From AutoMapper to Emit Mapper -

I've recently discovered AutoMapper for bridging ViewModels and my actual DB objects. I use it in the way decribed here:
I've discovered Emit Mapper to :), but I can't find anytning similar to (where I can specify custom projecting rules):
.ForMember(dest => dest.EventDate, opt => opt.MapFrom(src => src.EventDate.Date))
Thanks in advance!

For the Record this is the best solution that I came across on how to do it:
Check the solution on the last post. It works really well.
Update: The code for future reference:
public class ExtDefaultMapConfig<TSrc, TDst> : DefaultMapConfig
private readonly Dictionary<string, Func<TSrc, object>> _properties = new Dictionary<string, Func<TSrc, object>>();
public ExtDefaultMapConfig<TSrc, TDst> ForMember(string property, Func<TSrc, object> func)
if (!_properties.ContainsKey(property))
_properties.Add(property, func);
return this;
public ExtDefaultMapConfig<TSrc, TDst> ForMember(Expression<Func<TDst, object>> dstMember, Func<TSrc, object> func)
var prop = ReflectionHelper.FindProperty(dstMember);
return ForMember(prop.Name, func);
public ExtDefaultMapConfig<TSrc, TDst> Ignore(Expression<Func<TDst, object>> dstMember)
var prop = ReflectionHelper.FindProperty(dstMember);
IgnoreMembers<TSrc, TDst>(new[] { prop.Name });
return this;
public override IMappingOperation[] GetMappingOperations(Type from, Type to)
var list = new List<IMappingOperation>();
list.AddRange(base.GetMappingOperations(from, to));
.Where(f => _properties.ContainsKey(f.Name))
m =>
(IMappingOperation)new DestWriteOperation
Destination = new MemberDescriptor(m),
Getter =
(value, state) =>
Debug.WriteLine(string.Format("Mapper: getting value of field or property {0}", m.Name));
return ValueToWrite<object>.ReturnValue(_properties[m.Name]((TSrc) value));
return list.ToArray();
class ReflectionHelper
public static MemberInfo FindProperty(LambdaExpression lambdaExpression)
Expression expression = lambdaExpression;
bool flag = false;
while (!flag)
switch (expression.NodeType)
case ExpressionType.Convert:
expression = ((UnaryExpression)expression).Operand;
case ExpressionType.Lambda:
expression = ((LambdaExpression)expression).Body;
case ExpressionType.MemberAccess:
MemberExpression memberExpression = (MemberExpression)expression;
if (memberExpression.Expression.NodeType != ExpressionType.Parameter && memberExpression.Expression.NodeType != ExpressionType.Convert)
throw new ArgumentException(string.Format("Expression '{0}' must resolve to top-level member.", lambdaExpression), "lambdaExpression");
return memberExpression.Member;
flag = true;
return null;
public static object GetValue(string property, object obj)
PropertyInfo pi = obj.GetType().GetProperty(property);
return pi.GetValue(obj, null);


Preventing default values being used for keys in Entity Framework Core?

I would like to prevent any default values for a type being used for keys in Entity Framework core. So for example, 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 for Guids, 0 for ints, etc
Using this helper class
static class KeyValidator
public static void ValidateKeys(this DbContext context)
foreach (var entity in context.AddedOrModified())
foreach (var key in entity.Metadata.GetKeys())
foreach (var property in key.Properties)
var propertyEntry = entity.Property(property.Name);
if (!IsDefaultValue(property.ClrType, propertyEntry.CurrentValue))
throw new Exception($#"Invalid empty key.
EntityType: {entity.Metadata.ClrType.FullName}
PropertyName: {property.Name}
PropertyType: {property.ClrType.FullName}.");
static bool IsDefaultValue(Type clrType, object currentValue)
if (clrType.IsValueType)
var instance = Activator.CreateInstance(clrType);
return instance.Equals(currentValue);
return currentValue == null;
static IEnumerable<EntityEntry> AddedOrModified(this DbContext context)
return context.ChangeTracker.Entries()
.Where(e => e.State == EntityState.Added ||
e.State == EntityState.Modified);
The in the DbContext include
public override int SaveChanges()
return base.SaveChanges();
public override Task<int> SaveChangesAsync(bool acceptAllChanges, CancellationToken cancellation = default)
return base.SaveChangesAsync(acceptAllChanges, cancellation);

How can I get constructor parameters of autofac component on activating

What I want is create caching proxies for all my components decorated with some attributes. So, I made Autofac Module like this:
public class CachingModule : Autofac.Module
private readonly ProxyGenerator generator;
public CachingModule()
generator = new ProxyGenerator();
protected override void AttachToComponentRegistration(IComponentRegistry componentRegistry, IComponentRegistration registration)
var type = registration.Activator.LimitType;
if (type.GetCustomAttribute<CachedAttribute>(true) != null
|| type.GetMethods().Any(m => m.GetCustomAttribute<CachedAttribute>(true) != null))
registration.Activating += (s, e) =>
var proxy = generator.CreateClassProxyWithTarget(e.Instance.GetType(),
interceptors: e.Context.Resolve<IEnumerable<CacheInterceptor>>().ToArray());
What I can't get to work is: I can't create proxy instances with parametrized constructors, is there any way to do this?
Ok, I've managed to get it all working, so for anyone interested here is a sample of proxy generation with non-default constructors
public class CachingModule : Autofac.Module
private readonly ProxyGenerator generator;
public CachingModule()
generator = new ProxyGenerator();
protected override void AttachToComponentRegistration(IComponentRegistry componentRegistry, IComponentRegistration registration)
var type = registration.Activator.LimitType;
if (type.GetCustomAttribute<CachedAttribute>(true) != null
|| type.GetMethods().Any(m => m.GetCustomAttribute<CachedAttribute>(true) != null))
var ctors = type.GetConstructors();
registration.Activating += (s, e) =>
if (e.Instance is IProxyTargetAccessor)
var param = new List<object>();
var infos = ctors.First().GetParameters();
if (ctors.Length > 0 && infos.Length > 0)
foreach (var p in e.Parameters)
foreach (var info in infos)
if (p.CanSupplyValue(info, e.Context, out var valueProvider))
var instance = e.Instance;
var toProxy = instance.GetType();
var proxyGenerationOptions = new ProxyGenerationOptions(new CacheProxyGenerationHook());
var proxy = generator.CreateClassProxyWithTarget(toProxy,
interceptors: e.Context.Resolve<IEnumerable<CacheInterceptor>>().ToArray());

JPA Dynamic Order By with Criteria API

I have the below code snippet for dynamic sorting using JPA Criteria API
Root<Employee> root = criteriaQuery.from(Employee);
Join<Employee, Project> joinProject =
root.join(Employee_.projectList, JoinType.LEFT);
if (sortDirection.equals("asc")) {
If I am passing an attribute of Employee entity to order by statement, it works without any hitch, however if an attribute of Project entity is passed to order by statement, exception is thrown stating that
The attribute [projectName] is not present in the managed type
because projectName is an attribute of Projectentity which is joined with Employee using joinProject. In order by statement I am using root.get(sortField). if it is joinProject.get(sortField), it would work fine when attributes of Project are being passed to order by statement.
