Multiple statements in where clause - entity-framework

I have this strange problem. I have a simple search requirements where a user can search a given entitiy (Say customer) based on several search criterias. User may choose to use a criteria or not. The search conditions need to 'AND' all the criteria. So I write code like this (which works)
IQueryable _customer;
_customer = from c in
(txtCustomerName.Text.Length == 0 || == txtCustomerName.Text)
&& (txtpropcust1.Text.Length == 0 || c.customfield1 == txtpropcust1.Text)
&& (txtpropcust2.Text.Length == 0 || c.customfield2 == txtpropcust2.Text)
&& (txtpropcust3.Text.Length == 0 || c.customfield3 == txtpropcust3.Text)
&& (txtpropcust4.Text.Length == 0 || c.customfield4 == txtpropcust4.Text)
&& (txtpropcust13.Text.Length == 0 || c.customfield13 == txtpropcust13.Text)
select c;
GridView1.DataContext = _customer;
The problem is that if I have 14 where clauses, the EF throws an error- 13 works - 14 does not.
I am using EF+WCF data service in a WPF application. Is there a setting somewhere which limits the number of where clauses?

To simplify the resulting query, you could use:
var customers =;
if (txtCustomerName.Text.Length > 0)
customers = customers.Where(x => == txtCustomerName.Text);
if (txtpropcust1.Text.Length > 0)
customers = customers.Where(x => x.customfield1 == txtpropcust1.Text);
// etc
_customer = customers;
GridView1.DataContext = _customer;
Note that this will only add SQL where clauses when there's a need for it.


How to get values from a dataframe column using SparkSQL?

Right now I am working with Spark/Scala and I am trying to join multiple dataframes to get the expected output.
The data input are CSV files with call record information. These are the input main fields.
a_number:String = is the origin call number.
area_code_a:String = is the a_number area code.
prefix_a:String = is the a_number prefix.
b_number:String = is the destination call number.
area_code_b:String = is the b_number area code.
prefix_b:String = is the b_number prefix.
cause_value:String = is the call final status.
val dfint = ((cdrs_nac.join(grupos_nac).where(col("causevalue") === col("id")))
.join(centrales_nac, col("dpc") === col("pointcode_decimal"), "left")
.join(series_nac_a).where(col("area_code_a") === col("codigo_area") &&
col("prefix_a") === col("prefijo") &&
col("series_a") >= col("serie_inicial") &&
col("series_a") <= col("serie_final"))
.join(series_nac_b, (
((col("codigo_area_b") === col("area_code_b")) && col("len_b_number") == "8") ||
((col("codigo_area_b") === col("area_code_b")) && col("len_b_number") == "10") ||
((col("codigo_area_b") === col("codigo_area_cent")) && col("len_b_number") == "7")) &&
col("prefix_b") === col("prefijo_b") &&
col("series_b") >= col("serie_inicial_b") &&
col("series_b") <= col("serie_final_b"), "left")
This generates a multiple output files with the call data records processed, including the column "len_b_number" which means the length of the b_number field.
I was doing some tests I already find that for some reason the expression "col("len_b_number")" is returning the column name "len_b_number" instead the length values which are 7, 8 or 10. This means that the col("len_b_number") == 7 OR col("len_b_number") == 8 OR col("len_b_number") == 10 conditions will never work because the code will always compare with the column name.
At this moment the output is blank because the col("len_b_number") doesnt match with 7, 8 or 10. I will like to know if ypou can help to understand how to extract the value from this column.
Try using === instead of ==.
I could not get your error.
&& col("len_b_number") == "8"
should be:
&& col("len_b_number") === "8"

Group typo3 condition

I need such a condition in ts:
([treeLevel = 0] && [globalVar = GP:R > 0]) || [PIDinRootline = {$pages.2018}]
I wanna show block if page has treelevel=0 and the get var R > 0, or if page id = $pages.2018
It looks like the similar code in php:
if(($treeLevel == 0 && $r > 0) || (pid == number))
The all expression in first brackets should be right, or in second.
Is it exist the method to group it like the previous record or I can only use userfunc?
There is no grouping in TS conditions, but if you need this particular condition from your post I think it is not needed because brackets around && are useless in this case.
(p && q) || r
is exactly the same as
p && q || r
Did you tested it?

LINQ slow even before getting data?

I have following query:
var sw = new Stopwatch();
var model = new StatusModel();
IQueryable<StatusView> statusViewResult = db.StatusViewList;
statusViewResult = statusViewResult.Where(p =>
(query.ClustersSelected.Count == 0 || query.ClustersSelected.Contains(p.Cluster)) &&
(query.ParkNamesSelected.Count == 0 || query.ParkNamesSelected.Contains(p.ParkName)) &&
(query.TurbineNumbersSelected.Count == 0 || query.TurbineNumbersSelected.Contains(p.TurbineNumber)) &&
(query.ModelNamesSelected.Count == 0 || query.ModelNamesSelected.Contains(p.ModelName)) &&
(query.AlarmLevelSelected.Count == 0 || query.AlarmLevelSelected.Contains(p.AlarmLevel)) &&
(query.ParametersSelected.Count == 0 || query.ParametersSelected.Contains(p.Parameter)) &&
(query.TurbineTypesSelected.Count == 0 || query.TurbineTypesSelected.Contains(p.TurbineType)));
var d = sw.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds;
So I am not doing any ToList() so I shouldn't be querying the database at this moment. However I takes around 2 seconds just for building this query - am I missing something here or is this expected?

