#import statements in .m or .h in objective-c? - iphone

I ended up having these in both of my .h and .m files, this is my first Objective-C program so I'd like some clarification so I can clean thins thing up.

Unless it affects the interface definition you should put it in the .m file.
If you just use a class, use a forward declaration:
#class AClass;
#interface Bob : NSObject {
AClass* a;
If you implement something, then import it:
#import "SomeProtocol.h"
#interface Bob : NSObject<SomeProtocol> {
These kinds of thing are really "best practice" rather than absolutely essential. Objective C's #import directive means that you can't get errors because you include a file multiple times, so it's not technically a problem, but it will increase compile times.

These are the rules I follow:
If in your header file, you only need to use pointers to classes declared in the header file you are including, then I would just use a class sentence on the header file (.h) and full import on the definition (.m) file.
If you need to use full definition of some stuff on the header file you are including, then the full import goes into the header file.
For the examples, consider files MyClass.m, MyClass.h and MyInclude.h:
Example, scenario #1:
// MyClass.h
#class MyInclude;
#interface MyClass : NSObject {
MyInclude *myIncludeObj;
// MyClass.m
#import "MyClass.h"
#import "MyInclude.h"
Exaple, scenario #2:
// MyClass.h
#import "MyInclude.h"
#interface MyClass : NSObject {
MyInclude myIncludeObj; // MyInclude could be a plain C structure
// MyClass.m
#import "MyClass.h"

The #import directive is an improvement over the #include directive in that instead of blindly copying the file in place, it will not include it if it has already been included. Therefore you shouldn't experience any problems with #import-ing the same file multiple times.
As far as best practice goes, IMHO it's best to keep the scope as narrow as possible. Therefore I'd suggest putting your #imports in you implementation files (.m). If you require the class definition in your interface file (.h) then you can use the
#class MyClass;
construct to inform the compiler that it will be able to find the relevant header in the implementation file.
Hope this helps.

I have just one rule: Import at the top of the .h file for the superclass and protocols of any classes you declare in the .h file. This is because any file that imports your .h file also needs the declarations for the superclass and protocols. This is also why the default Xcode template has #import <UIKit/UIKit.h> in the .h file rather than the .m file.
For everything else (e.g. types used for ivars and method parameters), use forward-declarations and put the #import in the .m file
Another way to put this is: never use forward declarations for superclasses and protocols.

Best practices is to put #import statements in .m files. If you need access to a class inside the header file, for a property declaration or a function parameter, use a forward declaration, like this:
#class Cocos2DController;
#interface HoppersAppDelegate : NSObject <UIApplicationDelegate> {
Cocos2DController* controller;
A forward declaration lets the system know that the class exists, though it's not yet fully defined. With this pattern, you'll keep your headers lean, and guarantee that you're only importing the headers that you want for a specific class, not chaining #imports all through the application.
For a specific problem you might run into: If you include #import statements in a header file, you run the risk of an #import loop if two classes import each other's header files.


Would these two generate the same compile time?

I know that #class is suppose to speed up compile time, but if I had a case like this:
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#class BNRItem;
#interface BNRItemStore : NSObject
#import "BNRItemStore.h"
#import "BNRItem.h"
#implementation BNRItemStore
Could I do this instead and still get the same compile time:
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import "BNRItem.h"
#interface BNRItemStore : NSObject
#import "BNRItemStore.h"
#implementation BNRItemStore
(assuming you actually use BNRItem someplace in these files)
it would be the same for BNRItemStore.m, but it is likely to increase compile times and recompilation frequency for anything that #imports BNRItemStore.h -- because it's common that many classes that need to see BNRItemStore do not need to also see BNRItem's #interface.
as that pattern spreads to many headers in your projects, a simple edit to one header can require recompiling a large set of files, with a large set of included files. it also spreads to the indexer, which is continually indexing based on changes.
best to use the forward declarations, unless your project is (and will remain) tiny.
it's actually really nice to be able to declare all your instance variables/properties in the .m -- as this is a fairly new addition to clang. abstraction and build times can improve significantly.
Yes and no.
You wouldn't get the SAME at compile time. #class just tells the compiler its going to see that class, so treat it as a class (take it out, and you get errors) whereas #import tells the compiler to completely import the .h (header) file for that class.
So it will be slower (as you've suggested), especially if the .h (header) file for the class #imports any other files. For an interface you don't need all that functionality, you just need the definition.
But to all intents and purposes the perceived functionality as far as you are concerned is exactly the same, so yes in that respect.

