Sort a Range Query Using Zend Lucene - zend-framework

According to the documentation, Zend Lucene is supposed to sort lexicographically. I am finding this is not the case. If I have a query 'avg:[050 TO 300]', yes it will return all values in that range, but it will sort them according to the document id, not the value.
I have found that the find() function can accept additional parameters, allowing me to sort by a specific column (eg $hits = $index->find($query, 'avg', SORT_NUMERIC, SORT_ASC);). However, I am creating $query dynamically and do not want to sort every search by 'avg'.
How do I force Lucene to sort the results automatically, lexicographically, when I do a range search? And if that's not possible, how do I dynamically add a sort field to the find function?

Why don't you sort $hits by yourself after getting the result from $index->find(...)? Ok this looks like a workaround and will be time-consuming for very large resultsets, but I guess that this is the easiest way in most cases.


MongoDB get all documents, sort by a field and add ordering field based on the sorting

I am trying to sort the result of my mongoDB query and add a ranking based on that sorting. Currently I only call .find().sort({total: 1}) and this gives me the correct ordering of the documents. But is it possible to "add a field" based on that sorting (basically a ranking field, starting from 1 and counting up)? I tried googling but didnt found anything that suits for this purpose.
Thanks in advance.

How to display score of Hibernate Search query results

Hibernate Search allows to sort search results on relevance. Is it possible to obtain and display (e.g. in a jsp view) this information using Lucene query?
A Query in Hibernate Search can return Projections rather than the simple list of matching entities.
A projection result essentially means each result is an array containing the sequence of projections you asked for. Normally this is used to extract text from a specific field, so to not need loading the data from the database, but there are Projection constants to return also the Score value or the Explanation of the scoring.
query.setProjection( ProjectionConstants.SCORE, ProjectionConstants.EXPLANATION, ProjectionConstants.THIS );
See also the Reference documentation on projections explaining this and more.

Is it possible to make ignore case of the field for queries?

I have documents indexed with field "GuidId" field and "guidid". How can I make lucene net ignore the case that the following query searches regardless of the case ?
TermQuery termQuery = new TermQuery(new Term("GuidId", guidId.ToString()));
I don't want to write another query for the documents with fields "guidid" ..i.e. lowercase
Ideally, don't have fields names with funky cases. If you are defining field names dynamically or some such, then you should lowercase them before adding them to the index. That done, it should be easy enough to keep the query fields' names lowercase as well, and you're in good shape.
If, for whatever reason, you are stuck with this case-sensitive data, you'll be stuck expanding your queries to search all the known permutations of the field name to get all your results. Something like:
Query finalQuery = new DisjunctionMaxQuery(0)
finalQuery.add(new TermQuery(new Term("GuidId", guidId.ToString())));
finalQuery.add(new TermQuery(new Term("guidid", guidId.ToString())));
DisjunctionMaxQuery would probably be a good choice here, since it only returns the maximum scoring hit among is query collection, rather than possibly compounding scores across multiple hits.
You can also use MultiFieldQueryParser to similar effect. I don't believe it uses DisjunctionMax, but it doesn't sound like it would likely be that big a deal in this case.

How do i create an index in mongodb on a WHERE and ORDER query?

In mongo, When creating an index I am trying to figure out whether the following query would have an index on a) category_ids and status, OR b) category_ids, status and name???
Source.where(category_ids: [1,2,3], status: Status::ACTIVE).order_by(:name) # ((Ruby/Mongoid code))
Essentially, I am trying to figure out whether indexes should include the ORDER_BY columns? or only the WHERE clauses? Where could I read some more about this?
Yes, an index on thius particular query would be beneficial to the speed of the query. However there is one caveat here, the order of the index fields.
I have noticed you are using an $in there on category_ids. This link is particularly useful in understanding a little complexity which exists from using an $in with an index on the sort (or a sort in general in fact):
Towards the end it gives you an indea of an optimal index order for your type of query:
The order of fields in an index should be:
First, fields on which you will query for exact values.
Second, fields on which you will sort.
Finally, fields on which you will query for a range of values.
For reference a couple of other helpful links are as follows:
why does direction of index matter in MongoDB?
These will help you get started on optimising your indexes and making them work for your queries.

MongoDB query array containing search text

I have the following query (MongoMapper/Rails):
Card.where(:card_tags => {:$all => search_tags}
Where card_tags is an array of string tags and search_tags is in array of the search strings. At the moment if someone searches 'snow', no results with tag 'snowboarding' will be returned.
How can I modify this query to search whether any strings in card_tags contains any of the strings in search_tags? Regular expressions come to mind but not sure of the syntax given these are arrays...
You can use regular expressions but you will be doing full collection scans - this is going to be bad for performance.
You can use regex with an index only if you "starts with" type of searches, but I doubt you want to limit yourself to that.
For fulltext searching, you are better off using some external search service for this - like Lucene, ElasticSearch, or Solr.
Refer to this post too: like query in mongoDB