Emacs : prevent from closing from window manager button - emacs

I very often open a lot of file system explorer windows (either under linux or windows). Then I make a big cleanup and close everything. Often, I also close Emacs by mistake.
I'd like to change the behaviour of the 'X' button to minimize instead of closing (leave closing to C-x C-c only). I'm almost sure it's possible, but I don't know how. Anyone to help?

One possible way to achieve this is to (ab-)use the confirm-kill-emacs mechanism: this is meant to be a function that asks the user for confirmation about killing emacs. However, instead of using an interactive function, you could introduce a special variable that is true only if the kill command has been invoked through C-x C-c, and the confirm function simple returns the value of that variable.
Put the following in your .emacs file:
(defvar killed-from-keyboard nil)
(setq confirm-kill-emacs '(lambda (prompt) killed-from-keyboard))
(defun save-buffers-kill-emacs-from-keyboard (&optional arg)
(condition-case nil
(progn (setq killed-from-keyboard t)
(save-buffers-kill-terminal arg))
((quit error)
(setq killed-from-keyboard nil))))
(global-set-key [(control x) (control c)] 'save-buffers-kill-emacs-from-keyboard)

If you advise the kill-emacs function, then you can get the functionality that you desire. I have code that makes my emacs frame invisible (hidden), but you can iconify it instead with code similar to the following.
(defvar bnb/really-kill-emacs nil)
(defadvice kill-emacs (around bnb/really-exit activate)
"Only kill emacs if a prefix is set"
(if bnb/really-kill-emacs
(defun bnb/really-kill-emacs ()
(setq bnb/really-kill-emacs t)
The bnb/really-kill-emacs function is defined so that you can actually kill emacs when necessary.


emacs init - splitting window and opening files next to each other

I am trying to customize my Emacs init file in such a way that Emacs opens with two windows split and the ansi-term opened in one side and my init file on the other side. Now, the function I wrote (switch-to-next-window) works perfectly if Emacs is open already.
I was hoping to make the cursor switch to the other window and then open my init file there. However, if I try to run this upon start-up (actually after start up, at least this is what I am thinking) I get the following error: window-live-p, nil
I am gessing that there is no "next window". But I just don't know a work around here since I do think that I am only calling my function after Emacs has fully started up? If anyone could point me to where I am going wrong in my logic, that would be great!
(setq initial-buffer-choice "*ansi-term*")
(defun switch-to-next-window ()
(let* ((next-window (get-buffer-window (other-buffer (current-buffer) t))))
(select-window next-window)))
(add-hook 'emacs-startup-hook (lambda ()(ansi-term "/bin/bash")))
(with-eval-after-load "~/.emacs.d/init.el"
(setq initial-buffer-choice "~/.emacs.d/init.el"))
Changing initial-buffer-choice after the initial buffer has been opened won't have any effect.
What helps is putting everything into the emacs-startup-hook and using the find-file-other-window function:
(add-hook 'emacs-startup-hook
(lambda ()
(ansi-term "/bin/bash")
(find-file-other-window "~/.emacs.d/init.el")))

Run function before exit emacs

I want such feature in org-mode: before exiting emacs (while org-mode is running) it asks me: "Do you want to run function vc-dir before exit?"
I tried this:
(add-hook 'kill-emacs-hook 'vc-dir)
But it errors: "wrong number of arguments"
also tried as found here:
(defadvice save-buffers-kill-emacs (before update-mod-flag activate)
The same error.
So how to make it work in easy way: vc-dir runs always on exit.
Or how to make it work with warning message (the best way)?
vc-dir takes an argument (the "dir").
So you can do:
(add-hook 'kill-emacs-hook (lambda () (vc-dir "your-dir-here")))
Of course this won't stop emacs from exiting: vc-dir opens a buffer but does not "wait" for user input. For the interactive approach you want you can do this:
(add-hook 'kill-emacs-query-functions
(lambda ()
(if (y-or-n-p "Do you want to run function vc-dir before exit?")
(vc-dir "your-directory")
Change "your-directory" by default-directory if you want to use the last visited buffer as vc-directory.
How about trying that function, which asks for confirmation before running vc-dir:
(defun my-vc-check-onexit ()
(let ((doquit (read-from-minibuffer "Do you want to run vcs? ")))
(if (string-equal doquit "y") (vc-dir "~/my/dir"))
and bound it to the hook.
note: it may not be good elisp ;)

