iPhone leak on this line, why? - iphone

I am getting a leak on this line and I'm not sure why...
weather.condition = [weather.condition lowercaseString];
weather is a NSMutableArray with a load of NSStrings in? Is there anything obviously wrong with this line or is it a bigger issue?

One thing you have to learn about detecting memory leaks, is that leaks doesn't detect the line the leak occurs on per say, it detects where the object that is leaking was retained/copied/created. You need to look elsewhere for the actual leak, posting more code would be helpful. I'll update this answer if you do. Please comment below to indicate you've updated the answer with more code.

I remember i had this problem when i was using stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString and i had to declare a new string to hold it in, rather than perform it on itself if that makes any sense!:)

If weather.condition is a synthesized retain property, then you could probably get away with that statement without a leak because the synthesized setCondition method will check to see if there is a value assigned to condition, and release it. If you wrote the setCondition method, you are responsible for managing the memory associated with condition.


Is there any case where [self retain] is valid?

Reading source code of my current project, I see:
[self retain]
in one class, in its init method.
I don't understand exactly the reason.
Reading memory management rules from Apple, I don't see anything about this, and I don't see any hypothetical [self release].
The object is asserting ownership of itself when it is initialised. The only reason I can see that this might be useful is if the object needs to guarantee its own existence until some event has happened. For example, it might run a timer and then release itself when the timer expires.
If it's not documented and there is no corresponding release, it's probably a bug.
Best guess is that the person writing the code had a retain error and this was a "quick fix" around the real problem.
This seems to be probably an error, usually it's not up to the object to retain himself.
I see only one special case: delegate and notification, where you have to be much more careful about your life cycle, but even if this case, release/retain should not be done in the object itself.
Note to Erick:
In case of UIAlert, you can release it before it has been destroyed because the view has been but in the view hiercarchy, and then referenced. So the view will be automatically destroyed when it will be removed from the view hierarchy
It's not wrong to retain self. But seeing it in an init method sounds suspicious. I can't think of a good example of where that would be a good thing to do. Also though, with ARC, you can't even do that so you'd have to think of a better way of doing things. In general, if an object is required to be alive then there would be another object that is holding onto it. Self retaining objects are prone to errors where they will never be released.
If I recall correctly some classes use the self-retain to avoid pre-mature releasing. I would say it's not exactly best practice, but if you know the rules of the game (in this case Obj-C) you can break them (sometimes).
if you have some object, it's like it have healts/ lives. when you created it , it have one live. and. function 'retain' increasing his number of lives +1, release function decreasing his number of lives -1, dealloc decreasing too, alloc increasing

Setter failing selectively in NSManagedObject

I have a NSManagedObject which I'm trying to instantiate with given values. I access the setters like so:
object.couchID = (NSString *)[dictObject objectForKey:#"_id"];
...and this works fine on my machine, but my partner gets this error when he runs it on his machine:
'-[NSCFString type]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x4e465e0'
About 90% of the setters (all formatted in the same way) work on my partner's machine, but a good 10% fail with that error. All of them work on my machine.
We're running the exact same code (according to SVN (yes, I know)), and fetching the same data from the same server, so everything seems like it should work.
We've checked the objects being passed, and they're the same. Commenting out the setter allows the code to get through to the next troublesome setter, but of course we need it to actually work. How else should we troubleshoot? Thanks in advance.
Update 1: Unlocked the Tumbleweed badge for that one... guess it's too sticky to touch? Any thoughts or guesses are welcome. And hey, you could earn 50 points.*
Update 2: the mixed-good-news is that checking out a fresh version from source control results in the same problem on my machine, so a) it's definitely something in the code, and b) I can more actively troubleshoot. Thanks for all your suggestions so far, I'm going to go through them all again.
I ran into something similar at work the other day. I suspect that one of you has a stale .momd file inside the app bundle, and that it's not being replaced when it gets upgraded. I suspect this is a bug in Xcode 4, though I haven't totally verified it yet. If your partner deletes the app completely and then installs the app, does the error go away?
You may need to create a temporary variable whose value is object cast to whatever the actual class is, e.g.
MyClass *c = (MyClass *)object; // if object is in fact a MyClass instance
c.couchID = (NSString *)[dictObject objectForKey:#"_id"];
I have seen cases where the compiler cannot make mental leap and realize that your attribute is the class you know it is. The solution for me in these cases has been to be more explicit. Does this make sense? It's worth a shot at least, no? :-)
if this code fails on your partner's machine:
someManagedObject.couchID = #"some hardcoded string";
seems like you have a dangling pointer: i would check that someManagedObject is properly retained and still a valid object when you try to call the -setCouchID method on it.
I have had nearly the same problem when trying to draw a CATiledLayer with data in NSManagedObjects. What should be a valid object barfs with an "unrecognised selector" exception
It nearly always happens because theres no retain on the object external to the point where you are trying to set or get the property. Being in a separate thread seemed to have a relationship too.
After fruitlessly trying to get round this with [NSManagedObjectContext lock] and retain on the context within the new thread I eventually just threw the contents of my fetch into a mutable set to try and keep a grip on it which seems to work on iOS but not on OS X so well.
So a couple of possibilities
Are you doing this not in the main
thread and does the MOC have a retain
within that thread. Check the docs
for [NSManagedObjectContext lock]. But essentially each thread working with the context needs its own retain on the context.
Try throwing it into a container
while you operate on it. Make it a
bit stickier. Sorry if that sounds
like voodoo but it is.

