How to redirect in Play Framework? - redirect

When I call other action in one action, it also display itself template, in Play 1.1 RC
and when I Redirect("...url") but it does not work, is there someone that can help me?

Just to add to the answers above, here's how you redirect to an external url:
public static void index() {

To redirect, you simply call the action. From the example in the documentation:
public static void show(Long id) {
Article article = Article.findById(id);
public static void edit(Long id, String title) {
Article article = Article.findById(id);
article.title = title;;
At the end of the edit action, the call to show(...) will cause a redirect on the client's browser as if they had hit the same URL that routes to the show method.

Since none of these answers provide a general/reusable method to do this, here is my code. This allows you to create any number of redirects in the conf/routes file without creating a controller for each.
Yes, this is trivial, but perhaps it is of use to someone.
GET /admin Application.redirect(url:'/admin/index.html')
public class Application extends Controller {
public static void redirect(String url) {
redirect(url, true);

In the play framework, when you call an action, by default it renders the template associated with that action.
For example, a Contoller named Application
public static void index()
Will render
To make it render a different view, then you can specify the template as the first parameter in the render method.
Redirect should only really be used if you are redirecting to a URL outside of your application.


setRecreateMountedPagesAfterExpiry changes URL to servlet

We recently upgraded the application from Wicket 1.5.8 to 6.22.0. I am trying to set all pages to redirect to a specific page (SessionExpiredPage) when an action occurs after the session has expired.
public class WicketApplication<HttpsRequestCycleProcessor> extends WebApplication
// other methods omitted
public void init()
// several other mounted links omitted
mount(new MountedMapper("landingpage", LandingPage.class, new UrlPathPageParametersEncoder()));
// add your configuration here
getComponentInstantiationListeners().add(new SpringComponentInjector(this));
Setting setRecreateMountedPagesAfterExpiry to false helps redirect several pages upon session expiry, however there is an unintended consequence. The application contains several servlet pages. One of them is accessed from a wicket page like this:
public class SubscriptionPage extends WebPage
public void onSubmit()
String redirectUrl = null;
// condition checking code omitted
redirectUrl= "SubsCartTempServlet?subsunit=6";
// more code omitted
getRequestCycle().scheduleRequestHandlerAfterCurrent(new RedirectRequestHandler(redirectUrl));
The url is changed from http://localhost:8080/LatinParserK/SubsCartTempServlet?subsunit=6, which worked, to
http://localhost:8080/LatinParserK/wicket/SubsCartTempServlet?subsunit=6, which fails.
Can anyone explain how to work around this problem?
It seems the path to the Wicket page and to the Servlet have different depth.
Use org.apache.wicket.request.UrlUtils#rewriteToContextRelative(relativeUrl, cycle) to make the url to the Servlet relative to the context root.
The last line under onSubmit() was replaced with:
String relativeUrl = UrlUtils.rewriteToContextRelative(redirectUrl, getRequestCycle());
getRequestCycle().scheduleRequestHandlerAfterCurrent(new RedirectRequestHandler(relativeUrl));
That corrected the URL to the servlet.

Web Api 2 Inheritance No route providing a controller name was found to match request URI

