UITableView MoveRow Button position changing from right to left - iphone

I am developing one Arabic application in which I want a UITableview has right to left allurement for all the control , row delete button, row insertion button , row move button all should be align right left.

For this you can create a custom cell and do whatever you want. Follow this link text


Creating a dynamic add button swift

How would I be able to create a button that works similarly to the add phone button in the contacts app? As shown below, to replicate it, I have a button on the right side that the type is Add Contact (appears as a plus in a circle) and on the right is a label. I then put them together in a stack view.
How does the contacts app have one large (bar) button that holds the image and the text? When tapping on the button (in the contacts app) it highlights the whole bar. This makes me believe that might have done this using a UITableView.
What's the best way to create a similar (bar) button as they did? Would this be easier to replicate if I used a UITableView instead?
It's definitely a tableView.
They either constrained button's top to an empty tableView's bottom or they made this as an integral tableView and each time you didSelectRowAt it inserts a row at known position.
Suppose they either use a DataSource delegate method for rows insertion or a custom-made function wrapped in tableView.beginUpdates() and tableView.endUpdates() (reloads the table with animation)
you should not use stackview to wrap both button and right text.because you also need tap event.and stack view not giving tapping event.
I think you should place your button and label inside UIView and than Assing UIControl as Class in Inspecter(not UIView).than Controll drag from Your View to Class File and select TouchUPinside event.disabel user interaction of both button and Label otherwise event will not Fired.
and than Add above UIControll and other Component to either tableView or Vertical StackView.

How to make a such animation of UItextView or TTTextView as shown in picture

an App Shopper implement
As shown in picture:
there is a table item or a button "Read More..."
when click this button, the button animates to this piece of words' end to show all words up. As shown in picture 2
Is it a UITextView?
The "Button" is a UIButton or a Table Item?
How to implement this animation?
I did something similar by simply having UILabels and UITextViews lined up vertically. For the button I use a transparent UIButton of type UIButtonTypeCustom. Then I change the frame & text of the labels / textviews (the one with the text, and the ones below it) in an animation block.
There is also a way to do this in a table view. There is an Apple sample code project with section headings that you can click to expand. But the section is still visible, so perhaps this is not the right approach for you.

How to invert arrow image placed before the first cell when tableview cells are swiped beyond first cell?

In my application, I need to add this functionality that there should be an arrow image upside down placed before first cell and some text like "Pull down to refresh" and when user pulls the table beyond this then this arrow gets inverted and text changes to "Release to refresh" and when the user releases his finger, the data is refreshed and rows get added to that point So now this initial arrow and text moves upwards before the first cell again.
Can anybody tell me wheather there's any event that does this? Or else which event I need to capture in order to add this functionality?
Thanks in advance.
Everything (and I mean everything) you want is here
Pull to reload tableview

Row selection when dragging over a UITableView with scrolling disabled

If one were to create a standard grouped table view consisting of two rows and then touch down on the first row, the cell would highlight. If one were to then drag one's finger down, the selection of the row cancels, and the table view begins to move with the drag.
Imagine the same situation, but with table view scrolling disabled via tableView.scrollEnabled = NO. Now, when one has selected a row and begins to drag, the row deselects and the table remains static.
I have two questions:
How can I ensure the row isn't deselected when one selects and drags within the confines of the row?
When one drags from the first row to the second row, how can I ensure that the first row is deselected and the second row becomes selected?
For an example of this functionality in action, open the Clock app and select the Alarm tab bar item. Tap the top right plus button and a modal view will appear presenting four rows. Tap down on the first row, drag onto the second, and you'll see the selection move across rows while the table itself remains static. How is this achieved?
On a tableView with scrollEnabled = NO when you touch on any cell you get a didHighlightRowAtIndexPath, and when you start to drag you get didUnhighlightRowAtIndexPath (even if you stay within the cell). The cell is not selected or deselected when you drag, and no further cells highlight/unhighlight on that touch.
There is a shouldHighlighRowAtIndexPath method that is called, where you can decide if the touch should highlight the row or not, but not a shouldUnhighlight method.
If the 'flash' of the highlight/unhighlight bothers you, you could use the shouldHighlight method to just return NO. Or you could return NO if a cell is selected.

How mimic delete specific row in a UITableView?

I have a list of things in a table view.
When a user tap a row, I increase score. I wish provide a way to clear the score for that row.
My first try is put the table in edit mode, show the delete button to that row and proceed. However, all the other rows get blocked and can't tap again the score or tap in the disclosure button.
So, obviously this is not the way. But then I don't see what to do. Any suggestion?
You could add a button to clear the row’s score as a subview of your table cell. I suppose you’d have to put it on the left side, though, since the disclosure button is on the right.