converting JSON object to nsdictionary from nsstring on iphone - iphone

We are trying to convert the JSON object from NSSTRING TO NSDICTIONARY but we are not getting any value. Here is the url for our webservice
any help would be appreciated.

Use it appears your webservice returns a 500 error for the response hence why you are not seing anything, because of invalid json

Your JSON isn't valid. In fact, it's quite off.


Decode REST Url in Objective-C

I'm creating a module that receive and REST URL and need to match a pattern and extract the parameters
For example:
the URL "http://Product/1" should match the pattern "http://Product/{productId:long}"
and return the Dictionary with productId as a key and "1" as the value in as long
Does anyone knows about a Framework for IPhone that does it, or at least some of it?
NSURL has a method pathComponents, which returns an array with all the different path components. That should help you get the integer part. To get the name I'd use the host method of the NSURL. The docs say, that it should work if the URL is properly formatted, might as well give it a try then.
All in all, no need to convert into a string, there seems to be plenty of methods to work out the components of the URL from the NSURL object itself.
NSString *path = [[#"path+with+spaces"
stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString:#"+" withString:#" "]

Not able to Parse json string using SBJsonParser

my Json string is "{'message':'Test Driver'}"
if i try to Nslog this code NSLog(#"%#",[parser objectWithString:[request responseString] error:nil]);
parser is an object of SBJsonParser class
Output: (null)
is there any other json library which can parse this string?
plz help to parse this Json string
The JSON response string is not a valid one, that's the reason why you are getting the error.
Use the following link to check if the JSON string, sent as response from Web services is valid one or not
the raw JSON string should be in such a format
{"message":"Test Driver"}
As for other JSON libraries, if you're targeting iOS 5 or newer, Apple provides NSJSONSerialization.
you van use following code to generate appropriate json string and than parse it. It may help you
NSDictionary *resDict = [parser objectWithString:[[request responseString] stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString:#"'" withString:#"\""] error:nil];

Objective C error 3840 - bad JSON apparently but it validates with JSlint

I have read around and this error seems to be from bad JSON. Easy enough, here is my JSON
My issue is, this appears to be correct, and when I run it through JSON lint it returns vaild. I have also used cURL to download this page and used json_decode() to read it...worked fine.
Here is an example page:**M&f=v
I ran it through HTTPScoop and the only thing the response text returned was
On the objective-c end I am using NSURL and NSData to get the URL, and then NSJSONSerialization. I can print out before NSJSONSerialization and see that it is infact getting data, but this error only occurs when I try to format it into JSON. Any thoughts?
The NSJSONSerialization class, by default, expects the input to be not just valid JSON, but a valid JSON object. If you want to read something that's not an object, you need to specify the NSJSONReadingAllowFragments option to the reader.

Get NSString/NSData object from hardcoded bytes saved as NSString object in webservice response

I am working with the iPhone SDK and I have to process a webservice response I receive from an external service.
The response data consists of an XML string that was UTF8-encoded to a byte array.
This byte array is converted to string
This string is put into a XML wrapper element
The wrapper is returned via an HTTP response
Therefore I need to know how to convert the response data back to the XML string it used to be. Unfortunately, I cannot change the way my response is created, so I have to deal with it somehow.
Example of the raw data I get from the webservice:
<s:Envelope xmlns:s="">
<s:Body><ExportBytesResponse xmlns="">
How do I get back my old xml string representation hidden inside these raw bytes?
Any help is highly appreciated, I feel just stupid right now for not being able to come up with a solution.
Best Regards,
ExportBytesResponse is Base64 encoded, so you must first decode that node using something like this.
That will give you an NSString containing the XML. Then you can use NSXMLParser to parse your data.

iPhone NSURLConnection: What to do with returned NSData Object? Google Docs API

I'm working with the Google Docs API in my iPhone application. I've sent the proper POST request, and received a response along with some NSData. If I NSLog the NSData object, I get this:
NSData *returnedData = [NSURLConnection sendSynchronousRequest:request returningResponse:theResponse error:NULL];
//output : <4572726f 723d4261 64417574 68656e74 69636174 696f6e0a>
I think the NSData is either an NSDictionary or an NSArray. I'm supposed to receive a couple of items back, an SID, an LSID, and an Auth.
If I could turn the NSData chunk into an NSDictionary I could just find the object for whichever key.
Can anyone help?
You will have to decode the data. Try the following:
NSString *result= [[NSString alloc] initWithData:returnedData encoding:NSASCIIStringEncoding];
Of course this will depend on how the data is encoded. NSUTF8StringEncoding might work instead.
You may just need to pass the data to an NSXMLParser
The best way to deal with web data is Doing NSXML parsing. No need of decoding data the parser will handle itself