UITableView Selection Addition Problem - iphone

Having this problem that needs to be adressed unfortunately....
I am adding a custom UIButton to my UITableView Cell when it is selected however as I scroll down into the TableView I find that multiple cells are getting the buttons attached:
Here is my code:
What am I doing wrong?!

You're being bitten by cell reuse. You need to learn how to sanitize your cells when you get a cell that has been recycled.


UITableView inside a Custom UITableViewCell

In my app I have a TableView that displays a list of Items. Tapping on any cell will expand it and will display information related to tapped item. I want to display the information in tabular form, will it be a good approach to have a UITableView inside a UITableViewCell?
Have a look to my answer in this post.
I think it is what you are looking for.
I am suggesting u to go for master-detail view controllers :) ,for your question "have a UITableView inside a UITableViewCell " for this u need to subclass the UITableviewCell and in that cell u put or add another tableview by managing datasource and delegate in custom cell see my answer it shows how to add tableview within the custom UITableView cell see hear and before that u hav to incerease the row height for each cell i did not included it, "one thing i created all programatically not used xib" :) hope u get some idea .

Calling UITableView's cellForRowAtIndexPath: for just one iteration

When attempting to create a form with UITextFields, it appears that cellForRowAtIndexPath: gets called every time a user scrolls up and down the tableView. When this happens, a new UITextField is created, and the old UITextFields are no longer visible. Is there a way for the cellForRowAtIndexPath: method to be called for just one iteration?
Check the docs for UITableViewCell, especially A Closer Look at Table-View Cells and the section about static cell content.
Perhaps you might consider a simple UIScrollView rather than a UITableView? It's difficult to tell what you're trying to accomplish here. Perhaps add a bit more detail to your question.
Create UITableViewCell nibs in Interface Builder with UITextFields and link all of the objects with the viewController class.

Insert ScrollView in TableView?

I have a TableView with one cell and I want to insert in this cell a lot of text so I think I'll need to use a ScrollView for scroll the text.
How can I insert? Is correct this method?
This is a help in the application, is correct use this modality?
Sorry but I'm a beginner and I don't have an iPhone or iPod, thanks!
While I concur with 7KV7's original comment, it doesn't look like there is need of a tableview in this scenario...
Just in case someone else happens upon this looking for an answer to the "Scrollview in a Tableview" question here are few clarifying points for the above comments.
The technical problem with having a tableview and a scrollview together on the same view is that UITableView is already a descendent of UIScrollView and if you attempt to handle both in the same view then you will end up with quite a mess with conflicting delegate messages.
As suggested by iPhonePgr, you can create a custom UITableViewCell. The first thought would be to let the UITableViewCell act as the delegate for it's own scroll view. The problem here is that the cell and it's contents could be discarded or reused at any moment as part of tableview's dequeue functionality.
So some ground rules to guide your implementation:
Whatever your solution, you're probably going to end up making a custom controller class, possibly derived from NSObject and implementing UIScrollViewDelegate.
The custom controller object acts as the mediator between the model object and the cell.
You will probably have an array or array-of-arrays that mirrors the model hierarchy driving the UITableView structure.
Because the cells can be discarded at any time you will have restore the scroll view state on cell initialization and preserve the state has part of handling your delegate actions or through a custom UITableViewCell implementing prepareForReuse.
Hopefully these points will come in useful to anyone who runs across this entry.
You need to create a custom cell by inheriting UITableViewCell and then add UIScrollView in the customcell. Then Use that cell in the Table view.
you can put your text in UITextView and add it as a subview in your UITableViewCell,because
UITextView is inherited from UIScrollView,
No need to add UIScrollView if you use UITextView
When you create UITableView you implement a number of delegate method which you can see by pressing the window key and then double clicking the UITableView delegate . In one of the methods you can set the cell height as per your requirement. By doing this your cell height can vary.
- (CGFloat)tableView:(UITableView *)resultTableView heightForRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath
return 150;
As your table has a defined height, when the text in cell will be too much to contain into a scrollview will be automatically inserted.

reusing elements in tableview cell

I am adding a textfield to each row in tableview and releasing it after adding it to the cell.
I want to reuse when UIButton is clicked.
I tried some methods but it does n't worked.
Help me how to reuse it.
Try to do an custom cell view. Subclass the UITableViewCell and use the normal reuse of cells, that is the best way to do it. Improves scrolls on slow devices like iPhone 3G.
Take a look here.

UITableViewCell highlighting issue - iPhone

I have a UITableView and I am having an issue with whenever I try to click on the Cell. When the cell is highlighted it puts some test on top of the text that is already on the cell make the text on the cell hard to read. This only happens while I have the cell highlighted.
Please help me with this issue.
I had a similar problem and then realised that I wasn't using the cell dequeuing thing properly and what had happened is that every time the cell is reused a new UIlabel was added and the text from the datasource set to that, but the UILabels from the previous time the cell was showing were still there. But you only see them when the cell is highlighted because when it's not highlighted the background is not clear, but when the cell is highlighted then the UIlabels become clear and you see the other UIlabels that are behind it.
It's quite serious as everytime cell's are dequeued (ie everytime you scroll on the tableview) all of the subviews you've added a duplicated. And it increases memory usage severely.
To fix I used the code from the apple docs on customizing table cells. You have to use tags to retrieve the subviews if the cell is dequeued.: