How can I debug Apple push notifications not being received? - iphone

I'm using apn_on_rails to integrate Apple's Push Notifications with my service.
For a while, notifications seemed to be sent without issue. But now the notifications don't seem to be making it to people's iPhones/iPads.
According to our database, the notifications are being sent (apn_on_rails has a sent_at field that gets updated when the notification is sent). But no one (myself included) actually get the notifications.
Any ideas where to even start looking to debug this?

Notifications are not displayed if the app is running.
You can check the error response of the sending.


Checking for other UIRemoteNotifications waiting, inside didReceiveRemoteNotifications

In didReceiveRemoteNotification, is it possible to see if there are other/older push notifications that haven't been responded to?
I have a scenario where each notification contains different data, and unless you exit app and select every single notification for your app. You app wont be able to get to that data.
I'm thinking that iOS must be storing that information in an array somewhere, but haven't been able to find anything through Google.
Advice please? Last chance saloon would be re-writing it to poll a server for notifications.
You cannot guarantee that your app will ever receive any push notification sent to it. The only way it does is if it is running when it receives the message or if the notification is used to launch your app.
I would recommend implementing a web service on your server that allows your app to pull down the data it needs from these notifications when it is running.

How to test if Geoloqi push notifications are working or not?

For normal push notifications, when something new is added to a site, a push notification is sent to the device.
So if I want to test if push notifications work how do I do that?
I tried creating triggers and Geonotes on the console with the present location I receive on my iPhone. And then tried running the triggers hoping to receive a push notification, but unfortunately I am not getting any push notification.
What am I doing wrong?
I hope someone can help me with this.
You can use the message/send method to test sending a message directly to a device.
The simplest way is to log in to your own Geoloqi account from within your app, and then use the API console to send a message to your device. You can of course also send messages to other accounts, just take a look at the doc page for message/send.

any option to know if apple app get the push notification?

I build xcode app that get push notification, the main problem is that the push notification is very critical for me.
so I want to check if the push notification is delivered to the device with the app installed, I understand that if the iphone dosn't have internet connecction / 3G the push notification is not getting to the device.
how can I check if the device get the notification or not?
how can I check if the APNS successful to deliver the push notification?
I want to send sms if the push notification is not deliver to the device so I think about the idea to get the notification event when it's open by the push notification, and to send request to my server so i can know if the push notification is successful deliver or not. the main problem is that the user need to open the app every time he get the notification and in the night it's a problem. so this option is not good for me.
I check the feedback server push notification but i don't find any info that I can get if the push notification is delivered or not
any idea??
With iOS7 you have a new method called
which you probably could use for your task. From Apple's Docs:
Implement this method if your app supports the remote-notification background mode.
When a push notification arrives, the system displays the notification to the user and
launches the app in the background (if needed) so that it can call this method. Use this
method to download any data related to the push notification. When your method is done,
call the block in the handler parameter.
Unlike the application:didReceiveRemoteNotification: method, which is called only when
your app is running, the system calls this method regardless of the state of your app.
The short answer, you can't, since APNS is one way. However, since an app can execute arbitrary code upon receipt of a notification, you can use this to say, send an http request to your own server when the notification is recieved.
There are any number of reason why push notifications might not get delivered to your user, or might not be delivered in a timely manner. Apple does not provide any mechanism for you to query the status of a push notification that you have sent.
If your app is currently running on the user's device and the user is accepting notifications for your app, you can implement the following method in your app delegate. It would be called whenever a push notification is received and in this method you could send a request back to your server to indicate the message was received. However this will only work while the user is running your app.
- (void)application:(UIApplication *)application didReceiveRemoteNotification:(NSDictionary *)userInfo
In general though, it sounds like you'e relying on push notifications for something you shouldn't. From Apple's Local and Push Notification Programming Guide:
Important Because delivery is not guaranteed, you should not depend on
the remote-notifications facility for delivering critical data to an
application via the payload. And never include sensitive data in the
payload. You should use it only to notify the user that new data is
There is no way to find out whether the notification was delivered to the device or no. APNS is a one way service. If there is no internet connection on the device then the APNS server will hold the last notification for some period of time which is no specified by Apple. If a new notification is sent to APNS for delivery then the old notification data is lost and replaced by the new data if its undelivered. If the notification is delivered then also the old notification data is deleted on the APNS server.
Please go through the following link : Apple Push Notification
Hope this helps you...........
If you are using JAVAPNS to send the APNS notification, you can use the below:
List<PushedNotification> notifications =
Push.combined("alert", badge, "default", "cert.p12", "certpassword", true, deviceToken);
for (PushedNotification notification : notifications) {
if (notification.isSuccessful()) {
//Push is successful. Do your thing...
else {
//Push is not successful. Do your thing...

Handle APNS Remote Notifications while in Background

I have implemented all recommended methods in AppDelegate to get working Remote Notifications service.
I can accept them while running, while launching and while turned off.
But there is an issue, since I can't work with many received notifications while in background. I can work only with latest notification.
What is recommended manual to do that? How can I got all notifications received while in background? Is it only solvable via manual call to my service provider (sender of apns data)?
With all the projects I've worked on there hasn't been a way to locally store this information if the push notification is dismissed. In all those cases we used a small file on the server that the app would connect to and pull when it became active again. There was also some place in the app where the user could see all their notifications which, again, were stored on the server for quick retrieval.
With the way I understand push notifications to be setup, if the notification is dismissed the system discards it. It'll perform anything it's supposed to do (such as update the badge number and play the correct sound) but any additional information specific to that notification is lost.
Not sure if this helps, but if you just want to know how many notifications you have missed while you were in background. You can create a variable which contains notification number and store this in the app every time you handle notification. When you come out of background and receive a new notification you can subtract the new number with the stored number to find out the number of missed notifications. I don't think there is a way where iOS can give you complete data associated with all the notification device have received while the app was in background.
The best solution is to keep a list of sent notifications with all relevant data on your server, so the app can access that data when it launches. Sending multiple notifications with data that is not stored on the server can be risky, because the application only receives the notification when the user opens the app from that notification, so if they tap on one notification, the app will only every receive that one.
If you have them all in a list on your server, the app can simply go and pull that list down, and process it, making sure no data is lost.

Push vs polling with web service on iPhone

I'm using the ASIHttpRequest library to ask a web service every minute for updates. The app receives a json string and parses it. It works OK.
But I'd like to make this more efficient.. what would be the best way of getting the server to send to the app info whenever there is an update.. rather than constantly polling the web service?
Apple PUSH notification is not a good solution
1) You can only package a limited amount of data to it
2) It may be difficult to figure out if users have the app launched, or exited. If you keep sending PUSH even after users exit the app, they will end up with lots of spam. If you try to send something to the server to indicate that users have closed the app so it should stop sending PUSH, it may not work when the app crashes.
I suggest you use Sockets.
Or just use a scheduled loop to make requests every minute.
But I wonder if you can just send a PUSH without alert body and sound, and just sending a 0 badge. If app it opened, it will be able to feedback to the server to continue sending update. If there is no feedback, stop sending push .
Apple's push notifications may be what you are looking for. However, you'd need to implement something on the website to support them I believe. I haven't used them myself (I haven't gotten that far into my application development), but here is a link to the developer documentation for it:
Apple's push notification is one way. Here's a guide on building a push notification provider server.