fb:google-analytics , does it work for you? - facebook

I have a Facebook fan page, and some tabs in it. one of which is a static fbml one which besides having and img tag has the following
<fb:google-analytics uacct="UA-19191919-4" />
problem is.... Facebook ignores this tag and I see no evidence of Google analytics code being executed...
any ideas ?

Use an iframe for your apps with regular analytic code. Facebook doesn't use FBML anymore.


Where do I put the code for the like button on facebook on my facebook page?

I don't know where to put the code onto my facebook page. I have searched everywhere and no one and no site gives me a specific answer enough for me to understand.
Well, here is facebook's official page. http://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/plugins/like/
It explains all the tags and how to use them as well as a generator for whatever facebook url you might want.

fb:visible-to-connection and fb:else shows as if both are true

I've been testing out FBML and I've come across a problem.
When I use the following code it shows both results,
The output is "FirstSecond"
Can anyone help with this?
Facebook dropped support for static FBML in back in March.
If you are creating a Page tab application, you need to use Iframes (as mentioned in the post) and utilize the Graph API. Here is a great tutorial on how you can show content to Likers vs. Non-likers in your Iframed app.

how to use facebook comments plugin into facebook page

We have a Face book page.We add a custom FBML tab.Now we want to add Comment Face book plugin.I tried to add an script what i got from Face book Social Plug in.The code is
<div id="fb-root"></div><script
<src="http://connect.facebook.net/en_US/all.js#appId=178089302222317&amp;xfbml=1"></script><fb:comments numposts="10" width="425"
After that i put this script to custom FBML page but its not reflecting any thing please suggest to solve this issue.
Thanks in advance.
You should start over and not use FBML but use an iframe instead.
You are trying to create an app on a page tab. To do this take a look at the FB dev site and it shows you how to get started with an iframe based app and then how to get that to work on a page tab.
Once you move to iframes you can use all of the social plug-ins and other advanced features like the Graph API.
<fb:comments xid="some_unique_id_doesnt_matter_what" canpost="true" candelete="false" publish_feed="true" numposts="10" returnurl="http://facebook.com/YOURPAGE">
this is what you are looking for.. your code doesnt work in FBML, yours is XFBML
is optional

Can I have Google maps within a Facebook fan page?

I need to use Google Maps within a Facebook page (as a new tab). Is this possible? I searched online and could not find out how this can be done. Please help.
You will have to use the fb:iframe element to display an iframe that contains the Google Map. You cannot embed the Google Map directly in a FBML tab because you cannot use the outside javascript. Note also that Facebook will soon be replacing FBML tabs with iFrame tabs so in a few months this will not be an issue.
Here is the documentation on the fb:iframe http://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/fbml/iframe
Unforuntately this cannot be done as complex Javascript and iframes don't work. This is a BIG NO!
Hopefully in future (end of 2010) Facebook will change some stuff!

Facebook iframe embed in profile pages - what the heck

We're looking for a way to embed an iframe and specific content into a fan page (not a profile). Apparently it's not directly allowed using the fb:iframe tag but I did find some hints here: http://www.facebook.com/PagesDesign#/profile.php?fbhref=iportfolio.html%3F_fb_fromhash%3D53f3ede8dd88aad33d3bc346401a683c&id=92993272816&app_page=1&v=app_96944267235
Looking for a more direct way though.
Unfortunately, I don't think there's a good way to do that: iframes are specifically blocked in fan pages. If you've got an iframe application and you want to have a tab show up, you can force it to work as FBML by appending fb_force_mode to the query string.