Mercurial: Indicating that a branch has passed testing? - version-control

I am working on establishing a workflow at my company if we were to migrate to DVCS (most likely Mercurial). One of the things I would like to do is to have a repository for QA. The idea being that each developer works on a branch and when they are done the branch is pushed to QA. From there the test team can do their testing and report back any bugs. Once the branch is fully tested and acceptable it will be pushed to a staging repository where the merge back to the mainline will happen before pushing to the central repository.
This can work quite easily if everyone just communicates the status of their work in some way, but I know this doesn't always happen as you would want it to. What I am worried about is branches in the QA repo waiting around but nobody knows if it is waiting to be tested, currently being tested, waiting for fixes, waiting to be pushed to the staging area etc. So what I am looking for are ideas of how a status can be added to a branch? What would also be good would be to do it in a way that we could use hooks to also notify people of changes in the status.
Any ideas would be appreciated.

Unfortunately I think you need a different system to keep track of this part of your workflow.
A repository consists of things that aren't supposed to change all willy nilly, yet the current Q&A status will by necessity change orthogonal to the contents of the repository.
Let me rephrase that. You have 10 changesets in the Q&A repository, ready to be tested. Exactly what each tester focuses on, the status of each test, etc. will change, even though those 10 changesets stay the same.
I would definitely try to use a bugtracking system where you can integrate the repository history in some way, even if it is just by linking an issue in the system to its changeset.
I notice your comment about not getting support for buying Kiln, but there are other systems you should be able to integrate that would give you something similar.
I would very much resist trying to press Mercurial into service of something it wasn't built to support, trying to use tags for this would fail miserably, and bookmarks would give you problems, as you've already noted.
So again, try to find a separate system for keeping track of Q&A status.

One simple method might be to keep a metadata file in your repo's root folder, named .teststatus or somesuch, that looks like:
# branch-name, last passed revision
default, 0123456789ab
stable, 0123456789ac
bobs-dev-branch, 0123456789ad
marys-dev-branch, none
Using tags or bookmarks would feel like a sort of abuse, here. You couldn't use the same tag across branches (e.g. passed would have to be stable-passed), and tags are generally not moving. Bookmarks, on the other hand, are intended to move, but you still have the branch-namespacing issues.

Joel Spolsky, one of the founders of this site, produces a program called FogBugz that is integrated with Mercurial and makes it easy to keep track of everyone's status.

I'm not completely sure how your workflow works, but here are a few ideas:
Use named branches and close the branch when tested.Typing hg branches will show you which branches are still pending.
You could probably use an incoming hook for the automatic notification of new changesets being added to the QA repo.

Why would a developer push something to a QA repository if it wasn't ready to be QA'd? I think the act of pushing changesets to a QA designated repository should be the signal that the feature is ready to be tested.
Feature branches by cloning is my favorite approach.


Can I keep "pushing to Origin" everyday with GitDesktop?

I'm not sure if it's an appropriate question here, and I haven't found another related question.
I'm new to programming, and I save my work every day, updating my repository with GItHub Desktop.
Is OK to do that? Is this good practice?
Is there a better way to keep saving my work on a daily basis?
it’s perfectly fine to push your project to origin and that is one of the reasons for git as it keeps your work safe. Further, having frequent commits during stages allows you revert back to those commits when you make a mistake or something goes wrong.
Although when it comes to best practice you should create different branches in your GitHub project and merge those branches into the main branch once it is in a complete state so your main branch is always a functioning product. Here’s some further reading on this:
You may also want to explore more of the GitHub docs.
Git can become quiet complex especially when working with other people so it’s useful to get in the habit with following branching structures and writing useful commit messages. Also you’ll often find different organisations have specific rules to this and you’ll have to understand git enough to work with in the way your team does.

How to force engineers to work with synced fork branches

We have a repository that many engineers are pushing changes to via a forked repo.
What happens is that many of them are just updating their fork locally, and it is never synced properly at github.
How do I force them to work with an updated fork at any time?
This is a people problem, not a technology problem. Assuming you have already asked the appropriate questions to discover what their problem is with following the proper workflow, and made efforts to mitigate any process problems, your next step is to insist.
Write into the terms of work the provisions you expect to follow, such as:
No local branch shall be more than a certain number of revisions behind the master when worked on
A developer must sync with the remote repository every N days
Deliverable code will only be accepted as an artefact produced from the master branch
Put anyone who does not comply with these terms on a Performance Improvement Plan. If they don't change their practices according to the PIP, fire them.

