HTML5 website widgets on GWT? - gwt

Can i develop widgets on gwt for html5 web site? And if yes, what do you think about such compilation of technologies?

Since GWT still compiles down to Javascript you can make HTML5 widgets by either using JSNI or DOM Manipulation setting Attributes for HTML5 Properties.
If you wanted to do vector drawing (canvas) you can use:

GWT 2.2 adds support for canvas.
Release Notes


How to add jquery in GWT page

I have a GWT Application , I need to add Jquery in my GWT
as i wish to have HighCharts in GWT and for that i have to have Jquery coz HighCharts need them for that purpose I need to have Jquery in my Page
How to add Jquery in my GWT Page ?
You should probably use gwtQuery instead. It's a port of jQuery written for GWT.
If you really think you need to use jQuery, download the js from their site, add it to your war directory, and reference it in your entry point's HTML file.
you can use jquery in gwt application easily using native method.
you have to add js files in html page and than create class that contain only JSNI methods and jsobject and you can easily use jquery in your gwt application
you can easily learn from

Is it possible to mix extjs and GWT components?

I am working with GWT2.3 version.I also found ExtJs4 framework very good and want to club the some of component of ExtJs4 in my application(GWT2.3).So I just want to know it is possible to club components of ExtJs4 with GWT application
Thanks in Adcance
Yes it is. Just add .js source to your public folder in /src. Then you can write custom JavaScript as native methods via JSNI. See more in the docs.
Why not use the GWT compatible project?
It has the same widget library (afaik) and integrates quite nicely w/ GWT

GWT Selectable Grid

Does anyone know of a good selectable grid for gwt google web toolkit? I need this functionality ported over for my application. Just for example I would like it work similar to pfselect for the jquery library.
It is on the way in GWT2.1. Currently milestone version is available. Probably you can give a try. I would suggest not to use smartgwt or ext-gwt. Because at initial page load it downloads lots of javascript.
Please have a look into this
You could look at
GWT Incubator ScrollTable (
SmartGWT grid (
Ext GWT (from Ext-JS)

GWT/java and javascript

can i design my web pages in html and css instead of java methods and use gwt only in parts of page that i need ajax? and which one is better gwt, extgwt, vaadin(it run apps in server-side.can i also use it in client-side?), etc...? do i also need to know javascript for using gwt?
can i design my web pages in html and
css instead of java methods and use
gwt only in parts of page that i need
Yes, you can. You can create a div on your HTML page and insert your GWT widget there.
which one is better gwt, extgwt,
vaadin(it run apps in server-side.can
i also use it in client-side?)
I don't know about vaadin but Ext-GWT is a set of ready made components to use with GWT which make your life easier especially if you want to build an web app that looks and feels like a desktop application.
do i also need to know javascript for
using gwt?
No, it can be useful sometimes but is not necessary.

Is there a full implementation of the HTML5 Canvas object for GWT?

I'm looking to perform some dynamic charting based on a model via GWT on HTML5 compliant browsers.
I know that the following library exists :
GWT Canvas
The problem is that this library does not support drawing text within the canvas so I can draw lines but no write text on my charts.
I haven't been able to find any other plugin that works with the Canvas in GWT (which is really odd given the HTML5 push by Google).
Does such a component exist?
You could take a look at the official canvas support in gwt-incubator.
The GWT incubator seems to be more focussed on browser support. If you don't require this and wish to use more of the HTML5 Canvas features, see: