ScrollView Zooming problem - iphone

In TapToZoom sample(apple code), If i pinch(inwards) the image becomes smaller than the window size(If i remove fingers it will fit correctly to window). How to fix the image to the window if the content size of scroll view is less than window size. I spent a day to fix this problem but of no use...
I am attaching the snap..
The black color is my window of size(320*480) if i pinch the image has gone smaller than the window size(highlighted image) If i stop pinching at this time It will fit correctly to window. But i don't want my imageView to become smaller than window while pinching how to accomplish this?

You may want to look at the minimumZoomScale and maximumZoomScale properties of UIScrollView (Reference here)

I adding these condintions in my delegate to fix the problem...
- (void)scrollViewDidScroll:(UIScrollView *)scrollView
if(scrollView.zoomScale < minimumScale)
[scrollView setZoomScale:minimumScale];
else if(scrollView.zoomScale > 1)
[scrollView setZoomScale:1];


set UIscrollView page size

I have been searching for how to make a scroll menu with a UIScrollview wraping (looping).
I checked this question and the example works and maybe it's a good approach.
But instead of showing just one page (image) I need to display 3 pages and being able to scroll one page at time.
So how can I set the UIScrollView page size 1/3 smaller than the frame (I think this way it will work)??
Is it achievable?? If not, please direct me to another direction
I believe what you are talking about is having a portion of the previous page and a portion of the next page visible. The way to do this is to set the scroll view's frame to be what you want (less than the screen, for example) and then turn off clipping of subviews for your scroll view. This will achieve the effect you are after.
[theScrollView setFrame:<a frame>]; will set the frame of the scroll view
[theScrollView setContentSize:<a Size>]; to set the content size of your scroll view
The size in 1. should be 1/3 of the size set in 2.
After some time, I end up needing to solve this issue again.
I found a Solution that worked for me.
Check this answer:
Change your scrollView size to the page size you want
Set your scroll.clipsToBounds = NO
Create a UIView subclass (e.g HackClipView) and override the hitTest:withEvent: method
-(UIView *) hitTest:(CGPoint) point withEvent:(UIEvent *)event
UIView* child = [super hitTest:point withEvent:event];
if (child == self && self.subviews.count > 0)
return self.subviews[0];
return child;
Set the HackClipView.clipsToBounds = YES
Put your scrollView in this HackClipView (with the total scrolling size you want)
See this answer for more details
As stated in lucius answer you can now implement the UIScollViewDelegate protocol and use the - (void)scrollViewWillEndDragging:(UIScrollView *)scrollView withVelocity:(CGPoint)velocity targetContentOffset:(inout CGPoint *)targetContentOffset method. As the targetContentOffset is a pointer. Using this method will not guarantee you the same result with scroll view pages as the user can scroll through many pages at once. But setting the descelerationRate to fast will almost give you the same result

move an image with touching like a scrollview

Well I have an image and I I want that when I touch it and then I move my finger it follows it.but I want that it follows it only vertically like a vertical scrollview(but I don't wanna use a scrollview).How can I do this please. sorry for my english I'm french :/
Why wouldn't you subclass UIScrollView for your view that displays the image? If you do it's pretty simple: define its size so that the horizontal length doesn't exceed the screen length. You'd have to also remember to change this if you allow rotation of the device/view to landscape. Suppose the width of your UIScrollView is 320, you would do this:
CGSize scrollableSize = CGSizeMake(320, myScrollableHeight);
[myScrollView setContentSize:scrollableSize];
Where myScrollableHeight is the full height of the image.
I've never used it but if that doesn't work there is apparently a method you can provide for your UIScrollView class that is called whenever the user attempts to scroll and you can just not adjust the X-coordinate there:
float oldX; // make this ivar in your .h file
- (void)scrollViewDidScroll:(UIScrollView *)aScrollView
[aScrollView setContentOffset: CGPointMake(aScrollView.contentOffset.y, oldX)];
Take a look at Apple's MoveMe sample. This should give you an idea. If you only want it to move vertically, only change the y value while dragging.
Just adding a panning gesture to the image parent view and moving the (only the y in your case) should be enough. Look at apple documentation for more details

