Is it is possible to disable the loading bar in zkoss? - zk

Is there any way to disable the loading bar in zkoss framework?

well... im not sure about what kind of loading message you want to disable
there're two kinds of busy, one is on left top, another is on center with full page mask.
i create a button to test them
<button label="showMaskBusy" onClick='Clients.showBusy("some message...")' />
<button label="showLeftTopBusy" onClick='org.zkoss.lang.Threads.sleep(10000)' />
then the way to disable them is using CSS
/**Center + Mask Busy**/
#zk_showBusy {
display: none !important;
/**Left Top Busy**/
.z-loading-indicator {
display: none !important;
try add them into the test button page.

I assume you are talking about the loading message? If not please let me know.
You can do this by setting the style to display: none; in the CSS. You can do this by following the Style Guide entry.


How to add a ionic v3 component in ion-content but put the component's child button in ion-footer

I’ve created a few components that handle form submission functionality. In each of these components, I want the form submit/cancel buttons to be fixed at the bottom of the view, much like the functionality available via ion-footer. The submit button needs reference to the variables + methods in the component for [disabled] + (tap) functionality, for example [disabled]="!formGroup.valid" (tap)="submitForm()"
If the component is a child of ion-content then there is no way to add ion-footer as it will be contained within ion-content, instead of below ion-content. At first glance, having ion-footer inside ion-content appears to view properly, but the rendering can be buggy especially in scroll situations. I went as far as setting a force-bottom css class with fixed position/bottom but it looks like the ionic javascript overrides fixed positioning when inside ion-content, so a pure CSS solution does not seem to be possible.
<!-- add a-form-component's button here -->
Any recommendations on how to achieve the desired functionality?
Let's say you have a page called page and a component called cp
inside page.html you have the component <cp></cp>
Inside cp.html you have
<div>anything goes here</div>
<div>anything goes here</div>
<div>anything goes here</div>
<div>anything goes here</div>
<div id="the-footer">
inside page.scss:
background-color: #efefef;
text-align: center;
position: fixed;
width: 100%;
bottom: 0px;
z-index: 99999;
This will achieve the same result as ion-footer.
The div containing the button will always be visible regardless of the scrolling.
hope it helps

How to make Ionic scrollbar draggable?

I want the user to be able to click and drag the scrollbar on the side of the screen while using my ionic app. Is this possible?
Ionic has a built in component called ion-scroll. It does what you have described and more. You can implement it inside your HTML like so.
For me the solution was to add isBrowser variable to the controller which determined if this is mobile (no scroll bar) or desktop (draggable scrollbar).
<ion-content data-ng-class="{ isBrowserView : appCtrl.isBrowser }"
overflow-scroll="{{ appCtrl.isBrowser }}">
And I added the following to me scss file:
.isBrowserView {
overflow-y: auto !important;
.isBrowserView .scroll-bar-indicator {
display: none;
*If you always want the scrollbar then do not worry about setting the value on a controller. Like so:
<ion-content class="isBrowserView"

slideToggle at top to push all content below down, not overlay when other divs have different z-index?

I have a sliding toggle div that is hidden on page load and when a button is clicked gets revealed. The div is 250px in height and is positioned top 0px. I have also tried bottom 100% which sort of does the same thing. I am using several layers of z-index and have had to position some divs using absolute in order to get the layout I wanted. But I was hoping there is a way to push all of these divs down by 250px when the sliding toggle is revealed. I was thinking that instead of using toggle div, maybe there is a way to scroll the page to -250px so that all the content appears the same but is pushed down?
This is the css for the div I am using in case there is something that can be done here:
position: fixed;
The script for the toggle is being used as follows:
}); });
And the toggle is being called using this html:
<div id="TopBar">SHOW</div>
Which is all working, except it is overlaying the content that is already there whereas I want it to push it all down.
Any help appreciated.
Using the clearfix method directly below the toggle div or it's wrapper should fix this:
HTML: <div class="clearfix"></div>
CSS: .clearfix { clear: both; }

CSS input button on iPhone

I have this site here and in the top right corner I have an input button and it looks weird on an iphone and I don't know why. It makes into a circle/bubble like button.
Heres the HTML for the input button
<input type="submit" id="button" name="button" class="searchBtn" value="GO"/>
and here is the CSS
Any help would be gratefully appreciated!
I fixed my problem but adjusting my css like this...
-webkit-appearance: none;
By adding -webkit-appearance: none; the button now looks good an iphone, this also works for the iPad.
If you have a lot of different buttons that this is an issue with on your site, try:
input[type="button"], input[type="submit"], input[type="reset"] {
-webkit-appearance: none;
That should reset all of your input buttons without causing problems with checkboxes and other inputs. Just leave the rest of your CSS as-is.
consider setting -moz-appearance and -ms-appearance to none as well...
If you have access to a mac you can turn on developer tools in Safari and put the browser into iPhone simulation mode and try to debug it that way.

How to show initially hidden DIV with GWT?

I have a DIV tag which I can made either
display: none;
visibility: hidden;
Then I want to show it with GWT.
But when I am trying to do
and it has no effect.
I saw in Firebug, that thess functions add "display: none" or remove it in turn. Since there is one explicit "display: none" hardcoded, the DIV is constantly hidden.
So, how can I accomlish the task? Thanks.
In your JSP
<div id="myid" style="display:none ; width:100%">
In your GWT EntryPoint class