Incorrect NSStringEncoding value 0x0000 detected - iphone

I am using ASIHttpRequest library in iphone and when i try to do a GET request on the below URL i get this message and the request fails, please anyone if he/she has encountered this problem or know a possible solution to it please let me know. Secondly if i paste the link in the browser it works perfectly fine.
Incorrect NSStringEncoding value 0x0000 detected. Assuming NSStringEncodingASCII. Will stop this compatiblity mapping behavior in the near future.
Thx in advance
Syed Arsalan Pervez

This notably happens if you call [asiHttpRequest getResponseString] before a valid response has been returned and the request encoding has been set (i.e. couldn't connect to server).
The easiest way to workaround this warning is by editing the ASIHTTPRequest class, remove the #synthesize responseEncoding and adding a simple custom getter/setter so you can return the default encoding if the response encoding isn't set:
- (NSStringEncoding) responseEncoding
return responseEncoding || self.defaultResponseEncoding;
- (void) setResponseEncoding:(NSStringEncoding)_responseEncoding
responseEncoding = _responseEncoding;
There's also a more specific workaround for the getResponseString method, which I think is the only place that uses the encoding without checking for a value - since the encoding should be set for any non-zero length response:
- (NSString *)responseString
NSData *data = [self responseData];
if (!data) {
return nil;
// If the 'data' is present but empty, return a simple empty string
if (data.length == 0) {
return #"";
//assert(self.responseEncoding); // if you're into runtime asserts, uncomment this
return [[[NSString alloc] initWithBytes:[data bytes] length:[data length] encoding:[self responseEncoding]] autorelease];

For me the problem was timeout wasn't enough. So it returns an empty response. So it gives this error because you'r trying to do something with an empty response. I increased the time for it. So it solved my problem.[request setTimeOutSeconds:200];

this is just saying that the encoding was nil, when a value was expected. Try doing a search for "encoding:nil" or "encoding:NULL" in your source code and replace it with a valid encoding, for example NSStringEncodingASCII...

This looks like something that's cropped up in the 4.2 SDK. I didn't see this until I updated my development environment myself.
All-Seeing Interactive will probably have to update the code to ensure compatibility.

The error is where you are creating a string. You don't supply an encoding which is required.


UITextField strange behaviour for blank checking

I've a UITextField say txtTitle. I want to check for not blank of that field at the time of inserting data into database.
For that I written
if(![txtTitle.text isEqualToString:#""])
But where I am shocked is its not working! I did these type of checking before and its working properly. But not with this case. So that I checking it using following,
It's working properly.
Now here I am confusing about this. I used to print NSLog(#"%#",txtTitle.text) without inputting anything into it. Its printed (null).
Someone please justify the difference between two IF conditions.
Maybe you can check for the length property of the string instead, using
if([txtTitle.text length] > 0){
// Save
I think the difference is between a completely uninitialized string and a string that has been initialized, but is simply empty.
Hope this helps
As you have mentioned that NSLog gives you (null) have to compare like
[txtTitle.text isEqualToString:#"(null)"]
other wise use
if([txtTitle.text length] > 0)

ASIHTTPRequest: incorrect NSStringEncoding value 0x0000 detected

Incorrect NSStringEncoding value 0x0000 detected. Assuming
NSStringEncodingASCII. Will stop this compatiblity mapping behavior in
the near future.
When I was using ASIHTTPRequest, I keep getting this error(50% of the times), what's wrong with it?
I assume the URL I passed in is correct, as it does not contain any space or strange character, maybe it is the result string having some unrecognized character?
Copying my answer from
The error is not that your data isn't encoded correctly, it's almost certainly that you're requesting some kind of string data from an ASIHTTPRequest object that doesn't have an encoding set yet - this will happen if the request failed to connect to the server, or if the server didn't send an understandable encoding header.
This notably happens if you call [asiHttpRequest getResponseString] before a valid response has been returned and the request encoding has been set (i.e. couldn't connect to server).
The easiest way to workaround this warning is by editing the ASIHTTPRequest class, remove the #synthesize responseEncoding and adding a simple custom getter/setter so you can return the default encoding if the response encoding isn't set:
- (NSStringEncoding) responseEncoding
return responseEncoding || self.defaultResponseEncoding;
- (void) setResponseEncoding:(NSStringEncoding)_responseEncoding
responseEncoding = _responseEncoding;
There's also a more specific workaround for the getResponseString method, which I think is the only place that uses the encoding without checking for a value - since the encoding should be set for any non-zero length response:
- (NSString *)responseString
NSData *data = [self responseData];
if (!data) {
return nil;
// If the 'data' is present but empty, return a simple empty string
if (data.length == 0) {
return #"";
//assert(self.responseEncoding); // if you're into runtime asserts, uncomment this
return [[[NSString alloc] initWithBytes:[data bytes] length:[data length] encoding:[self responseEncoding]] autorelease];

xml parsing iphone, objective C?

