What are the best plugins for eclipse available [closed] - eclipse

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Closed 8 years ago.
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Can someone provide me a list of the best Eclipse Plugins available?

The place to go is Eclipse Plugins where you can find all available plugins. You'll also find a handy search function here.
If you want to know which plugins are most popular, turn your browser to Top 10 Most Popular Eclipse Plugins or Eclipse Marketplace.
Best of luck

Some of my favorites of all time:
Mylyn (task-oriented programming)
TPTP (profiling)
EclEmma (coverage)
CodePro Analytix (auditing, test generation, coverage)
FindBugs (static analysis)
Jadclipse (decompiler, requires JAD)
Eclipse Color Theme (text editor highlighting)
lombok (boilerplate buster, not a real plugin, more of a VM agent)


Are ColdFusion 9 Extensions for Eclipse still available? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I'm trying to configure Eclipse + CFEclipse for my ColdFusion IDE and hope to add RDS support. Pages like this one on the Adobe site reference a downloadable extension for Eclipse called ColdFusion Extensions for Eclipse
As of 5/20/2014, Adobe's download page supports version 10 and up with no reference to the extensions. I'm sure this download was buried by the push to CF10 and CFBuilder, but is it in the wild somewhere? I'm not having much luck with Google on this.
RDS is Adobe proprietary so you will need to use CFBuilder to get RDS access. I don't believe the extensions have existed since CF Builder was introduced. CFBuilder has a 90 day trial version available and with CF11 you get a free CFBuilder licence with standard edition and 3 free licences with enterprise edition.
Personally I would recommend Sublime Text and the Coldfusion plugin for it.

How to learn about the Eclipse Platform [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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What is the up-to-date way to learn about the Eclipse Platform, RCP...? I found these books, but they were last published 3 years ago. Is that considered eons ago in the Eclipse world? What is the canonical Introductory Guide for understanding Eclipse principles nowadays?
There are now two ways to do Eclipse RCP development, the Eclipse 3.x way where the older books are probably still relevant, and the Eclipse 4 'e4' way which features a new application model, direct injection and CSS styling. For an introduction to e4 RCP development see: http://www.vogella.com/articles/EclipseRCP/article.html the author also has an e-book version of the tutorial.

git Plugins for Eclipse [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I know EGit is the most popular git plugin available for Eclipse. It comes with the original package.
But, I would like to explore a bit before we decide on which plugin to use in our project. Can you guys suggest me some other plugins.
On the Java side, there isn't many more implementation.
Remember that you don't have to use Egit directly: you can access git features through the plugin on top of which EGit is built:
The unit tests for JGit provides for a good set of examples.

Is there an Eclipse plugin for collaborative editing? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I setup etherpad and showed my co-worker, and he swears there is an Eclipse plugin that does the same thing but can not remember the name. Neither of us use Eclipse regularly except if we were both interested in making the switch.
Have a look into Saros project: http://www.saros-project.org/
Have a look at http://wiki.eclipse.org/DocShare_Plugin
This is the current "official" solution to collaborative editing in Eclipse.
I think a similar project should exist based on the framework ECF.
(DocShare as mentioned by Tonny Madsen)
There was a SOC project for real-time sharing named Cola, but I don't know its current status.

Need help to begin with Eclipse RCP [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I am just a beginner in eclipse rcp and I'm feeling it hard to understand the concepts. Infact I struggling to create a button, somebody please give a good suggestion as to how to start with rcp.
The Vogella's tutorial on RCP is both up-to-date and quite complete, and updated for E4, including its E4 CSS Spy and other Eclipse e4 Tools..
You can also read about the difference between plug-in, feature and product in eclipse RCP.
In addition to the RCP resources mentioned by VonC, for lower-level stuff (you mentioned creating a button) check out the SWT snippets: http://www.eclipse.org/swt/snippets/
I'd suggest looking at the built-in example applications , especially the mail application they're quite helpful.
And every time you run into something you don't understand - check out the plugin.xml the answer is probably there =)
In addition to online resources, there are some good introductory books, including:
Eric Clayberg and Dan Rubel's "Eclipse plugins," Addison-Wesley.
Vladimir Silva's "Practical Eclipse Rich Client Platform Projects", Apress.
Other books in the Addison-Wesley Eclipse series, such as Steve Northover and Mike Wilson's "SWT: The standard widget toolkit" (from 2004, but still useful).
You can get started quickly with the RCP How-To.