Using a facebook page as a content management system? - facebook

So I am making a website for a friend who wants to be able to make posts onto his facebook page, have these posts (only by him. and preferably their assorted comments) be pulled in on his website.
I haven't done any work with facebook's api before, and I'd most likely be writing this in PHP (maybe wordpress?) but I am open to other languages / frameworks depending on what is appropriate.

possibly too heavy for your requirements, but check out the (free) Community edition of the Liferay portal server and the facebook portlet in particular. I'm not saying it is what you want, but if it supports your requirements out of the box with no coding and a little configuration it may be worth a look.

You might be interested in using Drupal with the Drupal Facebook module: It takes a lot of pain out of dealing with the fp apis, and you can quickly and easily build a site that has a Facebook application aspect to it. You can also write custom modules for Drupal Facebook to extend it into areas of the FB api that it does't utilize.


General Orientation Needed: What architectures/methodologies should I use to encapsulate a website to run on someone else's website (plug-in)?

I have a product in mind that requires the development of a website that should run within another organization's current website. So, this would be a website that offers functionality that many other organizations would want to host on their own domain and use their user's current login credentials. A plugin so to speak.
How do I develop a module that exists and interacts with their website on their domain? I'd like to avoid an API that requires them to integrate (other than the credentials issue which I don't know how to get around yet). I would prefer this to be a plug-and-play solution where they buy the software from me, host it, and it seamlessly integrate into their site.
I don't have any specifics to offer. I need a general orientation.
NOTE: ANDED from the comments above:
..without a popular platform, such as WordPress or Joomla, etc., that allows you to integrate with it and everyone who is integrated with it to use your plugin, there is no other way but custom integration with custom communications.

Why use WebMatrix Facebook helpers verus just using facebook generator?

I am wondering why would you use the html helper for something like the like button
then using the generator from facebook
Why use the Twitter helper, or the Gravatar helper for that matter? Or any helper?
WebMatrix is targeted at an audience of learners. This group is barely assumed to know HTML (although I realise that description covers a lot of experienced Web Forms developers too), so providing a reasonably consistent set of APIs to help make use of social networking widgets makes sense to me. It means that the learner can have Twitter feeds and Like buttons on their first site in a few seconds, rather than having to trawl all over the Internet to find out how these things are done, and then potentially getting confused by the developer material offered by these sites. If they achieve a degree of success early on, they will more likely persist with the framework.

CMS for easy administration and Client uploads

A charity has asked for my opinion on what CMS to use for a new website. A couple of web developers have donated their time to develop the website.
What is need is the following.
Easy uploads of images / video's The client must be able to upload video's and images of events that they are coordinating. The client is not tech savvy, and this is the most important thing.
Easy to medium administration. The site is to be administered and supported by a new person who is willing to learn what they need to.
Easy access to make donations.
I nice, clean look. (this is really up to the developer though)
Any advice would be appreciated. After research, the three candidates seem to be Wordpress, Drupal or Joomla, and views on these or other suggestions are welcome.
I'd vote for Wordpress. It's probably the easiest for non tech savvy users.

include facebook and twitter as login option

How to include login with facebook and twitter option in a website.
Go look at
They have a very useful tool for doing this and they will walk you through the process (considering you have at least some programming knowledge). They provide code for all the major libraries including PHP, Ruby, Java, and ASP.

GWT SE friendly application

How can I develop 'Search Engine Friendly' web app in GWT? Take an example of StackOverflow itself, it's a web app and should be SEO friendly allowing users to search from search engines. If someone wants to develop same app in GWT. How can one make it SEO friendly?
GWT contains a single HTML file. How can we allow its inner content to be visible in SE?
Any suggestion or comment, will really help. Thank you.
Make it crawlable ... this could be helpful
As someone who has done this before, I want to warn you. If you are going to do a small application and want to be searched by google, great. will work. If you want to build a tool that includes bing, then you will be out of luck. You are better off breaking up your navigation with HTML and embedding your GWT in one of the pages.
Until all search engines can handle this, you will spend precious resources trying to work redirection and carefully reviewing search engine results.
When building an SPA, you don't have to do anything specific for Google anymore. Google's AJAX crawling scheme has been deprecated been Google.
You just have to make sure your website serves your users well, and that it is convenient to use. Google will crawl it in a way relatively close to your user experience.
Should you want to do more, however, you can use Prerender. I would recommend checking that article: