Enumeration in iphone is not working - iphone

i am developing an iphone application in which i have 3 classes => main class , abc class, pqr class. On main view , i have imageview on which i am displaying image. when user touch at the center of image on main view , new view will be pushed (depending on condition mentioned below)
a) if user came from abc view then
new view will not be pushed
b) if user came from pqr view then i
have to push new view .
My problem is how can i detect from which view user came to main view.
I create 1 class in which i have following code in .h file
typedef enum {
} SelectedViewType;
#interface Enumeration : NSObject {
SelectedViewType selectedViewType;
#property(nonatomic) SelectedViewType selectedViewType;
In . m file i have
#synthesize selectedViewType;
When user select table cell from abcView & pqrView , i am pushing main view & setting view type in didSelectRowAtIndexPath as follows :-
enumObj.selectedViewType = abcViewSelected;
enumObj.selectedViewType = pqrViewSelected;
In main view's touchBegan method i am compairing which view is selected by writing this
if(enum.selectedViewType == pqrViewSelected) => push new view
else do nothing.
But this is not compairing & in none of case new view is pushed. I have imported all the required header files everywhere.
Plz help me ....Thanks in advance.

The problem must be in this line:
if(enum.selectedViewType = pqrViewSelected)
Here you do not compare current type value, but rather assign pqrViewSelected to it (you have '=' instead of '=='). Try changing that line to:
if(pqrViewSelected == enum.selectedViewType){
// push view
Note that having constant expression as first parameter in comparison makes it impossible to mistakingly use assignment ('=') instead of comparison ('==').


How to retrieve view outside the controller

If I use this.getView() inside the controller of a view I can retrieve it without problems.
How can I retrieve the view if I am outside the controller (e. g. in controller of another view)?
I try sap.ui.core.Core().byId("<name of view>") but it returns undefined.
You can instantiate another view using:
var view = sap.ui.jsview("<name of view>");
If you´re using different view types you can choose the necessary function from here.
To avoid multiple instantiation you could do something like this:
var view = sap.ui.getCore().byId("id");
if (view === undefined) {
view = sap.ui.jsview("id", "<name of view>");
See this for more details regarding view definition/instantiation and IDs.
When I create a view i set a id
var theView=sap.ui.xmlview("OperationDetail, "<name of view>");
then i retrieve it by id
var theView = sap.ui.core.Core().byId("OperationDetail");
var myPage=theView.byId("pageOperation");
varRequired = sap.ui.getCore().byId("<name of view>");
this keyword refers to only the particular controller where as sap.ui.getCore() refers to the project views.

how to implement shutterstock tiker?

I have tried MKTikcerView , DMScrollingTicker and also made a Custom TickerView but , I am not satisfied with that all. All of them when comes to end string displays blank space.They are have not continuous objects displaying.I also use UITableView to show ticker objects by transforming it to horizontal.But there was also a problem that is some of the cells displaying blank.
The main objective is that , I want a ticker view like pull down shutterStock in iphone.It has continuous and updated objects and very smooth scrolling.
screenshot is given below:
Anyone help me please!
I have add some improvement in my custom tickerView that displays view objects.Here is the files:
StockTicker.h and StockTicker.m .By using these files you can create continuous object displaying on tickerView and can update data easily.
You can use these files just like UITableView.It has its delegates to pass numberOfView to display on ticker and view that will display at particular index.
Using its delegates as:
#pragma mark- UITickerView delegate method
- (NSInteger)numberOfRowsintickerView:(StockTiker *)tickerView
return [objectArray count];
- (id)tickerView:(StockTiker*)tickerView cellForRowAtIndex:(int)index
return [objectArray objectAtIndex:index];
here objectArray is array of UILabels.
You can download SampleProject.