Basically I cannot get my Web Api 2 application to work.
First of all here are my requirements.
In my application I am creating a dozen of controllers ( ProductController, ItemController, SalesController...etc). There are 2 actions which are absolutely common in all my controllers:
FetchData, PostData
(Each controller then may implement a number of other methods which are sepcific to its business domain )
Instead of repeating these actions in every controllers like:
public class ProductController:ApiController{
public MyReturnJson FetchData( MyJsonInput Input){
return myJsonResult;
public class SalesController:ApiController{
public MyReturnJson FetchData( MyJsonInput Input){
return myJsonResult;
I decided to create a base controller MyBaseController:
public class MyBaseController : ApiController{
public MyReturnJson FetchData( MyJsonInput Input){
return myJsonResult;
with the 2 methods so every other controller would inherit them (It saves me from repeating them in every controller). The common base class has been defined and implemented in a separate assembly which is then referenced in my web project.
Then in my javascript client (using breeze) I call a specific controller like
where my serviceName is 'my_api/product/'
(in the WebApiConfig, the routing table has been defined like:
name: "my_api",
routeTemplate: "my_api/{controller}/{action}"
But when the javascript code is executed I get the error message:
No route providing a controller name was found to match request URI
If I don't use a common base class but instead repeat this method (FetchData) in every class (basically ProductController inherits directly from ApiController and not from MyBaseController) every thing works fine and my method is hit. I thing there is a problem with the inheritance scheme. Maybe there is something I don't get (first time using Web Api 2) or some constraints (routing, configuration...) I do not respect. Right now I am stuck and I would appreciate any suggestion which might point me to the right direction. Is inheritance allowed in Web Api 2?
I am not sure why your code is not working. But in the next link ( you can see an example of inheritance using attribute routing.
This is the code example:
public class BaseController : ApiController
public string Get(int id)
return "Success:" + id;
public class ValuesController : BaseController
config.MapHttpAttributeRoutes(new CustomDirectRouteProvider());
public class CustomDirectRouteProvider : DefaultDirectRouteProvider
protected override IReadOnlyList<IDirectRouteFactory>
GetActionRouteFactories(HttpActionDescriptor actionDescriptor)
return actionDescriptor.GetCustomAttributes<IDirectRouteFactory>
(inherit: true);
I hope that it helps.