DVCS strategies for mixed-role small team?

I've done a lot of reading, and have been trialing GIT, GIT Tortoise, Tortoise SVN and PlasticSCM, to find the right source control for our small team (5-10 users).
Some background on our team: 6 copy writers/editors (2 remote), 2 developers, 2 graphic designers. We are not always working on projects together, sometimes up to 5 of us might be working on a given project. I'm unconcerned about the developers with DVCS, my concern is mainly around the other roles who are (in the nicest way) limited in their technical capability. Some of our copy writers update multiple source files (HTML, PDFs and adding concept graphics) to live, unversioned build directories (backed up as!). The copy and GD team will not have time, or to be brutally honest, the inclination to merge/resolve conflicts, or probably even remember to switch branches.
A few SO questions have shed light on what what seems to be a fairly consistent approach - main trunk (no junk in the trunk!) with teams having their own branches, and having release branches etc.
Every time I've re-read the links...
Getting started with Version Control
...and google in general, I still end up asking myself the same questions:
Is it a Bad Idea to create role-specific branches for "trouble points" (copy team), where they can push to the repo, then our developers will merge their work into the actual project branch?
Should I still try to enforce a task-per-branch for everyone else?
Should I do task-per-branch for everyone but let the copy team create very broad tasks?
Is there usually a team/group/person who is considered an "admin" role for a repo who does crucial merges?
(is there an alternative suggested workflow where copy writers don't touch source?)
Unfortunately, the copy teams play a vital role in updating files which in turn affect layouts and all sorts of things, on a continual basis during dev. Its not like I can keep them in a bubble until the end of a project and chuck their work in.
... the good news is that hopefully, after a number of years, I'm ready to force everyone to move to version control! We've also settled on PlasticSCM for its intuitive GUI and Windows integration.
The best answer to this question would try to answer the 4 points above - tackle point 5 if you like - explain weak points if possible, and provide advice, gotchyas, etc.
So basically you want to know how to get team-member of different skill-levels to use SCM and play nice with each other.
Buy-in from your team is priority #1. If you can't make them learn it, then you're left with providing a path of least resistance. So you really need to be flexible. There might be a wrong-way and a right-way to use the tool, but if the users won't accept the right-way, then the wrong-way is better than them not using it at all. How you achieve this balance is going to be different for every team.
Is it a Bad Idea to create role-specific branches for "trouble points" (copy team), where they can push to the repo, then our developers will merge their work into the actual project branch?
No, maybe its not optimal, but if this makes it easy for the Copy Team, then thats what you're left with. You could probably go even further and setup each user with their own branch. Then they never have to worry about merging other peoples changes.
Should I still try to enforce a task-per-branch for everyone else?
Each dev should have a unique "local" branch, that is not tracking an upstream branch. For example, use something generic like mydev. This makes it easy for them to switch between their local code and the current upstream branch.
You don't necessarily need to force everyone to create a local branch for every task, cause in the end, you're going to want them just to rebase their working branch onto the upstream one, and commit so it just becomes a fast-forward (i.e. linear commit).
Now for tasks that multiple devs are working on, or it is a feature that involves groups of smaller commits, then yes it does make sense to force them to create a new specific task branch. When they merge they can make sure to force a merge-commit, then it is clear that a set of commits are grouped together and all were part of a specific task. The merge commit will display like merged branch feature-X.
Should I do task-per-branch for everyone but let the copy team create very broad tasks?
It's really up to how much buy-in you can get from the Copy Team. I think if they really get confused with the DVCS tools, then you have to scale back until you can find something that does not cause too much of an impact.
One solution, is to have one of your devs help integrate the Copy Teams changes into another branch that everyone else will look at. That will help offload the learning-curve of the tool onto someone outside of the Copy Team.
Is there usually a team/group/person who is considered an "admin" role for a repo who does crucial merges?
Yes, this makes sense. However the great thing about SCM, is that everyone will be able to go back and do a code review on a merge. So if a merge breaks the code, you can either append the corrections after the merge, or remove the merge, and do it over.
(is there an alternative suggested workflow where copy writers don't touch source?)
Well, one possible technique is the Integration Manager model. The developers commit changes to their own share repos, but its up to the integration manger, to merge in the changes to the blessed repository.
I'm sure there are other methods that might work for your users, but this question is slightly ambiguous.

