I have got an EAR with two plain libraries. One of them being scala-library. If I deploy the EAR with Netbeans it works as expected. While this is OK for development the final product should be deployable via the command line. For this I use:
asadmin --user … deploy --upload ./target/…-ear.ear
which fails with:
org.glassfish.api.admin.CommandException: remote failure: Error occurred during deployment: Exception while deploying the app […-ear] : C:\Work\Workspa
ces\…\Glassfish\…\applications\scala-library-2.8.0.jar. Please see server.log for more details.
Befehl deploy fehlgeschlagen.
Searching the net I found out that handling libraries have become more strict with Java EE 6 / Glassfish 3.x and that it is not enough to add them to the lib folder inside the ear any more. Only the author neglected to mention what is needed now.
I found new <module><java> entries for the META-INF\application.xml — but that did not help either:
So the question: Does anybody know what you have to do to add libraries to an EAR file for Java EE 6 / Glassfish 3.x?
PS: I use Maven to build - if that makes any difference.
Well it seems I found the solution myself (again). After adding a library-directory entry to the end of the META-INF\application.xml the deployment runs thou:
The strange thing is that lib the default for library-directory. So I guess it must be a bug in Glassfish itself not handling the default correctly. If you use Maven make sure to use bundleDir in your pom.xml so that the libs are place in the right place:
We developped a SpringBoot project with Java 11 using optaplanner-core and defining rules in a Drools file. We have no issue for running the app in intelliJ with JDK.
We then deployed the app onto Azure app service where a JRE is installed. We get the following error:
Caused by: org.kie.memorycompiler.KieMemoryCompilerException:
Cannot find the System's Java compiler. Please use JDK instead of JRE or add drools-ecj dependency to use in memory Eclipse compiler
We tried to add the following dependencies but we still get the same error:
Would anyone know how to solve this problem ?
Thank you
Adding drools-ecj won't really fix this. The error message is misleading.
Using a JDK instead of a JRE. The easiest way is to upgrade to Java 11 (or higher), as that only comes with a JDK.
If running optaplanner with a JDK is no option for you, you can change the solver config to
and if you're using unit tests for java constraints that use the ConstraintVerifier, instantiate it like this
new DefaultConstraintVerifier<>(new MyConstraints(), SolutionDescriptor.buildSolutionDescriptor(myModelClasses))
However: From what I understood, disabling the drools alpha network compiler usually comes with a performance impact.
when i deploy my first web app on webLogic i get this error:
weblogic.application.ModuleException: java.lang.NullPointerException
at weblogic.application.internal.ExtensibleModuleWrapper.prepare(ExtensibleModuleWrapper.java:114)
at weblogic.application.internal.flow.ModuleListenerInvoker.prepare(ModuleListenerInvoker.java:100)
at weblogic.application.internal.flow.ModuleStateDriver$1.next(ModuleStateDriver.java:172)
at weblogic.application.internal.flow.ModuleStateDriver$1.next(ModuleStateDriver.java:167)
at weblogic.application.utils.StateMachineDriver$ParallelChange.run(StateMachineDriver.java:80)
Truncated. see log file for complete stacktrace
Caused By: java.lang.NullPointerException
at weblogic.servlet.internal.WebAnnotationProcessor.processMultipartConfigAnnotation(WebAnnotationProcessor.java:286)
at weblogic.servlet.internal.AnnotationProcessingManager.processAnnotationForClasses(AnnotationProcessingManager.java:169)
at weblogic.servlet.internal.AnnotationProcessingManager.processAnnotations(AnnotationProcessingManager.java:114)
at weblogic.servlet.internal.AnnotationProcessingManager.processAnnotationsOutsideWebFragment(AnnotationProcessingManager.java:141)
at weblogic.servlet.internal.AnnotationProcessingManager.processAnnotations(AnnotationProcessingManager.java:102)
Truncated. see log file for complete stacktrace
I had this problem and resolved it by removing JSF 2.2 Mojarra 2.2.0 from the application libraries. It only needs to be in the classpath.
In Eclipse, edit properties for the project, go to Project Facets-->Java Server Faces and uncheck "Include libraries with this application" and Apply change.
I deploy from Eclipse (OEPE), same problem here without JSF. Here is what solved my problem:
Quit Eclipse
Delete the workspace's .metadata folder
Launch Eclipse
The same solution worked on NetBeans8. From projects, go to your war project, right click over Libraries > JSF2.2 and click Remove. Rebuild the project and deploy. Remember to deploy as shared library the JSF on WLS.
This seems to be a duplicate of Maven generated ear file fails during deploying weblogic server. Some details about the solution can be found in this post https://roundwheeltech.wordpress.com/2016/06/15/deploying-a-jsf-2-2-to-weblogic-12-1-3/.
Because WebLogic 12.1.3 ships with JSF 2.1, the required JSF jars have to be bundles within the WAR file (specified as dependencies in pom.xml). WebLogic must also be instructed to use the libraries packaged in the WAR file instead of the ones that are provided by the container.
I had the exact same NPE. It was started by an instantiation of an factory that went wrong. I had to remote debug in to find this. An exception in the initialisation of the factory is swallowed and we don't get the real exception.
In my case the problem was antlr.Token and antlr.CommonToken not arriving from the same source. This gave me an ClassCastException. I solved it by moving all libraries from the ear to war to get more control over them.
Edit the file web.xml and put:
<servlet-name>Faces Servlet</servlet-name>
I am having a problem while compiling my project in Eclipse. It is showing the error The import org.apache.commons cannot be resolved.