how to jump to the newly created buffer/window automatically in Emacs

In compilation, occur search, grep search, etc., Emacs will create a new buffer in a separate window to show the results, is there anyway to jump to that window automatically? It is useful because then I can use n and p instead of M-g n and M-g p to move to next and previous items; plus, the buffer can be quit quickly with q. Currently I manually switch to the new buffer every time I run those commands, which is just annoying. Thanks.
You can use advice.
For example to jump to the grep buffer use the following advice:
(defadvice compilation-start (after compilation-start-maximize activate)
(when (equal mode 'grep-mode)
(switch-to-buffer "*grep*")
;; you may want to maximize the buffer
For occur you can use the following advice
(defadvice occur-1 (after occur-maximize activate)
(other-window 1))
After some search, I came up with this solution without advising the built-in functions:
(add-hook 'occur-hook (lambda () (pop-to-buffer occur-buf)))
(add-hook 'grep-mode-hook (lambda () (pop-to-buffer (get-buffer "*grep*"))))
(setq help-window-select t)
(add-hook 'compilation-mode-hook (lambda () (pop-to-buffer (get-buffer "*compilation*"))))
It works for *Occur*, *grep*, *compilation* and *Help*.

How to open multiple terminals?

In Emacs, I often find myself in a situation where I need to jump back and forth between various source files to various terminals. However, I feel like I do not have a good way to do this efficiently and it's clumsy that you can only open one shell in Emacs (shell, eshell, or term).
Moreover, I need an efficient way of juggle between multiple terminals and source files.
How can I achieve this?
You can have as many terminals and shells open at once as you want. Just use M-x rename-buffer to change the name of an existing *term* or *shell* buffer, and the next time you do M-x term or M-x shell, a brand new buffer will be created. In the case of M-x shell, a prefix argument will cause you to be prompted for the name of the new shell buffer, as offby1 noted.
A few years ago I had a job where I had to regularly log in to various production servers named "host01.foo.com", "host02.foo.com", etc. I wrote a little function like this one to make it easier to manage them all:
(defun ssh-to-host (num)
(interactive "P")
(let* ((buffer-name (format "*host%02d*" num))
(buffer (get-buffer buffer-name)))
(if buffer
(switch-to-buffer buffer)
(term "/bin/bash")
(get-buffer-process (rename-buffer buffer-name))
(format "ssh host%02d.foo.com\r" num)))))
Then I bound this command to (say) s-h (super H), enabling me to just type M-5 s-h. If I didn't already have a buffer named *host05*, it would start a new terminal emulator buffer, rename it to *host05*, and ssh me into host05.foo.com. If buffer *host05* already existed, it would simply switch me to it. Quite handy!
You can certainly have multiple interactive shells open. Try typing C-u M-x shell RET RET.
Try using MultiTerm to open multiple shells.
You can use Emacs Lisp Screen, which emulates GNU Screen and provides easy key bindings to jump to and between a number of different shells.
I use many methods for incorporating my terminal life into Emacs:
elscreen.el is a life saver, if you have a complicated window layout like gdb or have simply become overwhelmed with clutter you just open a new screen. In your case you could dedicate one screen to terminals.
multi-term.el makes managing terminals a bit easier.
shell-pop.el, a great tool for quick terminal access. shell-pop lets you assign a key to opening and closing a specific shell buffer window, if you've used drop-down terminals like tilda you know how incredibly handy this can be:
Here's and example of my shell-pop configuration, I use the key C-t to pop up an eshell:
(require 'shell-pop)
(shell-pop-set-internal-mode "eshell") ; Or "ansi-term" if you prefer
