Objective C image processing - iphone

I've googled around for this however the only thing i've properly come across is the simple-image-processing library on Google Code, however i think the project is dead! Does anyone know of any libraries/frameworks, even tutorials on image-processing for iPhone apps?

Apple has some sample code here that shows how to do some simple image processing like saturation and hue adjustments.


Apple Vision Image Registration

I want to stitch images together to make a spherical panorama in an iOS App. I tried doing it with OpenCV but that turned out to be a waste of time since it almost always crashes when I try to stitch photos of the ceiling or the floor. Also, it takes up a lot of cpu memory.
I just discovered upon going through Apple documentation that Apple Vision has image registration capabilities. Upon spending hours and hours I couldn't figure out how to use it though. The documentation is terrible and there are no usage examples at all whatsoever.
All I really need is a tutorial or a demo or a function that stitches two or more images and I can make my way from there. Any help will be extremely appreciated since my job depends on it.

How to Translate Text of an Image in Real Time With iPhone Camera?

I am working on an app that needs to translate the text of an image in realtime with the iphone camera.Is there any way to implement it? any sdk or tutorial will be helpful.
My suggestion would be a combination of the following:
The open-source Tesseract OCR engine for getting the text from the image(Quite recent iOS wrapper here: https://github.com/ldiqual/tesseract-ios)
One of the translation services discussed in this question for translations: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/6151668/alternative-to-google-translate-api
E.g. a tutorial like this on how to get a real-time camera view with overlays: http://www.musicalgeometry.com/?p=1273
Please note that these are just ideas on how to do this with as fast progress as possible.
Some apps that offer real-time translations even try to find a suitable font and display the translated text at the exact same position as the original text was. I am afraid that this is not possible without investing lots of work and developing your own OCR engine.
Hope this helps.

OpenGl ES on Iphone - Displaying and rotating 3D objects

I'am new to Iphone, to Xcode and to openGL ES.
I looking for an example of a source code witch demonstrates how to create 3d object, rotate it with gestures and zoom in, zoom out ...
Here is the simple example how to display and rotate 3d models created with Blender: http://iphonedevelopment.blogspot.com/2009/06/using-3d-models-from-blender-in-opengl.html
The complete source can be found here: http://innerloop.biz/code/ExportTest.zip
I can recommend the OpenGL SuperBible 5th Ed. It starts out with the very foundations with lots of example code (I believe the specific scenario you describe is chapter 5), and moves on to topics like platform specific development, OpenGL ES for the iPhone... - and it's a decent read, a rare quality among textbooks, in my opinion. All examples and code in the book should compile in Xcode, and they show various exceptions for individual platforms as necessary.
I am currently looking at this challenge as well.
I will put up my findings so far, and whack a bounty on this question to try and get some focus for it.
http://nineveh.gl/ promises to do the job, but it is in beta and even the most basic examples don't run out-of-the-box (they give compiler errors). so I couldn't recommend it.
It is possible to integrate Unity with native iOS code, eg
but that stuff looks scary
http://www.sunsetlakesoftware.com/molecules is open source; it may be possible to lift something from there.
I see you had answered this but a good tutorial are the Lamarche Tutorials, there is also OpenGLES 2.0 tutorials:
Also for loading up models look up setting up the POWER VR SDK as there is all the things you need to loading up a 3d model with bone animation , textures lighting e.t.c.
i am not sure if this is what you have searched and looking for but you can take a look at : http://nehe.gamedev.net/tutorial/texture_filters,lighting&_keyboard_control/15002/
in the lower portion of the page, you can see that there is the example code for macos/cocoa ..
i'm still not sure but hope this helps..
I had a play around with OpenGL ES a year or so ago, and I found this on-line O'Reilly book very helpful: http://ofps.oreilly.com/titles/9780596804824/
The chapters are typical of most books on this subject; math primer to 'Advanced' (typically your usual scene using shaders that implement cube-maps, bump-maps etc)
You are also able to download the source code for the examples.
Edit: I also own this book http://www.amazon.co.uk/OpenGL-ES-2-0-Programming-Guide/dp/0321502795/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1336064164&sr=8-1
Which I found was a good read with respect to OpenGL ES as-well as 3D graphics in general.

how to do image morphing as in FatBooth app - iPhone

I want to build a similar app as fatbooth and want some ideas on how to do this. I googled for Image morphing in iPhone but didn't find anything. Should I use some server side language to morph Image?
Any help would be much appreciated!
The only language you can really use is C# or c++. the maths is very complicated although I am sure you can get a book or two that cover image manipulation.
I don't know if there is an open source morphing framework, but that is your best option - it doesn't have to be specific to the iPhone, but the integration will be hard.
I don't know what you mean about server side, unless there is a server you know of that does it and you want a wrapper around it
For starters, take a look at displacement mapping: http://www.imagemagick.org/Usage/mapping/
Basically, you use grayscale images to bloat/shrink/squeeze/etc parts of a person's face. I made an app called FaceCraze which had to implement a poor man's FatBooth as part of the face transformation, and I used grayscale images very similar to the examples in http://www.imagemagick.org/Usage/mapping/#spherical
edit: You can use the ImageMagick library in your iOS apps too: Link

How to Recognize image in iphone sdk?

i wanna ask that , is there any api to recognize image?
i need read data from image...can i read numbers which is printed on image..
It seems as though there is no built in function for OCR and this would have to be a custom aspect not found in foundation.
Good luck!
You can always download an open-sourced, external library (package) to do the OCR. GOCR is one example.
There are many OCR libraries available for reading text from an image. You can check my answer Mobile OCR Engine for iPhone app
and for reading numbers only check my answer How to read numbers only in an image
Hope it helps you.