My questions are
How could I modify my Order By statement in order to cater all the attributes which being passed?
Do I need to conditionally check which attribute and accordingly use if conditions or are there better ways of doing this?
Appreciate insight into this.
A specific approach for a simple scenario (predetermined one-level only joins) may be something like this:
Root<Employee> root = criteriaQuery.from(Employee.class);
Join<Employee, Project> joinProject = root.join(Employee_.projectList, JoinType.LEFT);
Class<?> baseClass = fieldTypeMap.get(sortField);
From<?, ?> from;
if(baseClass == Employee.class)
from = root;
else if(baseClass == Project.class)
from = joinTeam;
else ...
Expression<?> expr = from.get(sortField);
where fieldTypeMap is something like:
private final static Map<String, Class<?>> fieldTypeMap = new HashMap<>();
static {
fieldTypeMap.put("employeeName", Employee.class);
fieldTypeMap.put("projectName", Project.class);
However, this is quick and dirty, ugly and unmaintainable.
If you want a generic approach, things may get a bit complex.
Personally, I'm using my own classes built on top of EntityManager, CriteriaBuilder and Metamodel, which provides dynamic filtering and multi-sorting features.
But something like this should be meaningful enough:
protected static List<Order> buildOrderBy(CriteriaBuilder builder, Root<?> root, List<SortMeta> sortList)
List<Order> orderList = new LinkedList<>();
for(SortMeta sortMeta : sortList)
String sortField = sortMeta.getSortField();
SortOrder sortOrder = sortMeta.getSortOrder();
if(sortField == null || sortField.isEmpty() || sortOrder == null)
Expression<?> expr = getExpression(root, sortField);
if(sortOrder == SortOrder.ASCENDING)
else if(sortOrder == SortOrder.DESCENDING)
return orderList;
protected static Expression<?> getExpression(Root<?> root, String sortField)
ManagedType<?> managedType = root.getModel();
From<?, Object> from = (From<?, Object>) root;
String[] elements = sortField.split("\\.");
for(String element : elements)
Attribute<?, ?> attribute = managedType.getAttribute(element);
if(attribute.getPersistentAttributeType() == PersistentAttributeType.BASIC)
return from.get(element);
from = from.join(element, JoinType.LEFT);
managedType = EntityUtils.getManagedType(from.getJavaType());
return from;
This way the join is based on sort field, which is now a dotted-path-expr like "" or "office.responsible.age"
public static <X> ManagedType<X> getManagedType(Class<X> clazz)
return getMetamodel().managedType(clazz);
catch(IllegalArgumentException e)
return null;
public static Metamodel getMetamodel()
return getEntityManagerFactory().getMetamodel();
public static EntityManagerFactory getEntityManagerFactory()
return InitialContext.doLookup("java:module/persistence/EntityManagerFactory");
catch(NamingException e)
throw new RuntimeException(e.getMessage(), e);
to make it work on a webapp, you have to declare contextual references on web.xml:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<web-app xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
I don't know about how EclipseLink handles grouping, but also Hibernate does not perform joins (actually, conditions on joins) correctly in some case.
In example, when all these conditions are met:
querying an entity (as Root/From) that is part of a class hierarchy (and not a leaf) based on SINGLE_TABLE
joining/getting a property of a subclass
joining/getting by property name (String) instead of Attribute
To workaround the issue I always resolve property name to an Attribute and reuse joins already "walked" (did I say things may get complicated?):
public class MetaDescriptor extends BusinessObject implements Serializable, MemberEx, ColumnDescriptor
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
protected final Attribute<?, ?> attribute;
protected final MetaDescriptor parent;
protected List<MetaDescriptor> childList;
protected final Type<?> elementType;
protected MetaDescriptor(Attribute<?, ?> attribute, MetaDescriptor parent)
this.attribute = attribute;
this.parent = parent;
if(attribute instanceof SingularAttribute)
SingularAttribute<?, ?> singularAttribute = (SingularAttribute<?, ?>) attribute;
elementType = singularAttribute.getType();
else if(attribute instanceof PluralAttribute)
PluralAttribute<?, ?, ?> pluralAttribute = (PluralAttribute<?, ?, ?>) attribute;
elementType = pluralAttribute.getElementType();
elementType = null;
public static MetaDescriptor getDescriptor(ManagedType<?> managedType, String path)
return getDescriptor(managedType, path, null);
public static MetaDescriptor getDescriptor(From<?, ?> from, String path)
if(from instanceof Root)
return getDescriptor(((Root<?>) from).getModel(), path);
return getDescriptor(from.getJavaType(), path);
public static MetaDescriptor getDescriptor(Class<?> clazz, String path)
ManagedType<?> managedType = EntityUtils.getManagedType(clazz);
if(managedType == null)
return null;
return getDescriptor(managedType, path);
private static MetaDescriptor getDescriptor(ManagedType<?> managedType, String path, MetaDescriptor parent)
if(path == null)
return null;
Entry<String, String> slice = StringUtilsEx.sliceBefore(path, '.');
String attributeName = slice.getKey();
Attribute<?, ?> attribute;
attribute = new ClassAttribute<>(managedType);
attribute = managedType.getAttribute(attributeName);
catch(IllegalArgumentException e)
Class<?> managedClass = managedType.getJavaType();
// take only if it is unique
attribute = StreamEx.of(EntityUtils.getMetamodel().getManagedTypes())
.filter(x -> managedClass.isAssignableFrom(x.getJavaType()))
.filterBy(Attribute::getName, attributeName)
.collect(Collectors.reducing((a, b) -> null))
if(attribute == null)
return null;
MetaDescriptor descriptor = new MetaDescriptor(attribute, parent);
String remainingPath = slice.getValue();
return descriptor;
Type<?> elementType = descriptor.getElementType();
if(elementType instanceof ManagedType)
return getDescriptor((ManagedType<?>) elementType, remainingPath, descriptor);
throw new IllegalArgumentException();
public <T> Expression<T> getExpression(CriteriaBuilder builder, From<?, ?> from)
From<?, Object> parentFrom = getParentFrom(from);
if(attribute instanceof ClassAttribute)
return (Expression<T>) parentFrom.type();
return parentFrom.get((SingularAttribute<Object, T>) attribute);
return getJoin(parentFrom, JoinType.LEFT);
private <X, T> From<X, T> getParentFrom(From<?, ?> from)
return OptionalEx.of(parent)
.map(x -> x.getJoin(from, JoinType.LEFT))
public <X, T> Join<X, T> getJoin(From<?, ?> from, JoinType joinType)
From<?, X> parentFrom = getParentFrom(from);
Join<X, T> join = (Join<X, T>) StreamEx.of(parentFrom.getJoins())
.findAny(x -> Objects.equals(x.getAttribute(), attribute))
.orElseGet(() -> buildJoin(parentFrom, joinType));
return join;
private <X, T> Join<X, T> buildJoin(From<?, X> from, JoinType joinType)
return from.join((SingularAttribute<X, T>) attribute, joinType);
return from.join((MapAttribute<X, ?, T>) attribute, joinType);
return from.join((SetAttribute<X, T>) attribute, joinType);
return from.join((ListAttribute<X, T>) attribute, joinType);
return from.join((CollectionAttribute<X, T>) attribute, joinType);
throw new ImpossibleException();
public Order buildOrder(CriteriaBuilderEx builder, From<?, ?> from, SortOrder direction)
if(direction == null)
return null;
Expression<?> expr = getExpression(builder, from);
return direction == SortOrder.ASCENDING ? builder.asc(expr) : builder.desc(expr);
with this construct, I can now safely:
public static List<Order> buildOrderList(CriteriaBuilderEx builder, From<?, ? extends Object> from, List<SortMeta> list)
return StreamEx.of(list)
.map(x -> buildOrder(builder, from, x.getSortField(), x.getSortOrder()))
public static Order buildOrder(CriteriaBuilderEx builder, From<?, ? extends Object> from, String path, SortOrder direction)
if(path == null || path.isEmpty() || direction == null)
return null;
MetaDescriptor descriptor = MetaDescriptor.getDescriptor(from, path);
if(descriptor == null)
return null;
return descriptor.buildOrder(builder, from, direction);
If sortField exists only in one entity:
path = root.get(sortField);
}catch (IllegalArgumentException e){
path = joinProject.get(sortField);

Using DbContext in MS unit test

I am not sure how to fit EF into my business logic tests. Let me give an example of how it works at runtime (no testing, regular application run):
When I add the entity using the above generic method, an instance is added to context, and EF fixes all the navigation properties behind the scenes. For example, if exists [instance.Parent] property, and [parent.Instances] collection property (1-to-many relationship), EF will automatically add the instance to parent.Instances collection behind the scenes.
My code depends on the [parent.Instances] collection, and if it is empty, it will fail. When I am writing unit tests using MS testing framework, how can I reuse the power of EF, so it can still do its behind-the-scenes job, but uaing the memory as data storage, and not the actual database? I am not really interested whether EF successfully added, modified or deleted something in the database, I am just interested in getting the EF magic on the in-memory sets.
I've been doing this with a mock DbContext and mock DbSet that I've created. They store test data in memory and allow you to do most of the standard things you can do on a DbSet.
Your code that acquires the DbContext initially will have to be changed so that it acquires a MockDbContext when it is running under unit test. You can determine if you are running under MSTest with the following code:
public static bool IsInUnitTest
return AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies()
.Any(assembly =>
Here is the code for MockDbContext:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Data.Common;
using System.Data.Entity;
using System.Data.Entity.Core.Objects;
using System.Data.Entity.Infrastructure;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace ConsoleApplication5
// ProductionDbContext would be DbContext class
// generated by Entity Framework
public class MockDbContext: ProductionDbContext
public MockDbContext()
// Entities (for which we'll provide MockDbSet implementation
// and test data)
public override DbSet<Account> Accounts { get; set; }
public override DbSet<AccountGenLink> AccountGenLinks { get; set; }
public override DbSet<AccountPermit> AccountPermits { get; set; }
public override DbSet<AcctDocGenLink> AcctDocGenLinks { get; set; }
// DbContext method overrides
private int InternalSaveChanges()
// Just return 0 in the mock
return 0;
public override int SaveChanges()
return InternalSaveChanges();
public override Task<int> SaveChangesAsync()
return Task.FromResult(InternalSaveChanges());
public override Task<int> SaveChangesAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
// Just ignore the cancellation token in the mock
return SaveChangesAsync();
private void LoadFakeData()
// Tables
Accounts = new MockDbSet<Account>(this);
Accounts.AddRange(new List<Account>
new Account
SSN_EIN = "123456789", CODE = "A", accttype = "CD",
acctnumber = "1", pending = false, BankOfficer1 = string.Empty,
BankOfficer2 = null, Branch = 0, type = "18", drm_rate_code = "18",
officer_code = string.Empty, open_date = new DateTime(2010, 6, 8),
maturity_date = new DateTime(2010, 11, 8), HostAcctActive = true,
EffectiveAcctStatus = "A"
new Account
SSN_EIN = "123456789", CODE = "A", accttype = "DD",
acctnumber = "00001234", pending = false, BankOfficer1 = "BCK",
BankOfficer2 = string.Empty, Branch = 0, type = "05", drm_rate_code = "00",
officer_code = "DJT", open_date = new DateTime(1998, 9, 14),
maturity_date = null, HostAcctActive = true,
EffectiveAcctStatus = "A"
new Account
SSN_EIN = "123456789", CODE = "A", accttype = "LN", acctnumber = "1",
pending = false, BankOfficer1 = "LMP", BankOfficer2 = string.Empty,
Branch = 0, type = "7", drm_rate_code = null, officer_code = string.Empty,
open_date = new DateTime(2001, 10, 24),
maturity_date = new DateTime(2008, 5, 2), HostAcctActive = true,
EffectiveAcctStatus = "A"
AccountGenLinks = new MockDbSet<AccountGenLink>(this);
AccountGenLinks.AddRange(new List<AccountGenLink>
// Add your test data here if needed
AccountPermits = new MockDbSet<AccountPermit>(this);
AccountPermits.AddRange(new List<AccountPermit>
// Add your test data here if needed
AcctDocLinks = new MockDbSet<AcctDocLink>(this);
AcctDocLinks.AddRange(new List<AcctDocLink>
new AcctDocLink { ID = 1, SSN_EIN = "123456789", CODE = "A", accttype = "DD",
acctnumber = "00001234", DocID = 50, DocType = 5 },
new AcctDocLink { ID = 25, SSN_EIN = "123456789", CODE = "6", accttype = "CD",
acctnumber = "1", DocID = 6750, DocType = 5 }
And here is the code for MockDbSet:
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.ObjectModel;
using System.Data.Entity;
using System.Data.Entity.Core.Metadata.Edm;