How to protect trunk from devs

We are using TFS for our code: trunk + branches for coding activities. There are 6 devs in my team.
Problem: sometimes developers don't want to create a new branch (or use an old one) to fix/develop something. They just do it in trunk. OK, in some cases it's acceptable. But most of the time it creates a lot of troubles.
How can I enforce protection of trunk and force devs to create new or reuse old branches?
UPD: I don't want to give read-only access to the devs on trunk (they have to be able to create branches and merge them back by themselves). I want some compromise - can create branches/do merging but can't develop in the trunk.
Working on the trunk directly is almost always incorrect. Yes it can be the most efficient way sometimes, but breaking process is breaking process and that will bite you eventually.
I think this problem is best solved with education, but limiting trunk write access to senior devs might help too - if they aren't "infected" too :)
Wortyh bearing in mind though that any good source-repository (read: not VSS) will save you from terminal problems in this area, it's just a matter of effort and watchfulness. You never want to rely on rollbacks, just saying "don't panic".
You can set permissions at the folder level.
Creating a branch is a powerfull permission. You will probably have to have one person who creates the branches and then sets the permissions.
For information on setting permissions see:
I'll second what #annakata said. Additionally, I highly recommend that whomever is responsible for managing SCM in your organization to set up a check-in alert that lets you know when someone checks code into the trunk. That way, you can follow up (with the previously-mentioned cricket bat, if necessary) with the developer responsible.
Some other techniques to consider:
Only allow senior developers to check in. Developers shelve their changes, and the senior devs review then check-in. They can help be your gatekeeper.
Use the gated-check-in feature of TFS2010 to help you. Turn on gated check-ins for the trunk.
Education in a form that developers can understand. Make them know exactly why building off the trunk is a bad thing. SCM process education can go a long way to getting people to comply. If they think it's just an arbitrary rule, they don't feel bad about violating it.
Add consequences (to whatever degree your organization allows). Things like a beer/pizza fund that they need to contribute to when they screw up, or a funny hat that needs to be worn, or even a loud announcement to the entire development organization when someone checks in to trunk. It gets the point across quickly.
Does TFS has support for running hook scripts like subversion has?
If it has you can run pre-commit and post-commit checks to see if commits follows process guidelines, reject patches with an email explaining why etc.
If thats too much work my best advice is talking to people and use good old reward for adhering to rules and punishment for breaking them.
What kind of "fixes" are they making to the TRUNK? Typically you should never check-in to TRUNK but only merge...
If they have enhancements or bug fixes that can wait and that are not emergencies they should do their development in the DEV branch.
If it is an emergency then branch off of TRUNK and make a HOTFIX branch. This will be a copy of what is in production.
Example of when you would want to use HOTFIX:
Let's say you have a change you want to make to production or QA but you don't want the future work done in DEV to go out just yet as it has breaking changes for the QA environment or maybe you just want to be as safe as possible and make sure only the code you know you wanted to change went out with your deployment. If you do not have a HOTFIX branch then click on TRUNK and select "Branch" and name it HOTFIX or something meaningful to you. Then make your changes in HOTFIX, check them in, and deploy from the HOTFIX branch. The HOTFIX will only contain two things then A. What is in TRUNK and B. Your one-off changes. It will not include all of the extra work that you haven't validated or tested from the DEV branch, which is a good thing.
You can create user group within TFS to give readonly or no acess at all. If you right mouse click over the team project and click group membership, then add those groups to the folder structure in the source control Explorer.