Importing Confusion with objective C in header File

I am new in iphone development and i have little bit Question.
My Question is When do we use #class and #import in .h (header )file.And if your answer is #class u can create instance but can not.. use its methods and by use of #import in .h file we can access all method and variable of second class .Then My Question is
if #import contains advantage then why many people used only #class in their .h file.
Please anybody have answer then reply asap.Thanks in Advance.
First of all, you're right with your assumption.
As for advantages:
The #class directive is faster, since it only discloses the Name, and the Inheritance to the Namespace (e.g. the Header File). But #import loads everything, so it's slower and means more load on the system. If your Code is a library for another system, its pretty useful if the headerfiles only load the classname (#class)
For an example. You have the class A, and are importing a Headerfile B from a library. B itself wants to use C. If it imports all data in the B Headerfile, it gets bloated, because you would load it too when importing the headerfile into your class A. But it isn't necessary, that your class A knows what Class C is capable of, because only B is using it.
Have you ever encountered cyclic imports,I suppose you are not.
The other answers are also correct but when it comes to cyclic imports the compiler gives error and you have to use #class instead of import.
quick example
#import "B.h"
#import "A.h"
In this case compiler will give you the error. So you have to use #class in one of the header files to remove cyclic import. It is true that #class is faster than #import but my projects doesn't have large amount of files that it would take hours to compile it :)
OK, trying to be more clear, then. This is what you usually want:
Use #class in your .h file if the header file doesn't need access to anything in the class you're importing (i.e. it only needs to know that the class exists in order to compile).
Use #import in your .m file to get access to the imported class' properties and methods.
An example, where your class Foo needs to use another class you've created, Bar. Bar also has a custom initializer, -initWithCustomValue:.
#class Bar
Bar _instanceVariable;
#import "Bar.h"
_instanceVariable = [[Bar alloc] initWithCustomValue:1];
This would make sure that you're not exposing unnecessary code (i.e. the contents of Bar) to other classes that might be importing MyClass.h.
From the Apple docs:
The #class directive minimizes the amount of code seen by the compiler
and linker, and is therefore the simplest way to give a forward
declaration of a class name. Being simple, it avoids potential
problems that may come with importing files that import still other
files. For example, if one class declares a statically typed instance
variable of another class, and their two interface files import each
other, neither class may compile correctly.

Headers #import versus #class [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Closed 11 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
#class vs. #import
In the .h file you can add a class to be seen(dont know what the correct terminolgy for this is) by using
#import "SomeClass.h"
or instead use
#class SomeClass;
I've tried both methods and they both worked. Whats the difference? Should I be using one of the methods and not the other? What is best practice?
#import includes the content of the header in the source.
Thus, every declaration which is in the imported header is also imported.
#class only declares to the compiler that the given class exists, but does not import the header itself. It is called a forward declaration, as you only declares to the compiler that the class exists before defining it in details (telling which methods it implements and so on)
When using #import in your .m file, if the header is modified, it will trigger the recompilation of the .m file that #import it on next compilation. Instead, if you use #class, your .m does not depend on the header and if the header is modified, the .m file is not recompiled.
Using #class also avoid cross-imports, e.g. if the class A references class B and class B references class A, then you can't #import "A.h" in B.h and #import B.h in A.h in the same time (it would be an "import infinite loop")
Using #class only declare that a class exists and does not tell the compiler which methods the class responds to.
This is why usually the best practice is to forward-declare the class using #class A in the header (.h) files that references class A, just so that the compiler knows that "A" is a known class but doesn't need to know more, and #import "A.h" in the implementation (.m) file so that you can call methods on the objet of class A in your source file.
In addition to avoid import loops, this will also avoid to recompile files if they don't need to, and thus reduce your compile time.
The only exceptions are when the declaration of your class inherits another class, or when it declares that it conforms to a given #protocol (like delegate protocols and so on), because in this particular case, the compiler needs you to #import the whole definition of the parent class or #protocol (to know if your class correctly conforms to this given protocol).
// Tells the compiler that "MyClassB" is a class, that we will define later
#class MyClassB; // no need to #import the whole class, we don't need to know the whole definition at this stage
#interface MyClassA : NSObject {
MyClassB* someB; // ok, the compiler knows that MyClassB is a class, that's all it needs to know so far
#class MyClassA; // forward declaration here too
// anyway we couldn't #import "MyClassA.h" here AND #import "MyClassB.h" in MyClassA.h as it would create an unsolvable import loop for the compiler
#interface MyClassB : NSObject {
MyClassA* someA; // ok, the compiler knows that MyClassA is a class, that's all it needs to know so far
// import MyClassB so that we know the whole definition of MyClassB, including the methods it declares
#import "MyClassB.h" // thus we here know the "-talk" method of MyClassB and we are able to call it
#implementation MyClassA
-(void)sayHello { NSLog(#"A says Hello"); }
-(void)makeBTalk {
[someB talk];
// we can call the 'talk' method because we #imported the MyClassB header and knows this method exists
// import MyClassA so that we know the methods it declares and can call them
#import "MyClassA.h"
#implementation MyClassB
-(void)talk { NSLog(#"B is talking"); }
-(void)makeABePolite {
[someA sayHello];
// we can call this because we #import MyClassA
PS: Note that if this is a best practice, I know a lot of developers (including myself sometimes ^^) that #import the header it needs in their .h files, instead of only forward-declare it using #class... this is some bad habit — or because these developers doesn't know these subtleties — that you will unfortunately encounter in existing code anyway.
Using #class is called forward declaration. Since usually you don't need to know the specifics of the class in the .h file, this is usually all you need.
Forward declaration prevents you getting into a situation where you import a particular .h file, which says to import another .h file, which says to import the original .h file again, and so on.
The #class forward declaration allows you to have your interfaces behave like interfaces. Meaning: Declare your code.
But this doesn't mean that you can leave out the #import statement. You just moved the responsibility to the implementation to import and make use of it.
Basically it could be seen as an increase in performance as you're not importing any other headers inside your current header.
Important Note: This isn't the case when you're working with delegates.
If you're making use of delegates you always have to have the proper #import statements in place so that the compiler knows which delegate methods are to be implemented by that class.
You might also want to have a look at the following SO question: #class vs. #import

