ejabberd server mod_archive module [closed] - xmpp

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I am trying to set up Message archiving for my ejabberd server. I tried to add new module mod_archive following the link http://lboynton.com/2009/11/25/ejabberd-mod_archive-with-mysql-on-ubuntu/. After that i am not able to restart ejabberd server and gives me the following error in ejabberd.log
=ERROR REPORT==== 2010-11-16 12:44:41 ===
E(<0.38.0>:ejabberd_rdbms:67) : Start of supervisor ejabberd_odbc_sup_localhost failed:

All internet tutorials about mod_archive in Ejabberd are incomplete or very caotics. Or maybe are old. So my problem is I am using Ubuntu 12.04 server LTS with Mysql. And I did all the things that are explained in all blogs.
So to install mod_archive I need to do this:
The typical:
svn co https://svn.process-one.net/ejabberd-modules
cd ejabberd-modules/mod_archive/trunk
cp ebin/*modules in EJABBERD
and configure /etc/ejabberd.cfg
but with this methods EJABBERD does not work.
So I discover that we need to compile other MODULE that are not explained in any site. The module is called CONN_MYSQL
And we can get in the same ejabber-modules dowloaded. So in SVN (https://svn.process-one.net/ejabberd-modules) there are
cd ejabberd-modules/mysql/trunk
cp ebin/*modules in EJABBERD
And work.....
I need a lot of hours to discover this.
I can not use this line configuration in ejabberd.cfg: {odbc_server, "DSN=ejabberd;UID=ejabberd;PWD=ejabberd"} because aplication crashes and says this:
=ERROR REPORT==== 2012-11-28 18:01:08 ===
E(<0.437.0>:mod_archive_odbc:867) : should_store_jid failed: {xmlelement,
So I use this line in ejabberd.cfg:
{odbc_server, {mysql, "server", "database", "username", "password"}}.
and this line into the modules configuration:
{mod_archive_odbc, [{database_type, "mysql"}, {default_auto_save, true}, {enforce_default_auto_save, true}]},
So now works!
I don't remmember if i use
trunk or branches/ejabberd-2.0.x in Emakefile . You could try one and if not works you could try the other.
Ah! and remmember to compile with
./configure --enable-odbc the ejabberd source code.
You can get this in
wget http://www.process-one.net/en/ejabberd/ejabberd/2.1.11/ejabberd-2.1.11.tgz
maybe it is necessary this packages:
apt-get install iodbc libmyodbc

I used this one without any errors: http://www.ndl.kiev.ua/content/mod_archive_odbc-release


I encountered when executing kubeadm init error issue [closed]

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This question does not appear to be about a specific programming problem, a software algorithm, or software tools primarily used by programmers. If you believe the question would be on-topic on another Stack Exchange site, you can leave a comment to explain where the question may be able to be answered.
Closed 9 months ago.
The community reviewed whether to reopen this question 10 days ago and left it closed:
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I encountered as below when executing sudo kubeadm init
Help me~~
$ sudo kubeadm init
[init] Using Kubernetes version: v1.24.1
[preflight] Running pre-flight checks
[WARNING SystemVerification]: missing optional cgroups: blkio
error execution phase preflight: [preflight] Some fatal errors occurred:
[ERROR CRI]: container runtime is not running: output: E0605 10:35:34.973561 12491 remote_runtime.go:925] "Status from runtime service failed" err="rpc error: code = Unimplemented desc = unknown service runtime.v1alpha2.RuntimeService"
time="2022-06-05T10:35:34+09:00" level=fatal msg="getting status of runtime: rpc error: code = Unimplemented desc = unknown service runtime.v1alpha2.RuntimeService"
, error: exit status 1
[preflight] If you know what you are doing, you can make a check non-fatal with `--ignore-preflight-errors=...`
To see the stack trace of this error execute with --v=5 or higher
work around found here :
rm /etc/containerd/config.toml
systemctl restart containerd
kubeadm init