How to restrict a component to add only once per page

How to restrict a CQ5/Custom component to add only once per page.? I want to restrict the drag and drop of component into the page when the author is going to add the same component for the second time into the same page.
One option is to include the component directly in the JSP of the template and exclude it from the list of available components in the sidekick. To do so, add the component directly to your JSP (foundation carousel in this example):
<cq:include path="carousel" resourceType="foundation/components/carousel" />
To hide the component from the sidekick, either set:
componentGroup: .hidden
or exclude it from the list of "Allowed Components" using design mode.
If you need to allow users to create a page without this component you can provide a second template with the cq:include omitted.
Thanks Rampant, I have followed your method and link stated.
Posting link again : please follow this blog
It was really helpful. I am posting the implementation whatever I have done.
It worked fine for me. One can definitely improve the code quality, this is raw code and is just for reference.
1.Servlet Filter
Keep this in mind that,if any resource gets refereshed, this filter will execute. So you need to filter the contents at your end for further processing.
P.S. chain.doFilter(request,response); is must. or cq will get hanged and nothing will be displayed.
#SlingFilter(generateComponent = false, generateService = true, order = -700,
scope = SlingFilterScope.REQUEST)
#Component(immediate = true, metatype = false)
public class ComponentRestrictorFilter implements Filter {
public void init(FilterConfig filterConfig) throws ServletException {}
private ResourceResolverFactory resolverFactory;
public void doFilter(ServletRequest request, ServletResponse response, FilterChain chain)
throws IOException, ServletException {
WCMMode mode = WCMMode.fromRequest(request);
if (mode == WCMMode.EDIT) {
SlingHttpServletRequest slingRequest = (SlingHttpServletRequest) request;
PageManager pageManager = slingRequest.getResource().getResourceResolver().adaptTo(PageManager.class);
Page currentPage = pageManager.getContainingPage(slingRequest.getResource());
logger.error("***mode" + mode);
if (currentPage != null )) {
ComponentRestrictor restrictor = new ComponentRestrictor(currentPage.getPath(), RESTRICTED_COMPONENT);
chain.doFilter(request, response);
public void destroy() {}
2.ComponentRestrictor class
public class ComponentRestrictor {
private String targetPage;
private String component;
private Pattern pattern;
private Set<Resource> duplicateResource = new HashSet<Resource>();
private Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ComponentRestrictor.class);
private Resource resource = null;
private ResourceResolver resourceResolver = null;
private ComponentRestrictorHelper helper = new ComponentRestrictorHelper();
public ComponentRestrictor(String targetPage_, String component_){
targetPage = targetPage_ + "/jcr:content";
component = component_;
public void removeDuplicateEntry(ResourceResolverFactory resolverFactory, PageManager pageManager) {
pattern = Pattern.compile("([\"']|^)(" + component + ")(\\S|$)");
findReference(resolverFactory, pageManager);
private void findReference(ResourceResolverFactory resolverFactory, PageManager pageManager) {
try {
resourceResolver = resolverFactory.getAdministrativeResourceResolver(null);
resource = resourceResolver.getResource(this.targetPage);
if (resource == null)
} catch (LoginException e) {
logger.error("Exception while getting the ResourceResolver " + e.getMessage());
private void search(Resource parentResource) {
for (Iterator<Resource> iter = parentResource.listChildren(); iter.hasNext();) {
Resource child =;
private void searchReferencesInContent(Resource resource) {
ValueMap map = ResourceUtil.getValueMap(resource);
for (String key : map.keySet()) {
if (!helper.checkKey(key)) {
String[] values = map.get(key, new String[0]);
for (String value : values) {
if (pattern.matcher(value).find()) {
logger.error("resource**" + resource.getPath());
3.To remove the node/ resource
Whichever resource you want to remove/delete just use PageManager api
That's it !!! You are good to go.
None of the options looks easy to implement. The best approach I found is to use the ACS Commons Implementation which is very easy and can be adopted into any project.
Here is the link and how to configure it:
Enjoy coding !!!
you can't prevent that without doing some massive hacking to the ui code, and even then, you've only prevented it from one aspect of the ui. there's still crxde, and then the ability to POST content.
if this is truly a requirement, the best approach might be the following:
have the component check for a special value in the pageContext object (use REQUEST_SCOPE)
if value is not found, render component and set value
otherwise, print out a message that component can only be used once
note that you can't prevent a dialog from showing, but at the very least the author has an indication that that particular component can only be used once.
It sounds like there needs to be clarification of requirements (and understanding why).
If the authors can be trained, let them manage limits of components through authoring and review workflows.
If there is just 1 fixed location the component can appear, then the page component should include the content component, and let the component have an "enable" toggle property to determine if it should render anything. The component's group should be .hidden to prevent dragging from the sidekick.
If there is a fixed set of locations for the component, the page component can have a dropdown of the list of locations (including "none"). The page render component would then conditionally include the component in the correct location. Again, prevent dragging the component from the sidekick.
In the "hard to imagine" case that the component can appear anywhere on the page, added by authors, but limited to only 1 instance - use a wrapper component to manage including the (undraggable) component. Let the authors drag the wrapper on the page as many times as they want, but the wrapper should query the page's resources and determine if it is the first instance, and if so, include the end component. Otherwise, the wrapper does nothing.
In our experience (>2years on CQ), implementing this type of business rules via code creates a brittle solution. Also, requirements have a habit of changing. If enforced via code, development work is required instead of letting authors make changes faster & elegantly.
None of these options are that great. If you truly want a robust solution to this problem (limit the number of items on the page without hardcoding location) then the best way is with a servlet filter chain OSGI service where you can administer the number of instances and then use a resource resolver to remove offending instances.
The basic gist is:
Refresh the page on edit using cq:editConfig
Create an OSGI service implementing javax.servlet.Filter that encapsulates your business rules.
Use the filter to remove excess components according to business rules
Continue page processing.
For more details see here:
Using a servlet filter to limit the number of instances of a component per page or parsys
This approach will let you administer the number of items per page or per parsys and apply other possibly complex business rules in a way that the other offered solutions simply cannot.

Does renderaction calls its corresponding httpPost Action on submit

I'm a little new to mvc and I have a question (very basic). I have hacked around but I am not totally sure about this and I could'nt find anything particularly helpful.
Assume that I have 2 controllers A and B and 2 views FullView and PartView
public class AController:...
//Renders FullView
public ActionResult Create
public ActionResult Create
public class BController:...
//Renders an Arbitrary partial View (PartView)
public ActionResult Create
//Saves the data of the partial View
public ActionResult Create
the 1st view (FullView) has the code
<%Html.RenderAction("Create", "B"); %>
my question is on submit will BController's action ([HttpPost] Create) run?
Thank you
That depends on what action you specify in your <form /> tag. This doesn't have anything to do with mvc. If you use Html.BeginForm() without parameters it will post to the current url (not the create action on BController).
Well 1st thing you could do is toggle some breakpoints in your actions and hit f5.
Second - what action is called purely depends on what url you hit with what http method.
But for your case, when you post form A and controller A processes post you might get into validation problems and that's when you return View() on a post action and that's why form B is rendered via its post method.