using System.Data.Entity.Infrastructure;
using System.Linq;
using System.Linq.Expressions;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace ConsoleApplication5
public sealed class MockDbSet<TEntity> : DbSet<TEntity>, IQueryable,
IEnumerable<TEntity>, IDbAsyncEnumerable<TEntity> where TEntity : class
public MockDbSet(MockDbContext context)
// Get entity set for entity
// Used when we figure out whether to generate
// IDENTITY values
EntitySet = ((IObjectContextAdapter) context).ObjectContext
.FirstOrDefault(item => item.Name == typeof(TEntity).Name);
Data = new ObservableCollection<TEntity>();
Query = Data.AsQueryable();
private ObservableCollection<TEntity> Data { get; set; }
Type IQueryable.ElementType
get { return Query.ElementType; }
private EntitySetBase EntitySet { get; set; }
Expression IQueryable.Expression
get { return Query.Expression; }
IEnumerator IEnumerable.GetEnumerator()
return Data.GetEnumerator();
public override ObservableCollection<TEntity> Local
get { return Data; }
IQueryProvider IQueryable.Provider
get { return new MockDbAsyncQueryProvider<TEntity>(Query.Provider); }
private IQueryable Query { get; set; }
public override TEntity Add(TEntity entity)
return entity;
public override IEnumerable<TEntity> AddRange(IEnumerable<TEntity> entities)
foreach (var entity in entities)
return entities;
public override TEntity Attach(TEntity entity)
return Add(entity);
public override TEntity Create()
return Activator.CreateInstance<TEntity>();
public override TDerivedEntity Create<TDerivedEntity>()
return Activator.CreateInstance<TDerivedEntity>();
public override TEntity Find(params object[] keyValues)
throw new NotSupportedException();
public override Task<TEntity> FindAsync(params object[] keyValues)
return FindAsync(CancellationToken.None, keyValues);
public override Task<TEntity> FindAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken, params object[] keyValues)
throw new NotSupportedException();
private void GenerateIdentityColumnValues(TEntity entity)
// The purpose of this method, which is called when adding a row,
// is to ensure that Identity column values are properly initialized
// before performing the add. If we were making a "real" Entity Framework
// Add() call, this task would be handled by the data provider and the
// value(s) would then be propagated back into the entity. In the case
// of this mock, there is nothing that will do that, so we have to make
// this at-least token effort to ensure the columns are properly initialized.
// In SQL Server, an Identity column can be of one of the following
// data types: tinyint, smallint, int, bigint, decimal (with a scale of 0),
// or numeric (with a scale of 0); This method handles the integer types
// (the others are typically not used).
foreach (var member in EntitySet.ElementType.Members.ToList())
if (member.IsStoreGeneratedIdentity)
// OK, we've got a live one; do our thing.
// Note that we'll get the current value of the column and,
// if it is nonzero, we'll leave it alone. We do this because
// the test data in our mock DbContext provides values for the
// Identity columns and many of those values are foreign keys
// in other entities (where we also provide test data). We don't
// want to disturb any existing relationships defined in the test data.
Type columnDataType = null;
foreach (var metadataProperty in member.TypeUsage.EdmType.MetadataProperties.ToList())
if (metadataProperty.Name != "PrimitiveTypeKind")
switch ((PrimitiveTypeKind)metadataProperty.Value)
case PrimitiveTypeKind.SByte:
columnDataType = typeof(SByte);
case PrimitiveTypeKind.Int16:
columnDataType = typeof(Int16);
case PrimitiveTypeKind.Int32:
columnDataType = typeof(Int32);
case PrimitiveTypeKind.Int64:
columnDataType = typeof(Int64);
throw new InvalidOperationException();
var identityColumnGetter = entity.GetType().GetProperty(member.Name).GetGetMethod();
var identityColumnSetter = entity.GetType().GetProperty(member.Name).GetSetMethod();
Int64 specifiedColumnValue = 0;
switch (columnDataType.Name)
case "SByte":
specifiedColumnValue = (SByte)identityColumnGetter.Invoke(entity, null);
case "Int16":
specifiedColumnValue = (Int16)identityColumnGetter.Invoke(entity, null);
case "Int32":
specifiedColumnValue = (Int32)identityColumnGetter.Invoke(entity, null);
case "Int64":
specifiedColumnValue = (Int64)identityColumnGetter.Invoke(entity, null);
if (specifiedColumnValue != 0)
Int64 maxExistingColumnValue = 0;
switch (columnDataType.Name)
case "SByte":
foreach (var item in Local.ToList())
maxExistingColumnValue = Math.Max(maxExistingColumnValue, (SByte)identityColumnGetter.Invoke(item, null));
identityColumnSetter.Invoke(entity, new object[] { (SByte)(++maxExistingColumnValue) });
case "Int16":
foreach (var item in Local.ToList())
maxExistingColumnValue = Math.Max(maxExistingColumnValue, (Int16)identityColumnGetter.Invoke(item, null));
identityColumnSetter.Invoke(entity, new object[] { (Int16)(++maxExistingColumnValue) });
case "Int32":
foreach (var item in Local.ToList())
maxExistingColumnValue = Math.Max(maxExistingColumnValue, (Int32)identityColumnGetter.Invoke(item, null));
identityColumnSetter.Invoke(entity, new object[] { (Int32)(++maxExistingColumnValue) });
case "Int64":
foreach (var item in Local.ToList())
maxExistingColumnValue = Math.Max(maxExistingColumnValue, (Int64)identityColumnGetter.Invoke(item, null));
identityColumnSetter.Invoke(entity, new object[] { (Int64)(++maxExistingColumnValue) });
IDbAsyncEnumerator<TEntity> IDbAsyncEnumerable<TEntity>.GetAsyncEnumerator()
return new MockDbAsyncEnumerator<TEntity>(Data.GetEnumerator());
IEnumerator<TEntity> IEnumerable<TEntity>.GetEnumerator()
return Data.GetEnumerator();
public override TEntity Remove(TEntity entity)
return entity;
public override IEnumerable<TEntity> RemoveRange(IEnumerable<TEntity> entities)
foreach (var entity in entities)
return entities;
public override DbSqlQuery<TEntity> SqlQuery(string sql, params object[] parameters)
throw new NotSupportedException();
internal class MockDbAsyncQueryProvider<TEntity> : IDbAsyncQueryProvider
internal MockDbAsyncQueryProvider(IQueryProvider queryProvider)
QueryProvider = queryProvider;
private IQueryProvider QueryProvider { get; set; }
public IQueryable CreateQuery(Expression expression)
return new MockDbAsyncEnumerable<TEntity>(expression);
public IQueryable<TElement> CreateQuery<TElement>(Expression expression)
return new MockDbAsyncEnumerable<TElement>(expression);