Last elseif statement does not execute

My last elseif statement does not execute even if the conditions are met:
Currency_Exchanage != 'Select...' and all other variables (ETF_Exchanage, Index_Exchanage and Stock_Exchanage) = 'Select...'
Here is the section of code that I am concerned about:
if (strcmp(ETF_Exchanage,'Select...') == 1) && (strcmp(Stock_Exchanage,'Select...') == 1) && (strcmp(Index_Exchanage,'Select...') == 1)...
(strcmp(Currency_Exchanage,'Select...') == 1)
if db == 1 && uni == 1
tickers = gnr_bloomberg; % Analsise Bloomberg natural resources
elseif db == 1 && uni == 2
tickers = all_bloomberg; % Analsise Bloomberg all
elseif db == 2 && uni == 1
tickers = gnr_yahoo; % Analsise Yahoo natural resources
elseif db == 2 && uni == 2
tickers = all_yahoo; % Analsise Yahoo all
%Yahoo inputs
if (strcmp(ETF_Exchanage,'Select...') == 0) && (strcmp(Stock_Exchanage,'Select...') == 1) && (strcmp(Index_Exchanage,'Select...') == 1)...
(strcmp(Currency_Exchanage,'Select...') == 1); %Choose exhanges from ETF
tickers = ETF_Yahoo(:,1);
Exchanges = ETF_Yahoo(:,2);
Exchange = ETF_Exchanage;
db=2; %Yahoo Selection
elseif (strcmp(Index_Exchanage,'Select...') == 0) && (strcmp(Stock_Exchanage,'Select...') == 1) && (strcmp(ETF_Exchanage,'Select...') == 1)...
(strcmp(Currency_Exchanage,'Select...') == 1); %Choose exhanges from Index
tickers = Index_Yahoo(:,1);
Exchanges = Index_Yahoo(:,2);
Exchange = Index_Exchanage;
elseif (strcmp(Stock_Exchanage,'Select...') == 0) && (strcmp(ETF_Exchanage,'Select...') == 1) && (strcmp(Index_Exchanage,'Select...') == 1)...
(strcmp(Currency_Exchanage,'Select...') == 1); %Choose exhanges from Stock
tickers = Stock_Yahoo(:,1);
Exchanges = Stock_Yahoo(:,2);
Exchange = Stock_Exchanage;
elseif (strcmp(Currency_Exchanage,'Select...') == 0) && (strcmp(Stock_Exchanage,'Select...') == 1) && (strcmp(Index_Exchanage,'Select...') == 1)...
(strcmp(ETF_Exchanage,'Select...') == 1); %Choose exhanges from Currency
tickers = Currency_Yahoo(:,1);
Exchanges = Currency_Yahoo(:,2);
Exchange = Currency_Exchanage;
msg = 'Error occurred.\Only one Yahoo input menue must be used!';
Any Help would be much appropriated, I can't see where I'm going wrong here. I am using Matlab 2013a.
Put a breakpoint at the elseif statement in question and then check in the command window what your condition evaluates to.
If it does not evaluate like expected, check what the individual terms evaluate to.
It is important to actually test what the conditions evaluate to in matlab, rather than only visually comparing the string values.
Usually by that point you should get a rough idea what is wrong.
However in your case we can't do these steps for you because something is off. Your code condensed to the more reasonable minimal example
if 1 && 1 && 1...
disp('I was here')
does not even execute in R2014a since the interpreter complains about '...' being an unexpected matlab expression.

How do I add a condition to an existing conditional expression?

I had a programmer write a Perl script for my site.
One of the functions is to update price/stock when a certain condition is met.
# update when price/stock conditions met
if ( ($force_price_updates == 1) ||
($data->{'price'} <= $product_price && $data->{'quantity'} > 0) ||
($product_quantity == 0 && $data->{'quantity'} > 0) ) {
What the above is not doing is not updating the price if the new price is higher. It updates the stock value, but if the new stock comes at a higher price, I lose out. Stock gets updated and but the price is not.
The script goes through a number of feeds and if the same product is found in any of the feeds, the script should amend price/stock change according to the rule above.
I can't find the programmer and my Perl knowledge is limited. I understand what the code is doing, but don't know what it should do if the price is higher and stock is greater than zero.
You can add the extra condition you're looking for to that statement.
The condition you're looking to match is:
$data->{'price'} > $product_price && $product_quantity > 0
So the final version would look like this:
if (($force_price_updates == 1) || ($data->{'price'} <= $product_price && $data->{'quantity'} > 0) || ($product_quantity == 0 && $data->{'quantity'} > 0) || ($data->{'price'} > $product_price && $product_quantity > 0)) {