Apply patch to JBoss 5.1.0 GA - jboss5.x

I would like to add the patch to a JBoss 5.1.0 GA installation in order to do some tests.
My question : How can I add this patch? Couldn't find anything revlevant so far.
Thank you.

You can use to patch an existing JBoss 5.1.0GA installation with the latest bits and bobs.

You need to get the JBoss EJB3 source code, apply the patch to it, build the patched source code, and replace the existing code in your JBoss implementation.
This is not for the faint of heart! However, JBoss do provide instructions for getting the source and building, so give it a try.


Integrate OSGi with WildFly-8.2.0.Final

I would like to know the steps to integrate OSGi with WildFly-8.2.0.Final.
I have followed but it is for older version and thrown exceptions on startup.
Please share if you ave any idea.
OSGi is no longer part of WildFly distribution.
However, community member Arcadiy Ivanov picked up the projected and released compatible version for WildFly 8.2
see for more

What are the necessary JBoss Tools for jBPM?

I need to make a simple HelloWorld by jBPM under Ecplise so I must prepare my environment for making jBPM working. But I get many selected "Features", and it seems I don't need many of them. However I can't really get the ones needed in my context.
Thank you!
you can create jBPM project without using any tool. If you use maven you just need to add the jbpm dependencies to your project and work.
JBDS has tools for JBPM built in I believe. If not, there should be a plugin you can download from JBoss Central.

Glassfish Hot Deploy with File Synchronization

I was looking for someway to perform hot deployment on glassfish. I was find this guide:
which is exactly what I am looking for. Unfortunately, this is for JBoss. I do not know how to handle it for Glassfish.
Can you please help me transform the part "Configure destinations" to Glassfish directories instead?
Best regards
It would be exactly the same, except, rather than pointing the synchronization of files to the JBoss deploy directory, you would point them to the glassfish/domains/domain1/autodeploy directory.
Forget that.
"File open failure" compiling java class to glassfish autodeploy
If somebody find a Java EE 6 container you can do autodeploy, please share it. I have pass the last month trying do do an autodeploy on JBoss, WebLogic and Glassfish. It never worked.
Lesson learned: Do not use Java EE. Use Spring on a simple tomcat.

JBoss Seam Project errors

I have a JBoss Seam project that a coworker created about a year ago. I'm taking over it now and it needs some work done. So I'm trying to setup the project in Eclipse Indigo. Here is the list of things I have installed so far:
JBoss 4.2.2 GA
JBoss Seam 2.2.0 GA
Glassfish v2.1
JBoss Seam Tools Plugin for Eclipse Indigo
For some reason I am not able to build the project to get an ear for JBoss. The errors I have are one in glassfish-builld.xml which says "Target clean does not exist in this project." And then I have errors in a bunch of generic.jsp file (I have no idea what their purpose is). The error for those is that a library for JBoss Seam called cannot be found.
Can someone point me in the right direction to get this setup and running on JBoss?
Also is a class that is a part of... Seam example project that is added to JBoss Seam distribution in examples/wiki directory. So if you really need it you will be able to find it there. But honestly I don't see any reason to put any dependency to Seam examples in project. Consider just deleting / commening out the code that refers to this class becasue it is probably some quick and dirty test code.
Do you want to run it on Glassfish or Jboss?
Did you import an entire eclipse project or create a new one?
I would first check the referenced libraries to see if there's anything missing(Libraries under Java Build Path for Helios, not sure if that differs from Indigo). Add a -verbose tag to the build and check out the output.

Eclipse EAR module publish log

I am using weblogic worshop to develop my spring based application. Basically it takes lot of time to publish the application to weblogic server. Is there any way to find out what’s going on when eclipse try to build and deploy the project? Basically does it maintain any log file?
Thanks ,
Weblogic does a stupid thing according to my experience. If you deploy some WAR, it extracts the libraries in it, and does some analysis in them. You can avoid this behaviour by removing the "static" (not changed by you during work) libraries from the war during development. After removal, add them to system classpath of the domain. It will publish and start a lot faster.
You will find better support for developing Spring applications for WebLogic Server if you migrate to Oracle Enterprise Pack for Eclipse. Workshop is legacy software that is no longer being actively developed. Using Workshop is only necessary for those developing with the deprecated Apache Beehive framework.
OEPE includes a much newer publisher implementation, so you may find your issue resolved. If not, please post to OEPE forum for direct access to people who can answer you question.
Cannot post a forum link, but you can find it from the above URL or via Google.
Thanks Konstantin and Gabor for replying to my question.
Konstantin - I am using Oracle Weblogic workshop 10.3 and I am restricted to use this IDE only.I guess it has OEPE correct me if I am wrong.Also I tried the FastSwap action but everytime I save the changes to a java file the server says -'Publish' and I have to republish the entire application which is taking lot of time.