Version control best practices

I just made the move to version control the other day, and after a bad experience with Subversion, I switched to Mercurial, and so far am happy with it.
Although I understand and appreciate the idea of version control, I don't really have any practical experience with it.
Right now, I am using it for a couple websites I am working on, and a couple questions have come to mind:
When/how often should I commit? After any major change, whether it works or not? When I'm done for the night? Only when it reaches it's next stable iteration? After any bugfixes?
Would I branch off when I wanted to, say, change the layout of a menu, then merge back in?
Should I branch? What is the difference (for just me, a lone developer) between branching, then merging back in, and cloning the repository and pulling it back in?
Any other advice for a version control newbie?
So far, everyone has given me good advice, but very team-oriented. I would like to clarify:
At the moment, I am just using VC on some websites I do on the side. Not quite full-out freelance work, but for the purposes of VC, I am the only one that really touches the website code.
Also, since I am using PHP on the sites, there is no compiling to be done.
Does this change your answers significantly?
Most of the questions you're asking about depends mostly on who you are working with. If you're a lone developer it shouldn't matter a lot, since you can do whatever you'd like. But if you're in a team where you have to share your code then you should discuss with your team members what the code of conduct should be since sharing changes between one another can become tricky at times.
The discussion regarding code of conduct doesn't need to be lengthy, it can be very brief; as long everyone is on the same page on how to use the repository that is shared between the programmers in the team. If you want to use the more advanced features in Mercurial, such as cherry picking or patch queues, then try using them so that it won't impact your team members in a negative way, such as rebasing on a public repository.
Remember version control has to be easy to use for everyone in the team, or else it won't be used.
When/how often should I commit? After any major change, whether it works or not? When I'm done for the night? Only when it reaches it's next stable iteration? After any bugfixes?
While working with a team there are several approaches, but the common rule is to commit early and often. The main reason on why you should commit often is to make merge conflicts easier to handle.
A merge conflict is simply put whenever merging a file that has been changed by at least two people doesn't work because they've been editing on the same lines. If you're holding on to a commit that involves a very large change with several lines of changes across several files, it will become very difficult to manage for the receiver to manage the conflicts that may occur. The merge conflict becomes even more difficult to handle if the said set of changes are held on for too long.
There are some exceptions to the rule of committing often and one is whenever you have a breaking change. although if you have the ability to commit locally (which you are doing in Mercurial and git inherently) you could commit breaking changes. As long as you fix whatever broke, you should push it upstream to the shared repository when you've fixed your own breaking change.
Would I branch off when I wanted to, say, change the layout of a menu, then merge back in?
Should I branch?
There are many branching strategies to choose from (there is the Streamed Lines paper from 1998 that has an exhaustive pattern list of branching strategies) and when you're making them for yourself it should be open game for yourself. However when working in teams, you'd better discuss openly with the team if you need to branch or not. Whenever you have the urge to branch though you should ask yourself the following questions:
Will my future changes be breaking the work of others?
Will my team have a direct negative impact from the changes I'll be doing until I'm done?
Is my code throwaway code?
If the answer is yes in any of the questions above you should probably branch publically, or keep it for yourself (since you can do that in Mercurial in several ways). You should first discuss with your team on how to execute the whole endavour to see if there is any other way of doing it and if you're going to merge your changes back in, sometimes there are factors at play where there is no need to branch (this is mostly related to how modular the code is).
When you decide to branch be prepared to handle a merge conflict. It is sane to assume the one who created the branch and made the commits to be able to merge it back into the "main branch". At these times it would be great if everyone in the team made relevant commit comments.
As a side note: You do write good commit comments, right? RIGHT!? A good commit comment usually tells why that particular change was made or what feature the committer was working on instead of a nondescript "I made a commit" kind of comment. This makes it easier for the one who is handling the big merge conflict to figure out what line changes can be overwritten and which ones to keep while going through the revision history.
Compile times, or build times rather, sometimes play into the branch discussion you may have. If your project has a slow build time then it might be a good idea to use a staging strategy in your branches. This strategy takes into account that all developers should integrate to a "main line" and changes that are approved are elevated (or "promoted") to the next stage, such as testing or release lines. It is classically illustrated with tag names for open source software like this:
main -o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-> ...
\ \ \
test o-----------o--------------o---------> ...
1.0 RC1 \ 1.0 RC2 2.0 RC1
release o----------------------> ...
The point with this is that testers can work without being interrupted by the programmers and that there is a known baseline for those who are in release management. In distributed version control, the different lines could be cloned repositories and it may look a bit different since repositories share the versioning graph. The principle however is the same.
Regarding web development, there are virtually no build times. But branching in stages (or by tagging your release revisions) it becomes easier to roll-back if you want to check a difficult-to-track-down bug.
