Responding to touch in other classes - iphone

I'm building an iPhone app on top of the OpenGL template for the iPhone. I was about to add user interaction to the app when I noticed that it won't respond to touches in a few of my classes.
Currently, the GameAppDelegate calls my EAGLView class' startAnimation method, which eventually calls my ES1Renderer class' render method, which then finally calls my Scene render method. I know it's a bit of a mess at this point, but I'll clean it up eventually.
-(void)touchesBegan:(NSSet *)touches withEvent:(UIEvent *)event is only called and checked for in my EAGLView class. I don't know what I'm missing in the other classes (most importantly my Scene class) that will automatically check to see if I have that method and implement it.

Judging just from the naming scheme, it sounds like Scene is not a UIView. The touch event method is called on whatever UIView is touched -- in this case, your EAGLView. If you'd like the Scene class to handle it, you can just call the method directly:
-(void)touchesBegan:(NSSet *)touches withEvent:(UIEvent *)event
[myScene touchesBegan:touches withEvent:event];


How to freeze UI when start up?

When the app is launched, I want to freeze UI for a second or so to get a precondition service (for example - location service) initialized. Is there a way to do that?
Just place a transparent UIView on top of the entire screen and have it intercept all touch events.
To intercept touch events, simply subclass a UIView and override
- (BOOL)pointInside:(CGPoint)point withEvent:(UIEvent *)event;
Usually inside that method you'd call super on it, but in this case you would just return YES:
- (BOOL)pointInside:(CGPoint)point withEvent:(UIEvent *)event
return YES;
If you'd like to be really fancy you can add a synthesized property to the UIView subclass called shouldInterceptTouches and do something like this:
- (BOOL)pointInside:(CGPoint)point withEvent:(UIEvent *)event
return shouldInterceptTouches ? YES : [super pointInside:point withEvent:event];
Also remember to make sure that your transparent view is above the other views.
Side-note: Apple's Human Interface Guidelines don't like it when you do stuff like that. A user will be confused and disappointed if your app is not responsive and it may cause them to quit the app if they think it's frozen. You're better off displaying some sort of UIActivityIndicatorView and disabling only the buttons absolutely necessary. Apple likes it when you do stuff like that in the background and allow the user to do other things, just in case it takes a while or fails.
You could use a Modal View or disable all components until the location service has finished.
This is the responsibility of the application not the OS or the frameworks.

How to determine click location coordinates in iphone app view class

i'm trying to make a connect four iphone app. I have made my own custom UIView class, which is where the game is played. However, I am trying to use the touchesMoved, touchesEnded, etc. methods to retrieve data based on where the user clicked (so i know which column they are trying to put a piece into). How can i get this information from the viewController class to my UIview class?
I would just use - (BOOL)pointInside:(CGPoint)point withEvent:(UIEvent *)event and potentially override - (UIView *)hitTest:(CGPoint)point withEvent:(UIEvent *)event to ignore touches in views that I may have overlaid. It does depend on your view hierarchy really.

MkMapView setRegion animation prevents touch events on Annotation Views

We have a MKmapView with a bunch of Image Annotation where each Image annotation responds to touch
by overriding these methods of AnnotationView subclass:
-(void)touchesBegan:(NSSet *)touches withEvent:(UIEvent *)event;
-(void) touchesEnded:(NSSet *)touches withEvent:(UIEvent *)event
Our map region is updated using
[MkMapView setRegion:animated:]
whenever the new location is received and is far enough from the old location to make a difference.
What I noticed is that if we set animated flag to YES the touches on our annotation are rarely detected(probably due to the fact that main thread is busy animating between two map regions.
When we set animated flag to NO, everything is fine, but map transition may(or may not) become jerky.
The question I have is whether this is an expected behavior of animated flag of [MkMapView setRegion:animated] function or whether there is a workaround for this issue.
Thanks in advance
Typically, the mapview being animated has its userInteractionEnabled property set to no during the animation. If you need to change this behavior, you should subclass the view and override the appropriate methods.
Alternatively, you could place a transparent view over the mapview for the duration of the animation to capture specific types of actions, such as respond to a double-tap to stop the change in region.

How to Identify a touch/tap on an iPhone screen

I need to know which method is used to identify tap/mouse click.I
- (void)touchesBegan:(NSSet *)touches withEvent:(UIEvent *)event {}
-(void)touchesMoved:(NSSet *)touches withEvent:(UIEvent *)event {}
which are triggerd when cursor moved.
But I want to do following things-
I have an image.
When i will click it, similar two image will be created.And so on
Can anyone help????Advanced thanx for your reply.
The tap events are handled not by the touches method callbacks in UIView, but as targets-actions in UIControl. UIControl is a subclass of UIView, and adds abstractions for taps, drags and other common user actions, so that you do not need to implement the logic yourself.
To add a action for the user tapping a control simply do this:
[myControl addTarget:self
This is usable both if you subclass UIControl yourself, or if you use any of the provided controls such as UIButton, UITextField, UILabel, etc.

Touch methods are not working with release build

I'm having a strange issue where a custom control I've built for the iPhone works perfectly when building in debug mode but only works partially when built in release mode.
The main wrapper view is a subclass of UIView and it contains a row of "buttons" that are added as subviews. The custom button class extends UIImageView and is overriding the touch methods with the following signatures:
- (void)touchesBegan:(NSSet *)touches withEvent:(UIEvent *)event
- (void)touchesMoved:(NSSet *)touches withEvent:(UIEvent *)event
- (void)touchesEnded:(NSSet *)touches withEvent:(UIEvent *)event
When building debug code, all 4 of these functions are called at the times you would expect, with a release build, nothing happens. I have logging in each of them and I'm not getting any log messages (other logging is working).
Another interesting thing, I have the touchesBegan/Moved/Ended methods overridden in the wrapper view class and they are working fine. I've tried commenting out those methods in the wrapper class to see if it had an effect on the buttons but it did not.
I've also tried changing the UIImageView class to be a subclass of UIButton instead but am having the same issue there, including any events like touchUpInside. They work in debug, but not release.
I've tried researching this issue as well as general event handling and have come up empty handed. Any ideas where to look next?
I finally figured out the issue - the wrapper for the "button" items had a height of 0. In debug mode, the app figured out that the buttons were being touched even though they weren't inside the hit area of their parent view (clipsToBounds was defaulted to NO so the button items were still perfectly visible), in release mode, not so much.
Hopefully this can help save some people the head scratching and debugging time that I had to go through :) I've also posted this to a bug at Apple so hopefully it will be fixed someday.