Retain count for tableView:cellForRowAtIndexPath:

In Apple's example code, the method tableView:cellForRowAtIndexPath: of a UITableViewDataSource returns a cell with a retain count of 1; it allocs it, but doesn't autorelease it. However, the static analyzer complains that this violates the Cocoa naming conventions, since the method name doesn't start with 'new', etc. The documentation doesn't mention the expected retain count of the cell. What retain count should the cell have? Should I file a bug against the documentation? Thanks.
EDIT: The example code I looked at does autorelease it, and my eye somehow skipped over it. Sorry to waste your time. Thanks for the responses.
Further edit: A bug should probably be filed against Clang if questioners are going to get jumped for using its terminology in a question. :-)
The value of retainCount is not really important (it can go up and down for seemingly unknown reasons). But cells created in tableView:cellForRowAtIndexPath: should be autoreleased. What example code are you looking at?
Which example code? MyTableViewController.m returns either [tableView dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier:kCellID] or [[[UITableViewCell alloc] initWithStyle:UITableViewCellStyleDefault reuseIdentifier:kCellID] autorelease].
If the example code does something different, it's probably wrong. Nearly all methods follow Objective-C naming conventions; the ones that don't tend to be explicitly documented.
Retain count is always at least 1. You won't ever get back an object with a retain count less than that, it would be an ex-object already. Please please please don't draw conclusions from retain counts, or have expectations about them, or even ever look at them. Never never never never never.
There may possibly be dodgy example code here and there that does the wrong thing. Ignore it. Do the right thing and don't fret yourself about the rest.
In fact, DO NOT USE THE retainCount at all. I got so confused and it lead me into the totally wrong direction and I wasted literally days hunting down wrong leaks. It means ABSOLUTELY NOTHING if the count goes up or down! Don't waste a second dealing with it.
It's much better to use the Leak or Zombie tools!
(ps also thanks to walkytalky - as I just see he also answered this one!)
Don't worry about the retain count. You alloc a UITableViewCell in your cellForRowAtIndexPath:, which means you have to release it or you have a memory leak. You can't release it because you have to return the cell, have the table view draw it as a subview, then release it. Therefore you autorelease it to have the autorelease pool release it later. When you return it, it hasn't been released yet, but gets released later by the system (you've simply relinquished ownership of it, which is what you want, because you don't maintain a reference to the cell after it's returned from the function).

