How does the non executeable exploit work? - exploit

Hello the question is how works non executable exploit's, when i say non executable i mean those who don't have the file extension .exe, like word exploits .doc or other. How did they make some executable action if they are not compiled?

That varies from exploit to exploit.
While .doc isn't an executable format it does contain interpreted vba code which is generally where the malicious content was hidden. When you opened the document there would be an onOpen event or some such fired which would execute the malicious payload. Hence why most office installations have macro's disabled by default these days, far too much scope for abuse.
There are also plenty of things that will run on your system without being a .exe for example .com, .vbs, .hta
Then there are formats which have no normal executable content but can be attacked in other ways, usually taking advantage of poorly written routines to load the files which can allow things like buffer overflows

The other way is to exploit bugs in the code that handles those files. Often this will be a 'buffer overflow'. Perhaps the code is expecting a header of 100 bytes, but the malicious file has 120 bytes. That causes the program to overwrite some other data in its memory, and if you can smash the 'stack' with your extra bytes it's possible to redirect the processor to a 'payload' code embedded in your file.
google "buffer overflow exploit" for more.


INode File System, what is the extra space in a data block used for?

So, I am currently learning about the INode file system and am asked to write a simple file system using Inodes.
So far, I understand that there is an INode table that has a mapping from INode-> Data blocks through direct/indirect pointers.
Let's assume data gets written into a file, the data is stored into two blocks. Let's say each block is 512bytes, and the file takes one full block, and only 200 bytes of the second block. What happens with the rest of the space in that data block? Is it reserved for that file only or do other files use this block?
Depending on the file system, usually and most likely this area is now lost. I think the Reiser File System actually reclaimed this area, but I could be wrong.
Creating your own File System can be a challenging experience, but also an enjoyable experience. I have created a few myself and worked on another. If you are creating your own file system, you can have it do whatever you wish.
Look at the bottom of this page for a few that I am working on/with. The LeanFS in particular, uses Inodes as well. The SFS is a very simple file system. Each is well documented so that you can research and decide what you would like to do.

use matlab to open a file with an outside program and execute 'save as'

Alright, here's what I'm dealing with (you can skip to TLDR if all you need to see is what I want to run):
I'm having an issue with file formatting for a nasty conglomeration of several ancient programs I've strung together. I have some data in .CSV format, and I need to put it into .SPC format. I've tried a set of proprietary MATLAB programs called 'GS tools' for fast and easy conversion, but fast and easy doesn't look like its gonna happen here since there are discrepancies in how .spc files are organized now and how they were organized back when my ancient programs were written.
If I could find the source code for the old programs I could probably alter the GS tools code to write my .spc files appropriately, but all I can find are broken links circa 2002 and earlier. Seeing as I don't know what my programs are looking for, I have no choice but to try resaving my data with other programs until one of them produces something workable.
I found my Cinderella program: if I open the data I have in a program called Spekwin and save the file with a .spc extension... viola! Everything else runs on those files. The problem is that I have hundreds of these files and I'd like to automate the conversion process.
I either need to extract the writing rubric Spekwin uses for .spc files (I believe that info is stored in a dll file within the program, but I'm not sure if that actually makes sense) and use it as a rule to write a file from my input data, or I need a piece of code that will open a file with Spekwin, tell Spekwin to save that file under the .spc extension, and terminate Spekwin.
TLDR: Need a command that tells the computer to open a file with a certain program, save that file under a different extension through that program (essentially open*.csv>save as>*.spc), then terminate the program.
OR--I need a way to tell MATLAB to write a file according to rules specified by a .dll, but I'm not sure I fully understand what that entails.
Of course I'm open to suggestions on other ways to handle this.

Can I assume an executable file as a snapshot image of an execution state?

I read some unix manual (, and there was a mention about execution.
The new process image shall be constructed from a regular executable
file called the new process image file.
The expression process image caught my eyes.
I have been thought executable file is just a kind of sequence of command. Just as the word program means. But actually, I don't know the concept and structure of the executable file. And I felt executable file could be looks like an execution state image from the mention.
Could you explain me something about this? About the concept and structure of regular executable files in nowadays. In any OS.
Usually the executable file does not contain only instructions but also global data, readonly data and many more. I suggest you briefly look e.g. on the ELF format widely used in UNIX-like operating systems or PE format used in Windows.
The OS may also need for example to replace some addresses of functions (jump targets) with the real addresses of these functions in the memory, although this technique is probably not used anymore in common OSes. Anyway, there can be more work to do than just copy the file into memory and start executing from the first byte.

