TTThumbsViewController - iphone

Is it possible to add a TTThumbsViewController sub class on a UIView without uising TWNavigationController

If what you're trying to do is use a portion of the TT framework, without using all of it... I'd consider one of the other thumbnail view controllers available. I like and


Creating a custom UIActivityIndicatorView

I want to have a custom view for UIActivityIndicatorView rather than relying on options given by iOS. How can I create my own view here?
I have a list of images with me to create a animated view.
As you haven't specified the case in which you want to use the activity indicator,
check the below tutorial blog for custom UIActivityIndicatorView,
Custom UIActivityIndicatorView (EDIT: This link is gone)
Showing a "Loading..." message over the iPhone keyboard
This is implementation of custom UIActivityIndicator from scratch ready for integrating.
Abhinav, if you want to use a set of images you could as well use a UIImageView. Set the animationImages and start-stop as you wish.
This one looks nice and clean, can be hooked to the code easily too.

set TintColor for UINavigationBar globally in iPad application?

What would be the best approach for this? Seems so redundant to have to set it each and every time.
This page shows you should be able to just subclass UINavigationBar. I've done this for iPhone apps for a while now. If you're using Interface Builder, remember to update class references to UINavigationBar with your custom subclass name, say CustomNavigationBar.
Hope it helps.

Replace UITableView and UITableViewController with Three20

Hi i have a working UITableViewController and UITableView with custom cells but i want to add some async functionality from Three20, so i would like to migrate my current classes to the ones from Three20, TTTableViewController and TTTableViewController, to use the TTImageView inside of my custom cell.
The functionality would be download asynchronously an image for an imageView.
Apart from these i want the cache func.
Thanks in advance.
Why switch to Three20 for this? Why not just use the async functionality already present in the system, and use something like NSCache for caching your images you download? What you suggest you want to do smells real bad for what your end goal is.

XCode- is it possible to add columns and images to PickerView in Interface Builder?

Is it possible to add images and columns to Picker View in XCode Interface Builder?
Image here:
I'm supposed to come up with something similar.. and I'm quite new to developing iphone app, but do have experience of C#/Java...
any tips/inputs?
thanks in advance!!
Yes, just return a UIView from the picker's delegate's viewForRow:forComponent: method.
What chrispix says is correct. but you can't create the whole view using Interface Builder

Three20 TTTableViewController with a TTThumbsTableViewCell

It seems that you must use the TTThumbsViewController to accomplish this. However, in the example code, TTThumbsViewController is only ever used to manage a scrollview of thumbs. How do you configure it to display cells instead?
_________Original Question_________
Has anyone used the Three20 source and made a tableview (not Fields)?
I am trying to figure out how to insert the TTThumbTableViewCell in a table and it none of the examples even address the tableviewcell classes (just the tablefields).
If you know how to setup a table to use these cell classes, can you post how you accomplished it?
I haven't really used Three20 myself, but took a quick look on the source code.
It seems that Three20 have abstracted a creation of table view cells in generic TTTableViewDataSource. It queries class of a table view cell to be created via tableView:cellClassForObject:. TTThumbsDataSource in TTThumbsViewController.m then overrides that to return TTThumbTableViewCell class for TTPhoto objects.
So, if you are not using TTThumbsViewController, you should use TTThumbsDataSource as a dataSource for your table view or create your own similar class.
I was mistaken in how Three20 was setup.
A TTThumbsViewController is a Table view of TTThumbTableViewCells already. You just can't see the lines between the cells.
You can change the way the cells behave by subclassing TTThumbTableViewCells.