Please tell me what does this error means and how to solve it.
The mentioned package/classes are not present in the compiletime classpath. Basically, Java has no idea what you're talking about when you say to import this and that. It can't find them in the classpath.
It's part of Apache Commons FileUpload. Just download the JAR and drop it in /WEB-INF/lib folder of the webapp project and this error should disappear. Don't forget to do the same for Apache Commons IO, that's where FileUpload depends on, otherwise you will get the same problem during runtime.
Unrelated to the concrete problem, I see that you're using Tomcat 7, which is a Servlet 3.0 compatible container. Do you know that you can just use the new request.getPart() method to obtain the uploaded file without the need for the whole Commons FileUpload stuff? Just add #MultipartConfig annotation to the servlet class so that you can use it. See also How to upload files to server using JSP/Servlet?
If you got a Apache Maven project, it's easy to use this package in your project. Just specify it in your pom.xml:
expand "Java Resources" and then 'Libraries' (in eclipse project).
make sure that "Apache Tomcat" present.
if not follow-
right click on project -> "Build Path" -> "Java Build Path" -> "Add Library" -> select "Server Runtime" -> next -> select "Apache Tomcat -> click finish
You could just add one needed external jar file to the project.
Go to your project-->java build path-->libraries, add external JARS.Then add your downloaded file from the formal website. My default name is commons-codec-1.10.jar
Look for "poi-3.17.jar"!!!
Download from "https://poi.apache.org/download.html".
Click the one Binary Distribution -> poi-bin-3.17-20170915.tar.gz
Unzip the file download and look for this "poi-3.17.jar".
Problem solved and errors disappeared.
You could also add the external jar file to the project.
Go to your project-->properties-->java build path-->libraries, add external JARS. Then add your downloaded jar file.
In my little experience, I have solved the issue about org.apache.commons.cli, on my Eclipse Version: 2019-12 (4.14.0):
In Provar(2.8.0), Issue got resolved after adding the jar file(commons-io-2.11.0.jar) to the project.
1.Download the latest JAR file from https://commons.apache.org/proper/commons-io/download_io.cgi
Added jar file under lib folder in project.
2.Project--> Properties --> Java build path --> Libraries--Add Jars from lib folder.
I want to use springSecurity tags in freemarker, but it throws this errors:
[16 14:10:46,349 ERROR] [btpool0-0] freemarker.runtime - Template processing error: "No mapping defined for http://www.springframework.org/security/tags"
No mapping defined for http://www.springframework.org/security/tags
The problematic instruction:
==> assignment: security=JspTaglibs["http://www.springframework.org/security/tags"] [on line 1, column 1 in macro/header.ftl]
in user-directive page.bodytemplate [on line 6, column 1 in items.ftl]
<#assign security=JspTaglibs["http://www.springframework.org/security/tags"] />
if the problems happen with tomcat7-maven-plugin and not with jetty-maven-plugin you most likely suffer from the not fully initialized servlet context of tomcat7.
Instead of "tomcat:run", do "tomcat:run-war"
the latter makes sure that your web app is (almost) fully being build and bootstrapped, like having jars in /WEB-INF/libs. freemarker's scanning logic for tlds will work like a charm.
It seems like a tag library which you want to download contains the tag org.springframework.security.taglibs.authz.AclTag.
The last version of Spring Security taglibs (which had this class) was the 2.0.7 release, hence the problem.
You can change you spring to 2.0 version. Or you can download security.tld from https://src.springframework.org/svn/spring-security/branches/spring-2.5-integration-branch/taglibs/src/main/resources/META-INF/security.tld and use it on freemarker template like this: <#assign security=JspTaglibs["/WEB-INF/tlds/security.tld"] />
By the way I really don't understand why http://www.springframework.org/security/tags doesn't work... I have tried to use it like you, and I have faced the same issue.
I encountered this error when switched to run-jetty-run maven module.
Module jetty:run didn't had this error.
This helped me:
Download spring-security.tld file and put it in webapp/WEB-INF/tld folder
Add this code to web.xml:
The reason why this doesn't work has to do with the Servlet container (and maybe the spec). If you're associating taglibs by the namespace it will only do that automatically if the JAR is in the WEB-INF/lib folder.
If you move the spring-security-taglibs.jar into the WEB-INF/lib folder, it will work.
I am using eclipse indigo to run my tomcat server, when I am launching tomcat server, the tomcat server successfully up and running, but with error shown in the console.
ERROR - ContextLoader[177]: Context initialization failed
org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanDefinitionStoreException: Error registering bean with name 'com.huahsin68.MyBoc' defined in class path resource [my-spring.xml]: Class that bean class [com.huahsin68.MyBocImp] depends on not found; nested exception is java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: javax/mail/MessagingException
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: javax/mail/MessagingException
It seems like the MessagingException wasn't found. I have check in the Java Build Path > Libraries, I notice that javax.mail_1.4.0.v200105080615.jar was there. This jar file is locate under eclipse > plugins folder. Is there anything solution to rectify this problem?
THanks #!
With Maven, you can add the following dependency:
Try the following:
Download the java mail jars from: http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javamail/index-138643.html
Add the jars to your WEB-INF/lib folder
Add the jars to Java Build Path > Libraries
That should do it.
For gradle/android users, in build.gradle (Module app):
compile 'javax.mail:mail:1.4.1'
I had a similar problem, running tomcat stand-alone (that is, not through Eclipse). I copied mail-1.4.jar to my tomcat/lib directory. This worked for me.
For those conning late in this ..
I got the same error resolved by adding below jar.