Memory leak using (void) alloc

I have seen a similar line of code floating about in Apples code:
(void)[[URLRequest alloc] initializeRequestWithValues:postBody url:verifySession httpHeader:nil delegate:self];
URLRequest is my own custom class. I didn't write this and I think the guy that did just grabbed it from Apple's example. To me this should leak and when I test it I'm pretty sure it leaks 16 bytes. Would it? I know how to fix it if it does but wasn't sure as it was taken from Apple's code.
EDIT: The problem was with the SDK, not the above code. See answer below for further details
Thought I might update this as after further testing and the release of iOS4 it has changed.
The above code doesn't leak and the memory footprint of the App returns to normal even after 200 iterations of the code. The leak did occur in iOS3 but was very small, in iOS4 it has completely disappeared both in simulator and device.
Some might wonder why you would want to implement this code but it works and make sense when dealing with lots of different NSURLConnections throughout your code running simultaneously.
Yes. This is a leak, which can easily be fixed by adding an autorelease:
[[[URLRequest alloc] initializeRequestWithValues:postBody url:verifySession httpHeader:nil delegate:self] autorelease];
Perhaps a better fix would be to create a class function that does this:
#interface URLRequest
// ...
// ...
+ (void) requestWithValues:/* ... */
// ...
Then you could simply use [URLRequest requestWithValues: /* ... */] without invoking alloc.
Not at all sure what this code is supposed to accomplish. It does appear to break every single convention about initialization methods. What's the point of returning a void pointer from an initialization method? The entire point of an initialization method is to return an object. Where in Apple's code examples did you see this?
Having said that, I don't see why it would leak. Since it doesn't return an object there is nothing to leak external to the method. There might be something internally that leaks.
It basically does an NSURLConnection.
Because we are submitting a lot of
forms with a lot of different values
we put it in an external class. All
the delegate methods like
didFailWithError: are in NSURLRequest
and connectionDidFinishLoading just
passes the data to its delegate. So it
doesn't really need to return anything
as it is done through a delegate
Yeah, you need to redesign this. At present, this method is just a disaster waiting to happening. If nothing else, everyone else looking at this code will be utterly confused about what you are doing.
If you have no need to retain the object created, then move its allocation and clean up entirely within a method. Change the method name prefix from "initialize" to something like "setup", "configure", "acquire" etc so the name doesn't imply that it creates and returns and object.
If you need a one shot instance of a particular class, use a class method like Michael Aaron Safyan suggested (again without initialize in the name.) The class method should internally initialize an instance, perform the operations needed, return the data to wherever, then dealloc the instance.
That way, you won't have to worry about leaks and everyone else who may read your code (including yourself months down the road) will immediately understand what the code does.

Any way to check if an instance is still in memory?

Example: I have a view controller and get rid of it. But there's still an variable holding it's memory address. Accessing that results in EXEC_BAD_ACCESS. Of course. But: Is there any way to check if that variable is still valid? i.e. if it's still pointing to something that exists in memory?
You need to read this again:
Cocoa Memory Management Guidelines
In short, if you want something to stick around you must retain it.
If you want something to go away and you have previously retained it, you must release or autorelease it.
You must never call dealloc directly (except [super dealloc]; at the end of every one of your dealloc methods).
You must never release or autorelease an object that you did not retain.
Note that some methods do return retained objects that you must release. If you alloc an instance of a class, that implies a retain. If you copy and instance, the copy is retained.
If you are ever tempted to use the retainCount method, don't. It isn't useful. Only consider retain counts as a delta; if you add, you must subtract, but the absolute value is an implementation detail that should be ignored.
(In other words, even if there were ways to check for an object's validity definitively -- there aren't -- it would be the wrong answer.)
Oh, and use the Build and Analyze feature in Xcode. It does a very good -- but not quite perfect -- job of identifying memory management problems, amongst other things.
That's what the entire memory management model is set up for - if you call retain at the right times, and release and autorelease at the right times, that can't happen. You can use NSZombie to help you debug.
Use "NSZombieEnabled" break point.
For this reason only all strongly recommend us to use accessors. If your object is released anywhere, it will get assigned to nil, and there will be no harm if you call any API or method on Nil object. So please make a habit of using Accessors.
you just add this NSZombieEnabled Flag as an argument to your application in build settings. and enable it. Now you run your application in debug mode. If any such crash is about to occur, this breakpoint will show you which object is freed and where it is crashing.
If by variable, you mean whether the pointer to your object still references valid memory then:
MyClass *myVariable = [[MyClass alloc] init];
//Tons of stuff happens...
if (myVariable != nil)
//Do more stuff