Hash of an .exe file

I'm wondering whether I will ever get a different result when producing a checksum on an .exe file before and then while or after running that file. I'm more concerned with common practice (such as producing a SHA hash of popular app like firefox.exe) than with boundary cases, but both are interesting. Thanks.
The hash of a file should be constant for as long as the file is identical (i.e. contains only the same bytes, in the same order). It's very rare to find applications that rewrite their on-disk representation at runtime, so the hash should be constant. There are self-modifying programs, but they tend to operate on the in-memory loaded copy of their code, rather than the disk copy.
Edit: We should consider "Self-updating" applications, but these tend to launch a little helper program to download and update the core application. It's difficult (especially on Windows) to update an execution whilst it's running. UNIX systems tend to operate Copy on Write systems, so it's possible that a software update might change your executable under your feet - but again, this is a "corner case".
The hash will only change if the exe changes. That will only happen if the app modifies itself, which isn't going to happen on windows without the app restarting. Firefox might update itself (including a restart), but apart from such cases, the hash will remain the same.
The hash will change if the file changes.
EXE files rarely change on their own. firefox.exe would change if the user updates to a new version.
You can check the "date modified" attribute of an EXE file (like firefox.exe) after running it to see whether it has changed, but you'll probably find it hasn't.
If you mean the modification of the last access time, don't worry, it's stored at the filesystem level, not within the file so the hash will remain the same.

How can I limit file types in CGI file uploads in Perl?

I am using CGI to allow the user to upload some files. I just want the just to be able to upload .txt or .csv files. If the user uploads file with any other format then I want to be able to put out an error message.
I saw that this can be done by javascript:
But is there a better way to achieve this? Is there is some functionality in Perl that allows this?
The disclaimer on the site to you link to is important:
Note: This is not entirely foolproof as people can easily change the extension of a file before uploading it, or do some other trickery, as in the case of the "LoveBug" virus.
If you really want to do this right, let the user upload the file, and
then use something like File::MimeInfo::Magic (or file(1), the
UNIX utility) to guess the actual file type. If you don't like the
file type, delete the file and give the user an error message.
I just want the just to be able to upload .txt or .csv files.
Sounds easy, doesn't it? It's not. And then some.
The simple approach is just to test that the file ends in ‘.txt’ or ‘.csv’ before storing it on the filesystem. This should be part of a much more in-depth validation of what the filename is allowed to contain before you let a user-submitted filename anywhere near the filesystem.
Because the rules about what can go in a filename are complex on some platforms (especially Windows) it's usually best to create your own filename independently with a known-good name and extension.
In any case there is no guarantee that the browser will send you a file with a usable name at all, and even if it does there is no guarantee that name will have ‘.txt’ or ‘.csv’ at the end, even if it is a text or CSV file. (Some platforms simply do not use extensions for file typing.)
Whilst you can try to sniff the contents of the file to see what type it might be, this is highly unreliable. For example:
could be plain text, CSV, HTML, XML, or a variety of other formats. Better to give the user an explicit control to say what file type they're uploading (or use one file upload field per type).
Now here's where it gets really nasty. Say you've accepted the upload and stored it as /data/mygoodfilename.txt, and the web server is correctly serving it as the Content-Type ‘text/plain’. What do you think the browser interprets it as? Plain text? You should be so lucky.
The problem is that browsers (primarily IE) don't trust your Content-Type header, and instead sniff the contents of the file to see if it looks like something else. Serve the above snippet as plain text, and IE will happily treat it as HTML. This can be a huge problem, because HTML can include client-side scripts that will take over the user's access to the site (a cross-site-scripting attack).
At this point you might be tempted to sniff the file on the server-side, for example using the ‘file’ command, to check it doesn't contain ‘<html>’. But this is doomed to failure. The ‘file’ command does not sniff for all the same HTML tags as IE does, and other browsers sniff differently anyway. It's quite easy to prepare a file that ‘file’ will claim is not HTML, but that IE will nevertheless treat as if it is (with security-disaster implications).
Content-sniffing approaches such as ‘file’ will give you only a false sense of security. This is a convenience tool for loose guessing of filetypes and not an effective security measure.
At this point your last desperate possibilities are things like:
serving all user-uploaded files from a separate hostname, so that a script injection attack can't purloin the credentials of your main site;
serving all user-uploaded files through a CGI wrapper, adding the header ‘Content-Disposition: attachment’ so that browsers won't attempt to display them directly;
only accepting uploads from trusted users.
On unix the easiest way is to do an JRockway suggested. If not on unix then your options are limited. You can examine the file extension and you can examine the contents to verify. I'm assuming for you specific case that you only want "* seperated value" text files. So one of the Text::CSV::* modules may be useful in verifying the file is the type you asked for.
Security for this operation is a whole other ball of wax.
try this:
$file_name = "file.txt";
$file_cmd = "file \"$file_name"\";
$file_type = `$file_cmd`;
return 0 unless($file_type =~ /(ASCII|text)/i)