Current memory usage in Lisp - lisp

I need to find out, from within a Common Lisp program, how much memory is currently being used.
I'm given to understand there is no portable method (the standard function room prints the information to standard output in text form instead of returning it as a value), but sb-kernel:dynamic-usage works in SBCL.
What are the equivalents in other Common Lisp implementations? Or is there another way to solve this problem I should be looking at?

It may not help you much, but anyway:
You can capture the output of (room) and parse it.
(with-output-to-string (*standard-output*)
Above returns a string with the output of ROOM.
Additionally it may help to request the memory size of the process via an external call to a standard unix command (if you are on Unix).

For things which virtually every implementation supports, but not in the same way (because it's not in CL), one common approach is to make a library called trivial-whatever.
If you started a package like trivial-memory, and supplied the first implementation, I'm sure we could get everybody to contribute the function for their own favorite Lisp compiler in short order. :-)


Implementing language translators in racket

I am implementing an interpreter that codegen to another language using Racket. As a novice I'm trying to avoid macros to the extent that I can ;) Hence I came up with the following "interpreter":
(define op (open-output-bytes))
(define (interpret arg)
(define r
(syntax-case arg (if)
[(if a b) #'(fprintf op "if (~a) {~a}" a b)]))
; other cases here
(eval r))
This looks a bit clumsy to me. Is there a "best practice" for doing this? Am I doing a totally crazy thing here?
Short answer: yes, this is a reasonable thing to do. The way in which you do it is going to depend a lot on the specifics of your situation, though.
You're absolutely right to observe that generating programs as strings is an error-prone and fragile way to do it. Avoiding this, though, requires being able to express the target language at a higher level, in order to circumvent that language's parser.
Again, it really has a lot to do with the language that you're targeting, and how good a job you want to do. I've hacked together things like this for generating Python myself, in a situation where I knew I didn't have time to do things right.
EDIT: oh, you're doing Python too? Bleah! :)
You have a number of different choices. Your cleanest choice is to generate a representation of Python AST nodes, so you can either inject them directly or use existing serialization. You're going to ask me whether there are libraries for this, and ... I fergits. I do believe that the current Python architecture includes ... okay, yes, I went and looked, and you're in good shape. Python's "Parser" module generates ASTs, and it looks like the AST module can be constructed directly.
I'm guessing your cleanest path would be to generate JSON that represents these AST modules, then write a Python stub that translates these to Python ASTs.
All of this assumes that you want to take the high road; there's a broad spectrum of in-between approaches involving simple generalizations of python syntax (e.g.: oh, it looks like this kind of statement has a colon followed by an indented block of code, etc.).
If your source language shares syntax with Racket, then use read-syntax to produce a syntax-object representing the input program. Then use recursive descent using syntax-case or syntax-parse to discern between the various constructs.
Instead of printing directly to an output port, I recommend building a tree of elements (strings, numbers, symbols etc). The last step is then to print all the elements of the tree. Representing the output using a tree is very flexible and allows you to handle sub expressions out of order. It also allows you to efficiently concatenate output from different sources.
Macros are not needed.

Debugging live stack frames in Common Lisp ( SBCL) .How does the debugger/compiler implement this capability?

Lisp allows one to recompile segments of code during debugging producing live stack frames. I know that lisp is dynamic and that it's easy to rebind a symbol associated to a method. However Lisp also easily allows to redefine single forms inside a function. This is even more powerful and flexible than what C# and Java debuggers can do. Why and how does it work? Why modern languages do not provide the same level of sophisitication? Where I can find some papers or books so to learn more?
It's not magic. I did the same in the old days in assembly. I created a DOS TSR program that pointed the interrupts I could handle to my own location. When you did a division by zero or something like that it jumped into my program and the stack had all the previous programs stack and where it had gone wrong. I just provided a menu with ways to mend it so that it didn't exit with DOS default behaviour.
In CL you have like a default exception handler that calls a function that you can see your options on restarts. Restarts are like code within the scope of where the error originates with ways to mend the situation. It's possible to make something like this in any language that has exceptions and closures. The debugger and restarts become a part of the running program and thus it becomes more safe on the cost of less performance. Here is a JavaScript implementation.
There is a way to turn it off and it might make your programs faster in CL. The standard does not require to do anything so it's optional, but implementations do make unsafe fast code that might end up as a segmentation fault instead of the debugger.