(shell-pop-set-window-height 60) ; Give shell buffer 60% of window
;; If you use "ansi-term" and want to use C-t
;; (defvar ansi-term-after-hook nil)
;; (add-hook 'ansi-term-after-hook
;; '(lambda ()
;; (define-key term-raw-map (kbd "C-t") 'shell-pop)))
;; (defadvice ansi-term (after ansi-term-after-advice (org))
;; (run-hooks 'ansi-term-after-hook))
;; (ad-activate 'ansi-term)
(global-set-key (kbd "C-t") 'shell-pop)
I usually do an an M-x server-start and then use emacsclient --no-wait to open files. I've aliased that to e with some embellishments so that it's a little more convenient.
I do all my work in a single terminal and just "throw" the files I want to edit into Emacs using e. Inside Emacs, I juggle around using iswitchb and it works just fine. YMMV.
I regularly used 10 or so shells in my old workplace. The secret is you have to rename additional shell buffers. I did this automatically though in my .emacs, creating and naming the shells logically (I had projnameRun and projnameBuild for every project). Worked really well together with anything, making it very easy to refind the right shell (you use the end of the project name combined with either r or b for run/build).
Instead of having several terminal windows in emacs, I spawn a different xterm whenever I need a new terminal. This of course is bearable because I use a very lightweight terminal emulator (urxvt) which starts in under 0.2s.
Then I use my window manager to switch between them and emacs frames. A configurable window manager will have plenty of options to tune to switch between windows (extremely) efficiently. Inside emacs, I use windmove and ido-mode, and have bound to C-tab a function that switches to the last buffer (because I use C-x b in that fashion a lot).
So um, not sure how useful it is to you since it's quite different from your use pattern, but this is what works for me.
I had exactly the same problem some years ago, and found nothing that satisfied me; so I wrote my own "toggle shell" function. It toggles between the current frame or window configuration and a system shell buffer. It can also put the shell into a dedicated frame, and inject a pushd to the current buffer directory.
This is an excerpt from my .emacs:
(defvar --toggle-shell-last-window-conf nil "The last window configuration.")
(defvar --toggle-shell-last-buf nil "The last buffer object in case there's no last window configuration.")
(defvar --toggle-shell-last-frame nil "The frame that was selected when opening a shell buffer.")
(defun --toggle-shell-have-conf ()
(window-configuration-p --toggle-shell-last-window-conf))
(defun --toggle-shell-store-last-conf ()
(setq --toggle-shell-last-buf (current-buffer)
--toggle-shell-last-frame (selected-frame)
--toggle-shell-last-window-conf (current-window-configuration)))
(defun --toggle-shell-restore-last-conf ()
(if (--toggle-shell-have-conf)
(progn (raise-frame --toggle-shell-last-frame)
(set-window-configuration --toggle-shell-last-window-conf))
(let ((bufnam (if (bufferp --toggle-shell-last-buf)
(buffer-name --toggle-shell-last-buf) --toggle-shell-last-buf)))
(if bufnam
(if (get-buffer bufnam) (switch-to-buffer bufnam t)
(message "%s: buffer not available" bufnam))))))
(defun --toggle-shell (&optional display inject-cd)
"Toggles between current buffers and a system shell buffer. With prefix-arg
close the shell.
When DISPLAY is 'vertical splits the shell as vertical window; when 'frame uses
a dedicated frame (default: single window). When INJECT-CD executes a `pushd'
to the working directory of the buffer from which you toggled the shell."
(let* ((shell-buf (get-buffer "*shell*"))
(shell-window ; non-nil when currently displayed
(if shell-buf (get-buffer-window shell-buf t)))
(if shell-window (window-frame shell-window)))
(in-shell (eq (current-buffer) shell-buf))
(vertical (string= display 'vertical))
(popup-frame (or (string= display 'frame)
(and inject-cd (not (bufferp shell-buf)))
