How to delete particular string from paragraph - iphone

Hi Friends, I have a small question,
I have a paragraph of string, now I want to delete some words from that para
Now, suppose I want to delete the "bbbbbbbb" fromthe above para and I am using the following method
mySpeechText = [[mySpeechText stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString:strTemp withString:#""] retain];
but this method is replacing the "bbbbbbbb" with blank spaces, ie, " " and I am getting
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa;
and I want aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa; without any space. so how can I delete the "bbbbbbbb" rather replacing it. Thanks-
If I am not clear plz let me know.

Try this
mySpeechText=[mySpeechText stringByTrimmingCharactersInSet:
[NSCharacterSet characterSetWithCharactersInString:#"bbbbbbbb"]];


Junk character in Webview

I am getting html content as a string in my webservice response which contains "&nbsp" in it. When I display that data in webview, "&nbsp" is converted in junk character. Please let me know how to solve it.
You have to read the string as NSUTF8 encoded string and then pass the string to web view using "loadHTML" method mentioned in UIWebView.
Not only that, if you want to display special characters like copy right, double quotes etc or other language characters in the HTML, you have to use UTF8 encoding.
Use the stringByReplacingPercentEscapesUsingEncoding: method of NSString
like :
NSString *decoded = [yourString stringByReplacingPercentEscapesUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
Also to remove use
[yourString stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString:#" " withString:#" "];
stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString is deprecated from ios 9
let decoded = yourString.stringByAddingPercentEncodingWithAllowedCharacters(.URLHostAllowedCharacterSet())

NSRegularExpression to remove white space

I need a little kickstart on regex on the iPhone. Actually I am dealing with UITextField.text. If the value of the text is empty and if the value already exist, I can able to deal it. But, if the value is simply white spaces, I do not want to use it. So, if the value is like " " or " folder", I want the value to be "" and "folder" respectively.
I planned to use NSRegularExpression to remove the white space and went through the documents. But it was little confusing. So, help me to come out of the problem of removing white space from the given string. Thank you in advance.
Edit: you need to trim string, so no regular expression is needed, simply use:
[str stringByTrimmingCharactersInSet:[NSCharacterSet whitespaceCharacterSet]];
The regexp would be:
You would then replace that with ""
How you do that through iOS syntax for the replacement I don't know, but that's the regExp for it all :)
A more practical question is, How to trim and condense white-spaces,
let text: String? = " I don't know you ! " // expected result: "I don't know you!"
let charSet = NSCharacterSet.whitespaceAndNewlineCharacterSet()
if let trimmedText = text?.componentsSeparatedByCharactersInSet(charSet).filter({!$0.isEmpty}).joinWithSeparator(" ") {
print(trimmedText) // I don't know you!

How to split a string into sentences cocoa

I have an NSString with a number of sentences, and I'd like to split it into an NSArray of sentences. Has anybody solved this problem before? I found enumerateSubstringsInRange:options:usingBlock: which is able to do it, but it looks like it isn't available on the iPhone (Snow Leopard only). I thought about splitting the string based on periods, but that doesn't seem very robust.
So far my best option seems to be to use RegexKitLite to regex it into an array of sentences. Solutions?
Use CFStringTokenizer. You'll want to create the tokenizer with the kCFStringTokenizerUnitSentence option.
I would use a scanner for it,
NSScanner *sherLock = [NSCanner scannerWithString:yourString]; // autoreleased
NSMutableArray *theArray = [NSMutableArray array]; // autoreleased
while( ![sherLock isAtEnd] ){
NSString *sentence = #"";
// . + a space, your sentences probably will have that, and you
// could try scanning for a newline \n but iam not sure your sentences
// are seperated by it
[sherLock scanUpToString:#". " inToString:&sentence];
[theArray addObject:sentence];
This should do it, there could be some little mistakes in it but this is how I would do it.
You should lookup NSScanner in the docs though.. you might come across a method that is
better for this situation.
I haven't used them for a while but I think you can do this with NSString, NSCharacterSet and NSScanner. You create a character set that holds end sentence punctuation and then call -[NSScanner scanUpToCharactersFromSet:intoString:]. Each Scan will suck out a sentence into a string and you keep calling the method until the scanner runs out of string.
Of course, the text has to be well punctuated.
How about:
NSArray *sentences = [string componentsSeparatedByString:#". "];
This will return an array("One","Two","Three") from a string "One. Two. Three."
NSArray *sentences = [astring componentsSeparatedByCharactersInSet:[NSCharacterSet punctuationCharacterSet] ];

Problem in downloading image from server in iPhone

I have an Image named "John and Tony.png".When I tried to download the image from my code with this name via an http request no image is shown.But if I remove the space between the words like "JohnandTony.png" then there is no problem to download the image.But I can't want to remove the spaces.Is there any way to do that?
you need to escape the spaces with "%20"s.
NSString *imageStr = #" and Tony.png";
NSString *imageStrEscaped = [urlStr stringByAddingPercentEscapesUsingEncoding:NSASCIIStringEncoding];
Then use this string as the url.
I think you are creating the imagestring the wrong way. Try the following:
NSString *imagestring = #" and Tony.png";
imagestring = [imagestring stringByAddingPercentEscapesUsingEncoding:NSASCIIStringEncoding];
Your URL doesn't must contain spaces.
If you want let this name, you must use the %20 to replace the spaces like that:

RTL shows numbers at the end of lines

Trying to display a hebrew string that starts with a number, always displays the number at the end of the string like so: 1. יום שישי בבוקר
but I need the number to be displayed at the right side of the text-
any solution to that?
It happens with UILabel & UITextField & UITextView
and trying to write the number at the left side also produce the same resault.
Playing with combinations of UITextAlignment will doesn't help.
You don't need to change any setting on UILabel, just put the character with unicode 0x200F before your string. This is the reason:
In Unicode many characters have a specific directionality, which lets the system know it has to be written, say LTR, like سلام. The paragraph usually uses the direction of its first character. That's why your string without the number is typed from right to left automatically.
Now some characters, like numbers, have "weak" directionality, so they basically take that of their surrounding. When you type "1. בבוקר", the system first sees 1, so takes the usual LTR direction. Changing the alignment won't help, as it just shifts the whole text to right, or center.
To solve this issue, Unicode has two marker characters (LTR: 0x200E, RTL:200F). These are invisible, but dictate the directionality. So while "1. בבוקר" is...
if you type "#x200F" + "1. בבוקר" it will display like this:
‏1. בבוקר
Building on Mo's great answer:
This is the code Obj-C:
NSString *RTFstr = "1. בבוקר"; //This could be any right-to-left string
NSString *directionalString = [#"\u200F" stringByAppendingString:[note text]];
[someUITextView setString:directionalString];
And it actually works...
I had a slightly different problem but Mo's answer gave me the clue.
I wanted to get a LTR text (like "abcd") displayed in RTL direction ("dcba") without having to do myself the string reversing. Turns out enclosing the string between \u202E and \u202C does the trick.
I also recommend reading the following page as it gives a very good explanation of all these unicode magic:
Swift anybody?
extension String {
func stringByForcingWritingDirectionLTR() -> String {
return "\u{200E}".stringByAppendingString(self)
func stringByForcingWritingDirectionRTL() -> String {
return "\u{200F}".stringByAppendingString(self)
not sure if there's fancier way to do this but you might want to try something like this:
NSString *test = #"12. just a teststring";
NSString *number = [test substringToIndex: [test rangeOfString: #" "].location];
NSString *text = [test substringFromIndex: [test rangeOfString: #" "].location];
test = [NSString stringWithFormat: #"%# %#", text, number];
// test == "just a teststring 12."