can not start module mod_http_offline in ejabberd 15.11

I am using ejabberd version 15.11 and erlang/OTP 17.
I am facing problem in adding mod_http_offline module.
I can compile it successfully, but when I add module initialization in ejabberd.yml it can not start module.
here is my error logs about the problem,
2015-12-04 14:27:17.435 [critical] <0.4264.0>#gen_mod:start_module:106 Problem starting the module mod_http_offline
for host <<"host">>
options: []
error: undef
[mod_http_offline,20,"mod_http_offline loading",[]],
I have already refer below question:
INFO_MSG method fails in ejabberd
any little guidance will be a great help,
You need to compile it from the ejabberd source repository. It is not compile with the same logging option that ejabberd itself.

DocPad plugin: odd errors when testing, hangs when including in project

I'm trying to write a DocPad plugin to import MongoDB docs into the DocPad database for use in a static website. The source code is at https://github.com/nfriedly/docpad-plugin-mongodb and it's based on https://github.com/docpad/docpad-plugin-tumblr
When I run cake test, I get this output:
cake compile
cake install
npm install (for app)
npm install (for test)
npm install (for docpad tests)
coffee compile
npm test
> docpad-plugin-mongodb#2.0.0 test c:\Users\IBM_ADMIN\docpad-plugin-mongodb
> npm run prepare_test_db && node ./out/mongodb.test.js
> docpad-plugin-mongodb#2.0.0 prepare_test_db c:\Users\IBM_ADMIN\docpad-plugin-mongodb
> mongo test/prepare_database.mongo.js
MongoDB shell version: 2.6.5
connecting to: test
connecting to: docpad_plugin_mongodb_test
mongodb > create
notice: If everyone who saw this message donated $1/week, maintaining DocPad would become sustainable: http://docpad.org/donate
error: An error occured:
Error: Didn't place the skeleton as the desired structure already exists
at c:\Users\IBM_ADMIN\docpad-plugin-mongodb\node_modules\docpad\out\lib\docpad.js:4107:17
at Object.cb [as oncomplete] (fs.js:168:19)
error: To report the above error, follow the guide at: http://docpad.org/bug-report
mongodb > create OK
mongodb > load plugin mongodb
mongodb > load plugin mongodb OK
mongodb > generate
mongodb > generate > action
warning: You have multiple files being written to c:\Users\IBM_ADMIN\docpad-plugin-mongodb\test\out\testData\1.json, they are:
- testData/1.json:c7
- testData/1.json:c5
Rename one of them to avoid an over-write
FAILURE: 2/3 tests ran successfully; 0 failed, 1 incomplete, 0 errors
npm ERR! Test failed. See above for more details.
npm ERR! not ok code 0
throw err;
Error: Process exited with error status code
at ChildProcess.<anonymous> (c:\Users\IBM_ADMIN\docpad-plugin-mongodb\Cakefile:88:15)
at ChildProcess.emit (events.js:98:17)
at maybeClose (child_process.js:756:16)
at Process.ChildProcess._handle.onexit (child_process.js:823:5)
And, when I include the module in my project, it just hangs after this:
$ docpad run
info: Welcome to DocPad v6.69.1 (local installation: c:\Users\IBM_ADMIN\watson-developer-cloud\node_modules\docpad
notice: If everyone who saw this message donated $1/week, maintaining DocPad would become sustainable: http://docp
info: Contribute: http://docpad.org/docs/contribute
info: Plugins: eco, mongodb
info: Environment: development
info: DocPad listening to on directory c:\Users\IBM_ADMIN\watson-developer-cloud\out
(And if I visit localhost:9778, it just hangs and never loads a page)
It seems like it only displays logs from plugins after the first pass is complete, so I started adding throw statements to see what it was doing. It seems that it imports things from mongo successfully, and it creates the document, but when the plugin calls document.action 'load', (err) ->, that callback is never fired.
Can anyone provide some guidance on what I'm messing up and how to get things working smoothly?
Fixed it. The TaskGroup library (apparently) once had a .once('complete', callback) event that no longer works. Switching it to .done(callback) (and fixing a couple of other small bugs) got me working now.
It still gives me the "Error: Didn't place the skeleton as the desired structure already exists" but the tests all pass now, so I'll call it a win.