(and (framep shell-frame)
(not (eq shell-frame (selected-frame)))))))
;; With prefix-arg close shell, restore windows. Otherwise (no prefix-arg)
;; toggle shell window; restore windows when called twice in a row, or the
;; current buffer is the shell buffer (`in-shell').
(if current-prefix-arg
(if (bufferp shell-buf)
(progn (message "Exiting shell '%s'" (buffer-name shell-buf))
(kill-buffer shell-buf)
(if in-shell (--toggle-shell-restore-last-conf)))
(error "No shell buffer to kill."))
;; If already in shell-buffer toggle back to stored frame-configuration.
(if (and in-shell (not inject-cd))
;; Recurse to reopen the shell-buffer in a dedicated frame, or
;; close the dedicated frame and reopen the buffer in a window.
(if (and popup-frame (eq shell-frame (selected-frame)))
(--toggle-shell 'frame inject-cd)
(when (and popup-frame shell-frame)
(delete-frame shell-frame)
(--toggle-shell nil inject-cd))))
;; Not in shell buffer. Warp to it or create new one.
(unless in-shell
(if popup-frame
(progn (switch-to-buffer-other-frame (or shell-buf "*shell*"))
(or shell-frame (window-frame (get-buffer-window "*shell*" t)))))
(if (> (count-windows) 1)
;; Finally `cd' into the working directory the current buffer.
(let ((new-shell (not (bufferp shell-buf)))
(new-dir ; `default-directory' of `--toggle-shell-last-buf'
(if --toggle-shell-last-buf
(buffer-local-value 'default-directory --toggle-shell-last-buf))))
;; Open shell, move point to end-of-buffer. The new shell-buffer's
;; `default-directory' will be that of the buffer the shell was
;; launched from.
(when vertical
(if (> (count-windows) 1)
(split-window-vertically) (other-window 1))
(funcall 'shell)
(when new-shell
(message "New shell %s (%s)" (buffer-name (current-buffer)) new-dir)
(if inject-cd (sit-for 2))) ; wait for prompt
(goto-char (point-max))
;; If on a command-prompt insert and launch a "cd" command (assume no
;; job is running).
(when (and inject-cd new-dir)
(backward-line-nomark) (end-of-line)
(unless (setq inject-cd (re-search-forward comint-prompt-regexp (point-max) t))
(error "Cannot `pushd', shell is busy")))
(when (and inject-cd)
(let* ((cmd (format
"pushd '%s' %s" (comint-quote-filename new-dir)
(if (buffer-file-name --toggle-shell-last-buf)
(format "# '%s'" (file-name-directory (buffer-file-name --toggle-shell-last-buf)))
;; `shell-process-cd' set new `default-directory' and set
;; `shell-last-dir' to old. (If the pushd command is
;; successful, a dirs is performed as well; >nul discards this
;; output.)
(shell-process-cd new-dir)
(insert cmd)
(message "%s: cd '%s'" (buffer-name --toggle-shell-last-buf) new-dir))
--toggle-shell is the function that does the trick. I bind it to F12:
;; F12 toggle between shell buffer and current window configuration
;; SHIFT-F12 like before, but let shell buffer appear in a dedicated frame
;; ALT-F12 inject a pushd to change to directory of current buffer
;; CTRL-F12 `shell-command'
(global-set-key [(f12)] '--toggle-shell)
(global-set-key [(shift f12)] '(lambda()(interactive)(--toggle-shell 'frame)))
(global-set-key [(meta f12)] '(lambda()(interactive)(--toggle-shell nil t)))
(global-set-key [(meta f10)] '(lambda()(interactive)(--toggle-shell nil t)))
(global-set-key [(control f12)] 'shell-command) ; alias M-!
This is a significant bunch of code to be posted here. But it shall work well.
Semi related - you can quickly run a shell command on selected file with
It saves a lot of time for smaller commands chmod etc
And maybe my quick pop-up shell also might help you. A quick pop-up shell for emacs
Ecb + eshell will be what you want exactly!
I use vi, but hope this helps. I can open as many terminals as I want by (eg. in Ubuntu 16.04):
ctrl + alt + t
I usually open 2 terminals, and move (position) one terminal to the right by:
ctrl + super + right-arrow
and move the other terminal to the left by:
ctrl + super + left-arrow
so that I have a divided screen by 2 terminals.

