GWT RequestFactory examples? - gwt

Do you know where i can find some code examples for the new GWT 2.1 RequestFactory? Google's tutorial is not good enough to begin with.

please check this
and from googler :!w%252BWU4iAICkI.1

And written in 2011 there are these tutorials which use ServiceLocators and show how to split the server side code using DAOs.

Have a look at the DynaTableRf sample from a GWT 2.1 distribution.

Here is the Simple example for Gwt Request Factory...
code is here


Generate PDF in Play Framework Scala

I'm using Play framework 2.2.x and I'm looking for some plugin/lib for generating PDF.
I found this plugin:,
but it's for Java and is not supported already
Do u know some repository with this library? Or some alternatives for Scala and Play Framework?
=== Update
I found some fork, but still no working repository
Try this one It is really easy to use, and you can define your own css or even use bootstrap.
This seems to be a very good solution :
Otherwise, I highly recommend
Well javascript can be easy solution . You can use jspdf .

cachingactivitymapper usage example

We implemented a GWT app using a MVP pattern.
Now we wanted to use cachingactivitymapper in that application.
I searched on the web for how to use this. I couldnt get anything.
Can anyone please provide me the example of using cachingactivitymapper.
You can easily set up one example via Spring Roo ( if you dont get trippped by spring roo related errors). Reference -
Some other example GitHub projects -

RichTextToolbar in GWT 2.3

I'm trying to create a RichTextArea (following the GWT Showcase : link )
When I do a code completion of RichTextToolbar, I'm not able to find it. Is this an external library?
And then I googled and found this : google code link. Is this the same library in the Google Showcase? Or is the RichTextToolbar is an old implementation that not being brought to version 2.3?
Update:I tested this and what I feel is although the implementation the same, the UI looks different though.
It seems that they created their own version of RichTextToolbar.
This class is part of the GWT Showcase.
Here is a decent explanation to get the RichTextToolbar working. You take the source code from showcase basicaly.

GWT + Acegi implementation

I want to implement acegi security authorization in my GWT project.
I am not able to do it properly.
Can any one help thoroughly?
javacodegeeks have a nice tutorial with an example that can be of help. Though it is not complete for instance handling the logout/session timeout, it will give you a quick base where you can start off quickly.

What is the use GWT generator?

I have seen that GWT framework is having generator feature.
In what case we have to use gwt generator option and why it is needed?
Can anyone tell me simply why,what is gwt generator? Done some googling. But not much helpful stuffs...
From this tutorial:
Generators allow the GWT coder to generate Java code at compile time and have it then be compiled along with the rest of the project into JavaScript.
This tutorial uses the example of generating a Map of values at compile time based on a properties file.
I've done GWT development for 3 years now and I've written one generator :) I've written a couple of linkers for experimental purposes so I think they are more common, though still rare. The classic case is where you want to write
X x = GWT.create(X.class)
and have the particular subclass or implementation of X constructed at compile time based on, perhaps, annotations in the provided X class or interface. GWT uses them for things like the CSSResource.
Search for "GWT Generator Experiments" on google for some info about what I did.
One of the use cases is to mimic reflection on the client side by building a factory class on the fly. I remember answering a question posted by you earlier on how to do this
How to create new instance from class name in gwt?
So i guess you already know the application. What else are you looking for? Can you be precise?
I've started using GWT Generators where I needed Java Reflection. I've documented One of the use cases for using GWT generators here:
Hope it helps.
If you refer to code generator, yes, there will a tool supporting GWT 2.1 code generation. For more details and a quick start, see
A general roo intro is here
Another visual tutorial is at
Check out this implementation:
You can create new Instances of classes on client with foo.newInstance("");