public object Execute(Expression expression)
return QueryProvider.Execute(expression);
public TResult Execute<TResult>(Expression expression)
return QueryProvider.Execute<TResult>(expression);
public Task<object> ExecuteAsync(Expression expression, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
return Task.FromResult(Execute(expression));
public Task<TResult> ExecuteAsync<TResult>(Expression expression, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
return Task.FromResult(Execute<TResult>(expression));
internal class MockDbAsyncEnumerable<T> : EnumerableQuery<T>, IDbAsyncEnumerable<T>, IQueryable<T>
public MockDbAsyncEnumerable(IEnumerable<T> enumerable)
: base(enumerable)
public MockDbAsyncEnumerable(Expression expression)
: base(expression)
IQueryProvider IQueryable.Provider
get { return new MockDbAsyncQueryProvider<T>(this); }
public IDbAsyncEnumerator<T> GetAsyncEnumerator()
return new MockDbAsyncEnumerator<T>(this.AsEnumerable().GetEnumerator());
IDbAsyncEnumerator IDbAsyncEnumerable.GetAsyncEnumerator()
return GetAsyncEnumerator();
internal class MockDbAsyncEnumerator<T> : IDbAsyncEnumerator<T>
public MockDbAsyncEnumerator(IEnumerator<T> enumerator)
Enumerator = enumerator;
public void Dispose()
public T Current
get { return Enumerator.Current; }
object IDbAsyncEnumerator.Current
get { return Current; }
private IEnumerator<T> Enumerator { get; set; }
public Task<bool> MoveNextAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
return Task.FromResult(Enumerator.MoveNext());
If you are using the EntityFramework-Reverse-POCO-Code-First-Generator from Simon Hughes, with its generated FakeContext, Jeff Prince's approach is still possible with some tweaking. The little difference here is we are using the partial class support and implementing the InitializePartial() methods in the FakeContext and FakeDbSet. The bigger difference is that the Reverse POCO FakeContext does not inherit from a DbContext, so we can't easily get the MetadataWorkspace to know which columns are identities. The answer is to create a 'real' context with a bogus connection string and use that to get the EntitySetBase for the FakeDbSet. This should be pasted inside the proper namespace of a new source file, renaming the context, and you shouldn't need to do anything further in the rest of your project.
/// <summary>
/// This code will set Identity columns to be unique. It behaves differently from the real context in that the
/// identities are generated on add, not save. This is inspired by and
/// modified for use with the FakeDbSet and FakeContext that can be generated by EntityFramework-Reverse-POCO-Code-
/// First-Generator from Simon Hughes.
/// Aside from changing the name of the FakeContext and the type used to in its InitializePartial() as
/// the 'realContext' this file can be pasted into another namespace for a completely unrelated context. If you
/// have additional implementation for the InitializePartial methods in the FakeContext or FakeDbSet, change the
/// name to InitializePartial2 and they will be called after InitializePartial is called here. Please don't add
/// code unrelated to the above purpose to this file - make another file to further extend the partial class.
/// </summary>
partial class FakeFooBarBazContext
/// <summary> Initialization of FakeContext to handle setting an identity for columns marked as
/// <c>IsStoreGeneratedIdentity</c> when an item is Added to the DbSet. If this signature
/// conflicts with another partial class, change that signature to implement
/// <see cref="InitializePartial2"/>, as that will be called when this is complete. </summary>
partial void InitializePartial()
// Here we need to get a 'real' ObjectContext so we can get the metadata for determining
// identity columns. Since FakeContext doesn't inherit from DbContext, create
// the real one with a bogus connection string.
using (var realContext = new FooBarBazContext("Server=."))
var objectContext = (realContext as IObjectContextAdapter).ObjectContext;
// Reflect over the public properties that return DbSet<> and get it. If it is
// of type FakeDbSet<>, call InitializeWithContext() on it.
var fakeDbSetGenericType = typeof(FakeDbSet<>);
var dbSetGenericType = typeof(DbSet<>);
var properties = this.GetType().GetProperties(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance);
foreach (var prop in properties)
if (!prop.PropertyType.IsGenericType || prop.GetMethod == null)
if (prop.PropertyType.GetGenericTypeDefinition() != dbSetGenericType)
var dbSetObj = prop.GetMethod.Invoke(this, null);
var dbSetObjType = dbSetObj?.GetType();
if (dbSetObjType?.GetGenericTypeDefinition() != fakeDbSetGenericType)
var initMethod = dbSetObjType.GetMethod(nameof(FakeDbSet<object>.InitializeWithContext),
BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance,
null, new[] {typeof(ObjectContext)}, new ParameterModifier[] { });
initMethod.Invoke(dbSetObj, new object[] {objectContext});
partial void InitializePartial2();
partial class FakeDbSet<TEntity>
private EntitySetBase EntitySet { get; set; }
/// <summary> Initialization of FakeDbSet to handle setting an identity for columns marked as
/// <c>IsStoreGeneratedIdentity</c> when an item is Added to the DbSet. If this signature
/// conflicts with another partial class, change that signature to implement
/// <see cref="InitializePartial2"/>, as that will be called when this is complete. </summary>
partial void InitializePartial()
// The only way we know something was added to the DbSet from this partial class
// is to hook the CollectionChanged event.
_data.CollectionChanged += DataOnCollectionChanged;
internal void InitializeWithContext(ObjectContext objectContext)
// Get entity set for entity. Used when we figure out whether to generate IDENTITY values
EntitySet = objectContext
.FirstOrDefault(item => item.Name == typeof(TEntity).Name);
private void DataOnCollectionChanged(object sender, NotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs e)
if (e.Action != NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Add)
foreach (TEntity entity in e.NewItems)
/// <summary> The purpose of this method, which is called after a row is added, is to ensure that Identity column values are
/// properly initialized. If this was a real Entity Framework, this task would be handled by the data provider
/// when SaveChanges[Async]() is called and the value(s) would then be propagated back into the entity.