in Emacs, what's the best way for keyboard-escape-quit not destroy other windows?

EDIT: I understand there is keyboard-quit (which is normally bound to C-g); but I'm more interested to know about how one deals with editing functions that come with Emacs (like in this case). I run into this kind of situations from time to time when I want to change just a little bit of some build-in functions.
In emacs, when you hit M-ESC ESC (or ESC three times), you can get out of a lots of situations like transient-mark, etc. But I habitually hit the escape key (I actually remap this to a single hit of the escape key) more than I intended, and that ends up killing my windows configuration, which is quite annoying. The function keyboard-escape-quit is defined in simple.el:
(defun keyboard-escape-quit ()
"Exit the current \"mode\" (in a generalized sense of the word).
This command can exit an interactive command such as `query-replace',
can clear out a prefix argument or a region,
can get out of the minibuffer or other recursive edit,
cancel the use of the current buffer (for special-purpose buffers),
or go back to just one window (by deleting all but the selected window)."
(cond ((eq last-command 'mode-exited) nil)
((> (minibuffer-depth) 0)
((and transient-mark-mode mark-active)
((> (recursion-depth) 0)
(funcall buffer-quit-function))
((not (one-window-p t))
((string-match "^ \\*" (buffer-name (current-buffer)))
And I can see that I don't want the lines:
((not (one-window-p t))
But what is the best way to modify this function? I can see only two ways: 1) modify simple.el 2) copy this function to my .emacs file and do the modifications there. Both ways are not really good; ideally I would like to see something on the line of defadvice, but I can't see how I can do it in this case.
You could use around advice and redefine the offending function to do what you want (i.e. one-window-p should always return t):
(defadvice keyboard-escape-quit (around my-keyboard-escape-quit activate)
(let (orig-one-window-p)
(fset 'orig-one-window-p (symbol-function 'one-window-p))
(fset 'one-window-p (lambda (&optional nomini all-frames) t))
(fset 'one-window-p (symbol-function 'orig-one-window-p)))))
This kind of acts like a (let ...) but has to be more complicated because you need to override a function for a limited scope instead of a variable.
I usually find that 'keyboard-quit (C-g) works to get out of all of those situations.
However, if you really want to have a variant of this function, I think that copying to your .emacs file (and renaming, I usually usa a prefix of bp) and making the edits there is probably the best option.
EDIT, in response to edit: In general, whenever I want an edited version of an emacs function, I either write it myself, or copy it to my .emacs, rename it bp-whotever and then do appropriate edits.
The downside of this is that my .emacs is HUGE, and probably extra-crufty with ancient functions that are nolonger used... the upside is that whenever I need to write something new, I've got tons of sample code to look at...
Here's another, simpler piece of advice that takes advantage of the fact that keyboard-escape-quit calls buffer-quit-function before closing windows:
(defadvice keyboard-escape-quit
(around keyboard-escape-quit-dont-close-windows activate)
(let ((buffer-quit-function (lambda () ())))
Works with Emacs 25.1. (I originally used #scottfrazer's advice, but it's unhappy in 25.1. Haven't bothered debugging yet.)
A single press of the Escape key, by default, acts as a Meta prefix key; that is, a keybinding which involves the Meta key.
Triple-pressing the Escape key will run keyboard-escape-quit, which is like keyboard-quit but with more of a "do what I mean" behaviour.
This code may help with your use case. You can use this in your Emacs init file:
;;; esc always quits
(define-key minibuffer-local-map [escape] 'minibuffer-keyboard-quit)
(define-key minibuffer-local-ns-map [escape] 'minibuffer-keyboard-quit)
(define-key minibuffer-local-completion-map [escape] 'minibuffer-keyboard-quit)
(define-key minibuffer-local-must-match-map [escape] 'minibuffer-keyboard-quit)
(define-key minibuffer-local-isearch-map [escape] 'minibuffer-keyboard-quit)
(global-set-key [escape] 'keyboard-quit)
I'm more interested to know about how one deals with editing functions that come with Emacs (like in this case). I run into this kind of situations from time to time when I want to change just a little bit of some build-in functions.
This is exactly the purpose for which I created the library el-patch. You would put this in your init-file:
(el-patch-defun keyboard-escape-quit ()
"Exit the current \"mode\" (in a generalized sense of the word).
This command can exit an interactive command such as `query-replace',
can clear out a prefix argument or a region,
can get out of the minibuffer or other recursive edit,
cancel the use of the current buffer (for special-purpose buffers),
or go back to just one window (by deleting all but the selected window)."
(cond ((eq last-command 'mode-exited) nil)
((> (minibuffer-depth) 0)
((and transient-mark-mode mark-active)
((> (recursion-depth) 0)
(funcall buffer-quit-function))
((not (one-window-p t))
((string-match "^ \\*" (buffer-name (current-buffer)))
Here's a new way using cl-lib instead of cl which is now deprecated:
;; Make it so keyboard-escape-quit doesn't delete-other-windows
(defadvice keyboard-escape-quit
(around keyboard-escape-quit-dont-delete-other-windows activate)
(cl-letf (((symbol-function 'delete-other-windows)
(lambda () nil)))
You'll need to make sure prior to it you have called:
(require 'cl-lib)