Image is getting blury when Zooming In

I am trying to zoom to a image in my view. For that I used UIScrollView and in that scrollView I placed a ImageView. I had set min and max zoom scale of scrollview.
I used this code too..
- (UIView *)viewForZoomingInScrollView:(UIScrollView *)scrollView {
return imgView;
The problem is My image gets blury while zoomig. Any one have idea how to redraw image with the zoom size.
hi set maximumZoomScale=1.0f. it wont blurr :)

iPhone ScrollView zoom problems

I'm new to iPhone dev and Obj-C and I have several problems with ScrollView/ImageView while getting close to deadline. I used IB to create interface so I access most parameters via builder.
1) I was using touch events (begin/moved/ended) on imageView to switch images. When I put ImageView to ScrollView the old gestures stopped working and I can only zoom. If scrollView of both have focus I can't use my gestures even when zoomed out. How can I use both?
2) How do I zoom only image part of view? Unfortunately I also see background area around :/ What's worse - after rotating the view keeps it's old dimensions and I have even more black areas around image. For some reason image is in top-left corner.
Code snippets I found doesn't really help me much in this case. I have various images of different sizes in imageView to switch and zoom in/out.
EDIT: Ok, a little different. How do I override scrollview touch mode so that when image is zoomed out (to screen size) "normal" gestures would work. Currenly I have either scroll view scrolling or gestures, can't use both. Anyone?
Solved by dynamically changing imageview to imagesize and switching like:
- (void)scrollViewDidEndZooming:(UIScrollView *)scrollView withView:(UIView *)view atScale:(float)scale {
if (scrollView.zoomScale==1.0) {
scrollView.userInteractionEnabled = NO;
imageView.userInteractionEnabled = YES;
Not the best solution but works good enough.

UIScrollView not showing scroll indicator

I have a UIScrollView which I create and size dynamically using...
scrollView.contentSize = CGSizeMake(scrollView.frame.size.width , length);
I then add subviews to the UIScrollView.
I do have scrollView.showsVerticalScrollIndicator = YES;
When scrolling the scroll indicator never appears.
Even if I call [scrollView flashScrollIndicators] nothing happens.
Had the same problem and couldn't find the cause. The last answer gave the final hint: whenever I added new subviews I first removed all existing subviews from the scrollview (and apparently also the scroll indicators).
After checking in my loop, if the subview really was of the kind I wanted to be removed the scroll indicators showed up:
for (NSObject * subview in [[[scrollView subviews] copy] autorelease]) {
if ([subview isKindOfClass:[MySubView class]]) {
[(MySubView*)subview removeFromSuperview];
Update: changed code to Nikolai's suggestion
When I've dealt with this before, in my implementation of a grid, I would occasionally get some cells over the top of the scroll indicator. To fix this I am now inserting subviews at index 0 rather than adding them, which adds them to the top. So try something like this:
[scrollview insertSubview:subview atIndex:0];
For me, the horizontal indicator had mysteriously disappeared in my app on iOS 7. Later found out that for some strange reason, I had to enable both Shows Horizontal Indicator and Shows Vertical Indicator to make the horizontal one show up. If I set it to not show the vertical indicator, it would also not show horizontal indicator.
I fix this by adding this code after add new subview:
self.showsVerticalScrollIndicator = NO;
self.showsVerticalScrollIndicator = YES;
It will also happen (at least in the case of a UITableView) if the contentSize is too small for the table view to scroll. If you have enabled bouncing, then the tableview does not actually scroll and does not display the indicators therefore. Try fitting more content inside.
It can happen also if the parent of the scrollview is smaller horizontally than the scroll view itself :
The scroll bar is stuck to the right side of the ScrollView / TableView and this right side is not visible due to the parent bounds ( with a clipToBounds hidding it for instance).
I've seen this issue so I share it in case it can help.
Just check the width of your ScrollView's frame not to be bigger than the width of its parent view frame.
Two conditions,
If you are using a storyboard
If you are using a UITableView inside a UIViewController
Then, you should check your indicator insets are set to 0 (or any other number that is relevant to your autolayout):
Noticed this when the UIScrollView was a 48 px tall horizontal band, scrollable horizontally. Maybe Cocoa decides the area is too small for a scroll indicator...