JBoss Certificate Issue - jboss

We are using JBoss 5.1. We have deployed a web service and wish to add certificate functionality. We have created a CA and a certificate signed by that CA (we used openssl and the java keytool to create the .keystore file). We imported both the CA and the certificate in the .keystore file and pointed the connector (in server.xml) on that .keystore:
The common name used for the CA is aname.com while the common name for the certificate is hostname. The validity period of the certificate is almost one year while for the CA is a little more.
Trying to access the web service url (https://hostname:8443/path_to_webservice) with Internet Explorer we get the error that our certificate is not issued by a trusted certificate authority.
When we select to view the certificate in the browser, we get a certificate that is issued for hostname, issued by hostname and its validity period is only 3 months. Obviously, the certificate we get from Internet Explorer is very different than the one we created.
How can I solve this issue? Is it a certificate issue or do I need to make some changes in JBoss?

Is it a certificate issue or do I need to make some changes in JBoss?
While I'm not able to provide you a precise answer, I'll provide you some guiding questions that may help you solve the problem :-) Are you able to import this certificate (the pem file, which you used to create the keystore file) in a browser? What about the fingerprint, does it looks the same as the one stored in the JBoss? Does this bogus certificate reminds you of any previous attempt?
I'd say that this is most certainly a problem with the certificate itself, as I don't believe JBoss is able to fake your certificate :-)



when some players enter our game, they meet this error in all browsers
We have changed the certificate recently. So I check one player's certificate on our game page,
It is the lastest certificate. So what may cause this problem? Should we do something after change the certificate?
Did CDN cache the certificate? After we refresh the CDN, some player can connect to the game immediately.
We found the player's browser has such an option "block unsafe certificate", when the option is enabled, he can't connect to the server and he can connect to server when the option is disabled. We export the intermediate certificate and send it to the player for import. After that, the player can play the game with the option selected.
Finally we found the intermediate certificate is right on the nginx side,but on the server side, the ca is missing. After add it, the websocket could work. And When I asked same question on another forum v2ex,I found a good way to test if the certificate chain is complete. you can visit the site and change the domain and port with your site.
If your server is correct, you will find the server side certificate and the intermediate certificate.If you can't find the intermediate certicate, you need to check your server config.
Your server https://s41001-ad-tanwan.zlgl.17tanwan.com/ provides only the last certificate in the chain, the actual certificate of the server.
This certificate is signed by the intermediate certificate from "RapidSSL TLS DV RSA Mixed SHA256 2020 CA-1" that is valid since 2020-07-16.
If the clients have not updated their browsers/operating systems for some time, they don't have this intermediate certificate, and they report this as an invalid certification authority.
Put the intermediate certificate to the certificate file, and it should fix the problem, since the intermediate certificate is signed by the DigiCert root certificate, that is in the game since 2006. Everyone has it.
You run nginx, right? The ssl_certificate instruction in nginx accepts files with certificate chains. This file should have the server certificate first, then the intermediate certificate.

Unable to complete Windows Phone Certificate enrollment web service process

I am implementing windows phone MDM using windows phone 8 enterprise DM Protocol. I succeed in Discovery phase and Certificate enrolment policy web service. But in Certificate enrolment web service process i am facing problem.
While creating provisioning XML i embedded my domain CA and intermediate certificates. I also added Client certificate which i got request from device. I totally converted into base 64 format and i am sending response to the device(RequestSecuirtyTokenResponse). I am using Fiddler tool for seeing logs .
I am not getting any response from the device.
My doubts are 1) what certificates i need use in provisioning XML . 2) what is client certificate.
I am using valid ssl not self sign certificate. Still i need any certificates
Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Please guide me
finally after one month i succeed enrolment.
We have to use windows phone developer power tool for debugging.
For my questions i am answering as below.
1) We have to use Root certificate(CA) that is valid CA certificate. We need to sign client certificate(fly from device) with server certificate and key certificate. Be careful about finger print.
2) No extra certificates need for enrolment. Above two are mandatory.
I hope above will helps to others.

Signing Powershell Script with External CA

I have read through this post on signing a PowerShell script with a certificate. This is more on using external certificate from VeriSign (or similar) to encode and protect the code I have developed within a PowerShell script.
I am just trying to find out if this will actually work. I would expect the process to go as:
Purchase code-signing certificate from VeriSign
Install certificate on my computer
Sign the PowerShell script
Execute the script on desired device
Since this script would be signed with a external CA wouldn't Windows be able to authenticate the certificate since Windows trust VeriSign root CA? My guess would be since Windows has the root CA for VeriSign already and trust it, if I happen on a system that does not allow Internet access that the certificate will still be verified and allow me to run it?
That should work. I've never tried it, though, but your logic makes sense.
I looked at the cert store on my Win7 machine and it has an Oracle code signing cert issued by "Verisign Class 3 Code Signing 2010 CA". That CA is an intermediate CA. The root CA is "Verisign Class 3 Public Primary Certification AUthority - G5". That root CA is in Windows trusted root CA store. So what I gather from this is:
That yes you can do it - Oracle does it
Verisign does issue code signing certs, but they are signed with an intermediate CA.
This means Windows has to obtain this cert somehow. The Verisign
intermediate cert does have the "Authority Info Access" field which
is one way Windows can retrieve an intermediate cert. But the
machine would have to be able to access the internet.
An alternative (if internet access isn't available) is to install the intermediate cert on your users' machines. Could be part of an installer. I think that must be what Oracle did on my machine
For an Authenticode EXE, another alternative (if machine can't access
internet) is to make sure intermediate cert was embedded in the
authenticode signature in the EXE. However I don't know if
Powershell would support that.
As another confirmation you could call/email Verisign to verify their support.
Executing the script on desired device still requires you to set the execution policy to at least AllSigned on that device. And you will still get a question if you want to trust this publisher, unless you add the certificate to the device or the domain. See here.

Where to find issuer certificate

I'm using OpenSSO 8 which I haven't configured myself. It's fully configured and without any problems. My problem is that I need to find the issuer certificate used to validate digital signatures on the SAML credentials. Can you tell me where should I look for it?
You usually get the certificate in the metadata. Here is a link on how to exchange the metadata from OpenSSO
The certificates are actually stored in opensso/opensso folder and can be exported using keytool

Open source certificate authority software

I am looking for a open source implementations of certificate authority software, where I want to generate Root CA certificate and install it on my client machines, and generate SSL certificates for my local websites and install it on the webservers.
I believe, if I install root CA certificate on my client machines, the browsers wouldn't be showing me the certificate errors ... is that right ??
I found this wiki node http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Certificate_authority and they have a list of open source softwares: EJBCA, OpenCA, OpenSSL, gnoMint, DogTag, XCA, r509.
I am not sure which one will a be good choice for me, if anyone has any experience with it please share with us.
You are right regarding browser complaining about certificate. If you install Root CA certificate into your trusted certificate store and server certificates will be signed by this Root CA, you won't see error messages any more.
I think for your purposes OpenSSL is what you need. You should be able to create all necessary certificates in just several commands.