#Profiled annotations (for using Perf4j logging) in Eclipse - eclipse

Im trying to get the #Profiled annotation to time (and log) method calls using Perf4j in my eclipse project. This uses aspectj. Ive managed easily to get it to work in the Windows command line with javac using the Perf4j Developers Guide. However the log files aren't created when I run the same code in an eclipse project. Ive tried many things including adding all the annotation weaver jars in the factory path but to no avail.

Download the Eclipse AJDT plugin and convert the project to a AspectJ project. Then it should work.
Do the following:
Mark the project, right click on it and add AspectJ nature.
On the AspectJ build-path you must add the jar file with the aspects. Ignore this if the aspect is part of the project and not a dependency.


How to add java source code for AspectJ in eclipse

I am learning AOP with Spring framework and I want to set the javadoc for AOP in eclipse. So what I did I downloaded aspectj-1.8.10.jar from eclipse web site https://eclipse.org/aspectj/downloads.php#install then I installed that jar and got 4 new jar files: aspectjrt.jar, aspectjtools.jar, aspectjweaver.jar, org.aspectj.matcher.jar which I added to my class path in eclipse. Now what I want is to add source files for these jars so, for example, when I hover over #Aspect I want to be able to see what this annotation represents. Unfortunately I can not find the source files for these jars, on the eclipse website mentioned above there is a file aspectj-1.8.10-src.jar but I'm not sure what to do with it, I tried to attach this file directly in the build path for each of the jars mentioned above but it didn't do the trick. Also I thought that maybe I had to install aspectj-1.8.10-src.jar the way I installed aspectj-1.8.10.jar so I would get 4 source files, but I'm not sure how (if possible) to install it, when I double click aspectj-1.8.10-src.jar, installation does not get triggered.
So can you please help me out to add javadoc for AspectJ 1.8.10 in Eclipse?
Select the library in your Eclipse project explorer window, click right button, select properties, select javasource attachment or javadoc location and enter the path to the source or javadoc file.
But I would suggest to use maven to maintain the dependencies of your project. It makes getting javadoc much easier, because libraries, source code and javadoc are fetch from a central repository. You just add the library you need in your project configuration (pom.xml file) and the other files are fetched for you.
You do not need all those libraries. Please first learn which one serves which purpose. E.g. aspectjrt is the runtime. When using Spring AOP you actually do not really use AspectJ, only a subset of its syntax. Thus, the runtime is needed for identifying some of the annotation classes. However, aspectjweaver is only needed if you want to use full AspectJ in a load-time weaving (LTW) scenario, with or without Spring. The weaver lib is a superset of the runtime, so you only need one of them. Last, but not least, aspectjtools again is a superset of the weaver lib and contains the AspectJ compiler (among other tools). This is only needed for compile-time weaving as part of your toolchain.
I do not think that source code and Javadoc will help you much in learning AspectJ. I suggest you read the Spring manual's AOP chapter describing both proxy-based Spring AOP and full AspectJ integration via LTW. If you want to learn AspectJ basics and maybe just use AspectJ without Spring (which is what I do), read the AspectJ documentation.
If you are still not convinced and want to add source and JavaDoc to your Eclipse project, why don't you follow jaysee's advice and use Maven? Then you get all the source/javadoc libs for free. But anyway, you can also load those JARs directly from Maven Central, e.g. the source and javadoc for AspectJ runtime 1.8.10. Good luck! But I assume you will be disappointed because the AspectJ JavaDoc is really bad for learning purposes and not suited to understanding how to actually use AspectJ.

The RequestFactory ValidationTool must be run for the ... ApplicationRequestFactory RequestFactory type

I want to use Spring ROO 1.2.1 + GWT 2.6.1 in Springsource Tool Suite 2.9.1 in Ubuntu 12.04.
Following guides like the video in http://www.bytespring.com/blog/spring-roo-integration-gwt, I can create with roo a new project via the "expense" script, then run it with mvn gwt:run.
Ok, than I want to manage it in STS and now the problem starts.
It seems to be problem about m2e.
In pom.xml the tag for artifact with ID "exec-maven-plugin" have this error:
Plugin execution not covered by lifecycle configuration: org.codehaus.mojo:exec-maven-plugin:1.2:exec (execution: default, phase: process-classes)
I tried to follow the solution suggested in How to solve "Plugin execution not covered by lifecycle configuration" for Spring Data Maven Builds.
Surrounded "plugins" tag with the "pluginManagement" tag. Now the error no longer appears.
Then I run the application, "Run as -> Web Application"... HTML Page Selection: ApplicationScaffold.html.
The web page appears, but with a window with this error:
Error: One or more exceptions caught, see full set in UmbrellaException#getCause".
The STS console says
"java.lang.RuntimeException: The RequestFactory ValidationTool must be run for the org.springsource.roo.extrack.client.managed.request.ApplicationRequestFactory RequestFactory type".
To solve this problem, I followed the instructions in http://code.google.com/p/google-web-toolkit/wiki/RequestFactoryInterfaceValidation.
1)In Project Properties->Java Compiler->Annotation Properties I enabled project specific settings, annotation processing and processing in editor, gen.source directory: .apt_generated; verbose false.
2) In Factory Path, enabled project specific settings, and added the external requestfactory-apt.jar located in
(I do not understand if "Validation Tool" and "Maven build" sections are important for me)
Now I tried to re-run (after a rebuild of project) and the same error persists.
Someone solved this problem?? How? Please explain step-by-step because I am not an expert, It's my first approach with spring and gwt...
This looks like the same problem I ran into a short while back, which (after considerable digging) appeared to be down to a bug in AJDT (Eclipse's AspectJ compiler) which means that it currently cannot handle Java 6 annotations (used heavily by Roo).
A comment on a connected GWT bug report describes the following workaround:
move AspectJ builder to be in front (on top) of Java builder in project properties, Builder page.
clean and build the project.
copy and save generated Java/class files in .apt_generated directory to somewhere else.
move Java builder back in front of AspectJ builder.
clean and rebuild the project
copy the class file from 3 above to your project's classpath.
Alternatively, you can build your project outside of Eclipse - the non-IDE AspectJ compiler, ajc, does not suffer from this problem.