/// In the case of FakeDbSet, there is nothing that will do that, so we have to make this at-least token effort
/// to ensure the columns are properly initialized, even if it is done at the incorrect time.
/// </summary>
private void GenerateIdentityColumnValues(TEntity entity)
foreach (var member in EntitySet.ElementType.Members)
if (!member.IsStoreGeneratedIdentity)
foreach (var metadataProperty in member.TypeUsage.EdmType.MetadataProperties)
if (metadataProperty.Name != "PrimitiveTypeKind")
var entityProperty = entity.GetType().GetProperty(member.Name);
var identityColumnGetter = entityProperty.GetGetMethod();
// Note that we'll get the current value of the column and,
// if it is nonzero, we'll leave it alone. We do this because
// the test data in our mock DbContext provides values for the
// Identity columns and many of those values are foreign keys
// in other entities (where we also provide test data). We don't
// want to disturb any existing relationships defined in the test data.
bool isDefaultForType;
var columnType = (PrimitiveTypeKind)metadataProperty.Value;
switch (columnType)
case PrimitiveTypeKind.SByte:
isDefaultForType = default(SByte) == (SByte)identityColumnGetter.Invoke(entity, null);
case PrimitiveTypeKind.Int16:
isDefaultForType = default(Int16) == (Int16)identityColumnGetter.Invoke(entity, null);
case PrimitiveTypeKind.Int32:
isDefaultForType = default(Int32) == (Int32)identityColumnGetter.Invoke(entity, null);
case PrimitiveTypeKind.Int64:
isDefaultForType = default(Int64) == (Int64)identityColumnGetter.Invoke(entity, null);
case PrimitiveTypeKind.Decimal:
isDefaultForType = default(Decimal) == (Decimal)identityColumnGetter.Invoke(entity, null);
// In SQL Server, an Identity column can be of one of the following data types:
// tinyint (SqlByte, byte), smallint (SqlInt16, Int16), int (SqlInt32, Int32),
// bigint (SqlInt64, Int64), decimal (with a scale of 0) (SqlDecimal, Decimal),
// or numeric (with a scale of 0) (SqlDecimal, Decimal). Those are handled above.
// 'If we don't know, we throw'
throw new InvalidOperationException($"Unsupported Identity Column Type {columnType}");
// From this point on, we can return from the method, as only one identity column is
// possible per table and we found it.
if (!isDefaultForType)
var identityColumnSetter = entityProperty.GetSetMethod();
lock (Local)
switch (columnType)
case PrimitiveTypeKind.SByte:
SByte maxExistingColumnValue = 0;
foreach (var item in Local.ToList())
maxExistingColumnValue = Math.Max(maxExistingColumnValue, (SByte) identityColumnGetter.Invoke(item, null));
identityColumnSetter.Invoke(entity, new object[] {(SByte) (++maxExistingColumnValue)});
case PrimitiveTypeKind.Int16:
Int16 maxExistingColumnValue = 0;
foreach (var item in Local.ToList())
maxExistingColumnValue = Math.Max(maxExistingColumnValue, (Int16) identityColumnGetter.Invoke(item, null));
identityColumnSetter.Invoke(entity, new object[] {(Int16) (++maxExistingColumnValue)});
case PrimitiveTypeKind.Int32:
Int32 maxExistingColumnValue = 0;
foreach (var item in Local.ToList())
maxExistingColumnValue = Math.Max(maxExistingColumnValue, (Int32) identityColumnGetter.Invoke(item, null));
identityColumnSetter.Invoke(entity, new object[] {(Int32) (++maxExistingColumnValue)});
case PrimitiveTypeKind.Int64:
Int64 maxExistingColumnValue = 0;
foreach (var item in Local.ToList())
maxExistingColumnValue = Math.Max(maxExistingColumnValue, (Int64) identityColumnGetter.Invoke(item, null));
identityColumnSetter.Invoke(entity, new object[] {(Int64) (++maxExistingColumnValue)});
case PrimitiveTypeKind.Decimal:
Decimal maxExistingColumnValue = 0;
foreach (var item in Local.ToList())
maxExistingColumnValue = Math.Max(maxExistingColumnValue, (Decimal) identityColumnGetter.Invoke(item, null));
identityColumnSetter.Invoke(entity, new object[] {(Decimal) (++maxExistingColumnValue)});
partial void InitializePartial2();

PropertyGrid Browsable not found for entity framework created property, how to find it?

Trying to remove or place items on a property grid by changing the Browsable attribute.
But unless browsable is set on object creation my code to change Browsable doesn't work. Now I can manually add browsable, but when I make a change to my entity (still developing project so lots of changes to entity) any additional attributes I add go away.
I attempted to set [Browsable(true)] two ways other ways: and
Both seem to actually set the Browsable correctly, but when I loop thru the Attributes in Property Descriptor it is not there (for me to change).
String fieldname = "browsable"; // I also edit "description"
PropertyDescriptor pd = TypeDescriptor.GetProperties(o.GetType())[propertyName];
object attrib = null;
AttributeCollection attribs = pd.Attributes;
foreach (Attribute a in attribs)
if (a.GetType() == attributeType)
attrib = a;
// The microsoft documentation leads one to believe the following line of code would find the desired attribute,
// negating the need for the more complete foreach statement above.
// However, it appears to find attribute even when it does not exist. Setting value for "found" attribute
// will result in random memory being changed, which results in very unpredictable behavior.
// attrib = pd.Attributes[t];
if (attrib != null)
// locate field that contains value
FieldInfo field = attrib.GetType().GetField(fieldName, BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance);
if (field != null)
if (field.FieldType == value.GetType())
// set field to desired value
field.SetValue(attrib, value);
throw new Exception("Attribute (" + attributeType.Name + ") does not exist for Property(" + propertyName + ")");
So I keep getting the Exception that I throw if it doesn't find "browsable" - but only if not set in Model.Designer.cs first.
Below is what my Model.Designer.cs looks like.
/// <summary>
/// No Metadata Documentation available.
/// </summary>
[EdmScalarPropertyAttribute(EntityKeyProperty=false, IsNullable=true)]
[Browsable(false)] // this works, but goes away if change my entity
public Nullable<global::System.TimeSpan> SignoutAfter
return _SignoutAfter;
_SignoutAfter = StructuralObject.SetValidValue(value);
private Nullable<global::System.TimeSpan> _SignoutAfter;
partial void OnSignoutAfterChanging(Nullable<global::System.TimeSpan> value);
partial void OnSignoutAfterChanged();
So I need a way to either 1. add browsable to entity when I edit them so it is always on perhaps editing the t4, but I don't even know where to begin with that or 2. Another way to add or remove (and edit) the properties (see I might edit the description based on some logic) or 3 find the hole in my code so I can find and edit browsable (description and displayname).