Io Language : Exception: Object does not respond to 'URL'

Today I'm exercising an Io example of "seven language of seven weeks."
Example code:
futureResult := URL with("http://google.com/") #fetch
writeln("Do something immediately while fetch goes on in background...")
writeln("This will block until the result is available.")
writeln("fetched ", futureResult size, " bytes")
Running with exception:
Io$ io future.io
Exception: Object does not respond to 'URL'
Object URL future.io 1
CLI doFile Z_CLI.io 140
CLI run IoState_runCLI() 1
Directly run URL in io with following error:
~$ io
Io 20110905
Exception: Object does not respond to 'URL'
Object URL Command Line 1
My environment is:
Ubuntu 14.04
Followed post , I have done following:
$ sudo apt-get install libevent-dev
$ ./build.sh
$ ./build.sh install
URL error is fixed.
But following error thrown:
Do something immediately while fetch goes on in background... This
will block until the result is available. fetched Exception: Error
does not respond to 'size' --------- Error size
future.io 6 Error size future.io 6 CLI
doFile Z_CLI.io 140 CLI run
IoState_runCLI() 1
Post help to install Io
For anyone else like me who is years later running into this issue (or any other "Exception: Object does not respond to X" issue) while following along with Bruce Tate's Seven Languages in Seven Weeks, the solution may be this:
There are some Objects/libraries which seem like they would be included in core Io based on the documentation, but are not. You must install them as addons with eerie.
To do so, follow the instructions here. Basically, you have to look for the correct addon under the IoLanguage group on Github, and install it.
This particular issue with the URL Object is further complicated by a couple of problems I will expound upon below.
There is no addon for URL, instead the functionality for URL is covered by an addon called Socket (located here.)
To get eerie to install Socket, you first need to install something called libevent. I did this by going to the libevent website, downloading the most recent stable version, extracting the files to a directory, and then following the instructions on how to build libevent with CMake on the libevent github page.
The Socket object seems to not have support for https. The number of websites that still use http is dwindling. Google, the website used in the example in Seven Languages in Seven Weeks, moved away from http years and years ago. The first website I was able to come across that still uses http is a Chinese news website, but you can find other examples by googling around for "Websites still using http."
After accounting for all of these issues, I finally got my version of the code to work.
url := URL with("http://xinhuanet.com/")
// Had to find a website still using http, https is unsupported by Socket.
futureResult := url #fetch
// Moved this call to own line for personal clarity
writeln("Do something immediately while fetching.")
writeln("The below statement will block until the result is available.")
writeln("fetched ", futureResult size, " bytes") // Blocks until complete
And my output looks like:
Do something immediately while fetching.
The below statement will block until the result is available.
fetched 99992 bytes

Unable to find the socket transport "ssl"

I'm trying to figure out "why" I'm getting an error message from the Joomla 3.X component Gcalendar (google calendar). The error message is below.
Error Unable to Connect to ssl://www.google.com:443. Error
#-912967449: Unable to find the socket transport "ssl" - did you forget to enable it when you configured PHP?
I have read several other threads on here and other sites but most outline 'how' to enable/install/etc... SSL. I've copied/pasted the info.php data into a google doc here. Everything dealing with SSL is labeled as 'on' or 'installed.
The server is not 'public' right now, it is only available from within the school district's network. Could this be the reason for the problem?
Any ideas anyone?
should be
I just had this error as well. In my case it was because I was working locally, not on the live site. Once I put it live, it worked fine. Just putting this here in case anyone else comes across the same thing.
Install OpenSSL module for php:
1. In the php.ini file,
add this line "extension = php_openssl.dll"
2.Make sure that the folder "ext" have this dll,
if not then add the desired version.
Установить для php модуль OpenSSL:
1)В файле php.ини,
добавь строку "extension=php_openssl.dll"
2) Убедись что в папке "ext" есть эта dll,
если нет то добавте необходимой версии.