Hibernate Setup in eclipse helios

How I can setup Hibernate for a Dynamic Web application by using Eclipse Helios? I am a newbe so please let me know if there is any example.
I tried for Java application and included all JARS and it worked fine. But don't understand how I can do it for Web application and test it.
I will use Struts2 so I will appreciate if I can get appropriate example or guidance.
Drop the jars in WEB-INF/lib. Those jars are automatically added by Eclipse to the project build path, and constitute (with the WEB-INF/classes directory and the container classpath) the classpath of the webapp.
First, download Struts2, and import example WAR file into Eclipse. You can find it from the source folder: struts-2.3.1-all\struts-2.3.1\apps\struts2-blank.war
Second, you should install Eclipse Hibernate Plugin. Goto Window > Preferences > Install/Update > Available Software Sites and add following link and name it JBossTools or something.
Depending on your needs you can install Hibernate Plugins for many project types. In this case, select web application plugin.
And after, you should include Hibernate Core libraries into your classpath. I would recomment Hibernate 3.6 and greater. Because it does not depend on asm (asm-3.3.jar, asm-commons-3.3.jar ...) anymore. If you use earlier versions you might encounter some problems, since Struts2 also depend on asm libraries.
Then create your database, and use following link to configure and generate model bean classes.
Now you don't need to write mapping files by yourselves. And with DAO factory pattern you have your way to finish your project.
Hope this helps, and Goodluck

Can I update an Eclipse plugin project, which is simply a wrapper around a jar?

I have a java project which I export as a jar. This java project also uses JNI.
So far, the only method I could find to use this jar in an Eclipse plugin is to wrap it in an other eclipse plugin project, and add this jar wrapper plugin to dependencies of my actual plugin.
I've wrestled with Eclipse's paths and dependency settings for days, and this method is the only one that works for me at the moment.
However, it is not very practical, since when I change my JNI based java code, I can simply create a new jar, but to connect that jar to my actual plugin, I have to re-create the jar wrapper plugin every time.
That is, I delete the jar wrapper plugin project, with everything on the disk, and re create it with the same name, pointing to the updated jar. I also have to drop the reference to this project from the actual plugin project and add again (maybe this has gotten smarter recently, but I did not test it)
This is time consuming, and I can't add this wrapper plugin project to svn either, since it is being created from scratch every time.
If I could simply update a jar wrapping eclipse plugin project by pointing at the new version of jar, that would solve my problem, and I could commit the project to svn after each update.
Is there any method you can think of which may help me run this process smoothly?
Best Regards
An Equinox-only (i.e. non-standard OSGi) method of using external libraries in an OSGi bundle without physically wrapping them is bundling by reference: you still need a wrapper plugin, but it does not contain the wrapped library itself but a reference in the bundle manifest's Bundle-Classpath header with a syntax like this:
Bundle-Classpath: external:/path/to/your/lib.jar
During development time, this is quite convenient and saves the effort of having to recreate the wrapper plugin whenever the wrapped library is updated. During deployment time, you'll either have to install the library along with the product or use a traditional wrapper plugin (one containing the actual library). You can also use the same wrapper plugin for bith use cases, but change the Bundle-Classpath from external:/stuff/lib.jar to libs/lib.jar dependent on whether you want to use the wrapped or the external library.
(Most of this comes from the book OSGi and Equinox - Creating Highly Modular Java Systems, which I don't really like, but which nevertheless contains useful stuff about Equinox (Eclipse's OSGi implementation) and the PDE build system.)

How to simply add jar files, as libraries in a Netbeans module suite?

I'm a bit confused with NetBeans (versions 6.5 and 6.7). I have a NetBeans Module Suite application, which consists of several NetBeans Modules. I need to add some code in one of the modules. The new code is using a library, distributed as several jar files.
The problem is, that NetBeans does not allow me to add this library jars directly to the classpath. It wants to wrap all the jars in a new Library Wrapper Module, which is then added to the project and used from there. The effect is that all the original jars are combined into a single new jar automatically by NetBeans. This is a problem, because I can't just replace the jars later, without rebuilding this "Library Wrapper Module" and the original library is updated nightly.
I read some NetBeans forums, but I found nothing... I tried with simple java application, where it is possible to simply add jar(s) to the classpath using Project Properties -> Libraries -> Add JAR/Folder. If you use a NetBeans module instead of a simple application, the Libraries dialog looks different and does not have the "Add JAR/Folder" button.
Is it possible to add a plain normal jar in a NetBeans module and how?
It looks like the way a user can wrap a jar has changed in NetBeans 6.8.
Since this has been integrated into a property dialog of a project, the build process might be smarter, too. And it seems like that was your primary concern....