However, a whole other thing comes into play and that is the time it takes to deploy the site. Version control tools in my experience are really bad at asset management. Handling art assets that are in total up to several GB usually is a huge pain in the butt to handle in Subversion (more so in Mercurial). Assets may require you to handle them in another way that is less time consuming, such as putting them in a shared space that are synched and backed up in a traditional manner (art assets are usually not worked on concurrently as with source code files).
What is the difference (for just me, a lone developer) between branching, then merging back in, and cloning the repository and pulling it back in?
The concepts of branching and keeping remote repositories are closer now than with centralized version control tools. You could almost consider them being the same thing. In Mercurial (and in git) you can "branch" either by:
Cloning a repository
Creating a named branch
Creating a named branch means that you're making a new path in the versioning graph for the repository you're creating it on. Creating a cloned repository means you're copying the source repository into a new location, and making a new path in the cloned repository's versioning graph. They are both two different implementations of branching as a general concept in version control.
In practice, the only difference between both methods that you should care about is in usage. You clone a repository to have a copy of the source code and have a place to store your own changes in and you create named branches whenever you want to do small experiments for yourself.
Since browsing through branches is a bit quirky for those who accustomed to a straight line of commits, advanced users know how to manipulate their versions so the version history is "clean" with e.g. cherry picking or rebase. At the moment git docs actually explain rebase rather well.
These are the practices that I follow
Each commit should make sense: one bug fix (or a set of bugs related to each other), one (small) new feature, etc. The idea is that if you need to rollback, your rollbacks fall on well defined "boundaries"
Every commit should have a good message explaining what you are committing. Really get into this habit, you will thank yourself later. Doesn't have to be verbose, a few sentences can do. If you are using a bug tracking system, associating a bug number with your commit is also extremely helpful
Now that I use git and branching is so incredibly fast and cheap, I tend to make a new branch for each new feature I'm about to implement. I'd never even consider doing this for many other VCSes. So branching depends on the system you are using, your codebase, your team, etc, there are no hard rules there.
I prefer to always use the command line and get to know my VCS's commands directly. The disconnect that a GUI based frontend can cause can be a pain, and even damaging. Controlling your source code is very important, it's worth getting in there and doing it directly. But that's just my preference.
Back up your VCS. I back up my local repository with Time Machine, and then I push out to a remote repository on my server, and that server is backed up as well. VCS alone is not really a "backup", it can go down too just like anything else.
When/how often should I commit?
You'll probably get lots of contradictory answers on this one. My view is that you should commit changes when they are working, and each commit (or checkin) should contain exactly one "edit". An "edit" is an atomic set of changes that go together to fix a bug or implement a new feature.
There is a theory that you should check in code every few hours even if it's not working, but in that case you will need to be working on your own branch - you don't want to be checking in broken code to your main line, or onto a shared branch.
The advantage of checking in every night is that you have backups (assuming that your repository is on a different machine).
As for branching:
you should have main line that contains always working code.
you should have a current development branch that contains the latest code. When you are happy with this (and it's passed all it's tests) you should merge it back into the main line.
you might want a branch that contains the last released version. This can be used for testing/debugging bugs and releasing patches (in extremis).
update before each commit
provide commit comments
commit as soon as you have something finished
don't commit anything that makes the code in the repository not compiling or buggy
update every morning
sometimes verbally communicate with colleages if there is something important to update
commit code relevant to exactly one thing (i.e. fixing a bug, implementing a feature)
don't worry to make very small commits, as long as they conform to the previous rule
Btw, what's the bad experience with Subversion?
I commit when I am finished a piece of work and only if it is working. It's bad practise to commit to somewhere where other people use the code.
Branching is something that people will argue about. Some people say never branch and just have switches to get something working or not. Do what you feel more comfortable but don't branch just because you can. I use branching and Branch when i am working on a major bit of work where if I commit broken code by accident its not going to affect everyone else.
Q: When/how often should I commit? After any major change, whether it works or not? When I'm done for the night? Only when it reaches it's next stable iteration? After any bugfixes?
A: Whenever you are feeling comfortable, I am commiting as soon as a unit of work is finished and working (which does not mean that the complete task has to be finished). But you should not commit something that does not compile (might inhibit other people in the team,if any). Also, you should not commit incomplete stuff to the trunk if there is any possibility that you have to implement a quick fix or small change before completing it.
Q: Would I branch off when I wanted to, say, change the layout of a menu, then merge back in?
A: Only if there is a possibility that you have to implement a quick fix or small change before completing your task.
The nice thing about branching is that all commits you are doing in the branch will still be available for future reference (if necessary). Also it is much simpler and faster than cloning the repo, I think ;-)
I agree with others on commit times.
Regarding branching, I generally branch only when working on something that breaks what others are doing or when a patch needs to be rolled to production in a file that already has changes that should not go to production. If you're only one developer, then the first scenario doesn't really apply.
I use tags to manage releases - the "production" tag is always associated with the current prod code, and each release is tagged with "release-YYYYMMDD". This allows you to roll back if necessary.