Objective-C when to declare what methods in #interface

When and what methods should be declared in the #interface section of a class? As I understand, methods that describe what your class does should be declared in the #interface section, but other "helper" methods should not be declared. Is this a correct understanding from my side?
One way is to declare the instance methods in .h file. And, declare the private methods inside the .m, using a Category.
For example, in MyOwnClass.h file.
#interface MyOwnClass
- (void)aInstanceMethod;
And, inside your MyOwnClass.m file, before the #implementation block,
#interface MyOwnClass (MyPrivateMethods)
- (void)aPrivateMethod;
You usually should add your methods to the .h file when you want an external class to have access to it (public methods).
When they're private (only used internally by the class) just put them in your .m file.
Anyway, it's just a pattern. As Objective-C works with messages, even if you don't set a method in your .h file an external file can access it, but at least your auto-complete won't show it.
You should declare all your methods in your .h
The tip from EmptyStack is nice but it's just a tip.
If you don't intend to ship your binary as an SDK, you don't really need it.
Objective-C doesn't have (yet) private methods.

when and where to put #class declarations

I am working on a project with several custom classes. I have a CardModel (NSObject) that has some integer properties to hold data, and a Deck (NSObject) that has an array to hold a bunch of CardModels and then a CardView (UIView) that has a CardModel as a property that I make when I select a CardModel from a Deck. And then I've got a bunch of UIViewControllers that I move around on a UINavigationController.
My question is about where and when to use the #class compiler directive.
If I subclass a UIViewController by making a new file and subclassing it, should I use the #class MyViewController in the header of MyViewController.h or .m and does it go in the header of the file that actually uses the controller (like when one controller is going to instantiate another controller type and push it to the stack). Or do I need to use it at all? Is it only required if I actually add new properties to my class beyond what's in the stock implementation? It seems like I'm putting #class all over the place just make sure I don't get errors but I don't fundamentally understand when I need it.
You use it in the .h to inform it about a custom class without including the .h for the custom class.
Two custom classes: Car and Wheel
#interface Car : NSObject {
- (void)addWheel:(Wheel*)newWheel;
Car.h doesn't know about the class 'Wheel' so it would throw an error so you could import the Wheel.h like so:
#import "Wheel.h"
#interface Car : NSObject {
- (void)addWheel:(Wheel*)newWheel;
BUT you dont need to do this either. Car.h doesn't need to know anything about the Wheel class, it just needs to know it exists. So what you use is the #class to just say that "Hey, this class exists. Take my word for it."
#class Wheel;
#interface Car : NSObject {
- (void)addWheel:(Wheel*)newWheel;
Then inside of the Car.m, when you actually need to know about the Wheel class (properties, methods, etc) you should import the Wheel.h there.
The #class directive is used when you need a header to know about a class but you don't want to import the class's header file; e.g., when you need to avoid circular dependencies.