutableArray array];
[data addObject:[NSArray arrayWithObjects:#"Cheese", #"Meat", #"Veggie", nil];
[data addObject:[NSArray arrayWithObjects:#"Sandwich", #"Soup", #"Stew", nil];
Note that, as #jamihash commented above, you need self.data to properly retain the array. And, there is no need to alloc the NSArray which you are adding to data.

As a side issue, you're retaining the child arrays twice. They get retained when you add them to your NSMutableArray, so you should probably autorelease them on creation or create them with one of the NSArray methods that returns an autoreleased array.
Your code by itself shouldn't crash. You should look into where and when you release and retain the NSMutableArray. You could post more of the code and I'm sure somebody will spot the problem.


How to copy the contents of NSMutableArray to another NStArray in iphone app?

I have two array one is NSMutableArray and one is NSArray i want to store the contents of NSMutableArray in NSArray but it is not working for me gives exception unrecognised selector sent.
myArray=[[NSArray alloc] initWithArray:appDelegate.surveyAnswersScreenOne];
Note, SurveyAnswerScreenOne is an NSMutableArray
You can do that in many ways -
NSArray * myArray = [appDelegate.surveyAnswersScreenOne copy];
NSArray * myArray = [NSArray arrayWithArray:appDelegate.surveyAnswersScreenOne];
NSArray * myArray = [[NSArray alloc]initWithArray:appDelegate.surveyAnswersScreenOne];
But first of all your appDelegate.surveyAnswersScreenOne should have objects in it.
Have you made object for your appDelegate ?
appDelegate = (yourDelegateClass *)[[UIApplication sharedApplication]delegate];
If yes, then other answers should work!
myArray = [NSArray arrayWithArray:appDelegate.surveyAnswersScreenOne];
From what we see here, it is most likely that your mutable array is nil. Look into the creation of that in you app delegate. If it is created properly, check that it is retained. Is it a strong reference?
#propery(nonatomic, strong) NSMutableArray *surveyAnswersScreenOne;
for one, I would use the convenience method:
myArray = [NSArray arrayWithArray:appDelegate.surveyAnswersScreenOne];
If surveyAnswersScreenOne is a valid array, mutable or otherwise, this should work. Try printing it to the console to be sure. This will return empty array if surveyAnswersScreenOne is nil, where alloc initWithArray will fail.
Check you mutable array like this.
NSLog(#"Mutable array is %#", appDelegate.surveyAnswersScreenOne);

NSMutableArray automatically typecasting into NSArray

I created an NSMutableArray object by
NSMutableArray *array = [[NSMutableArray alloc]init];
and used method componentsSeperatedByString: as
array = [myString componentsSeperatedByString:#"++"];
but when I performed operation on array like,
[array removeAllObjects];
I got exception like "removeAllObjects unrecognized selector send to instance".
I solved this issue by modifying code like,
NSArray *components = [myString componentsSeperatedByString:#"++"];
array = [NSMutableArray arrayWithArray:components];
and I after that could perform operation like
[array removeAllObjects];
My doubt is why did NSMutableArray automaticaqlly converted to NSArray? How Can I avoid automatic type conversion like this, to prevent exceptions? Thanks in advance....
There is a mistake in your understanding of how Objective-C works. This line:
NSMutableArray *array = [[NSMutableArray alloc]init];
allocates and initializes the array, and the pointer array points to this object. Now, this line:
array = [myString componentsSeperatedByString:#"++"];
makes the array pointer to point to the new array returned by componentsSeparatedByString method. You loose the reference to your alloced and inited mutable array when you do this, and you create the memory leak if you don't use ARC.
This is happening because [myString componentsSeperatedByString:#"++"] returns an NSArray. You can try something like this:
array = [[myString componentsSeperatedByString:#"++"] mutableCopy];
array = [NSMutableArray arrayWithArray:[myString componentsSeperatedByString:#"++"]];
This is because – componentsSeparatedByString: returns a NSArray: https://developer.apple.com/library/mac/documentation/Cocoa/Reference/Foundation/Classes/NSString_Class/Reference/NSString.html#//apple_ref/occ/instm/NSString/componentsSeparatedByString:
Do something like:
array = [NSMutableArray arrayWithArray:[myString componentsSeperatedByString:#"++"]];
On the line
array = [myString componentsSeperatedByString:#"++"];
you are replacing the NSMutableArray you allocated with a new NSArray (and leaking your NSMutableArray. Try using this:
NSMutableArray *array = [NSMutableArray arrayWithArray:[myString componentsSeperatedByString:#"++"]];
It's not converted, the array pointer could be UIButton* if you write something like
array = [self likeThatButton];
where likeThatButton is your method returning UIButton*. As always in objective c, NSMutableArray *array means only the Xcode will try to analyze your code and suggest convenient warnings and code completion.
An NSMutableArray instance won't be converted automatically.
The method componentsSeperatedByString returns an NSArray-Object. You should get a compiler warning when assigning the return-value to a NSMutableArray-Pointer.