UIButton subclass displays wrongly

I have a button that's created via a NIB file. I've derived a class from UIButton, replaced the class name in the NIB file.
Now my button displays with no background. The text is there, the text font and color are right, and it reacts to taps as expected, but it's as if the background is transparent. In the NIB, it's not transparent - I did not change any of the properties other than the class name.
The subclass is trivial - it overrides nothing (for now). Please, what am I doing wrong?
The reason I need a subclass of UIButton is because I want to be able, under certain circumstances, to drag text from the button to elsewhere. If there's an alternative way to handle drag and drop in a UIKit provided view, I'm willing to hear.
Check the states of the button in your NIB file.
It's possible that you are looking at the "active" state or something rather than the more common UICONTROLSTATENORMAL.
Honestly not sure what's wrong with the subclass, but the 'Net (including SO) is full of cautionary tales about subclassing UIButton, and how you shouldn't.
So I'll go with method swizzling on the four touch processing methods. The following function replaces the provided method of a button with my implementation (taken from the MyButton class), while saving the old one in the system button class under a different selector:
//Does NOT look at superclasses
static bool MethodInClass(Class c, SEL sel)
unsigned n,i ;
Method *m = class_copyMethodList(c, &n);
if(sel_isEqual(method_getName(m[i]), sel))
return true;
return false;
static void MountMethod(Class &buc, SEL SrcSel, SEL SaveSlotSel)
IMP OldImp = [buc instanceMethodForSelector:SrcSel];
IMP NewImp = [[MyButton class] instanceMethodForSelector:SrcSel];
if(OldImp && NewImp)
//Save the old implementation. Might conflict if the technique is used
//independently on many classes in the same hierarchy
Method SaveMe = class_getInstanceMethod(buc, SaveSlotSel);
if(SaveMe == NULL)
class_addMethod(buc, SaveSlotSel, OldImp, "v#:##");
method_setImplementation(SaveMe, OldImp);
//Note: the method's original implemenation might've been in the base class
if(MethodInClass(buc, SrcSel))
Method SrcMe = class_getInstanceMethod(buc, SrcSel);
method_setImplementation(SrcMe, NewImp);
else //Add an override in the current class
class_addMethod(buc, SrcSel, NewImp, "v#:##");
And call it so:
Class buc = [bu class];
MountMethod(buc, #selector(touchesBegan:withEvent:), #selector(MyButton_SavedTouchesBegan:withEvent:));
MountMethod(buc, #selector(touchesCancelled:withEvent:), #selector(MyButton_SavedTouchesCancelled:withEvent:));
MountMethod(buc, #selector(touchesEnded:withEvent:), #selector(MyButton_SavedTouchesEnded:withEvent:));
MountMethod(buc, #selector(touchesMoved:withEvent:), #selector(MyButton_SavedTouchesMoved:withEvent:));
This has the disadvantage of mounting the said methods for all buttons, not just for the ones desired. In the MyButton's implementation, there's an additional check if the drag-drop functionality is to be enabled for this particular button. For that I've used associated objects.
One fine point is that touchesXXX methods are implemented in the UIControl class, not in the UIButton. So my first, naive implementation of swizzling would replace the method in UIControl instead of the button class. The current implementation does not assume either way. Also, it makes no assumptions about the run-time class of buttons. Could be UIButton, could be anything (and in real iOS, it's UIRoundedRectButton).