Simple ASP.NET MVC views without writing a controller

We're building a site that will have very minimal code, it's mostly just going to be a bunch of static pages served up. I know over time that will change and we'll want to swap in more dynamic information, so I've decided to go ahead and build a web application using ASP.NET MVC2 and the Spark view engine. There will be a couple of controllers that will have to do actual work (like in the /products area), but most of it will be static.
I want my designer to be able to build and modify the site without having to ask me to write a new controller or route every time they decide to add or move a page. So if he wants to add a "" page he can just create a "News" folder under Views and put an index.spark page within it. Then later if he decides he wants a /News/Community page, he can drop a community.spark file within that folder and have it work.
I'm able to have a view without a specific action by making my controllers override HandleUnknownAction, but I still have to create a controller for each of these folders. It seems silly to have to add an empty controller and recompile every time they decide to add an area to the site.
Is there any way to make this easier, so I only have to write a controller and recompile if there's actual logic to be done? Some sort of "master" controller that will handle any requests where there was no specific controller defined?
You will have to write a route mapping for actual controller/actions and make sure the default has index as an action and the id is "catchall" and this will do it!
public class MvcApplication : System.Web.HttpApplication {
public static void RegisterRoutes(RouteCollection routes) {
"Default", // Route name
"{controller}/{action}/{id}", // URL with parameters
new { controller = "Home", action = "Index", id = "catchall" } // Parameter defaults
protected void Application_Start() {
ControllerBuilder.Current.SetControllerFactory(new CatchallControllerFactory());
public class CatchallController : Controller
public string PageName { get; set; }
// GET: /Catchall/
public ActionResult Index()
return View(PageName);
public class CatchallControllerFactory : IControllerFactory {
#region IControllerFactory Members
public IController CreateController(System.Web.Routing.RequestContext requestContext, string controllerName) {
if (requestContext.RouteData.Values["controller"].ToString() == "catchall") {
DefaultControllerFactory factory = new DefaultControllerFactory();
return factory.CreateController(requestContext, controllerName);
else {
CatchallController controller = new CatchallController();
controller.PageName = requestContext.RouteData.Values["action"].ToString();
return controller;
public void ReleaseController(IController controller) {
if (controller is IDisposable)
This link might be help,
If you create cshtml in View\Public directory, It will appears on Web site with same name. I added also 404 page.
public class PublicController : Controller
protected override void HandleUnknownAction(string actionName)
Couldn't you create a separate controller for all the static pages and redirect everything (other than the actual controllers which do work) to it using MVC Routes, and include the path parameters? Then in that controller you could have logic to display the correct view based on the folder/path parameter sent to it by the routes.
Allthough I don't know the spark view engine handles things, does it have to compile the views? I'm really not sure.
Reflecting on Paul's answer. I'm not using any special view engines, but here is what I do:
1) Create a PublicController.cs.
// GET: /Public/
public ActionResult Index(string name = "")
ViewEngineResult result = ViewEngines.Engines.FindView(ControllerContext, name, null);
// check if view name requested is not found
if (result == null || result.View == null)
return new HttpNotFoundResult();
// otherwise just return the view
return View(name);
2) Then create a Public directory in the Views folder, and put all of your views there that you want to be public. I personally needed this because I never knew if the client wanted to create more pages without having to recompile the code.
3) Then modify RouteConfig.cs to redirect to the Public/Index action.
name: "Public",
url: "{name}.cshtml", // your name will be the name of the view in the Public folder
defaults: new { controller = "Public", action = "Index" }
4) Then just reference it from your views like this:
YourPublicPage <!-- and this will point to Public/YourPublicPage.cshtml because of the routing we set up in step 3 -->
Not sure if this is any better than using a factory pattern, but it seems to me the easiest to implement and to understand.
I think you can create your own controller factory that will always instantiate the same controller class.