Prolog read input without full stop

I am currently programming a small text-based adventure game in SWI-Prolog. Hence, the user will have to give commands like "goto(room)" or "goto room".
However the problem is that you always have to finish the command with a full stop, i.e.
"goto(room)." instead of "goto(room). This is not very user-friendly.
I have a predicate that reads a command and then executes the input. How can I automatically add the full stop if there is none (if there already is one the input should just be executed)?
Thanks in advance!
Obviously you are using read/1 or some variation; this is supposed to be used to read valid prolog terms (and that's why you need a full-stop).
The solution would be to parse the input on your own (check primitive char io, read utilities and io in general (you will probably need just the read utilities though)) and then convert it to a term.
Additionally, you can create a small natural language with DCGs and use; for example the user could just write goto room instead of goto(room).
On the other hand, I personally don't think that having to skip a full-stop it will be a lot more user friendly if they have to type prolog terms anyway.

would it be worth it to use inline::C to speed up math

i have been working on a perl program to process large amounts of dna. It outputs exactly what i need however it takes much longer than i would like using NYTprof i have narrowed down the major problem areas to be the loop that adds my values together. would using inline::C to do the math make my program faster or should i accept the speed and move on? is there another way to improve the speed? here is my program and an input it would run as well as an executable with the default values entered already.
It's unlikely you'll get useful help here (this included). I can see various problems with your code, and none have to do with the choice of language.
use CPAN. If you're parsing genbank, then use some an appropriate module.
You're writing assembly in Perl, and neither Perl nor you are very good at that. It's near impossible to know what's going on when you don't pass parameters to subroutines, instead relying on globals all over the place. What do #X1, #X2, #Y1, #Y2 mean?
The following might be your problem: until ($ender - $starter > $tlength) { (line 153). According to your test case, these start by being 103, 1, and 200, and it's not clear when or if they change. Depending on what's in #te, it might or might not ever get out of the loop; I just can't tell from your code.
It would help if we knew, exactly, what are the parameters to add, the in-out invariants, and what it is returning.
That's all I got.
I second the recommendation of PDL made in a comment, if it's applicable. Or the use of a CPAN module tailored to your problem (again, if applicable).
I didn't see anything that looked unambiguously like "the loop that adds my values together" in that code; please, show just the code you are considering optimizing, ideally with just enough structure around it to actually run it.
So to answer your generic question generically, yes, Inline::C can be a useful tool for optimization if you are certain your performance problem is limited to what it actually can do for you. In using it, be aware that invoking your C code from Perl or vice versa is non-trivially expensive, so you have to have enough code translated to C to minimize the transitions.

Keeping CL and Scheme straight in your head

Depending on my mood I seem to waffle back and forth between wanting a Lisp-1 and a Lisp-2. Unfortunately beyond the obvious name space differences, this leaves all kinds of amusing function name/etc problems you run into. Case in point, trying to write some code tonight I tried to do (map #'function listvar) which, of course, doesn't work in CL, at all. Took me a bit to remember I wanted mapcar, not map. Of course it doesn't help when slime/emacs shows map IS defined as something, though obviously not the same function at all.
So, pointers on how to minimize this short of picking one or the other and sticking with it?
Map is more general than mapcar, for example you could do the following rather than using mapcar:
(map 'list #'function listvar)
How do I keep scheme and CL separate in my head? I guess when you know both languages well enough you just know what works in one and not the other. Despite the syntactic similarities they are quite different languages in terms of style.
Well, I think that as soon you get enough experience in both languages this becomes a non-issue (just with similar natural languages, like Italian and Spanish). If you usually program in one language and switch to the other only occasionally, then unfortunately you are doomed to write Common Lisp in Scheme or vice versa ;)
One thing that helps is to have a distinct visual environment for both languages, using syntax highlighting in some other colors etc. Then at least you will always know whether you are in Common Lisp or Scheme mode.
I'm definitely aware that there are syntactic differences, though I'm certainly not fluent enough yet to automatically use them, making the code look much more similar currently ;-).
And I had a feeling your answer would be the case, but can always hope for a shortcut <_<.
The easiest way to keep both languages straight is to do your thinking and code writing in Common Lisp. Common Lisp code can be converted into Scheme code with relative ease; however, going from Scheme to Common Lisp can cause a few headaches. I remember once where I was using a letrec in Scheme to store both variables and functions and had to split it up into the separate CL functions for the variable and function namespaces respectively.
In all practicality though I don't make a habit of writing CL code, which makes the times that I do have to all the more painful.