Custom iPad keyboard that looks like the system keyboards

I'm looking for a non-hackish solution for this, so basically -inputView. The part that I'm not sure about is how to make it look like the regular keyboards, from the background to the keys. I realize that I could photoshop an apple keyboard, but this seems like it is a little hackish, especially if apple (probably not but still possible) decides to change the look of their keyboards. I know Numbers has done an excellent job of making extra keyboards that look like the standard system ones, and I would like to do it like those (although obviously they have access to the same resources that made the system keyboards, including possible private frameworks, etc.)
I used the following:
-(IBAction)pressedKey:(UIButton *)sender
[delegate pressedKey:sender.tag];
where delegate is defined as `id delegate;
then in the delegate i do...
NSString * bufferString = model.string;
if (key == -1) {//delete
model.string = [bufferString substringWithRange:NSMakeRange(0, [bufferString length]-1)];
//will need to change the following to lookup key value based on a lookup of the button.tag
model.string = [bufferString stringByAppendingFormat:#"%i",key];
[self update];//updates the view
I got the keyboard button artwork from: http://www.teehanlax.com/blog/iphone-gui-psd-v4/
Create a view controller and xib. The xib should have 1-9,0 and delete buttons mapped to IBOutlets in your controller. Store and retain the return value string as a property. You can add decimals, etc. if you wish. In the header, store an edition block closure with a property (or alternatively create a delegate or use notification).
#property (copy) void(^valueChangedBlock)(NSString* string);
On touch up, each button sends an event to a method like this:
- (IBAction) pressKey:(id)sender
NSString *toAppend;
// Instead of this switch you can store the values in a dictionary mapped by sender.
case oneButton: toAppend=#"1"; break;
case twoButton: toAppend=#"2"; break;
returnValue = [returnValue appendString:toAppend];
Obviously the delete key should remove a character from the end of the string instead of appending. Other than creating the controller and adding this view as the inputView, you should add the valueChangedBlock and set it to update the text field. You may want to put a clear custom button over the text field set to make the field first responder so it doesn't appear as if the user can edit at any point in the string.

Identify which instance of the view is currently active in RCP?

I am creating an RCP application. I need to open multiple instances of the same view but with different data. I did it by setting secondary id for different instances of the same view. Specifically, my problem is as follows: Please take a look
I have a graph view called Views.GraphView. I opened different instances of it from a command called openGraphView to show different graphs. The command is as follows:
page.showView("Views.GraphView", Integer.toString(instanceNum++), IWorkbenchPage.VIEW_ACTIVATE);
Now, I have a command called TreeLayout on this Views.GraphView toolbar, which suppose to change the layout of the graph and it will operate on each instance of the view. But for this, I think, I need to identify which instance of the view is active. The TreeLayout command looks something like this:
IViewPart findView = HandlerUtil.getActiveWorkbenchWindow(event).getActivePage(). findView( "Views.GraphView"); //I think in the findView I need to give the id of the view [but how can I put the secondary id?]
GraphView view = (GraphView) findView;
view.changeLayout(); //I wrote this method in the graph view to change the layout
//I just tried to print the secondary id, but it did not print anyting
System.out.println("From treelayout command:- " + view.getViewSite().getSecondaryId());
So how can I identify which instance of the view is currently active and to operate on it?
You can use IWorkBenchPage.findViewReference(String viewId, String viewId) , if it returns null, the view with viewId and viewId is not present in the current perspective.
If you have a ViewReference you can use ViewReference.getView(boolean restore) to get the view
so in your handler you get something like:
final IWorkbenchPage page = HandlerUtil.getActiveWorkbenchWindow(
final int instanceNum = 8;//the number of instances that are created
for (int index = 0; index < instanceNum; index++) {
final IViewReference viewReference = page.findViewReference(
"Views.GraphView", Integer.toString(index));
if (viewReference != null) {
final IViewPart view = viewReference.getView(true);
if (view instanceof GraphView) {
final GraphView graphView = (GraphView) view;
The view.getViewSite().getSecondaryId() method is the good one to identify a secondary view. This method only returns the Null string for the "primary" view: the one opened when user click Window -> Show View - Your View.
I don't understand why your view toolbar button has to operate on all the view instances. TO my eyes, you should have one button in each view instance toolbar operating only in its own view. If you really need to operate from one button to ALL the views I think you will have to keep the open views references yourself, because I think the workbench doesn't provide a findViews method returning a view array.
using the below code you should be able to get the current active view.
Active view and Editor name display on MessageDialogbox
public class Active_Workbench extends AbstractHandler{
public Object execute(ExecutionEvent event) throws ExecutionException {
// A part service tracks the creation and activation of parts within a workbench page.
IPartService service = PlatformUI.getWorkbench().getActiveWorkbenchWindow().getPartService();
event).getShell(), "Current Workbench Window", service.getActivePart().getTitle().toString());
return null;
I hope this answer is useful.