Running MSI installers silently - merge

I am having 3 files -
Alky for Applications.msi ( which make Vista Apps work on XP)
Windows VIsta sidebar.exe ( Which make that VIsta sidebar work on XP)
3.Gadget Extractor.msi ( A part of number 2)
I just want to have all the setups installed by just instlaling one. One of my freind told me that the MSI packages may be silently installed using /qb switch
the .exe I got there is NSIS setup which may be silently installed using /S switch.
SO I am a total n00b in software developing ,so pls suggest me what to do

The simplest solution is to create a batch file and put these commands in it to launch the installers:
msiexec /i "C:\Users\ZippyV\Desktop\Alky for Applications.msi" /quiet
"C:\Users\ZippyV\Desktop\Windows VIsta sidebar.exe" /s
msiexec /i "C:\Users\ZippyV\Desktop\Gadget Extractor.msi" /quiet
Change the extension of the batch file to .cmd and put all the files in the same directory.
EDIT: make sure to specify the full path to your installers and use quotes around them. To run the file, just click it.


PowerShell (x64) stops working after trying to download EXE files (Windows 7)

Found a script on SO to download files from URL in PowerShell v2.0 (I am using Windows 7)
PowerShell.exe -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Command "(New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadFile( '', 'file.txt' )"
Used a batch file .bat to run this script inline.
Works great -- for zip and images!
PROBLEM: Once I try downloading an .exe from URL, the batch file runs WITHOUT executing Powershell script. And Powershell.exe stops working completely in Windows 7...
Powershell (x86) still works, on the other hand.
Opening powershell.exe (x64) directly from folder: C:\WINDOWS\system32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0 only opens blank window and closes immediately
Tried using sfc /scannow and DISM /Online /Cleanup-image /Restorehealth, but it's not working because Windows 7 doesn't have that option
Running the batch script again works, but the powershell part is skipped
I believe it works again after rebooting (haven't tested properly), but I can't seem to make Powershell (x64) work again without rebooting :/ I don't even know what the problem is as I don't know where to start debugging.
This question might be better suited for, but I'm asking here first -- thanks for help :)
As #JCWasmx86 pointed out, it was indeed my Antivirus blocking Powershell.
I tested it extensively with Malwarebytes and Avast in different states -- turned off both of them, then switched them on one by one and ran my script after each state change. Turns out, once Avast got enabled, Powershell (x64, or the default one) got silently blocked after script execution, and persisted inactive until reboot or enough time had passed.
This only happened with .exe files. Avast must not like scripts downloading unverified exe files from the internet.

How i can install crystal report silent mode using InstallShield?

I create a Setup with Installshield 2010. my setup has a prerequisites for reporting viewer so i want to install CR_Runtime13.0.12.msi silently. for this situation we want a command to start the cr_runtime setup silent, after many searches on the net i found this command.
msiexec /i "ISSetupPrerequisites\CRRuntime_64bit_13_0_12\CRRuntime_64bit_13_0_12.msi" /qb /norestart
when i use this command on Cmd it works well and setup is begins silently with progress bar but when i use this command on installshield, it show me an error and a help every time.
please help me to create a command for installshield to install cr_runtime13.0.12 silently.
at the end i Attached installshield command page and my help to this Question.
There are solutions in the StackOverFlow it does not Clear.
You only need to add the msi to the Files To Include. Installshield does the rest.
Try to change the command line only to
/qb /norestart
I think the command is "/qn /norestart" and not qb.
Remove everything else.
Try it

Having issues scripting .msi custom setup

I'm currently trying to install an .msi silently, but can't get past the custom setup part.
I've tried the code below, but it keeps popping up with the Windows Installer help guide.
$AppSetup = msiexec --% /i '\deploy\PostImageInstall\Logger Pro 3.msi' INSTALLDATASHARE="INSTALL" /qn /L*v %TEMP%\LoggerPro3_msilog.txt
The code is supposed to silently install the .msi with the custom setup option.

Why does my installer not run while using the /norestart flag?

I am going for a silent installation for one of my msi exe. The goal is to get the installer to run silently. I understand and know how to run it silently. The task at hand is that when I run it silently the OS restarts. So I implemented an additional flag to take care of the restart along with my silent flags. Below is the command I run for silent and no restart.
JumpyJackGame.exe /s /v/qn /norestart
The problem I am running into is the .exe does not even run when I add the /norestart command
What project type are you using? And do you use a Suite project (essentially a bundle of several setups delivered as a single setup.exe) or just a regular project wrapped in a normal setup.exe launcher?
See the official help for these different setup.exe types:
Setup.exe and Update.exe Command-Line Parameters
Advanced UI and Suite/Advanced UI Setup.exe Command-Line Parameters
If you use a regular Basic MSI (which you should for its standards compliance), then you might be able to do this:
Setup.exe /s /v"/qn REBOOT=ReallySuppress"
See more samples in the documentation. The REBOOT=ReallySuppress should stop rebooting from "normal causes". A custom action designed to do so may still be able to force-restart the system, but that is terrible design if implemented in such a manner (it should register the need to reboot only).
I will add a link in the morning - when I get time - to a previous answer on the different setup.exe types.

Silent MSI Popup

I am running a silent install of an msi driver install, at the end it has a popup that requires the user to hit "OK". I am unable to see this during silent mode or passive mode, is there a way in powershell that I can execute this and force it to pass-through? Anyway to hit "ok" to this without showing the user it is running will be the best option.
PowerShell simply invokes the installation process. The Windows Installer service is responsible for interpreting the MSI file and handling installation correctly. If Windows Installer is preventing the window from being displayed, then PowerShell won't be able to see it either.
Make sure you're calling msiexec.exe correctly:
msiexec /i <path to MSI> /q /l*v "$env:TEMP\install.log"
That runs it quietly (use /qb for just a simple, passive dialog-based install). If it still pops up a dialog, you need to contact the owner of the MSI package and have them fix it. They're breaking the Windows Installer guidelines and there's really no good workaround for it.