NSMutableArray removeAllObjects causing crash

I have a couple of arrays that I am trying to clear all objects from, but using removeAllObjects crashes the app and returns sigabrt. During my research I've found that although I am creating NSMutableArrays I could be creating an instance of a NSArray, but I am not sure if I am doing this or not... Here is everything I do to the arrays
ballArray = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
ballVelocityArray = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
[ballArray addObject:MyUIImageView];
[ballVelocityArray addObject:[NSValue valueWithCGPoint:myCGPoint]];
[ballVelocityArray replaceObjectAtIndex:SomeIndex withObject:[NSValue valueWithCGPoint:NewVelocity]];
[ballArray removeAllObjects];
[ballVelocityArray removeAllObjects];
That is everything I have done and I can't figure out why it keeps crashing... if there is only one object in the arrays it works fine, otherwise it crashes
Any help would be greatly appreciated!!
It's most likely because you are not managing memory correctly on one of the objects the array contains. When you remove an object from an array its retain count is decremented once.
You can put a break point on the line where you clear the array and use the debugger to see which object in there is invalid.
ballArray = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
ballVelocityArray = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
After allocating object you are also releasing the object in dealloc function or somewhere else check this.If you are doing so then I would like to inform you that
[ballArray removeAllObjects];
[ballVelocityArray removeAllObjects];
removeAllObjects is not only removing all objects of array but also release the array object from memory so if again you are releasing the array object the memory pointer will reach on -1 and the application will crash.
So, make sure that You have not to release array object it you are already using
[ballArray removeAllObjects];
[ballVelocityArray removeAllObjects];

Should I release array returned from [NSMutableDictionary ValueForKey: ]

I have a NSMutableDictionary with the key being the first alphabet of the name of an object. The view is something like the 'Contacts' tab on iphone. Additionally user can select individual objects in the list.
In the code I find each selected object to process them further.
NSMutableArray *objectsToAdd = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
NSMutableArray *array = nil;
for (NSString *key in self.nameIndex) {
array = (NSMutableArray *)[searchedNameDictionary valueForKey:key];
for (Objects *eachObject in array) {
if (eachObject.objectIsSelected){
[objectsToAdd addObject:eachObject];
[array release];
[searchedNameDictionary release];
The app is crashing where I release searchedNameDictionary, with the message that the deallocated object is being referenced.
Now if in the code above, I remove [array release] the app works fine.
My question is does releasing 'array' is actually releasing the objects in searchedNameDictionary, which is what seems to be happening.
Would not releasing array cause memory leak?
You shouldn't release returned object unless they come from an alloc or copy method.
Returned objects are autoreleased otherwise, if you want to keep it around your should retain it right after receiving it.
array = (NSMutableArray *)[searchedNameDictionary valueForKey:key];
This returns an autoreleased object, thus you don't need to release it.
There are some other...issues with your code too, but mostly style things. Get rid of the [array release] and you're good to go as far as that issue is concerned.

should variable be released or not? iphone-sdk

In the following piece of code (from a book) data is an NSDictionary *data; defined in the header (no property).
In the viewDidLoad of the controller the following occurs:
- (void)viewDidLoad {
[super viewDidLoad];
NSArray *keys = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:#"home", #"work", nil];
NSArray *homeDVDs = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:#"Thomas the Builder", nil];
NSArray *workDVDs = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:#"Intro to Blender", nil];
NSArray *values = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:homeDVDs, workDVDs, nil];
data = [[NSDictionary alloc] initWithObjects:values forKeys:keys];
Since I am really new to objective-c can someone explain to me why I do not have to retain the variables keys,homeDVDs,workDVDs and values prior exiting the function? I would expect prior the data allocation something like:
[keys retain];
[homeDVDs retain];
[workDVDs retain];
[values retain];
or not? Does InitWithObjects copies (recursively) all objects into a new table?
Assuming we did not have the last line (data allocation) should we release all the NSArrays prior exiting the function (or we could safely assumed that all NSArrays will be autoreleased since there is no alloc for each one?)
In Core Foundation, most of static calls to methods such as arrayWithObjects: return autoreleased instances, which means you don't need to (and even must not!) release it by yourself.
So the situation after your code is executed is that all arrays you created with arrayWithObjects: calls are autoreleased, but are retained when added to other array or dictionary. So homeDVDs and workDVDs are retained when added to the values array, and keys and values arrays are both retained when added to the data dictionary.
So you don't need to explicitly release your arrays, but you'll need to release your data dictionary at some point (perhaps in dealloc method implementation).
NSDictionary copies the key field and retains the values. All your other instances are autoreleased, so you're not missing any releases or retains (assuming you release data in the dealloc method).