i want to get data between xml tags? how to navigate? and get values..
im using wsdl2objc from google code:
output soapbody follows:
read instruction here:
my header file: #import "MService.h"
how to get image source and text value????
please help me....
if([bodyPart isKindOfClass:[types_getFavoriteColorResponseType class]]) {
types_getFavoriteColorResponseType *body = (types_getFavoriteColorResponseType*)bodyPart;
// Now you can extract the color from the response
q.text = body.color;
Ок as far as I understand this is a part which extracts text data from your SOAP response.
BTW you need response to be processed via SAX or DOM? First example in given URL refers to DOM usage, whereas the second to SAX.
More than that I can not tell. Guess you have to read manual or find someone, who worked with this.
Use NSXMLParser, NSXMLParserDelegate for xml parsing, you can get the callbacks with proper values:
hey i got the result using
if ([result isKindOfClass:[MSalesPages class]]) {
NSMutableArray* pageData = result.PageData;
for(MSalesPage* page in pageData){
NSLog(#"Inside for loop %#", page.Id);
NSMutableArray* images = page.Images;
NSMutableArray* textData = page.TextData;
for(MSalesImg* img in images){
NSLog(#"Image url %#",img.Src);
for(MSalesText* text in textData){
NSLog(#"Product Name %#",text.Value);
carefully check with the above xml, u will get the answer :)

objective C string Confusion

I am having code
NSString *cellValue1 = [products1 objectAtIndex:indexPath.row];
when i try to print NSLog(#"cell value is %#",cellValue1);
in log i am not getting anything,
if i use %s, i am getting some symbols, not the string located in cellValue1.
Please help me.
Thanks in advance.
Check to make sure that products1 is actually set. It sounds as though it's nil when you send it the -objectAtIndex: message.
It surely means your string is empty...
Check it with the length method...
NSString *cellValue1 = [products1 objectAtIndex:indexPath.row];
NSLog([NSString stringWithFormat:#"Cell Value is %#", cellValue1]);
NSLog operates with String inputs. While your statement should work, if there is some/any issue with your original cellValue1 string, your original statement will not catch the issue and assure that that NSLog() is being handed a pure string. By using the stringWithFormat: syntax you assure that even if your cellValue1 values is null or nil, you will receive your "cell value is" comment and possible some hint as to what is being passed into the statement by your cellValue1 string.
Testing Note:
If the above doesn't work for you, Test your original string by just using NSLog(cellValue1);. If this doesn't work it will tell you that your original NSString is not properly pulling your product at indexPath.row values.
Hope this helps!

NSXMLParser rss issue NSXMLParserInvalidCharacterError

NSXMLParserInvalidCharacterError # 9
This is the error I get when I hit a weird character (like quotes copied and pasted from word to the web form, that end up in the feed). The feed I am using is not giving an encoding, and their is no hope for me to get them to change that. This is all I get in the header:
< ?xml version="1.0"?>
< rss version="2.0">
What can I do about illegal characters when parsing feeds? Do I sweep the data prior to the parse? Is there something I am missing in the API? Has anyone dealt with this issue?
NSString *dataString = [[[NSString alloc] initWithData:webData encoding:NSASCIIStringEncoding] autorelease];
NSData *data = [dataString dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding allowLossyConversion:YES];
NSXMLParser *parser = [[NSXMLParser alloc] initWithData:data];
Fixed my problems...
The NSString -initWithData:encoding: method returns nil if it fails, so you can try one encoding after another until you find one that converts. This doesn't guarantee that you'll convert all the characters correctly, but if your feed source isn't sending you correctly encoded XML, then you'll probably have to live with it.
The basic idea is:
// try the most likely encoding
NSString xmlString = [[NSString alloc] initWithData:xmlData
if (xmlString == nil) {
// try the next likely encoding
xmlString = [[NSString alloc] initWithData:xmlData
if (xmlString == nil) {
// etc...
To be generic and robust, you could do the following until successful:
1.) Try the encoding specified in the Content-Type header of the HTTP response (if any)
2.) Check the start of the response data for a byte order mark and if found, try the indicated encoding
3.) Look at the first two bytes; if you find a whitespace character or '<' paired with a nul/zero character, try UTF-16 (similarly, you can check the first four bytes to see if you have UTF-32)
4.) Scan the start of the data looking for the <?xml ... ?> processing instruction and look for encoding='something' inside it; try that encoding.
5.) Try some common encodings. Definitely check Windows Latin-1, Mac Roman, and ISO Latin-1 if your data source is in English.
6.) If none of the above work, you could try removing all bytes greater than 127 (or substitute '?' or another ASCII character) and convert the data using the ASCII encoding.
If you don't have an NSString by this point, you should fail. If you do have an NSString, you should look for the encoding declaration in the <?xml ... ?> processing instruction (if you didn't already in step 4). If it's there, you should convert the NSString back to NSData using that encoding; if it's not there, you should convert back using UTF-8 encoding.
Also, the CFStringConvertIANACharSetNameToEncoding() and CFStringConvertEncodingToNSStringEncoding() functions can help get the NSStringEncoding that goes with the encoding name form the Content-Type header or the <?xml ... ?> processing instruction.
You can also remove that encoding line from xml like this:
int length = str.length >100 ? 100:str.length;
NSString*mystr= [str stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString:#"encoding=\".*?\""
range:NSMakeRange(0, length)];