Update The second link above, , has a lot of what I need, I think. Adding a Attribute array variable to the class and some code to see if that is set seems to have the effect that I am looking for. But leaving this open to find a better answer.
partial class Client : ICustomTypeDescriptor
public Attribute[] SignOutAttributes; // added this
#region ICustomTypeDescriptor Members
... // see the link for the other code
public PropertyDescriptorCollection GetProperties (Attribute[] attributes)
var propsColl = TypeDescriptor.GetProperties (this, attributes, true);
var props = new List<PropertyDescriptor> ();
foreach (PropertyDescriptor prop in propsColl)
String strUPPERCaseName = prop.Name.ToUpper (); // for my thick fingers
// make sure case values are upper case
switch (strUPPERCaseName)
if (SignOutAttributes != null)
props.Add(new CustomPropertyDescriptor(prop, SignOutAttributes));
props.Add (new CustomPropertyDescriptor (prop, new Attribute[]
new CategoryAttribute("Settings"),
new DisplayNameAttribute("Signout After"),
new BrowsableAttribute(true),
new ReadOnlyAttribute(false)
props.Add (prop);
return new PropertyDescriptorCollection (props.ToArray ());
In my code I can change the Attribute Array to have what Attribute values I want.
_client.SignOutAttributes = new Attribute[]
new CategoryAttribute ("My Category"),
new DisplayNameAttribute("Signout After"),
new BrowsableAttribute(true),
new ReadOnlyAttribute(false)
I'm not 100% happy with this. I have to write code for each Property.
Using ICustomTypeDescriptor is definitely the good solution when you want dynamic (set at runtime) properties. Here is generic ICustomTypeDescriptor utility class that I've been using for this sort of property grid hacking, it's pretty straightforward to use:
public sealed class DynamicTypeDescriptor: ICustomTypeDescriptor, INotifyPropertyChanged
private Type _type;
private AttributeCollection _attributes;
private TypeConverter _typeConverter;
private Dictionary<Type, object> _editors;
private EventDescriptor _defaultEvent;
private PropertyDescriptor _defaultProperty;
private EventDescriptorCollection _events;
public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;
private DynamicTypeDescriptor()
public DynamicTypeDescriptor(Type type)
if (type == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("type");
_type = type;
_typeConverter = TypeDescriptor.GetConverter(type);
_defaultEvent = TypeDescriptor.GetDefaultEvent(type);
_defaultProperty = TypeDescriptor.GetDefaultProperty(type);
_events = TypeDescriptor.GetEvents(type);
List<PropertyDescriptor> normalProperties = new List<PropertyDescriptor>();
OriginalProperties = TypeDescriptor.GetProperties(type);
foreach (PropertyDescriptor property in OriginalProperties)
if (!property.IsBrowsable)
Properties = new PropertyDescriptorCollection(normalProperties.ToArray());
_attributes = TypeDescriptor.GetAttributes(type);
_editors = new Dictionary<Type, object>();
object editor = TypeDescriptor.GetEditor(type, typeof(UITypeEditor));
if (editor != null)
_editors.Add(typeof(UITypeEditor), editor);
editor = TypeDescriptor.GetEditor(type, typeof(ComponentEditor));
if (editor != null)
_editors.Add(typeof(ComponentEditor), editor);
editor = TypeDescriptor.GetEditor(type, typeof(InstanceCreationEditor));
if (editor != null)
_editors.Add(typeof(InstanceCreationEditor), editor);
public T GetPropertyValue<T>(string name, T defaultValue)
if (name == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("name");
foreach (PropertyDescriptor pd in Properties)
if (pd.Name == name)
return (T)Convert.ChangeType(pd.GetValue(Component), typeof(T));
return defaultValue;
return defaultValue;
public void SetPropertyValue(string name, object value)
if (name == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("name");
foreach (PropertyDescriptor pd in Properties)
if (pd.Name == name)
pd.SetValue(Component, value);
internal void OnValueChanged(PropertyDescriptor prop)
PropertyChangedEventHandler handler = PropertyChanged;
if (handler != null)
handler(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(prop.Name));
internal static T GetAttribute<T>(AttributeCollection attributes) where T : Attribute
if (attributes == null)
return null;
foreach (Attribute att in attributes)
if (typeof(T).IsAssignableFrom(att.GetType()))
return (T)att;
return null;
public sealed class DynamicProperty: PropertyDescriptor, INotifyPropertyChanged
private readonly Type _type;
private readonly bool _hasDefaultValue;
private readonly object _defaultValue;
private readonly PropertyDescriptor _existing;
private readonly DynamicTypeDescriptor _descriptor;
private Dictionary<Type, object> _editors;
private bool? _readOnly;
private bool? _browsable;
private string _displayName;
private string _description;
private string _category;
private List<Attribute> _attributes = new List<Attribute>();
public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;
internal DynamicProperty(DynamicTypeDescriptor descriptor, Type type, object value, string name, Attribute[] attrs)
: base(name, attrs)
_descriptor = descriptor;
_type = type;
Value = value;
DefaultValueAttribute def = DynamicTypeDescriptor.GetAttribute<DefaultValueAttribute>(Attributes);
if (def == null)
_hasDefaultValue = false;
_hasDefaultValue = true;
_defaultValue = def.Value;
if (attrs != null)
foreach (Attribute att in attrs)
internal static Attribute[] GetAttributes(PropertyDescriptor existing)
List<Attribute> atts = new List<Attribute>();
foreach (Attribute a in existing.Attributes)
return atts.ToArray();
internal DynamicProperty(DynamicTypeDescriptor descriptor, PropertyDescriptor existing, object component)
: this(descriptor, existing.PropertyType, existing.GetValue(component), existing.Name, GetAttributes(existing))
_existing = existing;
public void RemoveAttributesOfType<T>() where T : Attribute
List<Attribute> remove = new List<Attribute>();
foreach (Attribute att in _attributes)
if (typeof(T).IsAssignableFrom(att.GetType()))
foreach (Attribute att in remove)
public IList<Attribute> AttributesList
return _attributes;
public override AttributeCollection Attributes
return new AttributeCollection(_attributes.ToArray());
public object Value { get; set; }
public override bool CanResetValue(object component)
if (_existing != null)
return _existing.CanResetValue(component);
return _hasDefaultValue;
public override Type ComponentType
if (_existing != null)
return _existing.ComponentType;
return typeof(object);
public override object GetValue(object component)
if (_existing != null)
return _existing.GetValue(component);
return Value;
public override string Category
if (_category != null)
return _category;
return base.Category;
public void SetCategory(string category)
_category = category;
public override string Description
if (_description != null)
return _description;
return base.Description;
public void SetDescription(string description)
_description = description;
public override string DisplayName
if (_displayName != null)
return _displayName;
if (_existing != null)
return _existing.DisplayName;
return base.DisplayName;
public void SetDisplayName(string displayName)
_displayName = displayName;
public override bool IsBrowsable
if (_browsable.HasValue)
return _browsable.Value;
return base.IsBrowsable;
public void SetBrowsable(bool browsable)
_browsable = browsable;
public override bool IsReadOnly
if (_readOnly.HasValue)
return _readOnly.Value;
if (_existing != null)
return _existing.IsReadOnly;
ReadOnlyAttribute att = DynamicTypeDescriptor.GetAttribute<ReadOnlyAttribute>(Attributes);
if (att == null)
return false;
return att.IsReadOnly;
public void SetIsReadOnly(bool readOnly)
_readOnly = readOnly;
public override Type PropertyType
if (_existing != null)
return _existing.PropertyType;
return _type;
public override void ResetValue(object component)
if (_existing != null)
PropertyChangedEventHandler handler = PropertyChanged;
if (handler != null)
handler(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(Name));
if (CanResetValue(component))
Value = _defaultValue;
public override void SetValue(object component, object value)
if (_existing != null)
_existing.SetValue(component, value);
PropertyChangedEventHandler handler = PropertyChanged;
if (handler != null)
handler(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(Name));
Value = value;
public override bool ShouldSerializeValue(object component)
if (_existing != null)
return _existing.ShouldSerializeValue(component);
return false;
public override object GetEditor(Type editorBaseType)
if (editorBaseType == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("editorBaseType");
if (_editors != null)
object type;
if ((_editors.TryGetValue(editorBaseType, out type)) && (type != null))
return type;
return base.GetEditor(editorBaseType);
public void SetEditor(Type editorBaseType, object obj)
if (editorBaseType == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("editorBaseType");
if (_editors == null)
if (obj == null)
_editors = new Dictionary<Type, object>();
if (obj == null)
_editors[editorBaseType] = obj;
public PropertyDescriptor AddProperty(Type type, string name, object value, string displayName, string description, string category, bool hasDefaultValue, object defaultValue, bool readOnly)
return AddProperty(type, name, value, displayName, description, category, hasDefaultValue, defaultValue, readOnly, null);
public PropertyDescriptor AddProperty(
Type type,
string name,
object value,
string displayName,
string description,
string category,
bool hasDefaultValue,
object defaultValue,
bool readOnly,
Type uiTypeEditor)
if (type == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("type");
if (name == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("name");
List<Attribute> atts = new List<Attribute>();
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(displayName))
atts.Add(new DisplayNameAttribute(displayName));
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(description))
atts.Add(new DescriptionAttribute(description));
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(category))
atts.Add(new CategoryAttribute(category));
if (hasDefaultValue)
atts.Add(new DefaultValueAttribute(defaultValue));
if (uiTypeEditor != null)
atts.Add(new EditorAttribute(uiTypeEditor, typeof(UITypeEditor)));
if (readOnly)
atts.Add(new ReadOnlyAttribute(true));
DynamicProperty property = new DynamicProperty(this, type, value, name, atts.ToArray());
return property;
public void RemoveProperty(string name)
if (name == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("name");
List<PropertyDescriptor> remove = new List<PropertyDescriptor>();
foreach (PropertyDescriptor pd in Properties)
if (pd.Name == name)
foreach (PropertyDescriptor pd in remove)
public void AddProperty(PropertyDescriptor property)
if (property == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("property");
public override string ToString()
return base.ToString() + " (" + Component + ")";
public PropertyDescriptorCollection OriginalProperties { get; private set; }
public PropertyDescriptorCollection Properties { get; private set; }
public DynamicTypeDescriptor FromComponent(object component)
if (component == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("component");
if (!_type.IsAssignableFrom(component.GetType()))
throw new ArgumentException(null, "component");
DynamicTypeDescriptor desc = new DynamicTypeDescriptor();
desc._type = _type;
desc.Component = component;
// shallow copy on purpose
desc._typeConverter = _typeConverter;
desc._editors = _editors;
desc._defaultEvent = _defaultEvent;
desc._defaultProperty = _defaultProperty;
desc._attributes = _attributes;
desc._events = _events;
desc.OriginalProperties = OriginalProperties;
// track values
List<PropertyDescriptor> properties = new List<PropertyDescriptor>();
foreach (PropertyDescriptor pd in Properties)
DynamicProperty ap = new DynamicProperty(desc, pd, component);
desc.Properties = new PropertyDescriptorCollection(properties.ToArray());
return desc;
public object Component { get; private set; }
public string ClassName { get; set; }
public string ComponentName { get; set; }
AttributeCollection ICustomTypeDescriptor.GetAttributes()
return _attributes;
string ICustomTypeDescriptor.GetClassName()
if (ClassName != null)
return ClassName;
if (Component != null)
return Component.GetType().Name;
if (_type != null)
return _type.Name;
return null;
string ICustomTypeDescriptor.GetComponentName()
if (ComponentName != null)
return ComponentName;
return Component != null ? Component.ToString() : null;
TypeConverter ICustomTypeDescriptor.GetConverter()
return _typeConverter;
EventDescriptor ICustomTypeDescriptor.GetDefaultEvent()
return _defaultEvent;
PropertyDescriptor ICustomTypeDescriptor.GetDefaultProperty()
return _defaultProperty;
object ICustomTypeDescriptor.GetEditor(Type editorBaseType)
object editor;
if (_editors.TryGetValue(editorBaseType, out editor))
return editor;
return null;
EventDescriptorCollection ICustomTypeDescriptor.GetEvents(Attribute[] attributes)
return _events;
EventDescriptorCollection ICustomTypeDescriptor.GetEvents()
return _events;
PropertyDescriptorCollection ICustomTypeDescriptor.GetProperties(Attribute[] attributes)
return Properties;
PropertyDescriptorCollection ICustomTypeDescriptor.GetProperties()
return Properties;
object ICustomTypeDescriptor.GetPropertyOwner(PropertyDescriptor pd)
return Component;